Meloy Martha Stage2

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FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 2 Assignment

Martha Meloy

FRIT 7430: Instructional Design

Stage 2, Understanding by Design

Fall 2009
FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 2 Assignment

UbD Stage 2 Template

Stage 2 – Determine Acceptable Evidence
Title of Communication and Grade
Unit Collaboration with Level Gifted – 3rd Grade
Stage 1 – Identify Desired Results
List the understandings of your unit:

Students will understand that:

Overarching Understandings
- Communication is essential to gain ideas about the world we live in.
- Collaborating or working with others is valuable in gaining new perspectives on ideas.
- Having perspective on different points of view is necessary for global empathy and global
- Technology, communication, and collaboration are interrelated concepts in today’s digital
- Communication and collaboration can be applicable to numerous and diverse situations.

Topical Understanding
- Sharing the student’s own ideas and working with other students on a problem solving task are
valuable in determining self efficacy by having their own ideas valued and supported and by
supporting and valuing others ideas.
- Valuing another country’s input in determining an acceptable advertisement about what
makes a good book will allow for more of an interpretive and empathetic point of view dealing
with cultural understanding and global awareness.

Related Misconceptions:
- Working by oneself is the most effective way to accomplish a task.
- A student’s own ideas are the only ones that matter.
- Communication and Collaboration are not important in today’s society.
- Other countries and cultures do not matter to me.

Essential Questions
(copy and paste from Stage 1)

Overarching Questions: Topical Questions:

1. Is communication and collaboration with 1. Should one country’s ideas and opinions be
others important? Why or Why not? valued more than another country’s ideas and
2. Why are different opinions other than your opinions? How is this value determined?
own opinions valuable? When would other 2. Are opinions about what makes a good book
opinions be valuable? other than your own important?
3. What might happen if humans were not able 3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of
FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 2 Assignment

to communicate and collaborate with each collaborating with others?

4. What makes an idea valued and considered
credible? Who creates credible and valued
5. What do technological advances reveal about
the human race?
6. What makes effective communication?
FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 2 Assignment

Stage 2 - Evidence

Performance Task(s)

Performance Task #1 Digital Story

Goal: Your task is to create (Application Facet) an advertisement by communicating and collaborating
with students in another country developing core qualities that make a good book.

Role: Your role in this scenario is a publisher of a global publishing company entitled “Making our World a
Cozy, Happy Place One Book at a Time”.

Audience: Your clients are the ambassadors at the United Nation’s meeting in New York City.

Situation: The challenge involves working with other students in another country to convince the
ambassadors of the United Nations that American students and students of other countries are capable of
collaborating and communicating using technology on educational topics such as good book qualities.

Product Performance and Purpose: You will create a digital story that will be presented at the
December meeting of the United Nations in New York City. The digital story will be posted on the
publisher’s website “Making our World a Cozy, Happy Place One Book at a Time”. Your input as well as
input from another student in another country will document (Interpretation Facet) how American
students communicate and collaborate effectively with students in other countries by critiquing
(Interpretation Facet) the qualities that make a good book. The digital story must demonstrate the
qualities of a good book and how you and your partner analyzed (Perspective Facet) each other’s ideas
to form one advertisement. You must also demonstrate (Explanation Facet) how each of you were open
to (Empathy Facet) the other’s ideas while realizing (Self-knowledge Facet) ideas other than your own
are significant in forming substantial opinions.

Standards and Criteria for Success: Your performance will be judged by how well you meet the criteria
established by the United Nations involving communication and collaboration with technology using the
provided rubric. Your digital story must document (Interpret Facet) your ideas of a good book, document
(Interpret Facet) ideas from your fellow team mate who lives in another country and exhibit (Application
Facet) how you analyzed (Perspective Facet) and chose to incorporate them together to form one
advertisement. Your overall digital story must contribute meaning (Interpret Facet) to the advertisement of
good books. A score of 9 points out of 12 points on the rubric is essential for persuading the United
Nations you completed the task successfully.

Performance Task #2 Educational Presentation using the new web 2.0 tool, Prezi

Goal: Your task is to create (Application Facet) an educational presentation on the process of
communicating and collaborating with students in another country as you developed core qualities that
make a good book.

Role: Your role in this scenario is a publisher of the global publishing company entitled “Making our
World a Cozy, Happy Place One Book at a Time”, which is investigating how students collaborate and
communicate on a global level.

Audience: Your clients are the ambassadors at the United Nation’s meeting in New York City.
FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 2 Assignment

Situation: The challenge involves convincing the ambassadors of the United Nations that American
students and students of other countries are capable of collaborating and communicating using technology
on educational topics instilling the need to continue to promote global communication and collaboration
amongst students in our world.

Product Performance and Purpose: You will create an educational presentation that you will present at
the December meeting of the United Nations. You must document (Interpretation Facet) how you
communicated and collaborated effectively with students in other countries by critiquing
(Interpretation Facet) the qualities that make a good book. The presentation must demonstrate how you
and your partner analyzed (Perspective Facet) each other’s ideas to form one advertisement. You must
also demonstrate (Explanation Facet) how each of you were open to (Empathy Facet) the other’s ideas
while realizing (Self-knowledge Facet) ideas other than your own are significant in forming substantial

Standards and Criteria for Success: Your performance will be judged by how well you meet the criteria
established by the United Nations involving communication and collaboration with technology. Your
educational presentation must include what technology was used to communicate and collaborate with
others from another country. You must justify (Explanation Facet) why each component of technology was
utilized. You will analyze (Perspective Facet) the strengths and weaknesses of working with others to
develop a central idea and how you Proposed (Application Facet) value and analyzed (Perspective Facet)
the ideas presented. You must demonstrate what cultural understandings or global awareness you were open
to (Empathy Facet) and endured by engaging with learners of other cultures. A score of 11 points out of 15
points on the rubric is essential for persuading the United Nations you completed the task successfully.

Performance Task(s) Rubric(s)

Please see rubrics below. I had to break the table to insert my rubrics. ☺

Rubric for Performance Task #1 Digital Story

0 points 1 –2 points 3 points Total
Student ideas of a Student ideas of a 1 – 2 ideas of a 3 or more ideas of
good book are good book are not good book are a good book are
documented documented documented documented
(Interpret Facet) (Interpret Facet) (Interpret Facet) (Interpret Facet)
Student ideas from Student ideas from 1 –2 ideas from 3 or more ideas
the other country the other country the other country from the other
are exhibited are not exhibited are exhibited country are
(Application (Application (Application exhibited
Facet) Facet) Facet) (Application
Facet) and the
country is
identified in the
digital story
How both No explanation is Explanation of Explanation of
student’s ideas given to determine how ideas were how the ideas were
FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 2 Assignment

were analyzed the final analyzed analyzed

(Perspective advertisement (Perspective (Perspective
Facet) and Facet) and Facet) and
incorporated into incorporated into incorporated into
one advertisement one advertisement one advertisement
are discussed were given were given with
details of why
The pictures used The pictures used Pictures were used The pictures used
in the Digital Story in the Digital Story in the Digital Story in the Digital Story
were relevant to were not relevant but did not convey were relevant to
the topic and to the topic. the advertisement the topic and
contributed of good books contributed
meaning meaning
(Interpret Facet) (Interpret Facet)
in the to the overall
advertisement. theme of good
Pictures can be books.
scanned from
original artwork or
taken with a
Total Points______________________/12

Rubric for Performance Task #2 Educational Presentation using

0 points 1 – 2 points 3 points Total
Technology used No technology Some technology All aspects of
in communicating uses were uses were technology uses
and collaborating identified identified were identified and
with others was why they were
identified and used was justified
justified (Explanation
(Explanation Facet)
Strengths and No strengths and Only one aspect of Both the strengths
Weaknesses of weaknesses of strengths and / or and the
working with working with weaknesses were weaknesses were
others are others were analyzed analyzed
analyzed analyzed (Perspective (Perspective
(Perspective (Perspective Facet) Facet) in detail
Facet) Facet)
Proposing No explanation of 1 –2 explanations 3 or more
(Application how value was of Proposing explanations of
Facet) value on determined or how (Application Proposing
ideas and importance of an Facet) value on (Application
analyzing ideas was ideas and Facet) value on
(Perspective determined analyzing ideas and
Facet) which ideas (Perspective analyzing
were considered Facet) which ideas (Perspective
important are were considered Facet) which ideas
documented important are were considered
documented important are
Students were Students were not Students were Students were
FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 2 Assignment

open to (Empathy open to (Empathy open to (Empathy open to (Empathy

Facet) Cultural Facet) cultural Facet) Cultural Facet) Cultural
Understandings or understandings or Understandings or Understandings or
Global Awareness global awareness Global Awareness. Global Awareness.
and none were 1 – 2 ideas of what 3 – 4 ideas of what
identified was learned linked was learned linked
to cultural to cultural
understandings or understandings or
global awareness global awareness
were identified were identified
Grammar The presentation The presentation The presentation
had many grammar had 3 – 5 errors had 0 – 2 errors
Total Score _____________________/15
FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 2 Assignment

Other Evidence
(e.g. tests, quizzes, work samples, observations)
FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 2 Assignment

Informal Checks for Understanding: In order for this unit to be successful in the 3
week time period students must have had previous lessons on using Prezi software,
making a digital story, and using a wiki to collaborate. To ensure that students
remember the basic components of Prezi, digital stories, and wikis informal checks by
the teacher will be done prior to beginning the unit.

After the informal checks for understanding regarding Prezi, digital stories, and wikis are
completed a multiple-choice test will be given to ensure the basic components of using the
programs are established.

Short answer quiz on key terms - Communication, Collaboration, Wiki, Digital Story,
Cultural Understanding, Global Awareness, Prezi

Teacher Observation of students emailing fellow students in the classroom to ensure student
use of basic email operations.

Academic Prompt for students using essential questions: Should one country’s ideas and
opinions be valued more than another country’s ideas and opinions? How is this value determined?

Academic Prompt for students using essential questions: Is communication and collaboration
with others important? Why or Why not? What might happen if humans were not able to communicate
and collaborate with each other?

Dialogue: The teacher will dialogue with the students individually about their progress
throughout the 3 week unit on communication and collaboration especially as the wiki
collaboration with students in another country begins.
FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 2 Assignment

Student Self-Assessment and Reflection

Peer Evaluation of Digital Stories and Educational Presentations: Students will pair
up with partners to determine if their work meets the criteria listed in the rubrics. Peer
feedback will be given to each other before the assignment is due in dialogue form as
well as written feedback from peers to improve the quality of the performance tasks.

Letter- Students will create (Application Facet) a letter to an ambassador at the United
Nations explaining (Explanation Facet) their experience with collaborating and
communicating with others during this unit. They will analyze by comparing and
contrasting (Perspective Facet) the pros and cons of working with others in different
countries. Students will consider (Empathy Facet) what they have learned about
themselves and include something they learned about students in other countries. They
must include what they realize and recognize (Self-Knowledge Facet) about
communication and collaboration in the world after completing this unit.

Journal Entry – Students will reflect (Self-Knowledge Facet) about this experience and
self assess (Self-Knowledge Facet) their efforts in this process.
FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 2 Assignment
FRIT 7430: UbD Stage 2 Assignment

UbD Stage 2 Scoring Rubric

(0 Point) (1-2 Points) (3 Points)

1. Assessments are not Assessments appear to Utilizes the six facets to build
representative of utilize some facets to build assessments for understanding.
different facets of Assessments clearly identify the
assessments for
correlating facet.
Assessments demonstrate
congruency among goals
2. Performance task(s) are Designs performance task, Designs authentic performance
not authentic which requires learners to task(s)
exhibit understanding Task(s) in alignment with goals
through authentic and standards
performance tasks.
3. Does not provide Designs appropriate Designs a scoring rubric that
scoring rubric for the criterion-based scoring includes distinct traits of
performance task(s) understanding and successful
rubric to evaluate learner
performance task(s)
4. Selection of assessment Includes at least two Includes a variety (at least 3
formats is limited. different formats of types) of appropriate assessment
formats within the unit to provide
assessment. additional evidence of learning
5. Fails to provide Provides opportunities for Self-assessments clearly used as
opportunities for feedback and reflection for
learners to self-assess.
learners to self-assess.
students and teachers, as well as /3
for evaluation.

Your Total Score /15

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