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Answer key unit 1

Q1, The loss of a parent at a young age can traumatize a person for the rest of your life.

a. for the rest of yourself's life.

b. for the rest of his or her life.
c. for the rest of your life.
d. for the rest of your living.
e. on the rest of your life.

Ans-b, The use of "your" at the end of the sentence is confusing, as the only reference in the
sentence is "a person," and the second person pronoun has no place in the sentence. Changing
"your" to a third person possessive pronoun will straighten out this problem. Because we do
not know whether the "person" in question is male or female, we should use the phrase "his
or her." The correct answer choice, therefore, is "for the rest of his or her life."

Q2. Although the basketball team used their star players, the match was lost.

a. Although the basketball team used their star players

b. Although the star players were used by the basketball team

c. The basketball team used its star players, although

d. Although the basketball team used its star players

e. The basketball team used their star players

ans- d, Choose a pronoun that properly agrees with the subject. In this case, "basketball team"
is singular, although it represents a group of people, and should be accompanied with "its,"
instead of "their."

Q3 John and Susan runs to the finish line as fast as possible.

a. are run
b. runs to the finish line
c. run to the finish line
d. having run to the finish line
e. running to the finish line

ans- c, the underlined portion of the sentence contains a verb error with "runs." "John and
Susan," while both singular nouns, are together a plural, and need a plural verb form, instead
of the singular "runs." "Run to the finish line" is the correct answer choice

Q4, The boy, among many friends, celebrate his birthday in lavish style.

a. having been celebrated

b. is celebrated
c. celebrates
d. celebrate
e. is celibrant

Ans-c, The subject of the sentence is singular, "the boy," and not the plural "many friends,"
meaning the verb needs to be singular as well. Additionally, the sentence must keep the same
meaning, that they boy is doing the celebrating. "Celebrates" is the correct answer choice.

Q5, Autocratic styles of leadership frequently annoys the people who must work under such

a. frequented annoying
b. frequent annoy
c. frequently annoy
d. frequent annoys
e. frequently annoys


The verb "annoy" is used with the subject "styles," although the prepositional phrase "of
leadership" and the adverb "frequently" come between the two words. Therefore, the verb
form must take a singular form to match the subject. "Frequently annoy" is the correct answer

Q6, Coming back to the farm, the gruesome scene was seen by everyone in the car.

a. everyone in the car saw the gruesome scene.

b. the gruesome scene being seen by everyone in the car.
c. the gruesome scene was seen by everyone at the car.
d. the gruesome scene was seen by everyone in the car.
e. the gruesome scene saw by everyone in the car.

Ans- a, The sentence is written with a dangling modifier, which makes the sentence read as
though the "gruesome scene" was what was "coming back to the farm." The sentence needs
to be restructured to clarify this problem. The only answer choice that does this is "everyone
in the car saw the gruesome scene."

Q7. Waiting for the crucial trial to begin, the anxiety Neil felt was almost overwhelming.

a. the anxiety almost overwhelmed Neil.

b. the anxiety being felt by Neil was almost overwhelming.
c. the anxiety Neil felt was almost overwhelming.
d. Neil felt almost overwhelmed with anxiety.
e. Neil's anxiety felt almost overwhelming.

Ans-d ,

When a sentence begins with a dangling participle or descriptive phrase, the person or thing
described in that phrase (in this case, "Neil") must immediately follow it. Only one answer
choice does this correctly. The answer choice that begins "Neil's anxiety" may appear to do
so, but it does not, because the possessive "Neil's" is no longer the subject, but is describing
the anxiety.

Q8, The vineyards of Napa Valley are at once breathlessly vibrant, symmetrical, and the
green is profound.

a. and profoundly green.

b. and the green is profound.
c. and so profound green.
d. and it is profoundly green.
e. and its green is quite profound.


This sentence requires parallelism across all elements. Only "profoundly green" matches
"breathlessly vibrant" and "symmetrical."

Q9, The teacher sought new ways of teaching, believing her students would get more from
lessons featuring playing, acting, and creativity.

a. featuring playing, acting, and creativity.

b. featuring playing, acting, and creating.
c. featuring playing, acting, and creative things.
d. featuring play, act, and creativity.
e. featuring the playing, acting, and creativity.


The underlined portion of the sentence features a list of verbs, but they are not all in a parallel
form. All such lists must feature a parallel structure for the verbs listed; therefore, the correct
answer is "featuring playing, acting, and creating."

Q10, Stretching before physical workouts is important to improve flexibility and avoiding

a. is important to improve flexibility and being injured less.

b. is important to both improve flexibility and also avoid injury.
c. is important to improve flexibility and avoid injury.
d. is important to improve flexibility and in the avoidance of injury.
e. are important to improve flexibility and avoiding injury.


Paralellism: in a list of two or more items in a sentence, each should be worded in the same
manner for consistency. One choice changes "is" to "are," which is incorrect because the
subject is the singular "stretching," not the plural "workouts," which is part of a prepositional

Q11, Darren spent most of the day sulking alone in his room, but however he came out
once to eat dinner with his parents. No error
a. No error
b. to eat
c. most of the day
d. but however
e. spent

ans- d

Using both "but" and "however" is redundant; there is no need for both of those conjunctions
here. Only one is necessary (and, for what it's worth, "but" would sound better in this

Q12, In addition to providing lunch for the children, the camp

counselors also gave them dessert and played educational games with them. No error:

a. them
b. No error
c. also
d. the children, the
e. played

ans- c

The error in this sentence is redundancy, which is basically saying more than you need to.
Since the beginning of the sentence already established that the counselors were going to
provide something else besides lunch ("in addition"), saying "also" later is redundant. The
solution for redundancy is almost always just cutting something out so the revised sentence
would read "In addition to providing lunch for the children, the camp
counselors gave them dessert and played educational games with them."

Q13, Intelligence is a trait that is actually quite difficult to measure, despite much different
attempts to do so.

a. despite the much different attempts to do so.

b. despite much different attempts to do it.
c. despite much different attempts to do so.
d. despite many different attempts to do so.
e. despite much different attempting to do so.

Ans- d

The use of "much" in the sentence is incorrect, as "much" indicates a great amount, but not a
large count, and should be used for singular nouns. The correct choice should have the word
"many" instead of "much." The only answer choice that makes this chnage is "despite many
different attempts to do so."

Q14, Under normal circumstances, the family would have never driven up to the
frighteningly looking motel.

a. for the frighteningly looking motel.

b. to a frighteningly looking motel.
c. to the frighteningly looking motel.
d. to the frightening looking motel.
e. to the frighteningly looked motel.


The use of the word "frighteningly" is absolutely incorrect, as it is an adverb being used to
describe a gerund, or a verb that takes the form of a noun, in "looking." Gerunds need to be
modified with an adjective. Therefore, "to the frightening looking motel" is the correct

Q15, Questions abounded in the inquiry into illegal payments alleged made by the college to
student athletes.

a. alleged made
b. alleged making
c. allegedly made
d. allegedly making
e. made alleged


The word "alleged" is modifying the word "made," a verb, which needs an adverb to modify
it. The adverb form of "alleged" is "allegedly," which makes the correct answer "allegedly


Q1, If seriously mentally ill people do not receive medication, they can grow unable to
support themselves, become irrational, and perhaps even threatening the safety of themselves
or others.

a. and perhaps even threatening

b. and may even threaten

c. and even a possible threat to

d. as well as possibly threatening

e. as well as a possible threat to

ans- b

This question has to do with parallel structure. The correct structure is ‗grow‘, ‗become‘ and
‗threaten‘. Only B has this combination.

Q2, Two disabled children, one with crutches and the other one with a wheelchair, enters the
class on Monday.
a. the other one with a wheelchair, enters

b. the other one a wheelchair, enter

c. the other with a wheelchair, enters

d. the other with a wheelchair, enter

e. one with a wheelchair, enters

ans –d

This is a very simple question involving subject/verb agreement. Should it be ‗two children
enter‘ or ‗two children enters‘? They enter (plural). That eliminates choices A, C and E.
Choice B implies that one of the children is a wheelchair. Choice D is the correct answer

Q3, In Pomona College, a rule has been passed that permits students to cook and serve their
food, as well as to buy it.

a. permits students to cook and serve their food, as well as to buy it

b. permits students to cook, serve, and to buy their food

c. permits students to cook, to serve, and buy food

d. will permit the student to cook, serve, as well as to buy food

e. will permit food to be cooked, served, as well as bought by students


This question deals with parallel structure. The important thing to realize here is that commas
function differently from conjunctions in what they imply about parallel structure. If you say
‗to cook, serve‘, you are not using parallel structure. If you say to cook and serve, you are
using parallel structure. The ‗and‘ carries the implied structure over, the comma does not.
Choices B, D and E make this mistake. Choice C has a more straightforward mistake in
parallel structure: it is missing the ‗to‘ in ‗to buy‘. D and E also use the wrong tense and
therefore change the meaning. Choice A is the correct answer.

Q4. Some of them burned out eons ago, the night sky is spotted with thousands of stars.

a. Some of them burned out eons ago, the night sky is spotted with thousands of stars.

b. Burned out eons ago, the night sky is spotted with many thousands of stars.

c. Thousands of stars, some of them burned out eons ago, are spotting the night sky.

d. The night sky is spotted with thousands of stars, some of which are burnt out eons ago.

e. The night sky is spotted with thousands of stars, some of them burned out eons ago.
Ans- e

This question involves dangling modifiers. What burned out eons ago? Thousands of stars
did. ‗Thousands of stars‘ and not ‗the night sky‘ must therefore come after the comma.
Eliminate A and B. C has an incorrect tense. It should be ‗spot‘ and not ‗are spotting‘. Choice
D also has a mistake in tense. The stars are not burnt out at present, they burned out a long
time ago. Choice E is the correct answer

Q5. The humidity, air pollution, and noise have affected the children of Maria less drastically
than those of her neighbor.

a. affected the children of Maria less drastically than those of

b. affected the children of Maria less drastically than
c. affected the children of Maria less dramatically than they have
d. dramatically affected the children of Maria less than
e. dramatically affected the children of Maria and


What is the comparison being made in this sentence? It is being made between two sets of
children: Maria‘s and her neighbor‘s. Choices B, C, D and E all imply that the comparison is
being made between Maria‘s children and her neighbor, not between Maria‘s children and her
neighbor‘s children. Choice A is the correct answer.

Q6, Factories can mass-produce beautiful glass vessels that are valued almost as much as that
of the old-fashione glass-blower that remain.

a. that are valued almost as much as that of the old-fashioned glass-blowers that remain
b. of a value that is almost as much as that of the old-fashioned glass-blowers that
c. almost as much in value as those of the remaining old-fashioned glassblowers
d. almost as much in value as that of the remaining old-fashioned glass-blowers
e. valued almost as much as those of the remaining old-fashioned glassblowers

ans- Choices A and B use the singular pronoun ‗that‘ with the plural verb form ‗remain‘.
‗Almost as much in value‘ in C and D is idiomatically incorrect. Choice E is the correct

Q7. Unlike that of the French, who linger when they eat meals, Americans are so enamored
of eating quickly that they have a type of meal called ―fast food‖.

a. Unlike that of the French, who linger when they eat

b. Unlike the French, who linger when they eat
c. Unlike the French, lingering when eating
d. Dissimilar to the French, lingering during
e. Lacking similarity to the French, who linger during

Ans- What is the comparison being made here? It is between the Americans and the
French. Choice A does not compare the Americans and the French because it incorrectly
adds the word ‗that‘. ‗Unlike‘ is simpler and shorter than ‗dissimilar to‘ and ‗lacking
similarity to‘. Eliminate D and E. The simple present is necessary to describe a habitual
action. ‗Lingering‘ in option C implies the French are lingering now. Choice B is the
correct answer

Q8, Certain painkilling drugs such as Oxycotin have recently been shown to be addictive
to patients, which may limit their potential to reduce pain.

a. which may limit their potential to reduce

b. which may limit their potential for reducing
c. which may limit such drugs‘ potential to reduce
d. an effect that may limit their potential to reduce
e. an effect that may limit the potential of such drugs to reduce

ans- Do you pick ‗which may limit‘ or ‗an effect that may limit‘? The relative pronoun
‗which‘ must refer to the word immediately before it. In this sentence it is meant to refer
to the fact that the drugs are addictive. However, it is incorrectly placed next to patients.
Eliminate A, B and C. That leaves us with choices D and E. Now another ambiguity
arises. In choice D, it is unclear what the ‗their‘ refers to. Choice E is the best answer.

Q9, Books to be added to the high school curriculum should be educational and should
have no profanity in them or be lewd.

a. and should have no profanity in them or be lewd

b. and should not have profanity in them or not be lewd
c. and contain no profanity or lewdness
d. without containing profanity nor be lewd
e. without having any profanity or no lewdness in them

ans- The second ‗not‘ in option B is unnecessary and incorrect. The ‗no‘ in E is similarly
unnecessary and incorrect. Option D is not parallel. Option C is more efficient than option
A. C is correct.

Q10, After Georgio‘s Caf˝O got a favorable review in a travel guidebook, the number of
tourists eating there were in excess of the number of local customers going regularly.

a. were in excess of the number of local customers

b. had an excess over the local customers who were
c. exceeded the local customers who were
d. numbered more than the local customers
e. exceeded the number of local customers
ans- The first thing you have to untangle is a simple grammatical mistake. What does the
excess or exceeding refer to? It refers to the number, not the tourists. Number is singular, so
you would not say ‗the number were‘ in excess, nor would you say ‗number numbered‘. That
means choices A and D are wrong. What else does number refer to? Does the number of
tourists exceed local customers or the number of customers? Remember, you can‘t compare
apples and oranges. Choice C refers to the wrong thing. Also, the numbers didn‘t have
anything, per se, so choice B is incorrect. Choice E is the correct answer.

Q11, Wretched and increasing mendicants are requesting money on the streets, money that
seems to be hard to come by in the deteriorating economy.

a. Wretched and increasing prevalent mendicants are requesting money on the streets,
money that seems
b. Wretched and increasing prevalent mendicants request money on the streets, money
c. On the streets wretched and increasingly prevalent mendicants are requesting money
that seems
d. Wretchedly and increasingly prevalent mendicants request money on the streets
e. Wretchedly and increasingly prevalent mendicants are requesting money on the
streets that seems

ans- This question involves determining whether words are modifying adjectives or
nouns. What does wretched describe? The mendicants. The word ‗mendicants‘ is a noun,
so wretched stays as an adjective. That eliminates choices D and E. What does increasing
refer to? It refers to the word ‗prevalent‘, an adjective. Therefore you need an adverb to
modify the adjective. Eliminate A and B. Choice C is the correct answer. In addition, the
relative pronoun ‗that‘ is correctly placed in C, next to the word to which it refers,

Q12, Montreal, where the tourist industry is larger than any other Canadian city, has
neighborhoods entirely composed of souvenir shops and cafes.

a. where the tourist industry is larger than any other Canadian city
b. which has a tourist industry larger than that of other Canadian cities
c. which had a tourist industry larger than any other Canadian city
d. whose tourist industry is larger than any other Canadian city
e. whose tourist industry is larger than that of any other Canadian city

ans- Choices A, C and D have incorrect comparisons. They imply that the industry is larger
than any other Canadian City, whereas, in fact, the tourist industry in Montreal is larger than
the tourist industry in any other Canadian city. C uses the wrong tense. B removes the word
‗any‘ inappropriately. It is necessary to emphasize that the tourist industry in Montreal is
larger than the tourist industry of any other Canadian city. Choice E is the correct answer.
Q13, Because Albert is the most experienced and he is therefore the best ballet dancer in the
company, he is being increasingly viewed by the director as the best candidate for the role of
the Nutcracker.

a. and he is therefore the best ballet dancer in the company, he is being increasingly
b. he is therefore the best of ballet dancers, and it has increased the view
c. and therefore the best ballet dancer, he is being increasingly viewed
d. and therefore he is the best of ballet dancers, there is an increasing view
e. therefore being the best of ballet dancers, it is increasingly viewed

ans- Choices A, B and D are all repetitive as they use ‗he‘, which is not needed because it is
clear that Albert and only Albert is being referenced. Choice E does not have the correct
parallel structure. It also incorrectly uses ‗it‘ to refer to Albert. Choice C is the correct answer

Q14, Golf games often turn out to be more tiring than they originally seemed.

a. they originally seemed

b. they originally seem to
c. they seemingly would tire originally
d. it would have seemed originally
e. it originally seemed they would

ans- The correct tense for the verb ‗seem‘ is the past. Choice A uses the past tense and is
the shortest and most efficient of the options. Choice A is the correct answer.

Q15, Although the music superstar agreed to a new contract, she says that it must be posted
on her public website so that both her new listeners and her old fans will know what is going
on behind the scenes.

a. she says that it must be posted on her public website so that both her new listeners and
her old fans will know what is
b. she says it had to be posted on her public website so that both her new listeners and
her old fans knows what is
c. she says that they would have to post the contract on her public website so that her
new listeners and her old fans knew what was
d. she says that the contract would have to be posted on her public website so that both
her new listeners and her old fans would know what was
e. saying that the contract had to be posted on her public website so that both new
listeners and old fans would know what had been

ans- The singular verb ‗knows‘ in B incorrectly refers to the plural subject ‗her new listeners
and her old fans‘. The use of the past ‗knew‘ in C is incorrect. Choice D incorrectly uses
‗would have to be posted‘. ‗Must be posted‘ is more efficient. It also incorrectly uses the past
‗what was going on‘. E incorrectly uses the past perfect ‗what had been‘. Choice A is the
correct answer

Q1, As a building‘s structure rises from the ground with a rudimentary level of earthquake
resistance, it would be rated about 70%, or ―substandard‖ if it were a finished structure with
that level of earthquake resistance.

a. As a building‘s structure rises from the ground with a rudimentary level of earthquake
resistance, it would be rated about 70%, or ―substandard‖ if it were a finished structure
with that level of earthquake resistance.
b. A building‘s structure rises from the ground with a rudimentary level of earthquake
resistance that would be rated about 70%, or ―substandard‖ as a finished structure.
c. As a building‘s structure rises from the ground, its rudimentary level of earthquake
resistance that would be rated about 70%; qualifying it to be ―substandard‖ if a
finished structure.
d. A building‘s structure rises from the ground with a rudimentary level of earthquake
resistance that would be rated about 70%; a finished structure with such earthquake
resistance would be deemed ―substandard.‖
e. As a building‘s structure rises from the ground, its rudimentary level of earthquake
resistance, which would deemed ―substandard‖ for a finished structure, would be rated
about 70%.
Ans- The correct response is (D). Faulty construction obscures the meaning of this sentence.
The sentence begins with a subordinate clause, whose subject is ―a building‘s structure.‖
However, the subject of the main clause, ―it,‖ appears to refer back to ―structure.‖ However, a
careful reading reveals that ―it‖ is used two times: "it" is intended to refer to the ―level of
earthquake resistance‖ the first time and to the ―building‘s structure‖ the second time. The
relationships between the two parts of the sentence must be clarified. Only (D) corrects this
muddled meaning.

Q2, In the German occupation of Eastern Europe in 1941-42, Hitler invaded Russia in the
winter months of his campaign, which was a singular strategic error and that ultimately
cost him the entire Eastern Front.

a. In the German occupation of Eastern Europe in 1941-42, Hitler invaded Russia in the
winter months of his campaign, which was a singular strategic error and that
ultimately cost
b. In the winter months of his campaign, Hitler invaded Russia in the German
occupation of Eastern Europe in 1941-42, which was a singular strategic error that
ultimately cost
c. With the 1941-42 German occupation of Eastern Europe, Hitler invaded Russia in the
winter months of his campaign, making a singular strategic error that ultimately cost
d. During the 1941-42 German occupation of Eastern Europe, Hitler invaded Russia in
the winter months of the campaign, making a singular strategic error that ultimately
e. Invading Russia in the winter months of his campaign, in the German occupation of
Eastern Europe in 1941-42, Hitler made a singular strategic error, ultimately costing
Ans: The correct response is (D). The word ―during‖ correctly sets up the meaning, while the
participle ―making‖ maintains parallelism.

If you chose (A), remember that ―which‖ typically modifies the immediately preceding noun.
This answer choice suggests that Hitler‘s campaign was a singular strategic error that
ultimately cost him the entire Eastern front, when in fact it was the decision to invade in the
winter months that ultimately cost him the entire Eastern front. The use of the coordinating
conjunction ―and‖ creates an illogical meaning by assigning equal importance to the phrases
―was a singular strategic error‖ and ―that ultimately cost …‖ The second phrase should be
subordinated. When we say something ―was A and B‖, we are implying that ―A‖ and ―B‖ are
of equal importance. In this case, one thing led to another. Hitler made a singular strategic
error that ultimately cost him the entire Eastern front. The correct choice should make this

If you chose (B), remember that ―which‖ typically refers to the immediately preceding noun.
This answer choice illogically suggests that 1941-42 was a singular strategic error that
ultimately cost Hitler the entire Eastern front.

If you chose (C), you correctly removed ―which‖ from the sentence and switched the verb
form to the participle ―making,‖ however consider how the word ―with‖ changes the meaning
of the sentence. This answer choice incorrectly suggests that Hitler invaded Russia through
the 1941-42 invasion of Eastern Europe.

If you chose (E), you correctly removed ―which‖ and ―that‖ from the original sentence.
However, it is structurally awkward to have back-to-back modifying clauses before the
subject (―Hitler‖). Furthermore, this choice adjusts the meaning of the sentence to: ―Hitler
made a mistake.‖ Additionally, ―made‖ and ―costing‖ are not parallel, and we now have three
modifying clauses instead of two. (D) is more precise.

Q3, Remains of the tomb of the Ottoman sultan who died in 1566 while his troops were
besieging the fortress of Szigetvar in Hungary, Suleiman the Magnificent, is believed to be
found recently.

a. the Ottoman sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, who died in 1566 while his troops were
besieging the fortress of Szigetvar in Hungary, is believed to be found recently.
b. the Ottoman sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, who died in 1566 while his troops were
besieging the fortress of Szigetvar in Hungary, is believed as being found recently.
c. Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman sultan who died in 1566 while his troops were
besieging the fortress of Szigetvar in Hungary, is believed to have been found
d. Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman sultan who died in 1566 while his troops were
besieging the fortress of Szigetvar in Hungary, are believed to have been found
In the given sentence, the noun phrase ‗Suleiman the Magnificent‘ is misplaced. This
error is corrected in all given answer options.Also note that ‗to be found‘ is incorrect. The
correct tense to use is the present perfect form, i.e. ‗to have been found‘.The subject of
the sentence is ‗remains of the tomb‘. As ‗remains‘ is plural, the correct verb to follow it
is ‗are‘.The question is " Choose the grammatically correct option "Hence, the answer is
option D
Q4. By the year 2000, A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens' gripping book portraying the
suffering of the proletariat under the brutal subjugation of the French aristocracy had around
200 million copies in print, making it more than that of almost any other English book ever

a. book portraying the suffering of the proletariat under the brutal subjugation of the
French aristocracy had around 200 million copies in print, making it more than

b. book portraying the suffering of the proletariat under the brutal subjugation of the
French aristocracy had around 200 million copies in print, which is more than
c. book portraying the suffering of the proletariat under the brutal subjugation of the
French aristocracy, had around 200 million copies in print, more than
d. book portraying the suffering of the proletariat under the brutal subjugation of the
French aristocracy, had around 200 million copies in print, making it more than
e. book portraying the suffering of the proletariat under the brutal subjugation of the
French aristocracy had around 200 million copies in print and is more than

ans- Option(C) is correct

There are three main issues being tested in this question.
(1) The phrase Charles Dickens'...aristocracy is a modifying phrase and must be set off in a
pair of commas as it should stand between the subject and verb in order to clearly modify the
subject. Modifiers that break the flow of the sentence must be set off in a pair of commas.
Without a comma after aristocracy, the modifying phrase is not properly separated from the
subject (A Tale of Two Cities) and verb (had).
(2) The pronoun it in the phrase making it more than does not have a clear antecedent
(although it probably refers to A Tale of Two Cities).
(3) The phrase making it more than illogically compares a book to a number of copies of a
book in print. The sentence should compare a number of copies in print to a number of copies
in print.
Q5. The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted that the author should pay
half the cost of the initial print run of his controversial new book.
a. The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted that the author should
pay half the cost of the initial print run of his controversial new book.
b. the publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted that the author should be
paying half the cost of the initial print run of the author‘s controversial new book.
c. The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted that the author pay half
the cost of the initial print run of his controversial new book.
d. Unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, the publishers insisted the author should pay half
the cost of the initial print run of his controversial new book..
e. Unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, the author was required by the publisher to pay
half the cost of the initial print run of his controversial new book.

Ans- Option(C) is correct

The subjunctive expression ‗insisted that the author pay‘ is correct in C. A, B and D are
wrong because they incorrectly insert ‗should‘.E is incorrect because the ‗unwilling to
shoulder the entire risk‘ is incorrectly attributed to the author (dangling modifier problem).
Q6. Those watching the libel suit might speculate if the company, swift to take offense might
have been as responsible for the perceived slander as the newspaper was.
a) speculate if the company, swift to take offense might have been
b) speculate if the company, swift to take offense had been
c) speculate if, in its swiftness to take offense the company was
d) wonder as to whether, in its swiftness to take offense, the company was
e) wonder whether the company, swift to take offense, was

Should you use ‗whether‘ or ‗if‘? There are two alternatives. Either the company was
as responsible as the newspaper, or it was not. When there two alternatives it is better
to use ‗whether‘. Eliminate A, B and C. E is shorter and more efficient than D. Choice
E is the correct answer.

Q7. Added to the increase in monthly wages discussed last spring, the dining hall employees
are currently seeking improved insurance coverage.
a) Added to the increase in monthly wages discussed last spring, the dining hall
employees are currently seeking improved insurance coverage.
b) Added to the increase in monthly wages which had been discussed last spring, the
employees of the dining hall are currently seeking an improved insurance coverage.
c) The dining hall employees are currently seeking improved insurance cover- age added
to the increase in monthly wages that were discussed last spring.
d) In addition to the increase in monthly wages that were discussed last spring, the
dining hall employees are currently seeking improved insurance cover- age.
e) In addition to the increase in monthly wages discussed last spring, the em- ployees of
the dining hall are currently seeking improved insurance coverage
There is a misplaced modifier in this sentence. As it stands it implies that the employees were
the ones who were added to the increase in monthly wages. That means choices A and B are
incorrect. Choice C has an obvious grammatical mistake in it. ‗Increase‘ is singular so it
should be ‗the increase in wages was discussed‘. Choice D has the same error. Choice E is
the correct answer.
Q8. The sharp contrast in sales of sports memorabilia seen in sports in which most of the
participants are male and such sales in sports in which most of the partic- ipants are female have
demonstrated that women’s sports are still lacking dedicated fans.

a) seen in sports in which most of the participants are male and such sales in sports in which most
of the participants are female have
b) seen in sports in which most of the participants are predominately male over those that are
predominately female have
c) that favors sports in which most of the participants are male over sports in which most of the
participants are female have
d) that favors sports in which most of the participants are male over sports in which most of the
participants are female has
e) seen is sports in which most of the participants are male and such sales in sports in which most
of the participants are female has

This question attempts to disguise a very simple grammatical mistake: is ‗contrast‘ singular
or plural? It is singular, therefore you have to use the word ‗has‘, not ‗have‘. The contrast has
done something. That leaves choices D and E as possible answers. However, use of the word
‗favors‘ in choice D slightly changes the meaning of the sentence. It should be a contrast
between one thing and another. Choice D does not use the use the word ‗and‘ and is therefore
also incorrect for this reason. Choice E is the correct answer
Q9. According to the editor of Elle magazine, wearing the same clothes as are worn on undersized
models will lead to a fashion failure for the plus-size woman, who should shop at stores such as Lane
Bryant that have clothing that will flatter her shape.

a) wearing the same clothes as are worn on undersized models will lead to a fashion failure for
the plus-size woman, who
b) it will lead to a fashion failure for the plus-size woman to wear the same clothes as on the
undersized models; they
c) fashion failure will result from wearing the same clothes as undersized mod- els to the plus-
size woman, who
d) fashion failure for the plus-size woman will result from wearing the same clothes as on the
undersized models; they
e) the plus-size woman wearing the same clothes as are worn on undersized models will lead
to fashion failure; they

It is not ‗the undersized models‘, specific examples of undersized models, that the sentence is
considering. Rather it is undersized models in general. Eliminate B and D. The ‗they‘ in B, D
and E is incorrect. Although it seems the pronoun should refer to the plus-sized woman,
grammatically it could refer to the undersized models. In any case, if it refers to the plus-sizes
woman the sentence mentions it should be singular. This can also be seen from the use or
‗her‘ later in the sentence. The word order in C is incorrect. The phrases ‗fashion failure will
result‘ and ‗to the plus-size woman‘ are divided by too many words. The pronoun ‗for‘ is
more appropriate than ‗to‘. Choice A is the correct answer
Q10. If additional sources of deuterium are found, it will expand the amount that can be used
as heavy water for nuclear reactors and reduce the cost of energy, even if the sources are not
immediately mined.
a) it will expand the amount that can be used as heavy water for nuclear reac- tors and
reduce the cost of energy
b) that amount that is able to used as heavy water for nuclear reactors will expand and
the cost of energy will be reduced
c) it will cause an increase in the amount that is able to be used as heavy water for
nuclear reactors and a reduction in the cost of energy
d) the amount that can be used as heavy water for nuclear reactors will increase and the
cost of energy will drop
e) it will increase the amount of deuterium that can be used as heavy water for nuclear
reactors and cause a drop in the cost of energy
Amounts do not expand, they increase. Eliminate A and B. The ‗it‘ at the start of C is a
pronoun without a clear reference. E has the same problem. Choice D is the correct answer
Q11. It is common in Helen Hayes Theatre, as in almost every local theatre, the opinion of
administrators has played at least as large a part in deciding what to perform as has the
desires of the public.
a) in almost every local theatre, the opinion of administrators has played at least as large
a part in deciding what to perform as has
b) in almost every local theatre, that the opinion of administrators has played at least as
large a part in deciding what to perform as has

c) it is in almost every local theatre, that the opinion of administrators has played at least
as large a part in deciding what to perform as have
d) is in almost every local theatre, that the opinion of administrators have played at least
as large a part in deciding what to perform as have
e) it is in almost every local theatre, the opinion of administrators has played at least as
large a part in deciding what to perform as has.
Option A does not provide a complete sentence. The expression is ‗it is common that.‘ E has
the same problem. The noun ‗desires‘ is plural so the verb referring to desires must also be
plural. Eliminate B. It should be ‗as have the desires‘ not ‗as has the desires‘. That leaves C
and D. It is necessary to say ‗as it is‘ rather than ‗as is‘ at the start of the option. D is also
incorrect because it says ‗the opinion...have‘. The correct answer is C.
Q12. In disagreeing with the findings of the Warren Commission, the American public must
take care to avoid moving the target of criticism from government agencies collaborating in
a coup d‘etat to collaborating to overthrow foreign governments.
a) government agencies collaborating in a coup d‘etat to collaborating to over- throw
foreign governments
b) government agencies collaborating in a coup d‘etat to foreign governments being
overthrown with collaboration

c) the collaboration of government agencies in a coup d‘etat to the collabora- tion of the
agencies in overthrowing foreign governments
d) collaboration of government agencies by coup d‘etat with foreign govern- ments, that
are overthrown
e) a coup d‘etat that government agencies collaborate in to collaboration that overthrows
foreign governments

Choices A, B and E do not make it clear who does the collaborating to overthrow the foreign
governments. D changes the meaning. Choice C has parallel structure and is the correct
Q13. Despite Britain’s obvious interest in using oil to power the Royal Navy, the creation of a
national oil company lagged behind the Dutch and the Americans and developed only after when oil
well construction was supported by foreign speculators.

a) developed only after when oil well construction was supported by foreign speculators
b) developed only after foreign speculators supported oil well construction
c) developed only after foreign speculators’ support of oil well construction by foreign
d) develops only at the time after the supporting of oil well construction by foreign speculators
e) developed only after there being foreign speculators’ support of oil well construction

The expression ‗developed after when‘ is incorrect. ‗Developed after‘ is sufficient. Eliminate
A. Choice C unnecessarily repeats ‗foreign speculators‘. Choice D has the wrong tense. The
sentence is in past tense, not present. ‗Developed after there being‘ in E is also incorrect.
Choice B is the correct answer.

Q14. The weather predictions delivered on television are usually reliable, but winds, storms
that could not be foreseen, and ocean currents often cause much more extreme weather
conditions than they had expected.
a) storms that could not be foreseen, and ocean currents often cause much more extreme
weather conditions than they had
b) storms that cannot be foreseen, and ocean currents often cause much more extreme
weather conditions than
c) unforeseeable storms, and ocean currents are the cause of much more ex- treme
weather conditions than they had
d) storms that are not foreseeable, and ocean currents often cause much more extreme
weather conditions than they had
e) unforeseeable storms, and ocean currents often cause much more extreme weather
conditions than they had
This sentence simply has to have its parallel structure corrected. It begins in the present tense,
‗are usually reliable‘, so the sentence should continue in the present. Choice A is not in the
present tense. ‗They‘ in A, C, D and E is a pronoun without a reference. Choice B is the
correct answer

Q15. A male musician can find a career as a solo performer, an orchestra member, or a music
teacher after he graduates from college with a degree in music, depending on his talent.
a) A male musician can find a career as a solo performer, an orchestra member, or a
music teacher after he graduates from college with a degree in music, depending on his talent.
b) After graduating from college with a degree in music, depending on his tal- ent, a
male musician can find a career as a solo performer, an orchestra member, or a music teacher.

c) After graduating from college with a degree in music, a male musician‘s tal- ent will
determine if he can find a career as a solo performer, an orchestra member, or a music
d) Talent determines whether a male musician, after graduating from college with a
degree in music, can find a career as a solo performer, an orchestra member, or a music
e) The talent of a male musician, after graduating from college with a degree in music,
will determine whether he can find a career as a solo performer, an orchestra member, or a
music teacher.
Choices A and B incorrectly imply that the degree in music depends on the talent of
the musician. The modifier ‗depending on his talent‘ is misplaced. C and E are incorrect as
they imply the talent graduates from college. D is the correct answermusic teacher.

1. Insert the correct word(s) in the sentences below. 1. If we go __to________ the beach, would you
like to come ____too______? (to/ too/ two)

2. I am going _______whether___ you like it or not. (whether/ weather)

3. I shall put ___their_______ parcels over _____there_____. (there / their/ they’re)

4. I like to come _____here_____ because I always ______hear____ the latest gossip. (hear/here)

5. There is _______no___ paper left in the printer, or did you _____know_____ that already?(no/

6. ____would______ you like to come to the party with me? (would/ wood)

7. You need to go _____through_____ the door at the end of the corridor to get to the
exit.(through/ threw)

8. I must ______write____ a letter to the bank. (write / right)

9. I need to see if he has cashed the ____cheque______. (check/ cheque)

10. He __rode________ his motorbike along the ______road____. (road/ rode/ rowed)

2. Fill in the blanks using ‘aw’ sound.

• Niagara _ falls___ls is the highest falls in the world.

• The children are playing with the basket __ _ball___.

• He got a ______scholar _____ship from his school.

• __Always__ _____ walk to your left on the road.

• Roses have _ ___thorns___.

3.Unscramble the jumbled words

Liob - Lion

Jyeon - enjoy

Snioe - noise

Oyj - joy

Inoc - coin
Sybo - boys

Ayorl - royal

4.Choose the Correct Response.

• I went to the barber to get a (hair/ hare)cut.

• Sheena is a (fare/ fair) girl.

• On Ridhima’s birthday her father gifted her a teddy(bare/ bear).

• Please don’t (stare/ stair) at the stranger.

• I bought a (pear/ pair) of scissors for the craft classes.

• I will (ware/ wear) a red dress for the party.

5. Use ‘wear’, ‘where’ or ‘we’re’ correctly:

1. Make sure you __________wear________ a life jacket on the boat.

2. Please put the art supplies back ________where ____________ they belong.

3. _____we’re_______________ going on a road trip next Friday.

4. Mom told me to ______wear____________ a coat, but I didn’t listen.

5. I don’t know _________where___________ I put those moving boxes.

6. This weekend, _____we’re_____________ going to the park to play baseball.

7. ___________where__________ will you hide the gifts?

8. My sister wants to ______wear_______ the sweater she got for her birthday.

9. John invited us to breakfast, but _______we’re_______ not going to make it on time.

10.I will ____________wear____ my red hat to school tomorrow.

6. In English, many written words contain consonant letters that are not pronounced. These letters
are referred to as ‘silent’ letters. Match each word with the appropriate meaning below.
Rhyme often listen island calm column talk
foreign hour exhausted bark

1.sixty minutes _______________hour___________

2land surrounded by water ______________island____________

3 peaceful and quiet ________________________calm__

4 words containing the same sounds _______________rhyme___________

5 to hear and give attention when someone speaks _________listen_________________

6 to speak ________talk__________________

7 to be very tired and without energy __________exhausted________________

8 from another country or another place __________foreign ________________

9 a strong, tall piece of stone or wood _______bark___________________

10 used to support a building _____________column_____________

7. Read the sentence. Write the correct word on the line.

1. The ______________ ____ going around the mountain is very scary. (rode, road)

2. ____________________ not going to believe what I saw today. (your, you’re)

3. I don’t know if I would like ___________________ soup or not. (beet, beat)

4. Stanley ran around two ____________________ before they threw him out. (bases, basis)

5. The huge _________________________ sat dangerously close to the edge. (bolder, boulder)

6. The ______________________ in our new house will be ten feet tall. (Ceiling, sealing)

7. The ________________________ ripped on the curtain when the cat climbed it. (seem, seam)

8. My neighbor delivers the ______________________ on your ___________________. (mail, male)

(rode, road)

9. He said the dog was __________________ but __________ not. (theirs, there’s) (its, it’s)

10. My mom bought us four different kinds of __________________________ to eat. (cereal, serial)
11. An independent _________________________ is a sentence. (clause, claws)

12. We rented a hotel ___________________ when we went on vacation. (suite, sweet)

8. Write sentences for 2 pairs of words, demonstrating the different word class:

1. Conduct

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Digest

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Escort

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. Insult

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. Produce

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. Record

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

7. Access

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. Address

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

9. Auction

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. Balance

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

11. Bargain

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

12. Blame

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

13. Blast

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

14. Catch

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

15. Cause

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

16. Convict

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

17. Complex

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

18. Desert

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

19. Segment

Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

20. Content
Noun ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Verb ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

9. Read the sentence. Write the correct word on the line:

1. ________________who’s____ going to be the first to recite __their_________________ poem?


Who’s) (their, there, they’re)

2. The window _________pane___________ needs to be painted white. (pain, pane)

3. The yellow part of an egg is called the __________yolk_____________, (yoke, yolk)

4. Cindy makes ________pear____________ salad every time I eat at her house. (pare, pair, pear)

5. Grandma taught me how to ________knead_________ bread ___________dough_______. (need,


(doe, dough)

6. I love going to the county ___________fair____________ each year. (fare, fair)

7. My dad always says, “I love you ______dear_______” to my mom. (deer, dear) .

10. How many syllables are there in each word? Choose the correct answer.

1. monkey

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

2. relocation

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

3. magnet

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

4. slobs

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

5. characterise
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

6. travelling

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

7. rocket

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

8. trying

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

9. garden

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

10. caterpillar

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4


11. Where is the stress in each of these words? Decide which syllable: 1. reception

a) 1st b) 2nd c) 3rd

2. comparison

a) 1st b) 2nd c) 3rd d) 4th

3. potato

a) 1st b) 2nd c) 3rd

4. bedroom
a) 1st b) 2nd

5. fourteen

a) 1st b) 2nd

6. forty

a) 1st b) 2nd

7. delicious

a) 1st b) 2nd c) 3rd

8. playful

a) 1st b) 2nd

12. Use underlining to show the correct stress on these compound words which have been given in a
sentence to make the word class obvious:

1. I heard a blackbird singing.

2. Put the seedlings in the greenhouse until they are taller.

3. He is a bad-tempered old man.

4. My grandparents are a little old-fashioned. (2 words)

5. I don’t understand what you mean.

6. The water will overflow and come out through this overflow pipe. (2 words)

7. I need to go to the supermarket before I leave for the airport. (2 words)

8. He is waiting at the bus-stop on the main highway. (2 words)

9. He came straight out of the swimming-pool and into the living-room to answer the telephone. (3
10. This raincoat isn’t waterproof. (2 words)

11. Traffic-lights are confusing because I’m colour-blind. (2 words)

12. What’s he like? Well he’s easy-going, and good-looking, very self-confident and always well-
dressed. (4


13. For each question, the correct choice is the one in which the stressed syllable is capitalized, as in

1. Can you pass me a plastic knife?

a) PLAS-tic

b) plas-TIC

2. I want to be a photographer.

a) PHO-to-graph-er

b) pho-TO-graph-er

3. Which photograph do you like best?

a) PHO-to-graph

b) pho-TO-graph

4. He was born in China.

a) CHI-na

b) Chi-NA
5. Whose computer is this?

a) com-PU-ter

b) com-pu-TER

6. I can't decide which book to borrow.

a) DE-cide

b) de-CIDE

7. Couldn't you understand what she was saying?

a) un-DER-stand

b) un-der-STAND

8. Voting in elections is your most important duty.

a) im-POR-tant

b) im-por-TANT

9. We had a really interesting conversation.

a) con-VER-sa-tion

b) con-ver-SA-tion

10. How do you pronounce this word?

a) PRO-nounce

b) pro-NOUNCE

14 Match the following conversations with the correct sentence stress:

A. Where did you get these flowers from? The cemetery? 1. I asked you to buy me a bunch of
white roses.
B. Yes....

A. You weren’t supposed to steal them!


A. Here are the flowers Bob asked me to get. 2. I asked you to buy me a bunch of
white roses.
B. Eh? Bob didn’t say anything, ____1___________

A. Why do these roses have your mother’s name on 3. I asked you to buy me a bunch of
them? white roses.

B. I got them for my mother, just like you asked.

A. In what world would I ask you to buy your mother

flowers on our anniversary? _______5________

A. John, why are there yellow roses on the table? 4. I asked you to buy me a bunch of
__________7_____ white roses.

A. Oh, lilies, they’re beautiful, but ____8_________ 5. I asked you to buy me a bunch of
white roses.

A. I was kind of busy today, so my secretary did me the 6. I asked you to buy me a bunch of
favour of ordering you the flowers you wanted. white roses.

B. What?! _________3___________ Why do I want roses

from your secretary?

A. Listen, I know a single rose is supposed to be very 7. I asked you to buy me a bunch of
romantic, but ________6________ white roses.

A. Susie, you’re always bossing me around. Ordering me 8. I asked you to buy me a bunch of
to buy you flowers is the last straw. white roses.

B. Fred, honestly, I don’t understand what you’re talking

about. ____________2______, not order!

15. Look at each of these words. Decide on which syllable the stress falls?

1. personal

a. 1st b. 2nd c. 3rd

2. personnel

a. 1st b. 2nd c. 3rd

3. adjective

a. 1st b. 2nd c. 3rd

4. enhance

a. 1st b. 2nd

5. Canadian

a. 1st b. 2nd c. 3rd d. 4th

6. Japanese

a. 1st b. 2nd c. 3rd

7. psychology

a. 1st b. 2nd c. 3rd d. 4th

8. politician

a. 1st b. 2nd c. 3rd d. 4th

Simple sentence

1. The girl said, ‘It gives me great pleasure to be here this evening.’

Ans- . The girl said that it gave her great pleasure to be there that evening

2. The man said, ‘I must go as soon as possible.’

Ans- The man said that he must go as soon as possible

3. The teacher says, ‘If you work hard, you will pass.’

Ans- The teacher says that if you work hard you will pass

4. He said, ‘I have won.’

Ans- He said that he had won.

5. She said that she worked in an office.

Interrogative sentence

1.She asked me if I was going with them. OR She asked them if I was coming with them.

2.She asked me if I was unwell.

3.She enquired of him if she was to wait for him till eternity.

4.I asked him whether he had been present at the meeting the day before (or the previous day).

5.The woman asked the stranger whether she should help him.

Imperative sentence

1. They requested me to help them.

2. He suggested him to find a job.
3. They said to him not to go there.
4. He ordered to open the door.
5. The teacher advised the students not to make a noise.

Exclamatory sentences

1. He exclaimed with joy that he had got a reward.

2. She exclaimed with sorrow that she failed in the exam.
3. John exclaimed with wonder that it was a nice car.
4. She exclaimed with joy that she was selected for the job.
5. He exclaimed with sorrow that he had missed the bus

Choose the correct

Q1. I said to him, “Will you go to Delhi?”

(1) I asked him will he go to Delhi.

(2) I said to him would he go to Delhi.

(3) I asked him if he would go to Delhi.

(4) I said to him would you go to Delhi.

Q2. He said, ‘I have read this novel.’

(1) He said that he has read this novel.

(2) He said that he had read that novel.

(3) He said that he read that novel.

(4) He said that he had read this novel.

Q3. Tania said to her friend, ’Can you lend me an umbrella?’

(1) Please give me an umbrella Tania requested her friend.

(2) Will you lend me your umbrella, Tania asked her friend.

(3) Tania requested her friend to lend her an umbrella

(4) Tania asked her friend to give her an umbrella.

Q4. Sita said, ‘I may go there.’

(1) Sita says that she may go there.

(2) Sita says that she Is going there.

(3) Sita said that she will go there.

(4) Sita said that she might go there.

Q5. My friend requested me to bring him a sandwich.

(1)He said, ‘My friend, please bring me a sandwich.’

(2) My friend said, ‘Will you bring me a sandwich.’

(3) ‘Please bring me a sandwich’, said my friend.

(4) ‘Please bring my friend a sandwich’, said he.


Q1.Kiran asked me, "Did you see the Cricket match on television last night?"

A. Kiran asked me whether I saw the Cricket match on television the earlier night.

B.Kiran asked me whether I had seen the Cricket match on television the earlier night.

C.Kiran asked me did I see the Cricket match on television the last night.

D. Kiran asked me whether I had seen the Cricket match on television the last night.

Q2. David said to Anna, "Mona will leave for her native place tomorrow."

A. David told Anna that Mona will leave for her native place tomorrow.

B. David told Anna that Mona left for her native place the next day.

C. David told Anna that Mona would be leaving for her native place tomorrow.

D. David told Anna that Mona would leave for her native place the next day

. Q3. The tailor said to him, "Will you have the suit ready by tomorrow evening?"

A. The tailor asked him that he will have the suit ready by the next evening.

B. The tailor asked him that he would had the suit ready by the next evening.

C. The tailor asked him if he would have the suit ready by the next evening.

D. The tailor asked him if he will like to the suit ready by the next evening.

Q4. He said to interviewer, "Could you please repeat the question?"

A. He requested the interviewer if he could please repeat the question.

B. He requested the interviewer to please repeat the question.

C. He requested the interviewer to repeat the question.

D. He requested the interviewer if he could repeat the question.

Q5. He said. "Be quite and listen to my words.

A. He urged them to be quite and listen to his words.

B. He urged them and said be quite and listen to his words.

C. He urged they should be quite and listen to his words.

D. He said you should be quite and listen to his words.

Q6. He said to me, I have often told you not to play with fire.

A. He said that he has often been telling me not to play with fire.

B. He told me that he had often told me not to play with fire.

C. He reminded me that he often said to me not to play with fire.

D. He said to me that he often told me not to play with fire.

Q7. Pawan said to me, "If I hear any news, I'll phone you."

A. Pawan told me that if he heard any news, he will phone me.

B. Pawan told me that if he will hear my news, he will phone me.

C. Pawan told me that if he had heard any news, he would phone me.

D. Pawan told me that if he heard any news, he would phone me.

Q8. Mohan said, "We shall go to see the Taj in the moonlit night":

A. Mohan said that we shall go to see the Taj in the moonlit night.

B. Mohan told that we shall go to see the Taj in moonlit night.

C. Mohan told that we should go to see the Taj in the moonlit night.

D. Mohan said that they should go to see the Taj in moonlit night

Q9. The teacher said to Ram,"Congratulations ! Wish you success in life."

A. The teacher congratulated Ram and said wish you success in life.

B. The teacher wished congratulations and success in life to Ram.

C. The teacher wished congratulations to Ram and wished him success in life.

D. The teacher congratulated Ram and wished him success in life.

Q10. The poor examine said,"O God, take pity on me."

A. The poor examine prayed God to take pity on him.

B. The poor examine, involving God, implored him to take pity on him.
C. The poor examine exclaimed that God take pity on him.

D. The poor examine asked God to take pity on him.

Q11. "Where will you be tomorrow," I said, "in case I have to ring you ?"

A. I asked where you will be the next day in case I will ring him.

B. I asked where he would be the next day in case I had to ring him.

C. I said to him where he will be in case I have to ring him.

D. I enquired about his where about the next day in case I would have to ring up.

Q12. The father warned his son that he should be beware of him.

A. The father warned his son, "beware of him !"

B. The father warned his son, "Watch that chap !"

C. The father warned his son, "Be careful about him."

D. The father warned his son, "Don't fall into the trap."

Q13. Farhan asked Geeta, "Could you lend me a hundred rupees until tomorrow ?"

A. Farhan asked Geeta whether she could lend him a hundred rupees until tomorrow.

B. Farhan asked Geeta whether she could lend him a hundred rupees until the next day.

C. Farhan asked Geeta whether she could lend me a hundred rupees untill the next day.

D. Farhan asked whether Geeta could lend me a hundred rupees until the next day.

Q14. "What about going for swim," he said, "It's quite fine now."

A. He asked me what about going for a swim as it was quite fine then.

B. He proposed going for swim as it was quite fine.

C. He suggested going for a swim as it was quite fine.

D. He advised me to go for a swim as it was quite fine.

Q15. "You can't bathe in this sea," he said to me, "it's very rough."

A. He said that I can't bathe in this sea because it's very rough.

B. He said that you couldn't bathe in the sea if it was very rough.

C. He said that I couldn't bathe in that sea as it was very rough.

D. He said that you can't bathe in this sea since it was very rough

Read the dialogue given below and then complete the report that follows. Write the
answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank numbers.

Anne : I want to order a big pineapple cake for my birthday.

Confectioner : When is your birthday?

Anne : It is tomorrow.

Confectioner : You can collect it by noon.

Anne told a confectioner (a)…………………….. a big birthday cake for her birthday. The
confectioner asked (b)……………………. Anne replied it was the following day. The
confectioner told her (c)……………….. by noon.


(a) that she wanted to order

(b) when her birthday was

(c ) that she could collect it/ to collect it

2, Read the following conversation and complete the passage. Write your answers in the
space provided.

Mother : Why are you late from school, Amit ?

Amit : While coming from school to bus stop, slipped by stepping on a banana peel.

Mother : O, my son! Did you hurt yourself ?

Amit : I got a bad bruise on my left knee.

Mother asked Amit (a)………………….. Amit replied that while coming f‘rom school to
bus stop(b)……………….peel. Mother was shocked to hear this. She further asked
(c)……………… . Amit answered that (d)……………… .

Answers- (a) why he was late from school ?

(b) he had slipped by stepping on a banana

(c) if he had hurt himself

(d) he had got a bad bruise on his left knee

3, Complete the following conversation in indirect speech.

Shilpa: Can I borrow your English textbook?

Jaya: Sure you can. But when will you return it?

Shilpa: I will return it to you after two days from today.

Jaya: Please do as I have to prepare for the exams.

Shilpa asked Jaya (a) _____________________. Jaya replied that (b) _____________and
asked her (c)_______________. Shilpa said she (d) ____________. Jaya urged her (e)
________________ since she (f) _____________________.

Shilpa asked Jaya (a) if she could borrow her English textbook. Jaya replied that
(b) she could and asked her (c) when she would return it. Shilpa said she (d) would
return it to her after two days from that day. Jaya urged her (e) to do that since she
(f) had to prepare for the exams.

In each of the following questions, a sentence has been given in Direct/ Indirect Speech.
Out of the suggested alternatives select the one which best expresses the same sentence
in Direct/ Indirect Speech.

1. “If you don’t keep quiet I shall shoot you,” she said to her in a calm voice.

a. She warned her calmly that she would shoot her if she didn‘t keep quiet.
b. She said calmly that I shall shoot you if you don‘t keep quiet.
c. She warned her to shoot if she didn‘t keep quiet calmly.
d. Calmly she warned her that be quiet or else she will have to shoot her

2) The spectators said, “Bravo! Well played Virat.”

a. The spectators called Virat bravo because he played well.

b. The spectators said that Virat played well and applauded him.
c. The spectators encouraged Virat saying he played well.
d. The spectators applauded Virat, saying that he played well.

3) The traveller enquired of the potter if he could tell him the way to the nearest inn.

a. The traveller said to the potter, ―Where is the nearest inn?‖

b. The traveller said to the potter, ―Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?‖
c. The traveller said to the potter, ―Which is the way to nearest inn?‖
d. The traveller said to the potter, ―Can you tell me where is the nearest inn?‖
4) I said to my father, “Let us go to some restaurant for a change.”

a. I asked my father to go to some restaurant for a change.

b. I asked my father if he would go to some restaurant for a change.
c. I permitted my father to go to some restaurant for a change.
d. I suggested to my father that we should go to some restaurant for a change.

5) Sonya said, “Oh that I were a child again!”

a. Sonya exclaimed with wonder that were she a child again.

b. Sonya wondered that were she a child again.
c. Sonya strongly wished that she had been a child again.
d. Sonya prayed that she were a child again.

6) She said, “I have often told you not to waste your time.”

a. She said that she had often told not waste your time
b. She said that she had often told her not waste her time.
c. She said that she had often suggested to her not to waste her time.
d. She told that she had often told her not to waste his time.

7) Soni said to Dhiraj, “Let him come, then we shall see.”

a. Soni told Dhiraj that they would see him if he might come.
b. Soni told Dhiraj that they shall see him if he came.
c. Soni told Dhiraj that once he came, they would see him.
d. Soni said to Dhiraj that if he came, they would see him

8) “I don’t know the way. Do you?” She asked.

a. She said that she didn‘t know the way and did I know it.
b. She said that she didn‘t know the way and asked me if I did.
c. She told that she was not knowing the way, but wondered if I knew.
d. She asked me if I knew the way which she didn‘t.

9) She said to her, “Don’t read so loud.”

a. She told her not to read so loud.

b. She advised her not to read so loud.
c. She requested her not to read so loud.
d. She ordered her not to red so loud.
10) She said, “I must go next month.”

a. She said that she must go next month.

b. She said that she must go the following month.
c. She said that she would have to go the following month.
d. She said that she was to go following month.

11) “Are you alone, my son?” asked a soft voice close behind me.

a. A soft voice from my back asked if I was alone.

b. A soft voice said to me are you alone son.
c. A soft voice asked that what I was doing there alone.
d. A soft voice behind me asked if I was alone.

12) He said to me, “Where is the head office?”

a. He asked me where the head office was.

b. He asked me that where the head office was.
c. He wanted to know where the head office was.
d. He asked me where was the head office.

13) She said to her, “Why don’t you go today?”

a. She said to her that why she don‘t go today.

b. She asked her if she was going that day.
c. She asked her why she did not go today.
d. She asked her why she did not go that day.

14) He said, “I saw a coin here.”

a. He said that he saw a coin here.

b. He said that he had seen a coin there.
c. He said that he saw a coin there.
d. He said that he had seen a coin here

15) She said, “What a beautiful scene!”

a. She said that what a beautiful scene it was.

b. She exclaimed that it was a very beautiful scene.
c. She exclaimed what a beautiful scene it was.
d. She wondered that it was a beautiful scene.

16) Sapna said, “I bought a laptop yesterday.”

a. Sapna said that I have bought a laptop the previous day.

b. Sapna told that she has bought a laptop yesterday.
c. Sapna said that she bought a laptop the previous day.
d. Sapna said that she had bought a laptop the previous day.

17) The teacher said, “Be quiet, girls.”

a. The teacher said that they girls should be quiet.

b. The teacher called the girls and ordered them to be quiet.
c. The teacher urged the girls to be quiet.
d. The teacher commanded the girls that they be quiet.


Q. As a former student, write an email to your professor, Mrs Suzanne, thanking her for
teaching and guidance that contributed to your overall development. Sign the email as

Dear Mrs Suzanne,

With a joyful heart, I would like to inform you regarding my successful placement in the
recent campus drive of my college. I am successfully placed at TCS and am grateful to you
for your constant help and advice. The grooming sessions totally developed my personality
and inculcated the skills and professional values required to shape my future.

I would like to extend my sincere thanks for your immense support, professional help and

With warm regards,


Q. As a supplier, write an email to the manager of RD Wheel company, Mr.Malhotra,

intimating of their payment that is due for the products delivered to them three months ago.
Sign the email as Sameer
Hi Mr Malhotra,

You are a valued customer of our company for a very long time and we appreciate doing
business with you. You have always made on time payment of the delivery of goods but
recently, we have observed an extreme delay in payment. Moreover, the three months credit
period is also over and still, the payment is overdue. I would request you to make payment
for the above goods delivered of the earliest. We are looking forward to the payment at
earliest and a longstanding relationship in doing business with your company.

Thanks and regards,


q. You are a part of the corporate communication team in your company. The working time
period is revised as 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Using the following phrases, write an email with a
minimum of 70 words and a maximum of 100 words to the employees in your company
informing the same.

Dear All,

We henceforth announce a revision in the work timings as 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, i.e., an
increase in office hours by 30 minutes to avoid traffic that is to take effect from next week.

With the commencement of the office 30 minutes earlier, the lunch session will be reduced
by 15 minutes, with a reduction in the timings of breakfast. The office will start earlier till the
end of the rainy season and all other timings will stay in effect till the traffic issues are dealt

Thanks and regards,

Lead – Corporate Communication.

Q. As a resident, write an email to the Municipal Commissioner of your city, Mr.Kumar,

reporting nuisance of a building under construction beside your place. Sign the email as

Dear Mr Kumar,

I am a resident of Ashok Vihar and would like to bring to your notice about the P/T
constructions company who are building a construction for a very long time. The work has
been going for three years and hardly made any progress. There has been reckless water
usage since the years. The water spill all over the locality along with the constructing debris,
forming a breeding ground for mosquitoes. The place is starting to turn unhygienic by the
pigs, mosquitoes and construction waste. We tried to get in touch with the construction
workers but there bad behaviour with the locals is raising another issue.
It would be great if you could pay your attention to this problem and request you to take
action to resolve this problem immediately.

Thanks and regards,


Q. As a student representative of your college, write an email to the Principal of Professional

Engineering College, Prof.Sanjib Chatterjee, inviting his institute to participate in the
Technical symposium being organized in your college. Sign the email as Arun.

Dear Prof Chatterjee,

As a student representative of our college, I would like to invite your institute into the
technical Symposium that is about to be held in our college next Sunday. Many eminent
personalities would be visiting the Symposium just like the previous years. We are planning
for a huge success this year too and are expecting a huge participation from your esteemed
institution. The symposium would introduce to the mass about the latest technologies,
followed by stalls set up to show demos on Science projects. It would be a great platform for
interaction on some interesting topics with some of the eminent personalities. Participants can
complete their registrations before the upcoming Sunday.

It is a great opportunity to exchange ideas and win exciting prizes. Looking forward to a great

Thanks and regards,


Q. As your company is doing good business and expanding, your company is relocating its
office to a new address. Using the following phrases, write an email with a minimum of 70
words and a maximum of 100 words to your customer informing the change in address.

Dear All,

It gives a pleasure in announcing the expansion of this company, a sign of growing business
and increasing clientele. For a better productivity result, we are relocating the company and
shifting to a bigger office space from November 10th onwards. New facilities and amenities
shall be installed along with modern state of art amenities. There has been a change in
telephone number along with the new address is provided below:

Fourth Floor, Cessna Business Park(Near Outer Ring Road), Noida.

Phone: 1234567890

Please make a note of this to serve our clients better.

Thanks and Regards

Q. As a student representative of your department, write an email to your batch mates,

suggesting a party for Head of Department Prof.Mandy who is retiring next month. Sign the
email as Shruti.

Hello All,

This is to inform all that the Head of Department Prof. Mandy is going to retire next month
and hence we would like to plan for a surprise party for her and her family and host it on the
eve of her retirement. We already know that Prof. Mandy is an exceptional teacher and has
been a guide and mentor to the seniors and other students of this institution. She has been a
very helpful teacher and a person. Its a request to all the students to come together and make
the event successful and one of the most memorable eve of her life.

Thanks and regards,


Q. As an intern at XYZ consulting Pvt.Ltd, write an email to your internship Project

Manager, Mr.Karunesh, informing about the progress that you are making and some
difficulties that you are encountering. Sign the email as Max.

Dear Mr Karunesh,

Firstly, I would like to thank you for providing me with an opportunity to work with a
challenging project during my internship period. I am making a consistent progress and have
been learning new things. Since the project is due next month, we are on a tight schedule. I
am facing a difficulty and need your support in context with the report of the analytics of
testing. Your previous guidance has helped in accessing the database smoothly and solving
the problem but I am facing some additional doubts with the requirement of the designing.

It would be great if you could assist me with this problem and help me to come with a
successful project.

Yours sincerely,


Q. You are a project manager for a team of 20 resources. Write an email to your team,
enquiring about the irregularity in submitting their weekly timesheets and stressing the
importance of the same.

Dear team members,

It is to inform of you that recently I am observing lack of punctuality in your work and it is to
inform you all that your performance can be accessed online and if found any irregularity
then it may lead to loss of pay-every week.It is a request to all of that do not default any kind
of irregularity and get used to bill client.The client has also observed this irregularities and
has asked to increase the actual working hours of the unethical workers by friday. we are
facing failure to adhere the request and therefore everyone has to read the time sheet filling
application and tighten your belt for further notice.

Thanks and regards.

Team leader.
Answer key essay


Q1. With the latest technological advancements, dating is now possible online. Would you
recommend online dating for your single friends? What are the advantages and disadvantages of
online dating? Site some examples to support your answer.


Ideas for body paragraph 1

Some people believe they have a negative effect on society and so should be banned.

– No strong scientific study

– Present globally but clearly only the US has issues regarding gun violence.

– Banning usually has the direct opposite of its intentions

Ideas for body paragraph 2

harmless and help people to relax.

– Playing with toy guns never seemed to be a problem, these are a modern interpretation of toy

– With every new development of a generation the older generation is usually worried… EG This
happened with the Beatles, with heavy metal and Us hip hop.

Q2 In today’s very competitive world, a worker has to possess multiple skills to succeed.Among the
skills that a worker should possess, which skill do you think is more important, social skills or good
qualifications? Explain the reasons and provide specific examples to support your answer.



Social skills more important – no man is an island – idiomatic expression correctly used i.e in context
We need people around us –

Lacking social skills could seriously disrupt, demotivate and damage a team. – big list of great vocab
for Lexical Resource score there.


Good qualifications, certificates very useful, extremely useful in certain fields such as medical, but in
general, less technical areas, social skills triumph – less common vocabulary “triumph”


Consider both, but give more weight to sociability.

Q. Do you think businesses should hire employees who will spend their entire lives working for the
company? Explain why do you agree or disagree. Use specific reasons and details to support your



Very bad idea to have life time permanence- almost zero incentive to improve,

Not fair to employee because the company may pledge allegiance to the company but then the
company relocates to Asia. Horrible.


The employee may become a burden for the company. Employee may become a cost that damages
the company, lots of companies suffer because contractual arrangements made in boom times.

British Airways is a perfect example of expensive pension contracts made, only for the entire
industry to change and render the contracts a massive headache.


Freedom should be given for employees to “cherry pick” their career destiny.

Q. Some people think women should be given equal chances to work and excel in their careers.

Others believe that a woman’s role should be limited to taking care of the house and children. Which
opinion do you agree with and why? Include specific details and examples to support your choice.


Women should of course be given equal rights to perform to the best of their ability (good
collocation) in the market place

Generous provisions and allowances should be made into law to encourage this behaviour and allow
females to also fairly take time out from the career ladder to pursue a family.

PARAGRAPH IDEA 2: another good reason why I think the first point:

Making legal structures to facilitate this transition would not only help to improve the worker’s
happiness and wellbeing but also improve the health of society as a whole.

Japan has a rather bleak future due to the low fertility rate, perhaps this kind of future could be
avoided with more generous legislation.


Definitely should pursue a career and definitely fulfil the traditional family role also. Government
should help make both objectives possible.

Q. Do you think it is better for students to work before their university study? Why? Use reasons
and specific examples to support your choice.



Practical experience, contacts, on the job skills. EG: Studies from the UK Government show
graduates with work experience are twice as likely to find employment…..


Better preparation, chance to improve social skills, close the gap between academia and private
sector, helps student decide on future before committing long term, EG 1/6 students will change
their higher education course while at uni….

Q. Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that
robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


IDEAS: Definitely important, true, big advances, productivity, intelligence, machine learning, artificial
intelligence, etc

Can have negative effects –

Unemployment – automation – loss of jobs – safe nets need to be in place – welfare system etc

Even death of citizens – Tesla accident autonomous driving –

Conc: there are too many advantages to ignore, we cannot forego these advances however more
precaution and govt. Legislation could be wise.

Q. Some people think that new houses should be built in the same style as older houses in the local
area. Others disagree and say that local authorities should allow people to build houses in the styles
of their own choice. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Yes, should be in the same style, keeps property values higher, uniformity, conformity, and cohesion

EG certain villages in prosperous parts of England such as Cheshire, The Cotswolds, and Howarth
have extreme rules because the areas have immense cultural heritage. To place a modern
MacDonald’s style restaurant in one of these areas would be tantamount to architectural vandalism.

-Great idea! Innovates an area, introduces new flavours, styles and ideas into stale and old areas.
Your house can reflect your personality. You can make it more environmentally friendly. You can
install technical innovations. Solar panels, or even solar cells in roof tiles, available from Elon Musk’s

Conc: both are viable and fair, the caveat is that the law should be clear from the beginning and be
permanent – changing it would be extremely unfair.
Reading comprehension unit 4 answer key
Q1. It is difficult to reconcile the ideas of different schools of thought on the question of education.
Some people maintain that pupils of school should concentrate on a narrow range of subjects
which will benefit them directly in their subsequent careers. Others contend that they should
study a wide range of subjects so that they not only have the specialized knowledge necessary
for their chosen careers but also sound general knowledge about the world they will have to work
and live in. Supporters of the first theory state that the greatest contributions to civilization are
made by those who are expert in their trade or profession. Those on the other side say that,
unless they have a broad general education, the experts will be too narrow in their outlook to
have sympathy with their fellows or a proper sense of responsibility towards humanity as a

(1) Supporters of the first theory would not agree with

A. experts have contributed most to the progress in the modern world

B. students should study a few subjects that will help them in their profession

C. people with broad general education have not contributed much to civilization

D. students should not undertake any specialized work

Option(D) is correct
First theory talks about a few subjects and specialized knowledge.

(2) According to the second school of thought education will not be very effective, if students

According to the second school of thought education will not be very effective, if students

A. do not have a wide general education

B. have inadequate knowledge of their own work

C. ignore the study of fine arts

D. concentrate on only a few subjects

Option(A) is correct
Wide general education is needed to broaden the outlook.
The classical realist theory of international relations has long dominated both academic
institutions and the American government. Even at the birth of the nation, early political thinkers,
such as Alexander Hamilton, promoted a realist view of international relations and sought to
influence the actions of the government based on this perspective. While the classical realist
school of international relations is not entirely homogeneous in nature, there are certain premises
that all classical realists share.
The primary principle underlying classical realism is a concern with issues of war and peace.
Specifically, classical realists ask, what are the causes of war and what are the conditions of
peace? The members of the classical realist school mainly attribute war and conflict to what is
termed the security dilemma. In the absence of any prevailing global authority, each nation is
required to address its own security needs. However, each nation’s quest for security—through
military buildups, alliances, or territorial defenses—necessarily unsettles other nations. These
nations react to feelings of insecurity by engaging in their own aggressive actions, which leads
other nations to react similarly, perpetuating the cycle.
It is important to note that for realists, unlike idealists or liberal internationalists, international
conflict is a necessary consequence of the structural anarchy that nations find themselves in.
Whereas other schools may see international conflict as the result of evil dictators, historical
chance, flawed socio political systems, or ignorance of world affairs, classical realists see war as
the logical result of a system that by its nature lacks a true central authority.
Hand in hand with this view of conflict as an inevitable condition of the global power structure is
the realists’ view of the nation as a unitary actor. Because classical realists see international
relations as a continuing struggle for dominance, the nation can not be viewed as a collection of
individuals with disparate wants, goals, and ideologies. The realist view requires the formulation
of a national interest, which in its simplest terms refers to the nation’s ability to survive, maintain
its security, and achieve some level of power relative to its competitors.
Realism is not without its critics, many of whom challenge the premise that war is the natural
condition of international relations or that there can be a truly national interest. However, the
realist school of international relations continues to shape foreign policy because of the
successes it has had in describing real world interactions between nations.
(3) It can be inferred from the passage that members of the classical realist school would be LEAST
likely to support.

A. an international policy based on building a strong military force to deter threats

B. an international policy that seeks to reduce threats of war by providing humanitarian aid to
potential aggressor countries

C. a domestic policy that attempts to unify the nation’s citizens behind a common cause

D. a domestic policy that allocates a majority of the country’s budget for defense spending international policy based on joining a common defense contract with other nations

Option(B) is correct
This is an inference question. Because the entire passage details the classical realist school of
thought, your best bet is to start with the answers. Look at each answer choice and see if you
can find support for it in the passage. Because this question asks you to find the choice realists
would LEAST likely support, the answers with supporting evidence are the wrong answers.
Choices A and D are supported by the passage because the second paragraph states that
classical realists believe that every nation must take care of its own security needs and that war
is a constant threat.
Choice C is supported because the fourth power discusses the formulation of a national interest.
Choice E is okay as well because the second paragraph states that "alliances" are one way
nations can address their security concerns.
That leaves choice B as the correct answer. The third paragraph states that realists do not
believe wars can be attributed to "flawed socio political systems," so trying to increase security
by sending humanitarian aid would probably not be supported by classical realists.
(4) The author most likely regards the classical realist theory of international relations with

A. general apathy

B. skeptical dismissal

C. veiled disapproval

D. glowing approval

E. qualified acceptance

Option(E) is correct
This is a tone question. Some tone questions require you to consider the passage as a whole,
while some ask about a specific part.
This is a more general tone question. The passage describes the classical realist view and the
author ends by stating that the theory has had "successes" in describing relations in the world.
Thus, the tone must be somewhat positive.
That leaves only choices D and E as possibilities. Between the two, choice D is too strong.

PASSAGE 3 Newton’s surprising success at developing the laws of motion, as well as the
development and refinement of other physical laws, led to the idea of scientific determinism. The
first expression of this principle was in the beginning of the nineteenth century by Laplace, a French
scientist. Laplace argued that if one knew the position and velocity of all the particles in the universe
at a given time, the laws of physics would be able to predict the future state of the universe.

Scientific determinism held sway over a great many scientists until the early twentieth century,
when the quantum mechanics revolution occurred. Quantum mechanics introduced the world to the
idea of the uncertainty principle, which stated that it was impossible to accurately measure both the
position and the velocity of a particle at one time. Because Laplace’s omniscience could never occur,
even in theory, the principle of scientific determinism was thrown into doubt. However, quantum
mechanics does allow for a reduced form of scientific determinism. Even though physicists are
unable to know precisely where a particle is and what its velocity is, they can determine certain
probabilities about its position and velocity. These probabilities are called wave functions. By use of
a formula known as the Schrodinger equation, a scientist with the wave function of a particle at a
given time can calculate the particle’s future wave function. These calculations can give the particle’s
position or velocity, but not both. Thus, the physicist is in possession of exactly half of the
information needed to satisfy Laplace’s view of determinism. Unfortunately, under modern physics
theories, that is far as any researcher can go in predicting the future.

(5) Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the author’s conclusion in the passage’s
final sentence?

A.Some physicists believe quantum mechanics will eventually be discarded in favour of a new

B.Physicists still use Newton’s laws of motion to calculate the velocities and positions of planets and

C.Even if the position and velocity of a particle were known, predicting the future would be
impossible because there are too many other variables to calculate.

D.There is little to no chance that the modern theory of quantum mechanics will be overturned by
another theory.

E.No scientists are pursuing studies in the field of determinism.


Option(D) is correct

This is an apply the information question. It is similar to a Critical Reasoning strengthen question.
The author’s conclusion and premise are:

Premise: Quantum mechanics introduced the world to the idea of the uncertainty principle, which
stated that it was impossible to accurately measure both the position and the velocity of a particle
at one time.

Conclusion: Under modern physics theories, exactly half of the information needed to satisfy
determinism is available and that is as far as any researcher can go in predicting the future.

This argument relies on the assumption that quantum mechanics is correct and that scientists will
never be able to accurately measure both the position and velocity of a particle.

Choice D strengthens the argument by indicating quantum mechanics is in fact correct in its
assertions of uncertainty.

Choice A would weaken the argument by indicating that perhaps quantum mechanics is wrong.

Choice B is irrelevant because the argument hinges on quantum mechanics.

Choice C does not address the author’s argument. It introduces another barrier to predicting the
future, but is not relevant to the conclusion and premise in the passage.

Choice E has no bearing on the argument as well.

(6) The author is most probably leading up to a discussion of some suggestions about how to:

A. centralize authority for drug surveillance in the United States

B. centralize authority for drug surveillance among international agencies

C. coordinate better the sharing of information among the drug surveillance agencies

D. eliminate the availability and sale of certain drugs now on the market

E. improve drug testing procedures to detect dangerous effects before drugs are approved


Option(C) is correct

This is an application question, and the correct answer is choice (C).

In the last paragraph, the author suggests that uniting disparate elements into a comprehensive
surveillance program is inappropriate at this time. This eliminates choices (A) and (B).

The author suggests, however, that improvements are possible in each segment of the system and
urges reliance on computers to improve coordination and communication, so choice (C) is the
correct answer.

Choice (D) is wrong because although the author might advocate the elimination of the availability of
certain drugs, that is not what the passage is leading up to.

As for choice (E), although the author acknowledges that pre approval studies are not infallible, this
notion is too narrow in scope to be the next logical topic for discussion.

PASSAGE 4 Western analytical philosophy has contributed two major elements to the theory of the
political good. It is unfortunate that the value of the first element, personalism, has been diluted by
its close association with the second element, valuational solipsism.

Personalism was developed in response to the belief that nations, states, religions, or any other
corporate entity have interests that transcend the interests of the individuals that comprise them.
The central tenet of personalism, therefore, is that institutions are good or bad insofar as they are
good or bad for the individuals that are affected by them. Institutions are not good, for example,
because they preserve the nation’s culture or because they protect the natural world, unless
preserving the nation’s culture or protecting the natural world is good for the individual. As a
philosophical assumption, personalism is most useful in countering arguments for practices that
harm individuals in the name of "the greater good," or the "society at large." The personalist credo
basically states that when it comes to interests, there are no interests but human interests.
However, an excessive devotion to the theory of personalism may lead one to fall into the trap of
valuational solipsism. The word solipsism derives from the Latin for "lone self" and the theory of
valuational solipsism takes the isolated individual as the sole judge of value. The problem with this
viewpoint is obvious. By using the individual as the measure of the good, valuational solipsism
neglects to consider the whole range of social values that are part of the political experience. These
values include citizenship, status, and community, none of which can exist without reference to
other individuals.

Instead, political theories are based entirely on non-social values such as happiness, material
welfare, and utility, which are not dependent on interactions with others. Such a view obscures a
fundamental quality of the political good.

(7) The primary purpose of the passage is to: and contrast two important theories of the good in political philosophy

B.defend a theory of the political good based on personalism from the attacks of valuational

C.argue that an acceptance of personalism necessarily leads to an endorsement of valuational

solipsism as well

D.evaluate the impact that two major ideas have on the theory of good in political philosophy

E.reject the theory of valuational solipsism as an appropriate way to arrive at the definition of the
political good

Option(D) is correct
In order to answer this question, actively read the passage, focusing on the major points. The
introduction gives you the following information:
Western analytical philosophy has contributed two major elements to the theory of the political
good. It is unfortunate that the value of the first element, personalism, has been diluted by its
close association with the second element, valuational solipsism
The next paragraph discusses personalism and states that it is "useful" in some ways. The final
paragraph talks about valuational solipsism and states that it "obscures" the fundamental nature
of the political good.
Choice D is the best match for these points. Choice A is wrong because the two elements are
part of the theory of the good, not separate theories.
Choice B is wrong because there are no "attacks" from valuational solipsism.
Choice C goes too far; the passage says that the two elements can occur together, but not that
they "necessarily" go together.
Choice E is too narrow because it only addresses the final paragraph.
(8) According to the passage, the author objects to which aspect of valuational solipsism?

A. Adherents of it are less likely to recognize the contributions of personalism.

B. It includes values such as happiness, material welfare, and utility.

C. It fails to consider essential elements of the political good.

D. It places too much value on the individual at the expense of the institution.

E. It justifies policies that cause harm to individuals for the sake of the greater good.


Option(C) is correct

This is a supporting idea question. The answer is found in the third paragraph. The author states that
"solipsism neglects to consider the whole range of social values that are part of the political
experience," and that "such a view obscures a fundamental quality of the political good."

Choice A is not stated in the passage.

Choice B is true of valuational solipsism, but it’s not what the author objects to. Rather, the passage
objects to how those values are applied.

Choice D is not stated and choice E is contradicted by the passage.


PASSAGE 1 Choose the word or word set which best completes the following sentence.

A routine visit to the doctor revealed a _________ tumor in Johnny's lungs, but fortunately the
doctor determined that it was _________.

A. spurious . . . clinical
B. large . . . benign
C. obtrusive . . . indicative
D. hidden . . . incorrigible
E. fatal . . . incurable

Explanation: A "large" tumor seems to be a horrible thing, but if the doctor determines it to be
"benign", that is a fortunate. None of the other answer match the logic or emotional tenor of the

PASSAGE 2 It hath lately been asserted in parliament, that the colonies have no relation to each
other but through the parent country, i. e. that Pennsylvania and the Jerseys, and so on for the rest,
are sister colonies by the way of England; this is certainly a very round-about way of proving
relationship, but it is the nearest and only true way of proving enemyship, if I may so call it. France
and Spain never were, nor perhaps ever will be our enemies as Americans, but as our being the
subjects of Great-Britain.

But Britain is the parent country, say some. Then the more shame upon her conduct. Even brutes do
not devour their young, nor savages make war upon their families; wherefore the assertion, if true,
turns to her reproach; but it happens not to be true, or only partly so, and the phrase parent or
mother country hath been jesuitically adopted by the king and his parasites, with a low papistical
design of gaining an unfair bias on the credulous weakness of our minds. Europe, and not England, is
the parent country of America. This new world hath been the asylum for the persecuted lovers of
civil and religious liberty from every part of Europe. Hither have they fled, not from the tender
embraces of the mother, but from the cruelty of the monster; and it is so far true of England, that
the same tyranny which drove the first emigrants from home, pursues their descendants still.

Q. What does the word "credulous" mean in this context?

A. Unnoticed
B. Rampant
C. Uncritical
D. Selfish
E. Useful


Paine is making the point that their uncritical loyalty to the King is weakness. "Credulous" means
uncritical or trusting, so the meaning in this passage is conventional.

"Selfish" means overly concerned with one's own interests. "Rampant" means unceasingly
proliferating (usually of a negative thing). "Unnoticed" means unseen or not perceived. "Useful"
means able to be helpfully or effectively used.

PASSAGE3. Any modern musical performance is almost impossible to countenance without the
presence of an electric guitar. Most of the time it is a solid-body electric guitar, and while they seem
ubiquitous and obvious now, that was not always the case. First invented in the early 1930s, the first
electric guitar simply amplified existing guitars. No one thought of it as a new instrument, but merely
a way to put a microphone inside of the guitar. Through the use of electronic pickups that went
straight to an amplifier, the sound of the guitar could be broadcast over loud jazz bands with drums
and horns. At the time, most everyone believed an electric guitar still had to look like an acoustic
guitar, and all models featured a hollow body acoustic shape that would resonate with the sound of
the guitar strings. In all actuality, the only necessity for an electric guitar is an electric pickup to
capture their small vibrations. An electric guitar does not, and never did, need a space to resonate
the sound of the strings. Instead, it could be a simple block, with the fret-board, strings, and a pick
up attached to a piece of lumber. This method is exactly what the famous guitar player and maker
Les Paul did with his “Log,” but Les Paul's “Log” revealed some of the biases against a solid-body
guitar. While the guitar was just one solid piece of wood, Paul would attach two wings to it that
made the guitar look like a hollow body.

Despite Les Paul’s innovations, few manufacturers made a marketable solid-body guitar.
Rickenbacker and Bigsby were both companies that made limited productions of solid-body electric
guitars. Leo Fender was the first luthier to make a popular, mass-market electric solid-body guitar.
Leo Fender started his career by working on radios and other small electronic devices, but developed
an interest in building guitars. Immediately after World War II, big bands were considered
antiquated, and small honky-tonk and boogie-woogie combos wanted cheaper, sturdier, and better
intonated guitars, that they could play faster and louder. Leo Fender obliged with his Esquire guitar.
Looking completely unlike any guitar made before, and being extremely thin, with no resonating
panels, Fender’s guitar was revolutionary. While Fender continued to tweak it through the years,
one thing remains the same: the general shape of the guitar. Renamed first the Broadcaster, then
the more famous Telecaster, the silhouette of Fender’s Esquire is still a popular choice among
musicians today.

Q. It can be inferred from the passage that the Bigsby and Rickenbacker companies __________.

A. were not highly innovative guitar manufacturers

B. took many of their ideas from Leo Fender's innovations

C. helped inspire the creation of Les Paul's "Log" guitar

D. never had any success in manufacturing guitars

F.were never as successful as Fender in marketing their guitars

PASSAGE 4 When winding an old clock, it is important not to overwind it. Overwinding occurs when
the mainspring is almost fully wound, but the operator continues to turn the winding key. This
causes the main spring to coil too tightly, and might even break it.

Q. what is the main idea of this paragraph

a. clocks have changed over the years.

b. old-fashioned clocks become fragile with age.

c. old-fashioned clocks were operated by an internal spring.

d. overwinding clocks used to be a common mistake.

e. time flies when you're having fun.

Ans- . c. The passage cautions against overwinding, stating that it can break the clock's main spring.
From this, one can infer that the clock is run by a spring. The other choices may or may not be true,
but they are not addressed in the passage.

PASSAGE 5 Identify the tone of the passage

All registered cyclists have passed an examination covering traffic rules and safety. Those interested
in the new BikeShare Program must register their bicycles and provide a major credit card to ensure
payment. Call 555-1212 for more information.

(A) argumentative

(B) sentimental

(C) idealistic

(D) informative

(E) caustic
Answer:D informative

The passage is straightforward, giving you information without evaluating the content. Choice (D) is
a perfect fit. Do you know the meaning of Choice (E)? A caustic tone drips acid all over the reader.
You may hear a caustic tone during some arguments.

PASSAGE 6 Identify the tone of the passage

On hot summer nights his family drove to the local ice cream stand, where, for just a few minutes,
nothing mattered but the cold, sweet treat. No dessert, before or since, was as delicious as a double-
dip cone eaten while he balanced on a log behind the parking lot.
(A) nostalgic
(B) biting
(C) irreverent
(D) cynical
(E) satirical

Answer:A nostalgic

You’re strolling down a memory lane here, with no potholes in sight. Therefore, nostalgic (yearning
for a happy moment in the past) is your answer. Take a second for vocabulary: a biting tone cuts and
hurts, an irreverent one mocks something considered holy, and a cynical tone is distrustful and
bitter. You’ve probably seen satirical comedy shows that specialize in ridicule.



Although European decisions during the 16th and 17th centuries to explore, trade with, and colonize
large portions of the world brought tremendous economic wealth and vast geographic influence, the
enormous success of European maritime ventures during the age of exploration also engendered a
litany of unintended consequences for most of the nations with which Europe interacted. Due to
their incredible military force, religious zeal, and uncompromising goal of profit, Europeans often
imposed their traditions, values, and customs on the people with whom they traded. They
frequently acted without regard to the long-term welfare of others as their principal concern was
short-term economic gain. Since many nations that traded with Europe placed high value on their
historical customs, some natives became deeply disconcerted by the changes that occurred as a
result of European power. These factors, coupled with perennial domestic political instability, caused
numerous countries to grow increasingly resistant to European influence.

One potent example of this ideological shift can be seen in the actions of the Tokugawa government
of Japan. In its Seclusion Edict of 1636, the government attempted to extricate cultural interactions
with Europe from the intimate fabric of Japanese society. The Edict attempted to accomplish this by
focusing on three areas. First, it sought to curb cultural exchange by eliminating people bringing
European ideas into Japan. The Edict stated, "Japanese ships shall by no means be sent abroad….All
Japanese residing abroad shall be put to death when they return home." Second, the Edict focused
on limiting trade. Articles 11 through 17 of the Edictimposed stringent regulations on trade and
commerce. Third, the government banned Christianity, which it saw as an import from Europe that
challenged the long-established and well-enshrined religious traditions of Japan. The government
went to considerable lengths to protect its culture. Article eight of the Edict stated, "Even ships shall
not be left untouched in the matter of exterminating Christians."

With the example of Japan and the examples of other countries that chose a different response to
European influence, it is perhaps not too far of a stretch to conclude that Japan made the right
decision in pursuing a path of relative isolationism. As history unfolded during the next 400 years, in
general, countries that embraced European hegemony, whether by choice or by force, tended to
suffer from pernicious wealth inequality, perennial political instability, and protracted

Q1. It can best be inferred from the passage that in 1636, the Japanese government:

A. Saw its citizens living abroad as potential threats

B. Considered all foreign religions a danger

C. Disagreed with the European philosophy that trade brought wealth

D. Foresaw the economic dangers of European trade and imperialism

E. Believed that ideas coming into Japan via foreign interactions provided no positive impact to
Japanese society

Option(A) is correct
A. This matches a sentence from the second paragraph: "The Edict stated, 'Japanese ships shall
by no means be sent abroad….All Japanese residing abroad shall be put to death when they
return home.'" If those living abroad were put to death upon returning, it is safe to conclude that
the government saw these individuals as threats.
B. The passage states that actions were taken against Christianity (not all religions): "Third, the
government banned Christianity"
C. The passage makes no mention of Japanese economic philosophy
D. The passage makes no mention that Japan foresaw the dangers of trade with Europe.
Further, the reasons given for Japan's actions are cultural not economic.
E. The phrase "provided no positive impact" is a strong statement. Although the article is clear
that Japan felt that the European influence damaged its culture, this is not enough evidence to
claim that absolutely nothing positive came from European "ideas".
Q2. Which of the following best characterizes the most significant motivation for Europe's behaviour
with Japan during the 17th century?

A.Religious zeal

B. Long-term political concerns

C. Short-term economic self-interest

D. Cultural imperialism

E. Territorial aggrandizement
Option(C) is correct
The section of the passage that is most of interest is: "Due to their incredible military force,
religious zeal, and uncompromising goal of profit, Europeans often imposed their traditions,
values, and customs on the people with whom they traded. They frequently acted without regard
to the long-term welfare of others as their principal concern was short-term economic gain."
A. Although the passage mentions European "religious zeal," the passage states that the
"principal concern was short-term economic gain". Further, the passage devotes almost no
attention to elucidating the details of proselytizing efforts.
B. The passage explicitly contradicts this, stating that Europe "frequently acted without regard to
the long-term welfare of others".
C. This matches the passage, which states: Europe's "principal concern was short-term
economic gain".

D. This was the result of Europe's behavior, not the motivation for the behavior. Further, the
passage states that the "principal concern was short-term economic gain".
E. The passage makes no mention of Europe's attempt to take over Japan's land.
Q3. The author most likely included the quotation from Article Eight of the Edict at the end of the
second paragraph to:

A. Highlight the venomous anger many Japanese leaders felt toward the importation of foreign

B. Emphasize the determination of the Japanese government to protect itself from foreign
influences it saw as damaging

C. Illustrate how pervasive foreign religious influence had become in Japanese society

D. Emphasize that European economic influence offered no justification for the Edict and the
government relied instead on foreign religious influence to justify the Edict

E. Provide an example of Japan's effort to curb cultural and economic exchange

Option(B) is correct
In order to understand why the quotation was used, it is essential to examine the broader
Context: "Third, the government banned Christianity, which it saw as an import from Europe that
challenged the long-established and well-enshrined religious traditions of Japan. The
government went to considerable lengths to protect its culture."
Immediately before the quote, the author states that Japan "went to considerable lengths to
protect its culture." The author proceeds to include the quote in order to provide evidence of the
lengths to which Japan went. In other words, the quote serves as evidence of the determination
of the Japanese government to root out cultural influences.
A. The article provides no evidence that the Japanese government hated foreign religions
(strictly speaking). Instead, the article focuses on the government's dislike of the weakening of
Japanese culture at the hands of these religions.
B. Since the "government went to considerable lengths to protect its culture", the quote shows
the government's determination.
C. The government's decision to destroy ships associated in any way with Christianity does not
mean that Christianity deeply infiltrated the society (ships would have been the first things to
have been influenced). Rather, it shows how thorough Japan was in extricating Christianity.
D. European economic influence clearly provided a justification for the Edictas "Articles 11
through 17 of the Edict imposed stringent regulations on trade and commerce"
E. Although there is no doubt that this is an example of Japan's effort to curb cultural exchange,
the quote does not deal with efforts to curb economic exchange. Further, the passage already
provided multiple other examples of Japan's effort to curb cultural exchange (see earlier: "First, it
sought to curb cultural exchange by eliminating people bringing European ideas into Japan.")
Q4. Based upon the passage, the author would likely agree most strongly with which of the following

A. European decisions made during the 16th and 17th centuries in dealing with Japan represent an
aberration from the typical pattern of European decisions

B. Japanese rulers who responded with ferocity to European influence bear part of the responsibility
for the caustic European-Japanese relationship that ensued

C. With the hindsight of history, Japan likely made the appropriate decision in extricating itself from
European influence

D. European religious and cultural values conflicted with European economic behaviour toward

E. The width and breadth of Japan's cultural fabric suffered from its seclusionist policies

Option(C) is correct
The correct answer cannot contradict any part of the author's views. An answer that has a text to
support it but is later contradicted in the passage cannot be the correct answer. Further, the
author summarizes his views in the last paragraph.
A. The first half of the first paragraph and the opening sentence of the second paragraph
explicitly contradict this, noting that "numerous countries" resented Europe's imperialism.
B. The passage does not deal with who is to blame for caustic relations, but rather Japan's
response and its ramifications.
C. This is the author's summary toward the end of the passage: "it is perhaps not too far of a
stretch to conclude that Japan made the right decision in pursuing a path of relative isolationism."
D. The author makes little differentiation between the religious, cultural, and economic values
Europe espoused: "Due to their incredible military force, religious zeal, and uncompromising goal
of profit, Europeans often imposed their traditions, values, and customs on the people with whom
they traded."
E. The author never discusses the cultural ramifications of Japan's policies. The closest the
author comes to this is simply to state that Japan likely made the correct decision in
implementing seclusionist policies (which would imply that Japan's culture did not suffer
PASSAGE 2 The trouble started on May 4, 2004,only days after Google‘s celebrated
coming- out party. Geico, the giant automobile insurer, filed a lawsuit against the search
engine for trademark infringement. The insurer claimed the Google‘s advertising system
unlawfully profited form trademarks that Geico owned. Since all of Google‘s revenue and
growth was from advertising, the disclosure of the lawsuit appeared ominous. "We are, and
may be in the future, subject to intellectual property right claims, which are costly to defend,
could require us to pay damages, and could limit our ability to use certain technologies,"
Google disclosed in public filing outlining potential risks. Abroad, where Google had
promising growth prospects, similar court challenges also arose. "A court in France held us
liable for allowing advertisers to select certain trademarked terms as keywords," the company
declared. "We have appealed this decision. We were also subject to two lawsuits in Germany
on similar matters.

To make matters worse, it turned out that prior to its IPO filing, Google had eased its
trademark policy in the U.S., allowing companies to place ads even if they were pegged to
terms trademarked and owned by others. That was a significant shift, and one, Google
warned could increase the risk of lawsuits against the company. It was also a practice that
Yahoo, its search engine rival, did not permit. Google claimed it made the policy change to
serve users, but some financial analysts said it appeared designed to pump profits before the

And there was more. Competition form Yahoo and Microsoft posed a greater challenger to
Google following the disclosure about its mammoth profitability. With so much money at
stake, the intensity of the competition would heat up. Such competition might be good for
computer users searching the Internet, but Google said it posed additional risk for potential
shareholders. "If Microsoft or Yahoo are successful in providing similar or better Web search
results compared to ours or leverage their platforms to make their Web search services easier
to access than ours, we could experience a significant decline in user traffic," the company
disclosed. In addition, Google warned that its momentum seemed unsustainable due to
competition and "the inevitable decline in growth rates as our revenues increase to a higher

The there was the question of Googles‘s exclusive reliance on advertising, and one particular
type of advertising, for all of its revenue. That was potentially quite one particular type of
advertising, for all of its revenue. That was potentially quite problematic. If Yahoo or
Microsoft gained ground on search, users could flock to their Web sites, and advertisers could
follow, "The reduction in spending by; or loss of, advertisers could seriously harm our
business," the company disclosed in its SEC filing.

In the beginning, the firm, earned all of its money from ads triggered by searches on But now, most of its growth and half of its sales were coming primarily from
the growing network of Web sites that displayed ads Google provided. This self-reinforcing
network had a major stake in Google‘s successful future. It gave the search engine, operating
in the manner of a television network providing ads and programming to network affiliates, a
sustainable competitive advantage. But there was a dark side there too, because of the
substantial revenue firm a handful of Google partners, notably America Online and the search
engine Ask Jeeves. If at any point they left Google and cut a deal with Microsoft or Yahoo,
the lost revenue would be immense and difficult to replace. "If one or more of these key
relationships is terminated or not renewed, and is not replaced with a comparable
relationship, our business would be adversely affected," the company stated.
Google‘s small, nonintrusive text ads wee a big hit. But like major television an cable
networks, which were hurt by innovations that enabled users to tune out commercials, the
company faced the risk that users could simply turn ads off if mew technologies emerged.

Going public also posed a potentially grave risk to Google‘s culture. Life at the Googleplex
was informal. Larry and Sergey knew many people by their first names and still signed off on
many hires. With rapid growth and an initial public offering, more traditional management
and systems would have to be implemented. No more off-theshelf software to track revenue
on the cheap. Now it was time for audits by major accounting firms. As Google‘s head count
and sales increased, keeping it running without destroying its culture was CEO Eric
Schmidt‘s biggest worry.

Google, the NOUN that became a verb, had built a franchise and a strong brand name with
global recognition based entirely on word of mouth. Nothing like it had been done before on
this scale. The Internet certainly helped. But Google‘s profitability would erode if the
company were forced to begin spending the customary sums of money on advertising and
marketing to maintain the strength of its brand awareness. Marketing guru Peter Sealey said
privately that the advice he gave Google to study consumer perception of the Google brand
was rejected by the company and that they were unwilling to spend money on marketing.

Q1. Which of the following Statement is false?

A. Google has been potentially vulnerable to external competition owing to its exclusive
reliance on advertising for resource generation.

B. By writing the "the noun that became a verb", the author indicates the growing popularity
of the search engine.

C. "Non-intrusive" in the current passage refers to the advertisement format that does not
directly hamper or distract the flow of operation of the person working in the computer.

D. The legal dispute between Google and the automobile giant Geico during May 2004
centred on the advertising system and the trademark policy adopted by the latter.

Option(D) is correct
Geico was a ‗giant automobile insurer‘ as mentioned in para 1, line 2.

Q2. What conclusion can you form about ‗Altavista‘ from the passage?

A. It has been a partner of Google.

B. It has been a Competitor of Google.

C. It cannot be concluded from the passage.

D. It was a partner of Google initially, but later emerged as a major competitor

Option(C) is correct
Altavista is not mentioned in the passage.

Q3. Which of the following sentence is false?

A. Google has not been keen to undertake any major analysis on the popular impression
about the Google brand.

B. Google‘s resolution to provide the search engine and programming to collaborators like
America Online ensured significant revenue for bout sides involved.

C. Google‘s perceived concern over Intellectual Property issues in the passage has been
quoted from a confidential company report.

D. With increase in the volume of Google‘s total annual revenue, it was anticipated by the
management that the annual growth rate of their business may decline.

Option(C) is correct
In para 1, line 8, it is mentioned that Google disclosed it in a public filing

Read the passage and answer the questions given below-.

Management is a set of processes that can keep a complicated system of people and technology to
run smoothly. The most important aspects of management include planning, budgeting, organizing,
staffing, controlling and problem-solving. Leadership is a set of processes that creates organizations
in the first place or adapts them to significantly changing circumstances. Leadership defines what the
future should look like, aligns people with that vision and inspires them to make it happen despite
the obstacles. This distinction is absolutely crucial for our purposes here: Successful transformation
is 70 to 90 per cent leadership and only 10 to 30 percent management. Yet for historical reasons,
many organizations today don't have much leadership. And almost everyone thinks about the
problem here as one of managing change. For most of this century, as we created thousands and
thousands of large organizations for the first time in human history, we didn't have enough good
managers to keep all those bureaucracies functioning. Many companies and universities developed
management programs, and hundreds and thousands of people were encouraged to learn
management on the job. And they did. But, people were taught little about leadership. To some
degree, management was emphasized because it's easier to preach than leadership. But even more
so, management was the main item on the twentieth century agenda because that's what was
needed. For every entrepreneur or business builder who was a leader, we needed hundreds of
managers to run their ever-growing enterprises. Unfortunately for us today, this emphasis on
management has often been institutionalized in corporate cultures that discourage employees from
learning how to lead. Ironically, past success is usually the key ingredient in producing this outcome.
The syndrome, as I have observed it on many occasions, goes like this: Success creates some degree
of marked dominance which in turn produces much growth. After a while, keeping the ever-larger
organization under control becomes the primary challenge. So, attention turns inward and
managerial competencies are nurtured. With a strong emphasis on management, but not leadership,
bureaucracy and an inward focus takeover. But with continued success, the result mostly of market
dominance, the problem often goes unaddressed and an unhealthy arrogance begins to evolve. All
of these characteristics then make any transformation effort much more difficult. Arrogant
managers can over-evaluate their current performance and competitive position, listen poorly and
learn slowly. Inwardly focused employees can have difficulty seeing the very forces that present
threats and opportunities. Bureaucratic cultures can smother those who want to respond to shifting
conditions. And the lack of leadership leaves no force inside these organizations to break out of the

1.Why did companies and universities develop programs to prepare managers in such large

A. Companies and universities wanted to generate funds through these programs.

B. The large number of organizations were created as they needed managers in good number.

C. Organizations did not want to spend their scarce resources in training managers.

D. Organizations wanted to create communication network through trained managers.

2.Which of the following characteristics helps an organization in its efforts to transform?

A. Emphasis on leadership and not management

B. Strong and dogmatic culture

C. Bureaucratic and inward-looking approach

D. Failing to acknowledge the value of customers and shareholders

E. none of the above

3.Find the word that most closely means the same as the word 'smother'.

A. Suppress

B. Encourage

C. Instigate

D. Soft

Read the passage and answer the questions given below-.

The economic transformation of India is one of the great business stories of our time. As stifling
government regulations have been lifted, entrepreneurship has flourished, and the country has
become a high-powered center for information technology and pharmaceuticals. Indian companies
like Infosys and Wipro are powerful global players, while Western firms like G.E. and I.B.M. now have
major research facilities in India employing thousands. India's seemingly endless flow of young,
motivated engineers, scientists, and managers offering developed-world skills at developing-world
wages is held to be putting American jobs at risk, and the country is frequently heralded as "the next
economic superpower"

But India has run into a surprising hitch on its way to superpower status: its inexhaustible supply of
workers is becoming exhausted. Although India has one of the youngest workforces on the planet,
the head of lnfosys said recently that there was an "acute shortage of skilled manpower and a study
projects that this year salaries for skilled workers will rise fourteen and a half per cent, a sure sign
that demand for skilled labor is outstripping supply.

How is this possible in a country that every year produces two and a half million college graduates
and four hundred thousand engineers? Start with the fact that just ten per cent of Indians get any
kind of post-secondary education, compared with some fifty per cent who do in the U.S. Moreover,
of that ten per cent, the vast majority go to one of India's seventeen thousand colleges, many of
which are closer to community colleges than to four-year institutions. India does have more than
three hundred universities, but a recent survey by the London Times Higher Education Supplement
put only two of them among the top hundred in the world. Many Indian graduates therefore enter
the workforce with a low level of skills. A current study led by Vivek Wadhwa, of Duke University, has
found that if you define "engineer' by U.S. standards, India produces just a hundred and seventy
thousand engineers a year, not four hundred thousand. Infosys says that, of 1.3 million applicants
for jobs last year, it found only two per cent acceptable.

India has taken tentative steps to remedy its skills famine-the current government has made noises
about doubling spending on education, and a host of new colleges and universities have sprung up
since the mid-nineties. But India's impressive economic performance has made the problem seem
less urgent than it actually is, and allowed the government to defer difficult choices. (In a country
where more than three hundred million people live on a dollar a day, producing college graduates
can seem like a low priority.) Ultimately, the Indian government has to pull off a very tough trick,
making serious changes at a time when things seem to be going very well. It needs, in other words, a
clear sense of everything that can still go wrong. The paradox of the Indian economy today is that
the more certain it’s glowing future seems to be, the less likely that future becomes.

1.Which of these could you infer according to the passage?

a. Wages in the developing countries are less as compared to wages in the developed countries

b.Wages in the developing countries are more as compared to wages in the developed countries

c. Wages in the developing countries are same as wages in the developed countries

d.None of these

2.What can you infer as the meaning of stifling from the passage ?

a. Democratic

c. Impacting


3.Why India has extra skilled labour ?

a. The total amount of young population is low

b.The total number of colleges are insufficient

c. Students do not want study

d.Maximum universities and colleges do not match global standards

Read the passage and answer the questions given below-.

When it came to promoting its new video-game console, the Wii, in America, Nintendo recruited a
handful of carefully chosen suburban mothers in the hope that they would spread the word among
their friends that the Wii was a gaming console the whole family could enjoy together. Nintendo
thus became the latest company to use "word-of-mouth" marketing. Nestle, Sony and Philips have
all launched similar campaigns in recent months to promote everything from bottled water to
electric toothbrushes. As the power of traditional advertising declines, what was once an
experimental marketing approach is becoming more popular.

After all, no form of advertising carries as much weight as an endorsement from a friend. "Amway
and Tupperware know you can blend the social and economic to business advantage," says Walter
Carl, a marketing guru at Northeastern University The difference now, he says, is that the internet
can magnify the effect of such endorsements.

The difficulty for marketers is creating the right kind of buzz and learning to control it. Negative
views spread just as quickly as positive ones, so if a product has flaws, people will soon find out. And
Peter Kim of Forrester, a consultancy, points out that when Microsoft sent laptops loaded with its
new Windows Vista software to influential bloggers in an effort to get them to write about it, the
resulting online discussion ignored Vista and focused instead on the morality of accepting gifts and
the ethics of word-of-mouth marketing. Bad buzz, in short.

Demand for all kinds of consumer products is about to surge, in short And although restrictions on
foreign investment prevent retail giants such as Wal-Mart and Tesco from entering India directly,
different rules apply to companies that sell their own products under a single brand, as luxury-goods
firms tend to. Since January 2006 they have been allowed to take up to 51% in Indian joint ventures.
India is also an attractive market for luxury goods because, unlike China, it does not have a
flourishing counterfeit industry. Credit is becoming more easily available.

1.What is the experimental approach being discussed in the first paragraph ?

a. Word of mouth marketing

b.Selling of video game consoles , bottled water and electric toothbrushes

c. Traditional advertising

d. None of these

2. What is the tone of passage?

a. Neutral

b. Biased

c. Celebratory

d. Critical

3. What can we infer from Walter Carls statement ?

A. Amway and Tupperware are products where word of mouth marketing could be used

B. Amway and Tupperware are the consumers who appreciated word of mouth marketing

C. Amway and Tupperware are companies who use wor of marketing

D. none of these

Directions (1 to 5): Read the passage given below and then answer the questions given
below the passage.

The new financial secretary Donald Tsang has said he is committed to the principle and
philosophy of financial management enshrined by his predecessor Sir Hamish Macleod. It
was really not surprising to hear such a message as our Government has consistently
reiterated its noninterventionist policy. Our Government is proud of the low taxation policy,
free market operations and the enterprising nature of the economy, as it believes that all these
lay the strong financial foundations that make possible the economic boom in Hong Kong.
Hence, the role of the Government is to interfere, as little as possible, in the public sector, for
fear of damaging the "normal" operation of the market. Government spending in money
terms had never exceeded 20 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), since 1945.
Many people in Hong Kong are scared by the spectre of unemployment and yet the
Government has done nothing to solve the problem, because administration officials do not
want to spoil the miraculous market mechanism. There is talk of "self-help" by entrepreneurs
involved in the market. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate is rocketing; I believe the
Government should act to combat this problem. Owing to the lack of a comprehensive
unemployment security scheme and unemployment insurance which exist in western
industrial countries (for example, the US and Germany), Hong Kong's jobless suffer more
psychological and social pressure than their Western Counterparts. The unemployed have a
heavy psychological burden to bear. This can lead to them having feeling of low self-esteem
and a feeling that they are worthless. Those who seek help from the Social Welfare
Department (SWD) have to endure the complicated application procedure and the inhuman
and harsh means test. The procedure to apply for assistance is not as easy as one would
imagine. It puts the unemployed under great pressure. I do not believe that maintaining the
policy of minimal government intervention will stem rising unemployment. The Government
should make its "invisible" hand in the market become visible by, for example, creating more
job opportunities for the unemployed; ensuring age and sex discrimination do not exist in the
workplace, restraining employers from exploiting employees, in the way that some employers
do by taking on casual staff and making them work long hours and, finally,. bringing under
control the "crazy" property speculation of capitalists

1. What is the writer's attitude to the new financial secretary Donald Tsang?
(A) Encouraging (B) Critical
(C) Supportive (D) Committed
(E) None of these

2. What is the main point of paragraph?

(A) To analyze then problem
(B) To give reasons for the call for action
(C) To describe the pattern of government spending
(D) To describe the operation of the free market.
(E) None of these

3. What is the writer's attitude to the role of government in the Hong Kong economy?
(A) Critical of the new initiatives taken
(B) Agreeing that the less intervention, the better
(C) Arguing that more intervention is required
(D) Arguing that in the past the wrong type of intervention has taken place in Hong Kong.
(E) None of these

4. In passage 'endure' could be replaced by which of the following?

(A) Enjoy (B) Wait for
(C) Demanding (D) Put up with
(E) None of these

5. In passage ' reiterated ' could be replaced by which of the following?

(A) Take back (B) Frequent
(C) Restate (D) Rearrange
(E) None of these

1. Answer: (B) Critical 2. Answer: (B) To give reasons for the call for action 3. Answer: (C) Arguing
that more intervention is required 4. Answer: (D) Put up with 5. Answer: (C) Restate

Directions (1-5): Read the passage given below and then answer the questions given below the
More than a century later, the Earth seems to be literally falling to pieces — recent environmental
setbacks include billions of tones of ice shelves breaking off in the Antarctic and unusually warm
temperatures in different parts of the world. Panic reactions range from predictions of sinking
islands to lamenting the ill-effects of global warming induced by release of greenhouse gases into
the atmosphere. The trouble is that we are too obsessed with the climate change problem to even
acknowledge the fact that the state of the planet hinges on much more. Climate change is at best a
symptom of a far more complex malaise, just as a fever is most often only an indicator of something
that's gone awry in our body. It's time for a complete and comprehensive planetary health check,
that will examine the impacts of change in land use, loss of biodiversity, use of fertilizers and
pesticides and consistent pollution of water bodies. This would overcome the limitations of
evaluating how ecosystems work by reacting to just one major environmental concern as is
happening in the case of global warming. These considerations have been responsible for the setting
up of an international panel, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Financed by four major
international bodies, including the UN and the World Bank, the eco-panel was set up without much
fuss last June, and is expected to determine, over a period of four years and at a cost of $21 million,
the state of the Earth's-ecosystems. The eco-panel will source inputs from more than 2,000 natural
and social scientists the world over. Put simply, the Earth will go through the equivalent of a
thorough physical, so that biological, economic and social information can be collated to help
scientists arrive at a final diagnosis. The newly-constituted eco -panel will have to ensure that data
collection is more representative of the regions of the world. Today, we have the advantage of
sourcing data from remote sensing satellites as well. The information thus gathered would have to
be sorted out and analyzed by specialists and also by generalists.

1. What will be the task of the newly constituted eco-panel?

(A) To collect appropriate data for different regions of the world

(B) To manage the finances of the whole collection activity

(C) To sort out the information gathered

(D) To stop making panic reactions regarding climatic change

(E) None of these

2. What is the primary concern of the passage?

(A)The passage aims to convince the government to provide adequate funds to the Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment

(B) It shows the harmful effects of fertilizers and pesticides

(C) It mentions the environmental challenges being faced by our planet and the need to face them

(D) The passage shows concern towards the lack of proper social information to save the Ear

(E) None of these

3. What is the comparison made between fever in our body and climate changes?

(A) Like fever increases the body temperature, climate changes are making the Earth hot

(B) The comparison is made just to intensify the problems being discussed about our planet

(C) Like fever is a symptom showing the body has some problems, climate changes show that the
Earth has some problems

(D) The fever comparison shows how ecosystems work

(E) None of these

4. Which of the following word is similar to the word “lamenting”?

(A) Applauding (B) Rejoicing

(C) Contended (D) Grieving

(E) None of these

5. Which of the following word is similar to the word “obsessed”?

(A) Unconcerned (B) Possessed

(C) Uncontrolled (D) Unenthusiastic

(E) None of these

1Answer: (A) To collect appropriate data for different regions of the world 2. Answer: (B) It shows
the harmful effects of fertilizers and pesticides 3. Answer: (C) Like fever is a symptom showing the
body has some problems, climate changes show that the Earth has some problems 4. Answer: (D)
Grieving 5. Answer: (B) Possessed

Directions (1 to 5): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

India is likely to overtake Japan and Germany to become the third largest economy in the next 10
years but needs to be consistent in reforms and focus more on the social sector, British brokerage
HSBC has said. Social capital is “insufficient” in the country and spending on aspects like health and
education “is not just desirable for its *India’s+ own sake, but is also central to economic growth and
political stability,” it said. India also needs a lot of focus on ease of doing business and related
aspects like contract enforcements. “In over the next ten years, India will likely surpass Germany and
Japan to become the world’s third largest economy in nominal USD and the transition will happen
even more quickly on a PPP [purchasing power parity] basis,” its economists said in a note.
Demographics and macro stability were pointed out as key strengths for the country by the
brokerage. Its estimates show India will be a $7 trillion economy in 2028, as compared to less than $
6 trillion and $5 trillion for Germany and Japan, respectively. Presently, India’s GDP is around $2.3
trillion (fiscal 2016-17). It stands at the fifth spot in global rankings. The brokerage said the growth
rate, which will be lower in FY18 as compared to the year-ago’s 7.1% due to the introduction of
Goods and Services Tax (GST), will recover from next year in a sustainable fashion. It also made a
case against “stray reforms,” terming them as “harmful.” “There are limits to one-off reforms. India
needs to create an ecosystem of continuous change,” it said. Citing the case of GST, it said the
informal enterprises that create a bulk of jobs in the country may respond to higher taxation by
shutting shop or laying off workmen. With concerns being raised about jobless growth, it said the e-
commerce sector will create 12 million jobs over the next decade, which is half of the 24 million
shortfall. Another avenue of job creation can be the social sector, where a lot of work needs to be
done on health and education fronts, it said. India will continue to be a services oriented economy
but needs to pay extra attention on manufacturing and farm sectors as well, it said, adding that it
would be desirable to maintain the contribution of manufacturing, agriculture and services at the
current levels. Apart from services, other hallmarks of the India story over the next decade will be
higher investment and capital goods flows as its focus on manufacturing increases, Indian consumers
forcing foreign brands to turn ‘glocal’ and a two-way human capital footprint that will see many
skilled people travelling overseas, it said. “It *India+ needs to broaden its specialization *beyond just
IT in business and cricket in sports+ if it wants to run harder and fly higher,” it said.

1. Why according to the author the Indian economy may overshadow the economies of Japan
and Germany?

(I) Due to increased job opportunities in the social sector.

(II) Due to bulk of IT professionals revolutionizing the world.

(III) Due to higher investment in manufacturing, agriculture, health, education etc. over the

(IV) Due to demographic establishment leading to economic stability.

(A) Both (I) and (II) are correct

(B) Both (II) and (III) are correct

(C) Only (IV) is correct

(D) Only (II), (III) and (IV) are correct

(E) All are correct

2.What is the tone of the author in the context of the passage?

(A) Acerbic (B) Vindictive

(C) Evasive (D) Caustic

(E) Assertive

3. Why does the author feel that Demographics and macro stability are the key strengths for
the country?

(I) It will minimize the repurcussions of demonetization which have slowed down the GDP.

(II)It will give a boost to the current economy.

(III) It will increase the purchasing power of the consumers drastically, which will result in a
steep increase in the manufacturing sector.

(A) Only (I) is true

(B) Only (III) is true

(C) Both (I) and (II) are true

(D) Both (II) and (III) are true

(E) All are true

4.Which of the following statements is true according to the paragraph?

(A) In FY17, 70% of overall retail advances sourcing was through bank branches.

(B) India is likely to be the third largest economy by 2027 as reported by HSBC.

(C) The Indian story will be different from the export-oriented one of China’s, pointing out that
domestic consumption with over 550 million consumers will be the standout factor.

(D) India is likely to overtake Japan and Germany to become the fifth largest economy in the
next 10 years

(E) It is believed that financial illiteracy and financial inclusion are closely linked. Answer:

(C) The Indian story will be different from the export-oriented one of China’s, pointing out that
domestic consumption with over 550 million consumers will be the standout factor.

5.How Indian consumers are changing the marketing strategies of international brands now-a-days?

(I)They are making the international brands to dive deep into the needs of Indians.
(II)They are putting the Indian cuisine at the international front.

(III)They are allowing the commodities to be of Indo-western touch and hence fulfilling the needs of
consumers globally.

(A) Only (I) is correct

(B) Only (II) is correct

(C) Both (I) and (II) are correct

(D) Both (I) and (III) are correct

(E) All are correct

1. Answer: (E) All are correct 2. Answer: (E) Assertive 3. Answer: (B) Only (III) is true 4. Answer: (C)
The Indian story will be different from the export-oriented one of China’s, pointing out that domestic
consumption with over 550 million consumers will be the standout factor. 5. Answer: (D) Both (I)
and (III) are correct 46

Directions (1to 5): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions
given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while
answering some of the questions.

In theory, overnight air travel should be wonderfully convenient. Instead of booking a

hotel for the night and losing a day, travellers simply sleep while they fly. In reality,
sleeping on a plane is hard, and at an airport tougher still. The chairs in terminals,
nobody‘s idea of comfort to begin with, tend to have armrests that make splaying out
unfeasible. Even in business-class lounges, travellers contort themselves into impossible
shapes to pretend that workspace desks are actually beds. But soon there may be less
need for such acrobatics. Sleep pods are coming to more and more airports. Last month,
Washington Dulles International put out a call for proposals for a company to provide ―a
quiet and comfortable place within the airport to sleep, relax, or work while waiting to
board a flight‖. Mexico City‘s airport has just added sleep pods with a space-age design
for $30 a night. YotelAir, which offers pods in Amsterdam, London and Paris, is a touch
more expensive at $42 for four hours. Dearer still is Minute Suites, which has operations
in three American airports with a fourth coming later this year. Its prices start at $32 an
hour. NapCity, which is yet to sign its first lease, will charge $45 for the first hour and a
slightly lower rate after that. The concept is not new. Japan opened its first capsule
hotels in the late 1970s. But today sleep pods seem to be on the verge of conquering
Western airports. And they have taken on a distinctly Western style, leaving behind the
Asian model—often little more than a mattress and the minimum requisite space for a
human body. They have televisions and charging stations and sell items such as
toothbrushes. That is great news for flyers. But the bigger question for the future of sleep
pods is whether they make sense for airports. One concern may be revenue. Airports
generally take a cut of the money that retailers in the terminal make. That is by no means
pocket change. The founder of one capsule hotel company told Bloomberg that a single
seat in a restaurant can generate $20,000 a year. It is unclear whether sleeping pods, even
the most-compact of which take up the space of a couple of restaurant seats, will
generate returns that big. And so airports may think twice before giving up room to
them. Airports also may be wary of creating new competition for nearby hotels. They
enjoy a good relationship with these hotels, which offer lodging for airline crews and
stranded passengers, and send shuttles to and from the airports. Hoteliers would surely
balk if airports cosied up to their cheaper and more-convenient rivals. But travellers are
willing to do a lot for a good night‘s sleep. Take, for example, the new bus service that
runs from Los Angeles to San Francisco, which Gulliver recently reported on. It goes out
of its way to take longer so that passengers can get eight hours of rest. Whether airports
will be equally willing to let its customers get some shut-eye remains to be seen.

1.Why ―sleeping pods‖ can reduce the need for the ―acrobatics‖?

(A) As sleeping pods have astounding state-of-the –art technology.

(B) As sleeping pods are equipped with a bed rest and sleep.

(C) It provides efficient space and integrated technology.

(D) As it provides moments of quiet sleep and rest.

(E) All of the above.

2.What can be inferred about the needs of travellers now-a-days?

(A)They want a place where they can see ancient Greek paintings.

(B) They want to waste time in searching for a hotel.

(C) They want a place where they can involve themselves in Sales and marketing .

(D) They want a place where they can look for better jobs.

(E) The passengers don‘t want to waste their precious time and involve themselves in
the cumbersome process of booking hotel rooms in the city.

3.What are the future prospects of Sleeping pods?

(A) It ensures we do not overstay

(B) Sleeping pods can give a tough challenge to capsule hotels.

(C) Sleeping pods come with facility of payment by credit card at arrival.

(D) Upon checking out, the pods are automatically locked until cleaned by airport

(E) Sleeping pod also is equipped with an alarm clock and up-to-dateflight

4.Why do travelers prefer an overnight air travel ?

(A) Because they want to save their precious time.

(B) Because eight hours of sleep is a luxury which generally people can afford.

(C) Because these pods are slowly cropping up in airports worldwide.

(D) Because it‘s time to catch a Snooze.

(E) Because the minimum time people spend in one place is the airport sitting area.

5.How sleeping pods is an architectural delight and just the right stop for air passengers
in transit/ departure area to relax and work in their own comfort zone?

(A) Sleeping pods is an exorbitant option with unkempt design.

(B) As sleeping pods have a working charging stations and have sufficient space.

(C) As it doesn‘t saves lots of time being wasted in commuting and searching for a hotel

(D) As this (sleeping pods) comes at a convenient price on weekly basis.

(E) All the pods are located after security check (security hold area).

1.Answer: (E) All of the above. 2. Answer: (E) The passengers don’t want to waste their precious
time and involve themselves in the cumbersome process of booking hotel rooms in the city. 3.
Answer: (B) Sleeping pods can give a tough challenge to capsule hotels. 4. Answer: (A) Because they
want to save their precious time. 5. Answer: (B) As sleeping pods have a working charging stations
and have sufficient space.

Directions (1 to 5): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

The study of history traditionally has had fixed boundaries and focal points—periods, countries,
dramatic events, and great leaders. It also has had clear and firm notions of scholarly procedure:
how one inquires into a historical problem, how one presents and documents one’s findings, what
constitutes admissible and adequate proof. Anyone who has followed recent historical literature can
testify to the revolution that is taking place in historical studies. The currently fashionable subjects
come directly from the sociology catalog: childhood, work, leisure. The new subjects are
accompanied by new methods. Where history once was primarily narrative, it is now entirely
analytic. The old questions “What happened?” and “How did it happen?” have given way to the
question “Why did it happen?” Prominent among the methods used to answer the question “Why”
is psychoanalysis, and its use has given rise to psychohistory. Psychohistory does not merely use
psychological explanations in historical contexts. Historians have always used such explanations
when they were appropriate and when there was sufficient evidence for them. But this pragmatic
use of psychology is not what psychohistories intend. They are committed, not just to psychology in
general, but to Freudian psychoanalysis. This commitment precludes a commitment to history as
historians have always understood it. Psychohistory derives its “facts” not from history, the detailed
records of events and their consequences, but from psychoanalysis of the individuals who made
history, and deduces its theories not from this or that instance in their lives, but from a view of
human nature that transcends history. It denies the basic criterion of historical evidence: that
evidence be publicly accessible to, and therefore assessable by, all historians. And it violates the
basic tenet of historical method: that historians be alert to the negative instances that would refute
their theses. Psychohistorians, convinced of the absolute rightness of their own theories, are also
convinced that theirs is the “deepest” explanation of any event that other explanations fall short of
the truth. Psychohistory is not content to violate the discipline of history (in the sense of the proper
mode of studying and writing about the past); it also violates the past itself. It denies to the past an
integrity and will of its own, in which people acted out of a variety of motives and in which events
had a multiplicity of causes and effects. It imposes upon the past the same determinism that it
imposes upon the present, thus robbing people and events of their individuality and of their
complexity. Instead of respecting the particularity of the past, it assimilates all events, past and
present, into a single deterministic schema that is presumed to be true at all times and in all

1. Which of the following best states the main point of the passage?

(A) The approach of psychohistorians to historical study is currently in vogue even though it lacks the
rigor and verifiability of traditional historical method.

(B) Areas of sociological study such as childhood and work are of little interest to traditional

(C) The psychological assessment of an individual’s behavior and attitude is more informative than
the details of his or her daily life.

(D) History is composed of unique and non repeating events that must be individually analyzed on
the basis of publicly verifiable evidence.

(E) None of the above.

2. It can be inferred from the passage that the methods used by psychohistorians probably prevent
them from ___________

(A) presenting their material in chronological order

(B) producing a one-sided picture of an individual’s personality and motivations

(C) uncovering alternative explanations that might cause them to question their own conclusions

(D) offering a consistent interpretation of the impact of personality on historical events

(E) recognizing connections between a government’s political actions and the aspirations of
government leaders

3. The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?

(A)What are some specific examples of the use of psychohistory in historical interpretation?

(B) When were the conventions governing the practice of traditional history first established?

(C) When do traditional historians consider psychological explanations of historical developments


(D)What sort of historical figure is best suited for psychohistorical analysis?

(E)What is the basic criterion of historical evidence required by traditional historians?

4. The author of the passage suggests that psychohistorians view history primarily as

(A) A report of events, causes, and effects that is generally accepted by historians but which is, for
the most part, unverifiable.

(B) An episodic account that lacks cohesion because records of the role of childhood, work, and
leisure in the lives of historical figures are rare.

(C) An uncharted sea of seemingly unexplainable events that have meaning only when examined as
discrete units.

(D) A record of the way in which a closed set of immutable psychological laws seems to have shaped

(E) A proof of the existence of intricate causal interrelationships between past and present events.

5. From the passage it can be inferred that one way in which traditional history can be distinguished
from psychohistory is that traditional history usually

(I) views past events as complex and having their own individuality
(II) relies on a single interpretation of human behavior to explain historical events

(III) interprets historical events in such a way that their specific nature is transcended

(A) Only I is correct

(B) Only II is correct

(C) Only III is correct

(D) Both I and III are correct

1. Answer: (A) The approach of psychohistorians to historical study is currently in vogue even though
it lacks the rigor and verifiability of traditional historical method. 2. Answer: (C) uncovering
alternative explanations that might cause them to question their own conclusions 3. Answer: (E)
What is the basic criterion of historical evidence required by traditional historians? 4. Answer: (D) A
record of the way in which a closed set of immutable psychological laws seems to have shaped
events. 5. Answer: (A) Only I is correct
Q1. The boy laughed at beggar.

A. The beggar was laughed by the boy.

B. The beggar was being laughed by the boy.
C. The beggar was being laughed at by the boy.
D. The beggar was laughed at by the boy

Given sentence is in Past indefinite (Past simple) tense and it is in the active voice. To change
it into Passive voice Object (the boy) will become subject and subject (The beggar) will be
object. We also use helping verb of past simple tense was with V3 form of the main verb.
Keep it in mind that the preposition at must be retained with the verb.

Rule :

Subject + (was /were) + V3 + Other Agents.

Q2. The boys were playing Cricket.

A. Cricket had been played by the boys.

B. Cricket has been played by the boys.
C. Cricket was played by the boys.
D. Cricket was being played by the boy

EXPLAINATION- The given sentence is in Past Continuous Tense and it is in active

voice. We need to change it into Passive voice.

Rule :Subject + (was /were) + being + V3 + Optional Agents.

Q3. Rahul will pass the message.

A. The message will passed by Rahul.

B. The message would be passed by Rahul.
C. The message will pass by Rahul.
D. The message will be passed by Rahul.

Note : Rule to make active voice of Simple Future Tense : Passive subject + shall/will +
be + third form of verb + by + passive object

Q4. His hard work satisfied me.

A. I was satisfied for his hard work.
B. I was satisfied by his hard work.
C. I was satisfied with his hard work.
D. I was satisfied at his hard work

We use ―with‖ preposition with the word ―satisfied‖

Q5. Q5.I remember my sister taking me to the museum.

A. I remember I was taken to the museum by my sister.

B. I remember being taken to the museum by my sister.
C. I remember myself being taken to the museum by my sister.
D. I remember taken to the museum by my sister

Q6. He is writing the book.

A. The book has been written by him.
B. The book is being written by him.
C. The book is written by him.
D. The book was written by him.

Answer: b

Explanation: The correct statement is : The book is being written by him. The passive of continuous
tenses requires the present continuous form of “to be”. And the verb ‘writing’ needs to be
converted to its past participle form, that is, ‘written’.

Q7. I was determined to mortgage the car.

A. I was determined that the car should be mortgaged.

B. The car was determined to be mortgaged.
C. I was determined that car will be mortgaged.
D. I am determined that car will be mortgaged.

Answer: a

Explanation: The correct statement is: I was determined that the car should be mortgaged. Agree/
be anxious/ arrange/ be determined/ determine/ decide + infinitive + object are usually expressed in
the passive by that…should.

Q8. They drew a circle in the morning.

A. A circle was being drawn by them in the morning.

B. A circle was drawn by them in the morning.
C. In the morning a circle have been drawn by them.
D. A circle has been drawing since morning.

Given sentence is in Past simple tense and it is in active voice, we need to change it into passive

Rule :Subject + (was / were) + V3 + Optional Agents

Q9. They will demolish the entire block.

A. The entire block is being demolished.

B. The block may be demolished entirely.

C. The entire block will have to be demolished by the

D. The entire block will be demolished.

The given sentence contains one of Model verb (Model Verb = will, shall, can, may, might, could,
might, must, would). It is in active voice.

Rule :Subject + Model verb + be + V3 + Optional Objects.

Q10. Who is creating this mess?

A. Who has been created this mess?

B. By whom has this mess been created?
C. By whom this mess is being created?
D. By whom is this mess being created?

Q1. They have built a perfect dam across the river..

A. Across the river a perfect dam was built.

B. A perfect dam has been built by them across the river.

C. A perfect dam should have been built by them.

D. Across the river was a perfect dam.

Answer: Option B

Q2. Do you imitate others?

A. Are others being imitated by you?

B. Are others imitated by you?

C. Have others being imitated by you?

D. Were others being imitated by you?

Q3. You need to clean your shoes properly.

A. Your shoes are needed to clean properly.

B. You are needed to clean your shoes properly.

C. Your shoes need to be cleaned properly.

D. Your shoes are needed by you to clean properly.

Q4. The invigilator was reading out the instructions.

A. The instructions were read by the invigilator.

B. The instructions were being read out by the invigilator.

C. The instructions had been read out by the invigilator.

D. The instructions had been read by the invigilator

Q5. You can play with these kittens quite safely.

A. These kittens can played with quite safely.

B. These kittens can play with you quite safely.

C. These kittens can be played with you quite safely.

D. These kittens can be played with quite safely

Q6. James Watt discovered the energy of steam.

A. The energy of steam discovered James Watt.

B. The energy of steam was discovered by James Watt.

C. James Watt was discovered by the energy of steam.

D. James Watt had discovered energy by the steam.

Q7. The doctor advised the patient not to eat rice.

A. The patient was advised by the doctor not to eat rice.

B. The patient was advised by the doctor that he should not eat rice.

C. The patient was being advised by the doctor that he should not rice by the doctor.

D. The patient has been advised not to eat rice by the doctor.

Q8. I cannot accept your offer.

A. Your offer cannot be accepted by me.

B. I cannot be accepted by your offer.

C. The offer cannot be accepted by me.

D. Your offer cannot be accepted

Exercise 2

1. Will she tell us the truth?

A Is the truth told to us by her?
B The truth will be told to us by her.
C Will the truth be told to us by her?
D Will the truth be told us by her?

2. The telegraph wires have been cut.

A Someone has been cut the telegraph wires

B No one has cut he telegraph wires.
C The telegraph wires have cut someone.
D Someone has cut the telegraph wires.

3. We added up the money and found that it was correct.

A The money was added up and found to be correct.

B Correct it was found and the money was added up.
C The money added up by us and it was correctly found.
D The money added up by us found it was correct.

4. He likes people to call him Sir.

A He likes to be called Sir by people.

B He likes to be call Sir by people.
C He likes people who call him Sir.
D To call him Sir is liked by people.

5. The boy has rung the bell

A The bell has been rung by the boy.

B The bell was being rung by the boy.
C The bell was rung by the boy.
D The bell has been being rung by the boy.

6. Why did you not agree to my proposal?

A Why was my proposal not agreed to?
B Why was my proposal not agreed by you?
C Why my proposal was not agreed to by you?
D Why was my proposal not agreed to by you?

7. He was obliged to resign.

A He was made to resign

B To resign was his obligation
C Circumstances obliged him to resign
D Resignation obliged him

8. Someone saw him picking up a gun.

A He was seen pick up a gun by someone

B He was seen picking up a gun by someone
C he was seen when he was picking up a gun
D He was seen by someone pick a gun

9. A lion does not eat grass, however hungry he may be.

A Grass is not eaten by a lion, however hungry he may be

B Grass is not being eaten by a lion, however hungry he may be
C Grass is eaten not by a lion, however hungry he may be
D Grass is being not eaten by a lion, however hungry he may be

10. This shirt cannot be worn by me any longer.

A I cannot wear this shirt any longer.

B Wearing of this shirt any longer is not possible.
C This shirt is too worn out to be worn any longer.
D This worn out shirt cannot be worn any longer.

11. Someone pulled the bull violently.

A The bull had been pulled violently by someone.

B The bull was to be pulled violently by someone.
C The bull had been pulled violently.
D The bull was pulled violently.
12. I saw him leaving the house.

A Leaving the house he was seen by me.

B He was seen leaving the house by me.
C He had been seen leaving the house.
D He was seen to be leaving the house.

13. Dont laugh at me.

A Let me be laughed at.
B Let me be not laughed at.
C I am laughed at.
D Let me be not laughed.

14. The people elected him Mayor.

A Him was elected Mayor the people.

B He was elected Mayor by the people.
C Mayor is elected by the people.
D He is elected by the people Mayor.

15. We all know that there is only one God.

A We are all known that there is only one God.

B It is known to us all that there is only one God.
C We have all known that there is only one God.
D Only one God is known by us all.

16. Before festivals the shops are thronged with men, women and children making
various purchases.

A During festivals people throng the shops

B Men, women and children throng the shops before festivals making various
C Men, women and children make purchases during festivals.
D The shops are thronged by people making purchases.

17. The Principal has granted him a scholarship.

A A scholarship has granted to him by the Principal.

B He has been granted a scholarship by the Principal.
C He has granted a scholarship by the Principal.
D A scholarship was granted to him by the Principal.
18. Who gave you permission to enter?

A By whom were you given permission to enter?

B By whom was you given permission to enter?
C By whom you were given permission to enter?
D By whom given you permission to enter?

19. People speak English all over the word.

A English is spoken all over the world.

B English was spoken all over the world.
C English was spoken by people.
D English is spoken by people.

20. He was congratulated by his teacher on his brilliant success in the recent

A His teacher congratulated him on his brillant success in the recent examination.
B His teacher congratulated him for his success in the examination.
C His teacher congraulated him on his success.
D His teacher congratulated him.

Exercise 3

1. New tools are needed.

2. Her name is known throughout the country.
3. Tax is included in the price.
4. Manual labor is involved in this job.
5. The band's music is loved/hated.
6. Birds are often seen in the forest.
7. . The winner of the contest will be announced tomorrow.
8. It is reported that the damage from the earthquake is extensive.Or: The damage from
the earthquake is reported to be extensive.
9. Hopefully, cancer will have been cured by the year 2050.
10. I was surprised when I heard that my scholarship application had been approved.
11. This issue is being debated around the world.
12. The actor was being bombarded with questions.
13. These walls haven't been painted yet.
14. The Christmas decorations were finally taken down in February.
15. A new law has been passed.
Exercise 4

1. The football match was watched by Paul and Peter.

2. Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
3. America was discovered by Columbus in 1492.
4. The Wilsons' house was painted by Anna
5. The cup was won by the American team.
6. A picture of the sea was taken by Philip.
7. Mike was seen by my mother.
8. 'We Will Rock You' was sung by Freddy Mercury.
9. 'Da Vinci Code' was read by my parents.
10. A purse was found by my brother.
11. My sister was bitten by a dog
12. A vase was broken by Alan.
13. A cake was brought by Mary and Alice.
14. A beautiful landscape was drawn by my uncle.
15. A big pizza was eaten by my father.

Q1. Thousands of people contract tonsillitis every year, and yet all go on to live normal lives after the
operation. We can conclude, from this observation, that the tonsils have no function in the body.

The argument would be most weakened by which of the following, if it were true?

a) People live normal lives after appendectomies, but the appendix is known to be part of the
digestive system.

b) The tonsils have been shown to have a vital role to play in the physiology of laboratory
rabbits and mice.

c) The human tonsil develops as part of the immune system, a system of vital importance in
defense against disease.

d) Another part of the body can take over the function of the tonsils if they are removed.

e) Tonsillectomies are performed only when the tonsils become seriously infected.

EXPLANATION - The conclusion states that the tonsils have no function in the body. To weaken this
conclusion, we should try to show that the tonsils do in fact have a function, at least at some point in
human life. Comparison with another organ is not really useful, as they might be very different from
tonsils, and what happens in other animals is also not directly relevant. And discussing where the
tonsils develop has nothing to do with their function. Finally, though an organ might develop as part
of a system and yet have no function (like the appendix or muscles that wiggle the ear), the only
answer left suggests there is a function even though this function can be taken over by another part
of the body. This suggestion most weakens the argument posed above.

Q2. According to an article in a nutritional magazine, eating beets significantly lowers the risk of
cancer. The article refers to a study that found that people who consumed one or more beets per
day were half as likely to be diagnosed with cancer as people who did not.

Which of the following, if true, most weakens the argument in the magazine article?

a) The study was only conducted in one city.

b) The participants in the study who ate beets were more likely to exercise regularly than those
who did not eat beets.
c) In another experiment, cancer patients who ate one or more beets per day were no more
likely to recover than those who ate no beets.
d) Participants in the study reported consuming no vegetables other than beets.
e) Another study found that people who consumed one tablespoon of fish oil per day were
more than four times less likely to be diagnosed with cancer as those who did not.

EXPLANATION - Because study participants who ate beets were also more likely to exercise regularly
than those who did not eat beets, it is impossible to determine whether beets or regular exercise
were more influential in preventing cancer. Thus this is the correct answer.

Q3. Students from outside the province of Merryweather, who in any given academic year pay twice
as much tuition each as do students from within Merryweather, had traditionally accounted for at
least two-thirds of the enrolment at Central Merryweather College. Over the past 10 years academic
standards at the college have risen, and the proportion of students who are not from Merryweather
has dropped to around 40%.

Which one of the following reasonably be inferred from the statements above?

a) Over the past 10 years academic standards at Central Merryweather College have risen
more than academic standards at any other college in Merryweather.
b) If it had not been for the high tuition paid by students from outside Merryweather, the
college could not have improved its academic standards over the past 10 years.
c) If the college’s per capita revenue from tuition has remained the same, tuition fees have
increased over the past 10 years.
d) Over the past 10 years the number of students from Merryweather increased and the
number of students from outside Merryweather decreased.
e) If academic standards had not risen over the past 10 years, students who are not from
Merryweather would still account for at least two-thirds of the college’s enrollment


Since we cannot say what was responsible for the increased academic standards, we can rule out
any attempt to explain it. It could be that more residents of Merryweather began to attend the
school, as opposed to a reduction in those from outside Merryweather, or vice versa, so avoid
explanations as to why the population decreased.

The only thing we can infer from the information given is that there could be tuition increases if per
capita revenue remained the same: Say students not from Merryweather used to account for
66\%66% and were paying, for example, \$100\textup{,}000 in total for tuition, if they now account
for 40\%40%, they must pay a higher tuition to maintain a stable per capita revenue.

Q4. A medical degree is necessary for appointment to the hospital's board of directors. Further, no
one having more than a five-percent equity stake in a pharmaceutical company can be appointed to
the board of directors. Consequently, Dell, a practicing physician with a PhD in bioethics, cannot be
appointed the hospital's treasurer, since he owns fifteen percent of PillCo, a pharmaceutical

The argument’s conclusion follows logically if which one of the following is assumed?

a) A PhD is not necessary for appointment to the position of treasurer.

b) PillCo is one of the hospital's pharmaceutical vendors.
c) If Dell sold his stake in PillCo, he would be appointed treasurer.
d) Only those eligible for appointment to the hospital's board of directors can be appointed as
the hospital's treasurer.
e) Anyone with a medical degree who does not hold more than a five-percent stake in any
pharmaceutical company is eligible for appointment to the hospital's board of directors.


To answer this question, it is necessary to recognize that while appointment criteria are set forth
for the board of directors, they are applied to the position of Treasurer. We are never told that a
Treasurer is a member of the board of directors. Thus, the conclusion is only warranted if
eligibility for appointment to the board is a necessary condition for appointment to the position
of Treasurer.

Q5. Mike: We have too many people using each of the fax machines in our office. The high
frequency of breakdowns is due to too many people handling the same hardware.

Lisa: We have just as many people working in our office, yet we hardly need any repairs to our
machines. Our machines must be more robust than yours.

Lisa's argument would be most strengthened by providing data on the __________.

a) actual number of people in the two offices

b) number of fax machine's in Mike's office

c) type of fax machines that are in both offices

d) number of visits by fax machine engineers to service the computers in Mike's office

e) ratio of fax machines to users in her office


Though Lisa tells Mike that there are as many people in her office as in his, she fails to mention
how many fax machines there are. If there is one fax machine to each person in her office, her
argument is invalid. To strengthen her argument, she should show a similar ratio of fax
machines to users. Conversely, the actual number of people, fax machines or breakdowns is not
really important as it is the usage that is in dispute. Furthermore, while the type of fax
machines is indeed important in robustness, the point that Lisa is answering is whether there are
too many people handling the same fax machines.

Q6. Research has shown that there is a direct correlation between increased gas prices and use
of public transportation in large American cities. A council of American mayors plans to discuss a
national campaign to promote the use of public transportation.

The author assumes which of the following about public transportation in American cities?

a) Many potential users of public transportation are unaware of its benefits

b) All users of public transportation are poor and are thus more heavily impacted by higher gas

c) Public transportation systems are an economic drain on large American cities

d) Most large American cities do not have effective public transportation systems

e) The cost of operating public transportation systems is directly tied to gas prices


The decision of the mayors to promote the use of public transportation is an indication that they
do not believe that citizens are aware of its benefits.

None of the other answer choices can be supported by the information in the passage.

Q7. The current crisis involving student-loan debt has forced many recent college graduates to
work multiple jobs, fall behind in paying other debts, or continue living with their parents for
many years. This reality, combined with rising tuition and other costs associated with college,
are making higher-education a less attractive option for many high school graduates. America is
facing the possibility of having its first generation that is less educated than the previous one.

Of the following, what can be most properly inferred from the passage above?

a) Many college graduates are unable to find jobs that enable them to afford to pay their
student-loan debts immediately after they graduate

b) Student loan debt only applies to those students who have graduated

c) Current American high school students are largely unaware of the potential drawbacks of
student loans

d) American high school students of today are less prepared for college than their parents were

e) Interest rates for student loans have risen dramatically in recent years


Since many college students are resorting to rather extreme measures to pay their loans, it
can be reasonably inferred that they lack the income to make the payments.

None of the other answer choices can be supported by the information in the passage

Q8. It is strange that in Portland there are so many corner shops selling food items. After all there
are many supermarkets in the city which sell food at cheaper prices, and many of these
supermarkets are open 24-hours.

Which of the following, if true, would be of the least help in explaining the paradoxical observation?

a) The corner shops offer home deliveries.

b) The corner shops are selling specialist food items not available in the supermarkets.
c) The corner shops are mainly family-owned businesses that have been there for much longer
than the supermarkets and are thus perceived as an important feature of the community.

d) The main business of the local shops is newspaper distribution and food items are only a
small part of their turnover.

e) The supermarkets are mostly located on the outskirts of the city and residents require cars
or public transport to reach them.


The first thing to do is check the answers for statements that help explain why there continues to be
a large number of corner shops. One suggests that they stock different things; another that they are
more conveniently located; one answer states their main business does not compete with
supermarkets’; and one suggests that they are favored by the community and rely on patrons. The
least relevant to the argument, and thus the answer we need, is the fact that they make home
deliveries. This is irrelevant because it is not clear whether the supermarkets do the same.

Q9. People are always less happy to accept scientific data they feel contradicts their preconceived
beliefs. No surprise here; no human likes to be wrong. But science isn't supposed to care about
preconceived notions. Science, at least good science, tells us about the world as it is, and not as
some wish it to be. Sometimes what science finds is consistent with a particular religion's wishes.
But usually it is not.

What can be inferred about good science? Select from the given options.

a) A good science is well received by the educated people.

b) A good science is based on concrete results obtained through testing the hypothesis.

c) A good science and religion are same.

d) A good science will always prove the general populace wrong.

Solution: Answer to the above question is option b and this can be drawn on the basis of the
line “But science isn't supposed to care about preconceived notions. Science, at least good
science, tells us about the world as it is and not as some wish it to be".

Option 1 is wrong as there is no relevant point in the passage to draw this conclusion.

Option 3 is too farfetched and it may not be always true for science and religion to be same.

Option 4 is wrong as there is no fact in the passage to support this option.

Q10. Between 1960 and 1970, ivory poachers in the African nation of Zinbaku killed over 6,500
elephants. During that period, the total elephant population in Zinbaku fell from about 35,000 to just
under 30,000. In 1970, new anti-poaching measures were implemented in Zinbaku, and between
1970 and 1980 over 800 poachers were arrested and expelled from the country. Nevertheless, by
1980, the elephant population in Zinbaku had fallen to about 21,000.

Which of the following, if true, would best help to explain the apparent paradox presented above?

a) The poachers arrested in Zinbaku between 1970 and 1980 were rarely sentenced to long
prison terms
b) Because of highly publicized campaigns against the slaughter of elephants, demand for ivory
fell between 1970 and 1980
c) The elephant population in neighbouring Mombasa rose slightly between 1970 and 1980
d) In Zinbaku, between 1970 and 1980, thousands of acres of forest, the elephant's natural
habitat, were cleared for farming

Answer: Option D

Explanation:- The paradox can be explained if an option offers an alternate reason for the
decrease of population. Option D does that.


Q1. A survey conducted recently in the city indicated that most college welfare-aid applicants
understate the number of luxury items - such as cars and TVs – that their family owned, in an effort
to maximize the amount of aid they can claim from the city. Paradoxically, the same study also found
that many applicants claimed that they had running water and a gas connection even when they did

Which of the following best explains the apparent paradox?

a) The city does not pay welfare unless the applicants have at least some things working for

b) Claiming that they do not have a car or a TV ensures that the city looks at the applicant more

c) While the applicants may be willing to accept that they don't have certain things, they felt
embarrassed having to accept that they don't have most things.

d) Historically, at least 30℅ of the claims have had people understating what they have while
only 22℅ overstated what they had.

e) The people who understated what they had were not the same people who overstated what
they had.

EXPLANATION Option (A) does not work for a couple of reasons. The option states that the city
wants people to already have certain things. That is contrary to the very notion of welfare-aid.
Moreover, if the city just wants people to already have certain things, why not just claim that they
have a TV? The option does not specify what the city expects the people to already have.
Option (B) explains why candidates for aid would understate the extent to which they have certain
things. But why would they claim to have running water when they do not? If option (B) were true,
would not their application be treated even more favourably if they do not have water. Essentially,
the option repeats one part of what is already given in the argument and provides no justification for
the other part.

Option (D) has no impact on the argument. What does the percentage of people understating or
overstating matter when attempting to explain WHY they do so?

Option (E) like Option (D), has no impact on the argument. Whether the people were the same or
different does not explain WHY they under or overstated what they had.

Option (C) explains why they would overstate certain things such as running water – they were too
embarrassed to confide that they did not have necessities. However, they understated other things
to maximize aid.

Option C is the correct answer

Q2. At an enormous research cost, a leading chemical company has developed a manufacturing
process for converting wood fibers into a plastic. According to the company, this new plastic can be
used for, among other things, the hulls of small sailboats. But what does the company think sailboat
h Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the author’s conclusion?

a) The wood used in producing the plastic is itself in increasingly short supply.

b) The plastic produced by the process is considerably lighter, stronger, and more watertight
than wood.

c) The cost of the manufacturing process of the plastic increases the cost of producing a
sailboat hull by 10 to 15 percent.

d) Much of the cost of the research that developed the new process will be written off for tax
purposes by the chemical company. ulls used to be made of? Surely the mania for high technology
can scarcely go further than this.

The best way to weaken the author‘s conclusion is to show that there‘s a distinct advantage to making
the wood into plastic before using it to make the boat hulls, rather than simply building boat hulls out
of wood.

Q3. A law requiring companies to offer employees unpaid time off to care for their children will
harm the economic competitiveness of our nation’s businesses. Companies must be free to set their
own employment policies without mandated parental-leave regulations.

Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the conclusion of the argument
a) Many businesses in this country already offer employees some form of parental leave.
b) A parental-leave law will serve to strengthen the family as a social institution in this
c) In most polls, a majority of citizens say they favor passage of a parental-leave law.
d) Some of the countries with the most economically competitive businesses have strong
parental-leave regulations.


The conclusion is that the economic competitiveness of the nation’s businesses will be harmed if a
law is passed which mandates employeed to take time off to spend with their children. But if it is
true that in some countries with the most economically competitive businesses have strong
parental-leave regulations, then this would seriously weaken the author’s argument.

Q4. Dear Applicant:

Thank you for your application. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you a position in our local
government office for the summer. As you know, funding for summer jobs is limited, and it is
impossible for us to offer jobs to all those who want them. Consequently, we are forced to reject
many highly qualified applicants.

Which of the following can be inferred from the letter?

a) The application of the person who received the letter was considered carefully before being

b) The applicant who received the letter was considered highly qualified.

c) The number of applicants for summer jobs in the government office exceeded the number
of summer jobs available.

d) Very little funding was available for summer jobs in the government office

The sentence fragment ‘impossible for us to offer jobs to all those who want them‘ suggests that the
number of applicants are more than number of jobs available.

Q5. Studies of fatal automobile accidents reveal that, in the majority of cases in which one occupant
of an automobile is killed while another survives, it is the passenger, not the driver, who is killed. It is
ironic that the innocent passenger should suffer for the driver’s carelessness, while the driver often
suffers only minor injuries or none at all.

Which of the following is an assumption underlying the reasoning in the passage above?

a) In most fatal automobile accidents, the driver of a car in which an occupant is killed is at

b) Drivers of automobiles are rarely killed in auto accidents.

c) Auto safety experts should increase their efforts to provide protection for those in the
passenger seats of automobiles.

d) Most deaths in fatal automobile accidents are suffered by occupants of cars rather than by


Studies revealed that the passenger was more often the one who was killed in an accident, and not
the driver. The author concludes from this that the innocent passenger has to suffer for the driver’s
carelessness. The assumption that the author made in order to come to the above conclusion is that
the driver of the automobile in which an occupant has been killed is at fault.

Q6. Drastic shifts in climate always result in migrations, and migrations bring about the intermingling
of ideas necessary for rapid advances in civilization.

The anthropologist's statements, if true, most strongly support which one of the following?

a) Climate is the primary cause of migration

b) All shifts in climate produce a net gain in human progress.
c) A population remains settled only where the climate is fairly stable.
d) Populations settle in every place where human industry can be established

(a) Climate is one of the causes of migration, but there is no evidence to show that it is the
primary cause. Hence this cannot be the answer.
(b) Drastic shifts in climate always result in migration, and migrations bring about rapid
advances in civilization. But that does not mean all shifts in climate will produce the same
(c) If there are drastic changes in climate it results in migration. From this it is obvious that a
population remains settled where the climate is fairly stable. Hence this is the answer.
(d) There is no evidence in the argument to support the claim that population settle in
EVERY place where human industry can be established.

Q7. Below is an excerpt from a letter that was sent by the chairman of a corporation to the

A number of charges have been raised against me, some serious, some trivial. Individuals seeking to
control the corporation for their own purposes have demanded my resignation. Remember that no
court of law in any state has found me guilty of any criminal offense whatsoever. In the Indian
tradition, as you know, an individual is considered innocent until proven guilty. Furthermore, as the
corporation’s unbroken six-year record of growth will show, my conduct of my official duties as
chairman has only helped enhance the success of the corporation, and so benefited every

Which of the following can be properly inferred from the excerpt?

a) Any misdeeds that the chairman may have committed were motivated by his desire to
enhance the success of the corporation.
b) The chairman is innocent of any criminal offense.
c) The corporation has expanded steadily over the past six years.
d) Any legal proceedings against the chairman have resulted in his acquittal.

A fragment in the above paragraph states ‘the corporation‘s unbroken six-year record of growth‘.
Thus it can be properly inferred that ‘the corporation has expanded steadily over the past six

Q8. The ancient city of Cephesa was not buried by an eruption of Mt. Amnos in A.D. 310, as some
believe. The eruption in the year 310 damaged the city, but it did not destroy it. Cephesa survived
for another century before it finally met its destruction in another eruption around A.D. 415.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the author’s claim that the city of Cephesa
was not buried by the eruption of Mt. Amnos in A.D. 310?

a) The city of Cephesa is mentioned in a historical work known to have been written in A.D. 400.

Coins bearing the image of an emperor who lived there around A.D. 410 have been discovered in the ruins
of Cephesa, which were preserved by the cinders and ashes that buried the city.

Geological evidence shows that the eruption of Mt. Amnos in A.D. 415 deposited a 10-foot-thick layer of
lava on the city of Cephesa.

d) A historical work written in A.D. 430 refers to the eruption of Mt. Amnos in A.D. 415.

If the city had been indeed buried in A.D. 310 as some believed, then there would neither be any
emperor nor a coin bearing his image dated A.D. 410 that can be found in the ruins.

Q9. Reva: Using extraneous incentives to get teenagers to change their attitude toward school and
schoolwork won’t work. Take the program in West Virginia, for instance, where they tried to reduce
their dropout rate by revoking the driving licenses of kids who left school. The program failed

Anne: It’s true that the West Virginia program failed, but many schools have devised incentive
programs that have been very successful in improving attendance and reducing discipline problems.

According to Anne, the weak point in Reva’s claim is that it

a) fails to consider the possibility that the majority of potential dropouts in West Virginia do
not have driving licenses
b) doesn’t provide any exact figures for the dropout rate in West Virginia before and during the
c) ignores a substantial body of evidence showing that parents and employers have been using
extrinsic incentives with positive results for years
d) is based on a single example, the incentive program in West Virginia, which may not be

Although Anne agrees with Reva that the West Virginia program failed, she (Anne) does not agree
that extraneous incentives won‘t work in changing teenagers‘ attitudes. Anne indicates that the weak
point in the argument is the fact that West Virginia issue is a single example and the incentive
program proved worthwhile in other places.

Q10. The upcoming presidential election in the West African republic of Ganelon is of grave concern
to the U.S. State Department. Ganelon presently has strong political and military ties to the United
States. However, the Socialist party is widely expected to win the election, leading to fears that
Ganelon will soon break away from the pro-American bloc and adopt a nonaligned or openly anti-
American stance.

Which of the following is an assumption made in the passage above?

a) A Socialist party government in Ganelon is more likely to oppose the United States than is a
non-Socialist party government.

b) The people of the United States recognize their nation’s interest in the political stability of
West Africa.

c) A weakening of U.S. political ties with Ganelon could have serious consequences for U.S.
relations with other African nations.

d) The Socialist party leaders in Ganelon believe that their nation’s interests would best be
served by an alliance with anti-American forces.


The fear that Ganelon will soon adopt an anti-American stance is based on the fact that the Socialist
Party is likely to come into power in Ganelon. The underlying assumption here is that a Socialist
Party is more likely to be anti-American.


Q1. For a trade embargo against a particularcountryto succeed, a high degree of both
international accord and ability to prevent goods from entering or leaving that country must be
sustained. Atotal blockade of Patria's ports is necessary to an embargo, but such an action would
be likely to cause international discord over the embargo.

The claims above, if true, most strongly support which of the following conclusions?

A. The balance of opinion is likely to favor Patria inthe event of a blockade.

B. As long as international opinion is unanimously against Patria, a trade embargo is likely to
C. A naval blockade of Patria's ports would ensure that no goods enter or leave Patria.
D. Any trade embargo against Patria would be likely to fail at some time.
E. For a blockade of Patria's ports to be successful, international opinion must be unanimous


Option(D) is correct

Option A : Although international discord would likely result from a blockade, no information allows
a conclusion to be drawn about the balance of opinion.

Option B : This conclusion is not justified because a successful embargo requires both international
accord and the ability to enforce the embargo.

Option C : This statement simply defines the purpose ofa blockade; it is not a conclusion from the
information given.

Option D : Correct. This statement properly identifies a conclusion supported by the claims.

Option : E The necessary condition for success is a high degree of international accord, so this
conclusion cannot be justified.

The correct answer is D.

Q2. One way to judge the performance of a company is to compare it with other companies. This
technique, commonly called "benchmarking," permits the manager of a company to discover better
industrial practices and can provide a justification for the adoption of good practices.

Any of the following, if true, is a valid reason for benchmarking the performance of a company
against companies with which it is not in competition ratherthan against competitors EXCEPT:

A. Comparisons with competitors are most likely to focus on practices that the manager
making the comparisons already employs.
B. Getting "inside" information about the unique practices of competitors is particularly
C. Since companies that compete with each other are likely to have comparable levels of
efficiency, only benchmarking against non competitors is likely to reveal practices that would
aid in beating competitors.
D. Managers are generally more receptive to new ideas that they find outside their own
E. Much of the success of good companies is due to their adoption of practices that take

Option(E) is correct

Option A : Since benchmarking against competitors would yield few new practices, it would
be better to benchmark against non competitors.
Option B : If information about competitors is hard to obtain, benchmarking against non
competitors is preferable.
Option C : Since benchmarking against noncompetitors would yield practices useful in
beating competitors,
benchmarking against noncompetitors is preferable.
Option D : If managers are more likely to adopt new practices learned from benchmarking
against noncompetitors, then this technique is preferable.
F. Option E : Correct. This statement properly identifies the rationale that supports a
company's benchmarking against its competitors.
G. advantage of the special circumstances of their products or markets

Q3. Columnist: The winner of this year’s national spelling bee won by correctly spelling the spoken
word Ursprache, which means “fame” in German. Given the richness of our language, why must we
resort to words taken from modern foreign languages to challenge our best spellers? Ursprache is
listed in our dictionary, as are words from many other foreign languages, but future spelling bees
should limit themselves to words in our dictionary that have been anglicized in all aspects because
spelling English words, not knowledge of linguistics and international phonetics, is the point of these

Which of the following can most reasonably be inferred from the argument above?

A. The spelling contest winner knew how to spell most of the anglicized words in the

B. Foreign words are more difficult than anglicized words for all contestants to spell.

C. Spelling contestant winners should be determined by their facility with all aspects of

D. To spell foreign words, contestants must recognize the language and know its pronunciation.

E. The English language contains more borrowed words than most other languages.

Option D
To spell foreign words, contestants must recognize the language and know its pronunciation. –
―because spelling English words, not knowledge of linguistics and international phonetics, is the
point of these contests‖

Q4. Left-handed persons suffer more frequently than do right-handed persons from certain immune
disorders, such as allergies. Left-handers tend to have an advantage over the right-handed majority,
however, on tasks controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain, and mathematical reasoning is
strongly under the influence of the right hemisphere in most people.

If the information above is true, it best supports which of the following hypotheses?
A) Most people who suffer from allergies or other such immune disorders are left-handed rather
than right-handed.

B) Most left-handed mathematicians suffer from some kind of allergy.

C) There are proportionally more left-handers among people whose ability to reason mathematically
is above average than there are among people with poor mathematical reasoning ability.

D) If a left-handed person suffers from an allergy, that person will probably be good at mathematics.

E) There are proportionally more people who suffer from immune disorders such as allergies than
there are people who are left-handed or people whose mathematical reasoning ability is unusually

Option C
Go with elimination method. Carefully assess the modifiers such as more, most etc.

Q5. A survey recently revealed a high correlation between a household’s level of education and its
library. Specifically, the more years of college and graduate school education received by the
household’s members, the more books in the household’s library. The survey also indicated that the
higher the education level of the household, the greater the percentage of books that are not works
of fiction in its library.

Which of the following can be properly inferred from the survey results cited above?

A) People with a higher level of education prefer reading nonfiction to works of fiction.

B) Households with low education levels generally own more works of fiction than do households
with high education levels.

C) Households with lower levels of education generally own more works of fiction than nonfiction.

D) The higher the education level of a household, the fewer works of fiction owned by the

E) Households with high education levels generally own more nonfiction books than do households
with low education levels.

Option E
The survey also stated that more years of education the more books a family owned, So E)
D suggests that if the education level of the households increases , the number of non fiction
books with the household will decrease; however this is not the case.

Q6. The Maxilux car company's design for its new luxury model, the Max 100, included a special
design for the tires. That was intended to complement the model's image. The winning bid for
supplying these tires was submitted by Rubco. Analysts concluded that the bid would only just cover
Rubco's costs on the tires, but Rubco executives claim that winning the bid will actually make a profit
for the company.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly justifies the claim made by Rubco's executives?

A. In any Maxilux model, the spare tire is exactly the same make and model as the tires
that are mounted on the wheels

B. Rubco holds exclusive contracts to supply Maxilux with the tires for a number
ofother models made by Maxilux.

C. The production facilities for the Max 100and thosefor thetires to be supplied by
Rubco are located very near each other.

D. When people who have purchased a carefully designed luxury automobile need to
replace a worn part of it, they almost invariably replace it with a part of exactly the same make and

Q7. In order to reduce the number of items damaged while in transit to customers, packaging
consultants recommended that the TrueSave mail-order company increase the amount of packing
material so as to fill any empty spaces in its cartons. Accordingly, TrueSave officials instructed the
company's packers to use more packing material than before, and the packers zealously acted on
these instructions and used as much as they could. Nevertheless, customer reports of damaged
items rose somewhat.

Which ofthe following, if true, mosthelps to explain why acting onthe consultants' recommendation
failed to achieve its goal?

A. The change in packing policy led to an increase in expenditure on packing material

and labor.

B. When packing material is compressed too densely, it loses some of its capacity to
absorb shock.

C. The amount of packing material used in a carton does not significantly influence the
ease with which a customer can unpack the package.

D. Most of the goods that TrueSave ships are electronic products that are highly vulne

Q8. Hollywood restaurant is replacing some of its standard tables with tall tables and stool's.
The restaurant already fills every available seat duringits operating hours, and the change in
seating arrangements will not result in increase in the restaurant's seating capacity.
Nonetheless, the restaurant's management expects revenue to increase as a result of the
seating change without any concurrent change in menu, prices, or operating hours.

Which of the following, if true, provides the best reason for the expectation?
A. One of the taller tables takes up less floor space than one of the standard tables
Diners seated on stools typically do not linger over dinner as long as diners seated
at standard tables.
Since the restaurant will replace only some of its standard tables, it can continue
to accommodate customers who do not care for the taller tables.
D. Few diners are likely to avoid the restaurant because of the new seating arrangement.
rable to being damaged in transit.

Q9. Physician : The hormone melatonin has shown promise as a medication for sleep
disorders when taken in synthesized form. Because the long-term side effects of synthetic
melatonin are unknown, however, I cannot recommend its use at this time.

Patient : Your position is inconsistent with your usual practice. You prescribe many
medications that you know have serious side effects, so concern about side effects cannot be
the real reason youwill not prescribe melatonin.

The patient's argument is flawed because it fails to consider that

the side effects of synthetic melatonin might be different from those
of naturally produced melatonin
it is possible that the physician does not believe that melatonin has
been conclusively shown to be effective
sleep disorders, if left untreated, might lead to serious medical
D.known risks can be weighed against known benefits, but unknown
risks cannot

Q10. A certain automaker aims to increase its market share by

deeply discounting its vehicles' prices for the next several months.
The discounts will cut into profits, but because they will be heavily
advertised the manufacturer hopes that they will attract buyers
away from rival manufacturers' cars. In the longer term,
the automaker envisions that customers initially attracted by the
discounts may become loyal customers.

In assessing the plan's chances of achieving its aim, it would be

most useful to know which of the following?
Whether the automaker's competitors are likely to respond by
offering deep discounts on their own products
Whether the advertisements will be created by the
manufacturer's current advertising agency
Whether some of the automaker's models will be more deeply
discounted than others
Whether the automaker will be able to cut costs sufficiently to
maintain profit margins even when the discounts are in effect

Q11. The amount of time it takes for most of a worker's

occupational knowledge and skills to become obsolete
has been declining because of the introduction of advanced
manufacturing technology (AMT). Given the rate at
which AMT is currently being introduced in manufacturing,
the average worker's old skills become obsolete and new skills
are required within as little as five years.

Which of the following plans, if feasible, would allow a

company to prepare most effectively for the
rapid obsolescence of skills described above?
The company will develop a program to offer selected
A. employees the opportunity to receive training six years
after they were originally hired.
The company will increase its investment in AMT every
year for a period of at least five years.
The company will periodically survey its employees to
determine how the introduction of AMT has affected them.
D.The company will ensure that it can offer its employees
any training necessary for meeting their job requirements.

Q12 In Washington County, attendance at the movies is

just large enough for the cinema operators to make
modest profits. The size of the county's population is
stable and is not expected to increase much. Yet there
are investors ready to double the number of movie screens
in the county within five years, and they are
predicting solid profits both for themselves and for the
established cinema operators.

Which of the following, if true about Washington County,

most helps to provide a justification for the
investors' prediction?
Over the next ten years, people in their teenage years,
A. the prime moviegoing age, will be a rapidly
growing proportion of the county's population.
As distinct from the existing cinemas, most ofthe
cinemas being plannedwould be located in
downtown areas, in hopes of stimulating an economic
revitalization of those areas.
Spending on video purchases, as well as spending on
C. video rentals, has been increasing modestly each ear
for the past ten years.
D.The average number of screens per cinema is lower
among existing cinemas than it is among cinemas
still in the planning stages.

Thyrian lawmaker: Thyria's Cheese Importation

Board inspects all cheese shipments to Thyria and
rejects shipments not meeting specified standards.
Yet only 1 percent is ever rejected. Therefore, since
the health consequences and associated economic
costs of not rejecting that 1 percent are negligible,
whereas the board's operating costs are considerable,
for economic reasons alone the board should be

Consultant: I disagree. The threat of having their

shipments rejected deters many cheese exporters
from shipping substandard product.

The consultant responds to the lawmaker's argument

rejecting the lawmaker's argument while
proposing that the standards according to
which the board inspects imported cheese
should be raised
providing evidence that the lawmaker's
B. argument has significantly overestimated the
cost of maintaining the board
objecting to the lawmaker's introducing into
C. the discussion factors that are not strictly
pointing out a benefit of maintaining the board,
D. which the lawmaker's argument has failed to

Q14. In the country of Russia, the past two years' broad economic recession has included a
business downturn in clothing trade, where sales are down by about 7 percent as compared to two
years ago. Clothing wholesalers have found, however, that the proportion of credit extended to
retailers that was paid off on time fell sharply in the first year of the recession but returned to its
prerecession level in the second year.

Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the change between the first and the second
year of recession in the proportion of credit not paid off on time?

A. The total amount of credit extended to retailers by clothing wholesalers increased

between the first year of the recession and the second year.

B. Between the first and second years of the recession, clothing retailers in Russia saw
many of their costs, rent and utilities in particular, increase.

C. Of the considerable number of clothing retailers in Russia who were having financial
difficulties before the start of the recession, virtually all were forced to go out of business during its
first year.

D. Clothing retailers in Russia attempted to stimulate sales in the second year of the
recession by discounting merchandise.
Q15. One way to judge the performance of a company is to compare it with other companies. This
technique, commonly called "benchmarking," permits the manager of a company to discover better
industrial practices and can provide a justification for the adoption of good practices.

Any of the following, if true, is a valid reason for benchmarking the performance of a company
against companies with which it is not in competition ratherthan against competitors EXCEPT:

A. Comparisons with competitors are most likely to focus on practices that the
manager making the comparisons already employs.

B. Since companies that compete with each other are likely to have comparable levels
of efficiency, only benchmarking against non competitors is likely to reveal practices that would aid
in beating competitors.

C. Managers are generally more receptive to new ideas that they find outside their
own industry.

D. Much of the success of good companies is due to their adoption of practices that take
advantage of the special circumstances of their products or markets.

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