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Select type of exercise that is right for you. Though you can probable continue a sport or
activity you are already proficient at. It is not advisable to take up a new one during pregnancy.
Exercises that even z novice can do during pregnancy include:

1. walking at a brisk pace

2. Swimming in shallow water that neither too hot nor too cold.
3. Cycling on a stationary bike at a comfortable tension and speed
4. Calisthenics designed especially for pregnant women
5. Pelvic toning (kegel exercises)
6. Relaxation routines


1. Curling up or stretching out on the side – preferably left side with one leg crossed over the other
and with a pillow between them. It is better for both mother and fetus.
2. The best sleeping position in pregnancy is one the left side in order to enhance the fetal


1. Right standing, sitting and benching posture try to keep weight gain within the recommended
parameters. Excess poundage will only add to the load the back is struggling under. Learn the
proper way to lift heavy loads( package, children, books etc)
2. Donts lift abruptly stabilize your body first by assuming a wide stance ( feet shoulder –width
apart ) and tucking your buttocks in. bend knees, not at the waist, and left with your arms and
legs rather your back.
3. Try not to stand for long periods. Mother must keep one foot up on stool with the knee bent to
prevent strain on the lower back.
4. When standing on a hard surface floor, as when cooking or washing dishes, put a small skid
proof rung underfoot.
5. Avoid backless stools and benches
6. Sitting too long can be as bad as sitting the wrong way. Sit comfortable as shown in the finger
7. Lie on the back, knees bent, feet about 12 inches apart, soles flat on the floor. The head and
shoulder should be supported by cushions and the arms resting flat at the side.
8. Guide the patient to do kegel exercise:
Firmly tense the muscles around the vagina and arms. Hold for 8-10 seconds, then slowly
release the muscle and relax. After the fourth month this exercise can be done in a standing or
sitting position or while urinating. Do at least 25 repititions at various times during the day.
9. Guide the patient to assume the supine position exhale as you press the surface of the back
against the floor. Then inhale and relax your spine. Repeat this several times. The tilt can also be
done standing up straight, with your back against a wall. The standing version is an excellent
way to improve the posture and should be used after the forth month
10. Dromedary droop: this exercise is useful throughout pregnancy and into labour to relive the
pressure of the enlarged uterus on the surface of spine. Get down on your hand and knees, with
your back in a naturally relaxed position. Keep your head straight, your neck aligned with your
spine. Then bump your back, tightening your abdomen and buttocks, and allow your head to
drop all the way down. Gradually release your back and raise your head to the original position.
Repeat 5-10 minutes.
11. Neck relaxes : This exercise can help to relax both your neck and the rest of body. Sit
comfortably with your eyes closed. Gentally roll your head around , making a full circule, and
inhaling as you do. Exhale and relax, letting your head drop forward comfortable. Repeat 4-5
times. Repeat this exercise in opposite direction for the same.
12. Tailor sit and tailor stretch : sitting cross- legged is particularly comfortable during pregnancy.
Sit this way often and do arm stretches : place your hands on your shoulders, then lift both
arms above your head. Stretch one arm higher than the other reaching for the ceiling then relax
it and repeat with the other arm. Repeat 10 times on each side. Do not bounce.
13. Leg lifts: lie on your left side, with your shoulder hips, and knees in a straight line. Lift up the
upper leg towards the ceiling slowly while inhaling and lower down again while exhaling. Repeat
it 10 times on each side.


GET STARTED : The best time to get fit is before you get pregnant. But its never too late to start
exercising even if you are already pushing nine months.

GET OFF TO A SLOW START: Start with 10 months of warm-ups followed by 5 minutes of more
strenuous workout and a 5 minute cool down. Stop strenuous exercise sooner if the patient feel tired.
After a few a days, if the body has adjusted well, increase the period of strenuous activity by a couple of
minutes a day up to 5 minutes maximum.


FINISH AS SLOWELY AS YOUR START: Collapse seems like the logical conclusion to a workout but it is
not physiologically sound. Stopping abruptly traps blood in the muscles, re ducing blood supply to other
parts of maternal body and to the baby. Dizzeness, faintness, extraheartburn or nausea may result so
finish the exercise with 5 minutes of walk, padding after a vigorous swim, light stretching exercise after
almost any activity.
WATCH THE CLOCK: too little exercise won’t be effective too much can be debilitating . A full workout
from warm –up to cool down. Can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

KEEP IT UP : exerecise erratically ( four times one week and none the next) won’t get you in shape.
Exercise regularly ( three or four time a week, every week)

WORK EXERCISE INTO YOUR SCHEDULE : the best way to be sure of doing your exercise is to allot a
specific time for it first thing in the morning before going off to work during a coffee break or before

COMPENSATE FOR THE CALORIES YOU BURN: consume about 100-200 additional calories for every half
hour of strneous exercising

REPLACE THE FLUID YOU USE UP : driks 2 cups for each pound lost during exercise

DON’T WORK OUT ON AN EMPTY STOMACH it is a good idea to have a light snack and a drink 25 to 30
minutes before beginning your warm-ups

DRESS FOR THE OCCASIONS: wear clothes that are loose or that stretch when you move.

SELECT THE RIGHT BSURFACE: indoors wood floors or a tightly carpeted surface is better than tile or
concrete for your workouts. Outdoors, soft running tracks and level grassy or dirt trails are better than
hard surfaced roads or side walks. Avoid surface that are uneven.


KNOWN WHEN TO STOP : your body will signal when its time. Signals include :

Pain anywhere

A cramp

Light headedness or dizziness



Severe breathless ness

Difficulty or loss of muscle control


Increased swelling of your hands , feet, ankles, face.

Amniotic fluid leakage or vaginal bleeding

After the 28th weeks

STAY COOL : do not exerciser in very hot or numid weather do not use saunas, steam rooms, or hot tubs.

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