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Project closure

Project review meeting

You are to nominate a project manager and conduct a review of the project using the
agenda template below.
At the end of the ‘meeting’ course participants are to complete the post-project review
report that follows the agenda.

Post-project review meeting – Agenda

Topic Speaker Time

Brief overview of project Project 3 mins

Purpose of project, major accomplishments, comments

Review by team All 8 mins

Goals, objectives, deliverables, schedule, budget (value for
money), success criteria (Were they met, partially met, or

What worked/What could have gone better All 15 mins

Some areas to consider:
● project planning
● project management
● project scheduling and tracking
● project estimating
● communication (with team, other groups/stakeholders,
● risks management
● issues management
● stakeholder management
● resourcing
● users
● training you received
● documentation available
● technology
● overall approach to project (i.e. vendor package, staged
implementation, etc.)
● production and operation support

Lessons learned All 8 mins

Next steps All 3 mins

BSBPMG522 Undertake project work 1st edition version: 1

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd
Post-project review report

Name of project: BSBPMG522 Course

Date & location of meeting:
Names of attendees:

Overview by project manager: (brief summary of highlights and achievements, etc.)

Review by team of the course goals, objectives/deliverables

Met Missed Partially Comments


Project goal – Manage projects


Success criteria

Schedule/duration of course

Budget/value for money

BSBPMG522 Undertake project work 1st edition version: 1

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd
What worked well; what could have gone better?

Worked well Could have gone better

Lessons learned

Next steps/improvement plans/what could you do better in your workplace?

BSBPMG522 Undertake project work 1st edition version: 1

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd

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