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Sound Propagation

through Media
Nachiketa Tiwari
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Sound Transmission Through A Thin

Rigid Partition
• On a large number of occasions, thin partitions are used to
provide acoustical insulation for a particular area from a
sound source. In such a case, the partition material is
relatively free to move in response to applied acoustical

• Further, such partition are usually “thin”, i.e. the phase

difference between incident acoustic waves transmitted
acoustic wave is very small. This will be true only if t<<λ,
where t is the partition thickness.
• Further, we also assume that partitioning material is rigid and
their waves travel across it virtually in zero interval of time.

• Finally, it is assumed that the direction of incident acoustic

wave is normal to the partition surface.

• A schema for the problem is shown in Fig. 33.1.


• Here PI, PR and PT are incident, reflected and transmitted

waves respectively. Further, the characteristic impedance Z0
for media on both sides of the partitioning material. We are
interested in finding PR in terms of PI.
Problem Formulation
• We start by writing transmission line equation for waves
travelling on both sides of media. Thus, we get:

Eq. 33.1


Eq. 33.2

• In Eqs. 33.1 and 33.2, subscripts A and B refer to wave

propagation on left and right sides of the partitioning wall.
• Next we apply the boundary conditions.
Boundary Conditions
• The first boundary condition is that velocity of wave at x=0 on
both sides of the wall is the same and equals velocity of the
wall. Hence, UA(0,t)=UB(0,t). From this we get:

Eq. 33.3
• Thus,

Eq. 33.4
Boundary Conditions
Eq. 33.5

• Next, we consider the other condition which relates to

momentum of the wall and its relationship with PI, PR and PT.

• If M is the mass of wall per unit area, then for a unit area:

mass of wall x acceleration of wall = Difference in pressure on

both sides of the wall
Boundary Conditions
• Also, we note that value of x at wall is zero. Hence, RHS of
above equation is while LHS of above
equation is time derivative of MUB(0,t). Hence, we get:


Eq. 33.6
Boundary Conditions
• Substituting Eq. 33.3 in Eq. 33.6, we get:


• Thus,

Eq. 33.7
Boundary Conditions
• And, since PT = PI - PR,

Eq. 33.8

• Thus, the value of pressure transmission ratio is:

Eq. 33.9
Bode Plot for Transmission Coefficient, T
• The magnitude Bode plot transmission ratio is the Bode plot
for function . This plot is shown in
• Equation 33.9 and Eq. 33.2 show that:

– At very low frequencies i.e. when Mω<<2ρ0c, all the sound energy gets
transmitted through the partitions. Hence, such partitions are not
effective sound insulators for very low frequencies.

– At frequencies above (2Z0c/M), the Bode plot falls by 20 dB per

decade. Hence, above this critical frequency, sound attenuation starts
becoming effective and this effectiveness increase rapidly with
• Acoustics, Beranek Leo L., Acoustical Society of
America, 1993.

• Introduction to Acoustics, Finch Robert D., Pearson

Prentice Hall, 2005.

• Fundamentals of Acoustics, Kinsler Lawrence E., et al,

4th ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2005.

• Sound and Structural Vibration, Fahy Frank, et al, 2nd

ed., Academic Press 2007.

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