Villareiz, Marie (Die Inday)

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ENGM201b: Literary Criticism


Inspecting Die Inday through the lenses of Marxist

Marie Leonora L. Villareiz
City College of Calamba
Calamba City, Laguna, Philippines

Date Received: November 21, 2019

Abstract – The story of Die Inday is a Filipino adaptation of Jean Genet‟s thrilling classic „The
Maids‟ that was played in the stage at the NCAS Auditorium of UP Los Banos directed by Prof. Elmer DS
Rufo. The play enlarges the Marxism in which there is a gap between rich and poor. This paper aims to
analyze the play of Die Inday. It is about Soleng, the maid of madame, who envies to the characteristics
of their madame. They imitate their madam every time she was not around because they want to try to
have a power. Power is broad and driving force in this play. The sisters, tired and ugly from difficult
work, and makes roleplaying that Claire plays Madame and the other one is Soleng become as the
obedient maid. Illusion is a kept secret and must remain so in order for them to survive. Until the sisters
frustrate to their fantasies. The role playing may differ but one thing their intention is how to kill their
madame. They desire to kill madame every time she commands them. So, one time they imitate madame
as she is not around, accidentally Soleng was not in her presence of mind at the moment because of her
madness and he killed Claire that he thought it was madame. This paper aims to state clearly
understanding of the stage play. This paperwork examines the story by determining the elements, plot of
the story wherein analysis of the events and gives conclusion for the manifestation of the title “Die,
Inday”. The stage play is analyzed using the literary theories and finding out what Die Inday as
interpreted in terms of Symbolism, Marxist Criticism, Queer theory and archetypal criticisms.

Keywords: Soleng, Madame, gap, Literary Criticism, Sisters, Power

INTRODUCTION uses a word that insults Soleng for commands in

her aristocratic appearance and behavior. It
In literature, the word drama defines a genre, or discriminates two kinds of class which is the
style of writing. Drama is a play that can be madam and her slaves. It shows that there is
performed for theatre, radio or even television. difference of individuals. The symbolism in the
These plays are usually written out as a script or story is the red dress that portrays power and the
a written version of a play that is read by the tea signifies death. Archetypal Criticism the
actors (Carroll, 2010). The Marxist criticism is scenario is always repeating of their fantasizing
the main approaches will be used since Madame scenes and one if it is becoming the master
ENGM201b: Literary Criticism

someday like their madam. This paper aims to shows in the story that the protagonist and his
analyze the meaning of a stage play entitled " antagonist have threats to each other.
Die Inday” and gives clear manifestation for the
readers. Queer theory they desire to have a - Man vs. self
lover in which Mario is one of their causes of At the end of the play, Soleng asks himself
fights. It represents of LGBT community for what he’d done. Reflecting to the ideas came
combined area of gay and lesbian studies and to her mind.
criticism, including studies of variations in
biological sex, gender identity and sexual  Narrator and point of view
desires. As we observe Claire in the story, he The point of view in the stage play is 1st
fantasize to have lover or able to feel a care and Person limited. It describes the story in not so
love by someone that he desire. detailed way which makes story questionable. It
narrates by them and not fully defined in
ANALYSIS delivering dialogues.

Elements of the Story  Style

The author’s style in the tone is hatred for
 Characters using foul words and the moods of the story are
Madam is a beautiful woman who enjoys anger, hatred and serious for what happened in
luxury in life and the protagonist in the story. that crime.
Claire is the younger sister of soleng that envies
for having seen the down face of Madame. He  Theme
hates Soleng because of idea of murdering. The theme of Die Inday is revenge,
Soleng is one of the maids of madame that hates power and illusion. The play shows how
his own madame because she always gets insults discrimination between slave and its boss fall in
and kills madame. Mario is the boy catches the making crimes. There is more pain emotionally
heart of Claire and Soleng. Madame’s husband specially when that person uses her power and
named Monsieur that never appears at the stage wrecked your dignity. It results the possible
but he has been unjustly sent to the jail because making crimes. It tells to us what may happened
of Claire’s letter. if envy and over fantasies occurs in our life.
 Setting
The setting of the story is the bedroom of Plot of the Story
madame wherein Soleng and Claire dream to
have it someday.  Exposition
 Conflict From the start, Soleng and Claire imagine
that they were like the owner of the house. They
- Man vs. Man always fantasize that someday they will be the
The opponent in this story is madame one to taste of riches. They are imitating their
wherein the sisters planning some evil plans. It madam for having that powe until the telephone
ENGM201b: Literary Criticism

 Inciting incident Symbolism

Claire answered the phone when rang and it The symbolism in the story is the red
was Monsieur that he will be free from the jail. dress that portrays power and the tea signifies
Claire never mentioned this to her madam and death. Claire uses it to become madame and
left the phone in disarrange form. makes her as powerful person to command
everything she want and tell what he intended to.
 Rising Action
Claire wants Madam to drink the tea but she
refused because it was cold and need to hurry Madame uses words that insult Soleng
because her husband is waiting for her. This is a for commands in her aroscratic appearance and
part that possible start of the emotions. behavior. It shows that there is difference of
individuals. The stage plays discrimates the two
 Climax individual people.

The climax of the story is when madame Queer theory

spots the telephone off the hook. It indicates that
someone touches and calls for her. It tells combined area of gay and lesbian
studies including studies of variations in
 Falling Action biological sex, gender and sexual desires. Soleng
and Claire desire to have a lover and that was
Soleng realized that she is now alone when named Mario which he is one of their causes of
Claire and madame was dead. fights. The characters were played by the man
that shows loving a boy they met and fantasizing
to have a lover. It shows realities to our time that
 Denoument
we can love who we wanted.
Soleng realized what he has done. It is sad to
Archetypal Criticism
be alone and it might be their fate to be maid
what matter they fantasize and role playing them
The scenario is always repeating of their
want to be.
fantasizing scenes and one if it is becoming the
master someday like their madam. It depicts to
the happenings that always happen to them. The
sisters are thirsty to the power especially Soleng
The 4 literary theories and interpretation
that wants to be on peak of the mountain
on Die, Inday, directed by Elmer Rufo
ENGM201b: Literary Criticism

Overseas Filipino workers that they still manage

CONCLUSION to long their patience from some employers treat
them belittle and unequal to the point of stepping
Becoming Inday is not an easy task and up their egos and dignity.
can’t be Die Inday is a stage play that is about a
story of maids that do their jobs in household It was entitled Die Inday because Claire
chores and sometimes they made a mistake in died in the story that makes Soleng realized what
which receives insults from their boss. Madam he’d done. Never let emotions put to our actions
commands Soleng even though it hurts and let be the first for the reason that might done
someone’s feelings that leads hatred and anger. things we must think first. We all have own jobs
The analysis of this story is used five in life. There is no process that is easier in terms
approaches to interpret the story want to imply to of maid. It’s better to don’t step other’s ego
the readers. The main approach used for this play because it leads black desires and wrong doings.
is the Marxism because of portraying the Also, Illusions can take you in desired place but
discrimination between of two individual in the not ever take a chance if this will lead to crime
story between the maid and the employer. It for you to seize your moment.
shows how employer sees themselves towards to
the maid. The best example for these days is
ENGM201b: Literary Criticism

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