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ENGM201b: Literary Criticism


SCRUTINIZING DIE INDAY through the lens of

Marxist Criticism

Falla, Mariabelle A.

City college of Calamba

Calamba City of the Philippines

Date received: November 21, 2019


The story of Die Inday is all about the two maids that feel exhausted of their daily household
chores. They wanted to have good life or feel like a master not as a slave. So that they act like their
employer when their master is not around and they make sure that their master will never know what
they do. These two maids are being insulted by their master whenever she gives them a task the reason
why they planned to kill her and after that they will own the property of their Madam. One day while
they are imitating their madam Suling accidentally killed Claire because she was thinking that Claire
was there Madam.

The aim of this is to analyse deeply the story in order to give the information well to the reader by
applying the four literary approaches that will help to analyse each text effectively. The literary
approaches being used are the Marxism, archetypal, Symbolism, and sociological criticism and Queer

Keywords: literary criticism, interpretation, structures, meanings, evidences, and approaches.

ENGM201b: Literary Criticism


Marxist Criticism concerns with the criticism, including studies of variations in

analysis of the clash of opposing social classes biological sex, gender identity and sexual
in society, namely, the ruling class and the desires. As we observe Claire in the story is
working class as it shaped the events that being fantasize to have lover or able to feel a
transpired in the story. In Die Inday story care and love by someone that he desire. In
shows the discrimination literary works are addition the language that being used in the
products of the economic and ideological play is gay language that let the audience or
determinants specific era. Critics examine the reader know their culture as a part of the
relationship of a literary product to the actual community. Also Archetypal criticism is
economic and social reality of its time and shown, when Suling and Claire repeating to
place. Literary works are products of the imitate their Madam when she was not
economic and ideological determinants around. They keep imagining that they have a
specific era. Critics examine the relationship power or superiority if their madam is not
of a literary product to the actual economic around. The second one is they always
and social reality of its time and place. Inter looking for the return of Madam behind the
related to this stand the sociological curtain or window for them not to get caught
criticism is can be seen in this story as the on what they did when she is not around.
result of Marxism that set a standard of living Also, when they are doing their household
how we looks and how we portray ourselves chores in everyday life as a servant of their
in the society. As we can see in the play the master from wiping the windows cleaning the
main character are gays and they portraying shoes and arranging the stuffs inside the room
the life of being third sex. They are being of Madam. Last is from the beginning they are
judge based on their characteristics and servant and until the end of the story they
status in life. The society set a labelled of them remain as a mad of their master. The last
as a part of the society as part of what we criticism for that can be seen in this literature
called LGBT community. In this situation is Symbolism it refers putting a meaning into
Queer theory is being used, it refers to the something. The red dress of madam in the
combined area of gay and lesbian studies and story symbolize to the power or being a ruler
ENGM201b: Literary Criticism

as we observe the red dress is the thing that Settings are where and when the story
she wear when she commanding to the two. happens. The setting of this story is inside the
The last criticism for that can be seen in this bedroom of Madame where in Suling and
literature is Symbolism it refers putting a Claire portraying or pretending as Madame.
meaning into something. The red dress of Aside from the bedroom the other is the
madam in the story symbolize to the power or kitchen where Suling do all her household
being a ruler as we observe the red dress is chores as a maid.
the thing that she wear when she
commanding to the two.
Conflicts can be classified as external and
Elements of the short story
internal. These happen when something go
Characters against the way in what the characters
expected to happen. In this story faced a
The characters of the story are;
different kind of conflict that arise from the
Suling and Claire - they are the main society and man.
character of the story. They are the maids
Character vs. Character
who work for madame. Claire was the
youngest and being murdered in the last part In this conflict it is usually occur when the
of the play while Suling is the eldest who protagonist and his antagonist have a
killed Claire because of her frustration and competition or threats to each other.
ambition in life.
When Suling and Claire are having an
Madame – the owner of the house the one argument about their plans. Also to Madam
who insulting Suling and Claire in the story and in the two maids wherein she insulting
and the wife of Sir who is being imprisoned in the both of them about their status in life.
the story.

Mario – is the suitor of Claire and the water

Character vs. Society
boy of the house.
In this conflict it is usually occur when the the
Sir – is the husband of madame who being
characters is go against by the society. They
imprisoned for the sins that he never did.
ENGM201b: Literary Criticism

are judge by the people surrounds them. Exposition is where the characters being
When they are not treated equally by the introduced and the possible problem that may
society because of their status in life and occur in the story. the exposition of this story
gender as well. They are being discriminate is where Suling and Claire imitate their
by people because of who and what they are. Madame. In this scenario there is no big
problem arise and the characters are being
Point of view
The point of view of the author is limited third
Inciting Incidents is where the possible
person point of view because the even the
occur in the story. The inciting incidents of
narrator know the feeling thoughts and
this story is when the alarm clock rang and at
actions but it was just in a surface. He don’t
the same time Madame arrived or came back
even know the things or questions that popo
in the house because madame will start to
up in their mind. The only one thing that the
nagging them and giving them a lot of task
narrator know is the feelings and thoughts of
that make them exhausted and insulted in the
the two main characters but aside from that
same time.
he don’t know the other characters.
Rising Action is where the situation and
tension is getting higher where in the
The theme of Die Inday is all about revenge characters starts to resolve the problems. The
because the two made are making plans how rising action of the story is when Madame saw
to get rid or kill their master. The reason why the hanging telephone that being lef by Claire
they want to kill her is she was always when someone call in their house. Their
degrading of being human of Suling and madame ask them who calls before she arrive
Claire. They are also tired of being slave and and the two maids are feeling nervous and at
they wanted to have a good life as what their the same time can’t uttered a right word for
master have, so that they making plans to kill better explanation. Aside from that is when
her and get all the luxurious that she have. Calire wants Madame to drink the tea with
poision but it was failed because Madame is
Plot Diagram
hurry to meet his husband that being released
in the jail.
ENGM201b: Literary Criticism

Climax is the turning point of the story, Result and Dicussion

where the emotion is being explodes. The
The five literary theories are used to analyse
climax of the sory is when Suling and Claire
Die Inday
continue their plays where in Suling portray
as Madame and Claire was the maid. As their Marxist Criticism - it is being used in the
role play passes by Suling imagined that story because it refers to the status in life or
Claire was the true Madame because she hierarchy if each individual. Showing the
brought by the scene. In this point Claire was difference of higher class to the lower class of
asking Suling to take off her hand because it is people can see the difference of the two
hard for her to breath but Suling was classes. The way Madame gives her
determined to kill madame without knowing commands to its maid and the choices of her
it was Claire. In this scenario is the turning word. They portray the role of the maid in the
point of emotion because Claire was so scared society and at the same time of the employer
and Suling is felt accomplishment in his in their lives.
wrong did.
Archetypal Criticism - it refers to the
Falling Action is the time where the emotion happenings that always happen to them. Like
or tension is getting down. The falling action the two made always do. They keep imitating
is when Suling realized that she killed her their master and after that they will do their
own sister and thinking that she also task. For example they begin to be the slave
muredered her madame. She was scared the first part until the end they are just slave.
knowing that the police officer may arrested In their position history repeated itself.
her for the crime that she committed.
Sociological Criticism - As we can see in the
Resolution where the problem is being play the main character are gays and they
resolve. When Claire show herself as a ghost portraying the life of being third sex. They are
to her sister and let Suling to realized that all being judge based on their characteristics and
their oplan was wrong and accepting that they status in life. The society set a labelled of them
are distened to be maid and end up like a as a part of the society as part of what we
maid. called LGBT community.
ENGM201b: Literary Criticism

Symbolism - the red dress that wearing individual in the story between the maid and
madame is talks about the power that she the employer. Second is Sociological
have that two maids want to get that power. Criticism as we can see in the play the main
Second is the flower that made into a circle it characters are gays and they portraying the
symbolizes the death of Claire it serves as her life of being third sex. They are being judge
Halo or the flower of dead people. Last is the based on their characteristics and status in
horsewhip it symbolizespower and life. The society set a labelled of them as a part
punishments that the superior can give to her of the society as part of what we called LGBT
employer. community.

Last is Queer theory is being used, it refers to Third is symbolism which the flower red
the combined area of gay and lesbian studies dress and latigo symbolize power, death and
and criticism, including studies of variations punishment and fourt archetypal because
in biological sex, gender identity and sexual until the end the two main remain in their
desires. As we observe Claire in the story is position history repeated itself. Last is Queer
being fantasize to have lover or able to feel a theory is being used, it refers to the combined
care and love by someone that he desire. In area of gay and lesbian studies and criticism,
addition the language that being used in the including studies of variations in biological
play is gay language that let the audience or sex, gender identity and sexual desires. As we
reader know their culture as a part of the observe Claire in the story is being fantasize
community. to have lover or able to feel a care and love by
someone that he desire. In addition the
language that being used in the play is gay
The story of Die Inday is all about the life of language that let the audience or reader know
maids how difficult there work is, and their culture as a part of the community.
sometimes they commit mistake because
It is entitled die Inday because in the end
ofthe hardship and insult that they can from
Claire was died because of their revenge and
their superior. The analysis of this story is
by imitating their superior. This story has the
used five approaches to interpret the story
great impact to the readers because it’s open
want to imply to the readers. First is Marxism
our eyes that whatever words comes out in
because of portraying the hierarchy of each
ENGM201b: Literary Criticism

our mouth can affect the whole life of each tell us don’t be too much ambitious on what
individual. The way that we treat them we we wanted in life because sometime it lead us
should be careful because we are one of the in the wrong path or direction.
factor what should they become. Die Inday

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