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Welcome to the (1st Round / 2nd Round / 3rd Round /4th Round /5th Round /Quarterfinal/Semifinal/Grand

final) of National Schools Debating Championship (NSDC) of Lampung Province Level 2019

Under the motion ……….

We have …….. as the Government Team, with 1st Speaker ……………, 2nd Speaker …………… and
3rd Speaker ……………

Also, we have …….. as the Opposition Team, with 1st Speaker ……………, 2nd Speaker ……………
and 3rd Speaker ……………

The chair for this round is……..with the panel is/are……. And the trainee is/are…….

To open the debate, we call the 1st Speaker of the Government Team …………… hear here.

 The 1st Speaker spent time (.....)minutes (….)second

To open the case of Opposition Team, we call the 1st Speaker of the Opposition Team ...........,time is

The 1st Speaker spent time (.....)minutes (….)second

To respon the case of Opposition Team, we call the 2nd Speaker of the Government Team…...........,
time is yours

 The 2nd Speaker spend time (.....)minutes (….)second

To respon the case of Government Team, we call the 2nd Speaker of the Opposition Team…...........,
time is yours

The 2nd Speaker spent time (.....)minutes (….)second

To response the case of Opposition Team, we call the 3rd Speaker of the Government Team …...........,
time is yours

 The 3rd Speaker spent time (.....)minutes (….)second

To response the case of Government Team, we call the 3rd Speaker the Opposition Team …...........,
time is yours

The 3rd Speaker spent time (.....)minutes (….)second

To sum up the case of Opposition Team, we call the the Reply Speaker ……………., time is yours

The Reply Speaker spent time (.....)minutes (….)second

To sum up the case of Government Team, we call the the Reply Speaker ……………., time is yours

The Reply Speaker spent time (.....)minutes (….)second

Thank you for the debate, please kindly go outside the chamber so that the adjudicators could discuss the
whole debate.

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