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Welcome to the (1st round / 2nd round / 3rd round /4th round /5th round /Quarterfinal/semifinal/grand final )

of EIA XVIII National Debate Competition

Under the motion ……….

We have …….. as the Opening Government, with prime minister …………… and deputy prime

with ………. as the Opening Opposition, with leader of opposition ………….. and deputy leader of
opposition ………….

and………... as the Closing Government, with member of government ………… and government

and We have …………. as the Closing Opposition, with member of opposition ……….. and opposition
whip ………………

The Chair for this round is……..with the panel is/are……. And the trainee is/are…….

To open the case, we call prime minister ………….hear here.

The prime minister spent time (.....)minutes (….)second

To open the case of opposition, we call the leader of opposition, ...........,time is yours

The leader of opposition spent time (.....)minutes (….)second

To respon the case of opposition, we call the deputy prime minister, .........., time is yours

The deputy prime minister spend time (.....)minutes (….)second

To repon the case of government, we call the deputy leader of opposition, .........., time is yours

The deputy leader of opposition spent time (.....)minutes (….)second

To open the case of closing government, we call the member of government, ............., time is yours

The member of government spent time (.....)minutes (….)second

To respon the case of government, we call the member of opposition,..........., time is yours

The member of government spend time (.....)minutes (….)second

To close the case of government, we call the government whip,............., time is yours

The government whip spent time (.....)minutes (….)second

To close the case of opposition, we call the opposition whip............, time is yours

The opposition whip spent time (.....)minutes (….)second

Thank you for the debate, please kindly go outside the chamber so that the adjudicators could disscus the
whole debate.

2 LO per chamber or ruangan.

Pas peserta di debate hall buat launch motion, satu orang pegang nomor chamber per masing masing. satu
orang lainnya catet motion, siapa aja timnya dari univ mana dan nama chair panel trainee. Kalo ga jelas,
pas peserta udah case building, tanya adju nya aja. Setiap abis round gini yaa.

Yang case building di dalem chamber/ruangan itu OG

Setelah debat selesai, friendly ke adjudicator bilang “kak, waktu diskusinya kita kasih 15 menit ya ”
kalian keluar ruangan. kalian itungin 15 menitnya, masuk ke ruangan lagi tanya adju nya udah selesai
diskus belom, suruh peserta masuk kalo diskusi udah selesai

Tanyain posisi mereka jadi OG OO CG CO dan posisi speakernya pas waktu mereka case building.
Tanyain pelan, jangan bikin mereka gupek. Case building 15 menit dari adju nya announce, kalian ikut
ngitung juga.

Hafalin singkatannya biar mudah!!!!!

OG: Opening Government

OO: Opening Opposition

CG: Closing Government

CO: Closing Opposition

PM: prime minister

DPM: deputy prime minister

LO: leader of opposition

DLO: deputy leader of opposition

MG: Member of Government

GW: Government Whip

MO: Member of Opposition

OW: Opposition whip

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