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ISSN: 2347-7474

International Journal Advances in Social Science and Humanities

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Job Satisfaction and Emotional Labour of Cabin Crew

Muhammad Iqbal*, Indri Siti Hendarsih

Psychology Faculty of Mercu Buana University Jakarta, Indonesia.


This research aims to know correlation between job satisfaction with emotional labour of Garuda
Indonesia Airline’s cabin crew. Sampling collection method used is purposive sampling with the sample
numbered 50 cabin crews. The data collected by questionnaire adopted from Emotional Labour Scale
(ELS) by Brotheridge and Lee [1] and Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) adopted from Spector [2] and
processed using the correlation analysis product moment of Pearson. The reliability value of job
satisfaction scale is 0,954 and reliability value of emotional labour scale is 0,820. Based on the results of
the research and analysis of the correlation coefficients obtained -0,548. These results indicate that there
is a negative relationship between job satisfaction and emotional labour of Garuda Indonesia Airline’s
cabin crew. That is, the higher the level of job satisfaction then the lower the level of the cabin crew’s
emotional labour. Conversely, the lower the level of job satisfaction then the higher the level of the cabin
crew’s emotional labour.

Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Emotional Labour and Cabin Crew.


Current condition of the airline industry emotion displayed, the higher the customer's
according to the Ministry of Transportation desire to come back again. When employees
(2012) in the Asia Pacific region experienced regulate their emotions with the goal of
very high and fast growth, including running the display in accordance with the
Indonesia. Garuda Indonesia, one of the roles that are required by the company then
largest airline company in Indonesia is it is called emotional labor. Emotional labor
trying to take advantage of market will often happen when the cabin crew
conditions in Indonesia today. As quoted interacts with customers. According to Zapf
from the Business Lounge in the title [4] emotional labor is a psychological process
"Strategies Garuda Indonesia to Provide that is required to set the desired emotion in
Satisfaction to Customer", the marketing organizations.
strategy of Garuda Indonesia, namely by
According to the theory proposed by
applying the concept of “value proposition”,
Hochschild [5] (regarding the aspects that
which is a way of Gauda Indonesia [3]
exist on job satisfaction, namely wages,
providing more services to passengers
supervision, company policies, awards,
exceed the price they have paid? The role of
recognition and responsibility.
cabin crew in an airline service as described
in the Flight Attendant Service Guide Book
Wages, working environment, and some
(2012) which states that the cabin crew
transactional exchange rate found on several
requires an ability to manage emotions and
aspects of job satisfaction and can determine
work with the basic ability to display non-
how it should be and the cabin crew displays
technical skills such as how to deal with
of emotion such as smiling, then from that
passenger complaints and manage stress.
job satisfaction plays an important role in
Thus the emotion becomes often used when
regulating emotions of each individual
interacting and makes the cabin crew must
process. This is consistent with the
learn to regulate these emotions. This is
definition of emotional labor itself which the
very important because the more positive

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management of feeling to create a display

face and body can be observed to the public, processes required to manage emotions. The
emotional labor is sold for a wage and emotional labor occurs when employees
therefore it has an exchange value and regulate their emotions display purposes in
transactional. accordance with the roles required by the
Job satisfaction is a positive attitude and
emotional state is the result of the In some of the literature on emotional labor
assessment of one's job or work experience, can be concluded that there is a concept that
so that when people are trying to seek job is often expressed that the concept of deep
satisfaction, there is emotional involvement acting and surface acting. Both of these
in the process. Continuous emotional concepts are described in Grandey [6], he
balance maintained by an individual can be proposed a model which concentrates on two
predicted by looking at the factors of job aspects: the first is a deep acting which
satisfaction. consists of the deployment of attention and
cognitive changes. The spread of attention
Two studies support the concept of a occurs when people think about the events
strategy of surface acting on emotional labor that gave rise to the emotion is needed in
has a negative relationship with job certain situations. Cognitive changes, is a
satisfaction. Subsequent research is situation in which a person perceives that
research that uses any concept of emotional the emotional impact is reduced.
labor and revealed that workers with a
genuine smile have more job satisfaction The second concept is surface acting or
than faking his emotions. Later studies modulating the response, is when people
using the variables in the emotional labor manipulate how they express or indicate a
and it have a role for job satisfaction, from a particular emotional response. In this
negative to a positive relationship technique, employees withhold their true
relationship. feelings, which support the expression that
can be received when undergoing work.
From the description above was found
between job satisfaction and emotional The main difference between these two
labor, researchers wanted to know whether concepts is surface acting to focus on
there is a correlation between job changes in the external situation assessment
satisfactions with emotional labor of cabin while deep acting to focus on changing
crew. personal thoughts. In Model Grandey [7]
Emotional Labour, he proposed that
Emotional Labour
emotional labor is influenced by situational
Hochschild [5] revealed that emotional labor cues such as interactions, and emotional
is the management of feeling to create a look events.
of the face and body that can be observed to
Job Satisfaction
the public, emotional labor is sold for a wage
and therefore he has the exchange rate. Definition that often used in research
Emotional labor as an observable behavior organizations is derived. Job satisfaction is a
that is contrary to the management of positive and pleasant emotions that come
feelings. from of the work itself or work experiences.
Spector [2] defines job satisfaction as an
Emotional labor as the effort, planning, and
attitudinal variable that reflect how a
control needed to express organizationally
person's feelings about his work as a whole
desired emotions during interpersonal
as well as various aspects of his job.) Job
transactions. Grandey [6] defines emotion
satisfaction consists of a multidimensional
regulation as the processes by which
psychological response to a job, and these
individuals influence which emotions they
responses include cognitive response
have, when they have these emotions, and
(evaluation), affective (or emotional), and
how they experience and express these
behavior. Job satisfaction is a positive
emotions. The definition proposed by Zapf
[4] that emotional labor is the psychological
Muhammad Iqbal et. al. | February 2016 | Vol.4 | Issue 02 |52-58 53
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attitude towards labor work arising from an satisfaction in this theory is the difference
assessment of the work situation. between the aspects of the job which is
owned by a person wants.

Cabin Crew
There are two approaches to the study of job
satisfaction, namely Global approach and A cabin crew jobs in aviation service is a key
facet approach [2]. Job satisfaction in the element in the competition which acts as a
global approach is a feeling that is global or representative of the airline itself with the
as a collection of interrelated attitudes purpose of attracting attention and service
regarding various facets or aspects of the job user satisfaction. Due to the cabin crew have
[2]. Global approach treats job satisfaction direct contact with passengers in long
as something singular, shows the overall periods of time, action and emotional
feeling of the piece of work [2]. behavior of the passengers is a
representation of the airline itself.
Job satisfaction in the approach focuses on
the aspect of feeling on the different aspects However, little attention has been given to
of the job, such as rewards, others in emotions cabin crew, but the emotion itself
employment, conditions of employment and directly impacts the quality of service and
the nature of the work itself. Aspects of the the nature of the interaction of the
approach can provide a more complete passengers. Later in more detail cabin crew
picture of looking at individual job is defined as a person who worked as crew
satisfaction compared to a global approach. on the plane and during the flight
procedures responsible for the safety,
Theory of job satisfaction tried to express security and service to passengers (PT
what makes some people more satisfied with Garuda Indonesia, the Basic Operation
a job than some others. This theory is also Manual, 2011).
looking for a foundation on the feelings of
people on job satisfaction. There are several It can be concluded that the crew cabin is
theories about job satisfaction, namely: someone who worked as crew on the plane
and have a responsibility to the safety and
Two-Factor Theory
security aspects of the co-workers in the line
This theory suggests that satisfaction and of duty, then in charge of safety procedures,
dissatisfaction are part of different groups of safety and service to the passengers during
variables, namely motivators and hygiene the flight that has the attitude and behavior
factors. Dissatisfaction associated with well, initiative, proactive and good
conditions around the work (such as working performance. Especially for cabin crew, one
conditions, wages, safety, quality control and must reach several requirements which refer
relationships with others) and not with the to the level of service when interacting with
work itself. Because the factors preventing a passengers. PT Garuda Indonesia Flight
negative reaction or maintenance named as Attendant Service Guide Book describes the
hygiene factors. Instead satisfaction drawn terms and the basic skills that must be
from factors associated with the job itself or possessed by the cabin crew service aspects,
the direct result thereof such as the nature namely:
of the work, achievements in employment,
promotion, opportunities and the  Ability to communicate
opportunity for self-development and  Ability to build relationships between
recognition. Because these factors are people
associated with high levels of job satisfaction  Ability to know the culture and cross-
called motivators. cultural
Theory of Value  Effectiveness of interpersonal
According to this theory of job satisfaction  Foreign language ability
occurs at the level where the work is  Ability to behave cooperatively
received individual as expected. More and  Ability to resolve passenger complaints
more people accept the results, will be more
satisfied and vice versa. The key to
Muhammad Iqbal et. al. | February 2016 | Vol.4 | Issue 02 |52-58 54
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 Ability mastering aspects of The instrument is used as a tool to gather
professionalism in the service information to measure the variables that
 Ability to cope with stress (stress will be studied is the questionnaire.
Research Hypothesis
The hypotheses of the research as follows:
Cabin crew work environment is a
demanding environment attitudes and
behavior are governed by the provisions of "There is a significant negative correlation
the company's own cost as described above, between job satisfaction with emotional
so that the frequency corresponding to labor of cabin crew."
interact with the emotions being felt by an
Variable Measurement Alpha
individual not as much emotion that must be Cronbach
displayed in accordance with the wishes of Emotional Adopted from 0.820.
the company. Labour Scale Brotheridge [1]. (11 item)
Research Methods Job Satisfaction Adopted from (Job 0.945.
Satisfaction Survey (29 item)
Research Design, The study was conducted (JSS) from Spector
using a quantitative approach with a survey
method. With the independent variable and
the dependent variable job satisfaction is
emotional labor.
Sample Research, Researchers chose Garuda Job Emotional
Indonesia because of flight routes and Satisfaction Labour
frequencies vary with the type of solid most
complete service ranging from first class, Description:
business class and economy class. Then the The independent variable (X): Job Satisfaction
researchers determine the tenure of more The dependent variable (Y): Emotional Labour
than 4 years for having had the experience Results
of working both domestically and Descriptive Analysis
internationally and able to work in first
class, business class and economy class with On the categorization of emotional labor
a position as a senior cabin crew who normative expectations, there are 11 items
already has credibility, good ability with with six options (SNA, NA, RNA, RA, A, SA)
good performance appraisal 2 years (PT that has a maximum score of 66 and a
Garuda Indonesia Flight Attendant Service minimum score of 11. Whereas normative
Guide Book, 2011). Due to time constraints reality, the highest score is 45 and the
owned by the researchers, the researchers lowest score is 22, with the mean-value of
used samples totaling 50 crew members. 38.5 with a standard deviation 9.167.
Sample criteria:
Furthermore, the obtained mean true norm
 Garuda Indonesia cabin crew worth 33.60 with a standard deviation of
 Men & Women 6.42. Normative expectations, as many as 15
 Work period 4-30 years people (30%) were categorized low. Being
categorized as many as 33 people (66%) and
The sampling technique used was purposive 2 (4%) categorized high. Similarly, the
sampling. This technique is an investigator expected frequency, the frequency of the
assessment of who can provide the best acquisition suggests that the cabin crew are
information to achieve research objectives. in the middle category, but with greater
Researchers only contacted the subject who frequency that is 35 people (70%). Cabin
has the necessary information, in accordance crew who have a low emotional labor as
with the needs of the research and willing to many as 8 people (16%). While the cabin
be sampled. crew who have high emotional labor of 7
people (14%).

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Analysis in the description of every aspect of lowest yield additional incomes that affect
emotional labor gained a description of each job satisfaction cabin crew.
aspect of emotional labor in the crew cabin.
Based on the results of the descriptive Results based on gender demographic
analysis above, the highest mean of 9.66 descriptions of emotional labor results
results obtained from the aspect frequency obtained are being categorized by the
and the lowest mean of 5.74 is obtained from number of 35 people (70%). Female gender
the aspect variation. The results indicate categorized by the number of 29 people

that when interacting with passengers,

cabin crew often display emotions, but (69%) and men amounted to 6 people (75%).
instead display a variety of emotions,
emotions that often display the tendency For job satisfaction are being categorized by
shown by the results of the analysis are the the number of 36 people (72%). Female
same between the surface acting and deep gender categorized by the number of 31
acting with a mean of 6.14. people (73.81%) and men amounted to 5
people (62.5%).
On the categorization of job satisfaction
based on the norm of hope, there are 29 Based on the results obtained age
items with six options (SNA, NA, RNA, RA, description of emotional labor are being
A, SA) that has a maximum score of 174 and categorized by the number of 35 persons
a minimum score of 29. Whereas in fact (70%). 21-30 years old categorized amounted
there are norms highest score of 160 and the 22 people (66.67%), aged 31-40 years old
lowest score of 52 with mean-value 101.5 amounted to 8 people (80%) and aged 41-50
with a standard deviation of 24.167. years old amounted to 5 people (71.4%). For
Furthermore, the obtained mean true norm job satisfaction are being categorized by the
worth 107.64 with a standard deviation of number of 36 people (72%). 21-30 years old
21.17. categorized amounted 22 people (66.67%),
aged 31-40 years old amounted to 8 people
Normative expectations, there are 2 people (80%) and aged 41-50 years old amounted to
(4%) were categorized low. Middle category 6 people (85.71%).
36 people (72%) and 12 men (24%)
categorized high. Similarly, the expected Based on the results obtained education
frequency, the frequency of the acquisition level descriptions of emotional labor are
suggests most of the cabin crew are in the being categorized by the number of 35
middle category with lower frequencies, persons (70%). A high school education level
namely 35 (70%). Cabin crew who has low categorized by the number of 28 people
job satisfaction are 6 people (12%). While the (70%), Diploma Degree consists of 3 people
cabin crew who have high job satisfaction (75%) and Bachelor Degree amounted to 4
are 9 people (18%). people (66.67%). For job satisfaction are
being categorized by the number of 35
Analyses in the description of every aspect of persons (70%). A high school education level
job satisfaction were performed using SPSS. was categorized by the number of 28 people
The result is a description of each aspect of (70%), Diploma Degree consists of 3 people
job satisfaction of the crew cabin. Based on (75%) and Bachelor Degree amounted to 4
the results of the descriptive analysis above, people (66.67%).
there are three highest mean results
obtained 19,20 aspect of the nature of the Results based on work period descriptions of
work, and the mean at 17.02 and 13.64 emotional labor are being categorized by the
coworkers aspects of the dependence on the number of 35 persons (70%). Work period 1-
aspect of reward. Lowest mean is 7.48 which 10 years who are currently categorized
is derived from the income side aspect. The numbering 25 people (69.45%), 11-20 years
results show that the aspects of the nature work period amounted to 3 people (60%) and
of the job as cabin crew itself that cause job 21-30 years work amounted to 7 people
satisfaction. Then followed a co-worker and (77.78%). For job satisfaction are being
dependence on reward. Aspects occupy the categorized by the number of 36 people
Muhammad Iqbal et. al. | February 2016 | Vol.4 | Issue 02 |52-58 56
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(72%). Work period 1-10 years who are descriptive analysis of each aspect of job
currently categorized numbering 24 people satisfaction values obtained are aspects of
(66.67%), 11-20 years work amounted to 4 the nature of work, coworkers aspects and
people (80%) and 21-30 years work aspects of reward dependence in the highest
amounted to 8 people (88.89%). ranks that support the cabin crew job
satisfaction. Aspects of side income have the
Based on the results obtained marital status lowest values that support the cabin crew
descriptions of emotional labor categorized job satisfaction. These aspects apply when
by the number of 35 persons (70%). Marital the cabin crew has had a minimum term of
four years in accordance with the subjects in
this study.
status categorized unmarried were
numbered 19 people (67%), married The conclusion and it is also the answer to
numbered 15 persons (62.5%) and divorced the research problem is "there is a
numbered 1 (100%). For job satisfaction significant correlation between job
categorized by the number of 36 people satisfaction with emotional labor", the
(72%). Marital status categorized unmarried significance of -0.548. Thus the hypothesis of
numbered 18 people (72%), married for 17 this study received the results there is a
persons (70.83%) and divorced numbered 1 significant negative correlation between job
person (100%). satisfaction with emotional labor of cabin
crew with the contribution of the effect of job
The correlation results from the calculation satisfaction on emotional labor that is equal
of Pearson Product Moment Correlation to 30%.
obtained a value of -0.548, which means
there is a negative relationship. The
The results showed that the hypothesis is
negative relationship here means the two
accepted that there is a significant negative
variables have a perfect linear relationship
relationship between job satisfaction with
(a straight line) is negative. Such a perfect
emotional labor of cabin crew. From previous
correlation has meaning if the value of job
research revealed that there is a correlation
satisfaction increases, the emotional labor
between job satisfaction and emotional labor
force will decrease and vice versa. Then also
relations both negative and positive
obtained great influence job satisfaction on
emotional labor that is equal to 30% and
70% contribution of other variables that do Testing the correlation between job
not exist in this study [9-18]. satisfaction and emotional labor on cabin
crew shows there is a negative relationship
between the two variables. This is consistent
Based on the results of the descriptive
with results of previous studies conducted by
analysis, it is concluded that the level of
Kinmann [8] who conducted a study of 127
emotional labor and job satisfaction of
cabin crew and 122 sales representatives
Garuda Indonesia Airline’s cabin crew each
over the phone with the result that both
entry into the medium category. Then from
crew members who deal directly with
the results of the descriptive analysis of each
customers or sales agents who deal with
aspect of emotional labor and job satisfaction
customers over the phone to have aspects of
was found occupying the frequency is the
satisfaction work is negatively correlated to
highest aspect value in all aspects of
the suppression of emotions and pretending
emotional labor and variation aspect
to work with.
occupies the lowest value. This suggests that
when interacting with passengers, crew
From the results of the research done to
members often display the same emotions
Garuda Indonesia cabin crew, shows that
instead of display variety of emotions.
there is a significant negative relationship
between job satisfaction with emotional
Tendency of display emotion shown that the labor. The relationship can be said that the
cabin crew both displayed emotions surface higher the job satisfaction the lower the
acting and deep acting almost at the same emotional labor of cabin crew, so that
frequency. Then from the results of the researchers can expand research on aspects

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of job satisfaction that can reduce emotional
labor on cabin crew.
accordance to match with Indonesian
Suggestion culture. In a subsequent study is expected to
Increase the number of samples that can examine more about job satisfaction and
represent the target population in the study emotional labor in order to look for other
and to avoid disproportionate proportion of
the sample as well as the addition of a
variable that is expected to further explain independent variables. Because emotional
the correlation of job satisfaction with labor not only have a correlation with job
emotional labor. Then using more reliable satisfaction, but also has a correlation with
scale in other studies. Series of trials needed other factors.
to develop a more reliable instrument in
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