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Cleaning Data in EXCEL

Dr. Allan A. Burgos

Scrub-a-Dub-Dub: Cleaning Data
• Editing an imported workbook
• Cleaning data with text functions
• Keeping data clean with validation
Delete unnecessary columns
• column letter to select the column. Then choose the Home tab’s
Delete command.
Delete unnecessary rows
• Just click the row number and then choose the Home tab’s Delete
Resize columns
• double-click the column letter box’s right corner or click AutoFit
Column Width on the Format button’s drop-down (Home tab).
Resize rows
• Just select the row number label and then choose the Home tab’s
Format➪Row Height command.
Erase unneeded cell contents
• select the worksheet range and then choose the Home tab’s
Clear➪Clear All command.
Format numeric values
• To change the formatting of values in a workbook that you want to
analyze, first select the range of what you want to reformat. Then
choose the Home tab’s Number command.
Copying worksheet data
• To copy worksheet data, first select the data that you want to
duplicate. You can copy a single cell or range of cells. Choose the
Home tab’s Copy command and then select the range into which you
want to place the copied data. Remember: You can select a single cell
or a range of cells. Then choose the Home tab’s Paste command.
Moving worksheet data
• To move worksheet data to some new location, select the range that
stores the data. Choose the Home tab’s Cut command and click the
cell in the upper-left corner of the range into which you want to move
the worksheet data. Then choose the Home tab’s Paste command.
Replacing data in fields
• To use this command, first select the column with the data that you
want to clean by clicking that column’s letter. Next choose Find &
Select➪Replace so that Excel displays the Find and Replace dialog bo
Cleaning Data with Text Functions
Clean Functions
• Using the CLEAN function removes nonprintable characters text. For
example, if the text labels shown in a column are using crazy
nonprintable characters that end up showing as solid blocks or goofy
symbols, you can use the CLEAN function to clean up this text. The
cleaned-up text can be stored in another column. You can then work
with the cleaned text column.
• CLEAN(text)
The CONCATENATE function
• The CONCATENATE function combines, or joins chunks of text into a
single text string. The CONCATENATE function uses the following
• CONCATENATE(text1,text2,text3,. . .)
The EXACT function
• The EXACT function compares two text strings. If the two text strings
are exactly the same, the EXACT function returns the logical value for
true, which is 1. If the two text strings differ in any way, the EXACT
function returns the logical value for false, which is 0. The EXACT
function is case-sensitive.
• EXACT(text1,text2)
The FIND function
• The FIND function finds the starting character position of one text
string within another text string.
• FIND(find_text,within_text,start_num)
The FIXED function
• The FIXED function rounds a value to specified precision and then
converts the rounded value to text.
• FIXED(number,decimals,no_commas)
The LEFT function
• The LEFT function returns a specified number of characters from the
left end of a text string.
• LEFT(text,num_chars)
The LEN function
• The LEN function counts the number of characters in a text string.
• LEN(text)
The LOWER function
• The LOWER function returns an all-lowercase version of a text string.
• LOWER(text)
The MID function
• The MID function returns a chunk of text in the middle of text string.
• MID(text,start_num,num_char)
The PROPER function
• The PROPER function capitalizes the first letter in every word in a text
• PROPER(text)
The REPLACE function
• The REPLACE function replaces a portion of a text string.
• REPLACE(old_text,start_num,num_chars,new_text)
The REPT function
• The REPT function repeats a text string.
• REPT(text,number_times)
The RIGHT function
• The RIGHT function returns a specified number of characters from the
right end of a text string.
• RIGHT(text,num_chars)
The SEARCH function
• The SEARCH function calculates the starting position of a text
fragment within a text string.
• SEARCH(find_text,within_text,start_num)
The SUBSTITUTE function
• The SUBSTITUTE function replaces occurrences of text in a text string.
• SUBSTITUTE(text,old_text,new_text,instances)
The T function
• The T function returns its argument if the argument is text.
• T(value)
The TEXT function
• The TEXT function formats a value and then returns the value as text.
• TEXT(value,format_text)
The TRIM function
• The TRIM function removes extra spaces from the right end of a text
• TRIM(text)
The UPPER function
• The UPPER function returns an all-uppercase version of a text string.
• UPPER(text)
The VALUE function
• The VALUE function converts a text string that looks like a value to a
• VALUE(text)

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