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Legal Name: Work Cited Winnie the Pooh


Healthline. (2019). Understanding ADHD Character from the Hundred Acre Woods

Inattentive Type. [online] Available at: Nigel Carlisle (Your Name)

inattentive-type [Accessed 1 Dec. 2019].


Pooh Bear’s House,

December 1, 2019 (Due Date)
Hundred Acre Woods
James, L. E. (2007). Tigger on the couch: the
neuroses, psychoses, disorders and

Next of Kin: maladies of our favourite childhood

characters. London: Collins.


The Mini Adventures of Winnie the Pooh:

Eeyore's House. (2012). [video] Available
v=7a_zuYcIjqs [Accessed 1 Dec. 2019].

Physical Presentation:
Pooh is extremely overweight, perhaps even
clinically obese.

Pooh’s diet consists mainly of honey. Much of his
attention is taken up by food - either eating,
procuring or counting it, and even just thinking
about it.

Family Background:
No information is available on pooh’s early years or
his family of origin.

Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder,
Predominantly Inattentive Type.

Winnie-the-Pooh’s failure to pay attention to detail

and his inability to think things through cause
trouble in his day-to-day life.
Patient Notes: honey. The clock at his house appears to be Prognosis
Winnie-the-Pooh appears vague much of stuck at 5 to eleven, which is conveniently is the While AD/HD is believed to be incurable,
the time and often begins tasks he cannot finish, time he likes to have a snack. However, this may it is possible with the correct care and treatment
such as counting pots of honey. The size of his be because he hasn’t noticed that it is not for there to be marked improvement. Many adult
brain is frequently called into question - usually by working or has tried but failed to fix it.
suffered of AD/HD go on to have successful
himself - although it is unlikely there is any Pooh enjoys making up song. careers. In Pooh’s case, the catering industry
physical anomaly.
Interestingly, although he often gets might provide a suitable working environment in
He appears to need to think very distracted, this one task he usually which he could put his passion for food to more
carefully before doing anything, but often manages to complete almost to the constructive use.

becomes distracted before he has been end. The noise does cause some
distress to his friends and
able to see a clear path ahead. He
neighbours, however. If he could learn
sometimes writes notes to help him Pooh would probably benefit from a
with this; it would seem, however, to apply the same degree of attention
combination of drug and behaviour therapy,
that they make little sense.
to a more useful pastime, it would
which focuses on helping the individual to follow
Pooh’s forgetfulness and probably be of great help to him in the
tasks through to the end and set up systems to
inability to plan ahead generally longer term as well as contributing to the
deal with simple day-to-day tasks, such as
cause trouble. He built a trap to community as a whole.

remembering where one has put things, would

catch a Heffalump, but then failed

raise Pooh’s self-esteem as he would begin to

either to remember where it was or to AD/HD - Predominantly learn how to manage his life more successfully.
signpost it adequately, and so ended Inattentive Type - the Facts Adjusting his diet would improve Pooh’s mental
up trapped himself.
Even though Winnie-the-Pooh and tigger functioning and would have the added benefit of
Pooh is well liked and seem exceptionally different in their characters aiding weight loss. He would then be rather less
generous, but often this results in and behaviour, they both meet the diagnostic likely to inconvenience Rabbit - or indeed any
problems. On one occasion he decided criteria for the overall category of AD/HD. Each underground resident of Hundred Acre Wood - by
his friend Eeyore needed a house, but failed to animal however meets the criteria for a different blocking his front door.
consult Eeyore first and ended up dismantling the subtype. It is the Predominantly Inattentive Type
house Eeyore had painstakingly built for himself.
of AD/HD that may be applied to Pooh, this being
Pooh cannot tell left from right, which characterized by a pattern of inattention rather
causes him some confusion. In addition, his than the hyper-impulsivity. Like Pooh many
cognition appears faulty. Often he knows he sufferers of this type of AD/HD seem to be very
needs to think about thinking about thinking dreamy, as if their attention is focused elsewhere.
about it that he fails actually to think about the This leads to mistakes at school or work, and
matter in question. This inattention is noticed means projects are often left unfinished. This
within his community; Eeyore, for example subtype is diagnosed when there are symptoms
attributes it to lack of education.
of the inattentive but the sufferer doesn’t behave
Winnie-the-pooh is overweight and overly in a way that could be described as either
interested in eating, indicating he may also have hyperactive or impulsive.
issues with food, perhaps even an addiction to

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