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 Spring Tutorial How To Install Spring IDE Eclipse Plugin

How To Install Spring IDE Eclipse Plugin

 Jerry Zhao  August 15, 2017  0

Spring IDE is a useful graphical development tool. It can make Spring application development easy.
This article will show you how to install it as a Eclipse plugin.
 1. Install Spring Plugin From Eclipse Marketplace

1. Open Eclipse, click ” Help —> Eclipse Marketplace”.

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How To Install Spring IDE Eclipse Plugin https://www.dev2qa.com/how-to-install-spring-ide-...

2. Input “Spring IDE” in popup dialog, Click Enter key.

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3. Click Install button to install. After some time, all IDE related plugin list out. Choose them all.
Click Confirm button.

4. Choose “Accept terms of licence agreement”, click Finish button.

5. When plugin installation complete, you need to restart Eclipse.
6. After restart, you can see below picture which means installation success.

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2. Create Spring Java Project

1. Open Eclipse, click ” File —> New —> Project ” menu item.
2. Choose ” Spring Legacy Project ” in popup dialog. Click Next.

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3. Input project settings like below.

4. After click Finish button, you can see the project listed in Eclipse left panel. Because we choose
“Simple Spring Maven” in step 3. So all Spring related jars has been added in the project.

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5. If you choose “Simple Java” in step 3, you need to add the jars manually. You can click here to
download the latest jars.

6. After download, unzip it to a local folder. Then add related jars into java project. You can read
Spring Hello World Example Use Maven And Eclipse to learn how to add the jars to project.
7. Spring use commons-logging by default, so you need to click here to download commons-logging
jar lib file. Then add it to project build path.

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3. Create HelloWorld Java Bean.

1. Right click src/main/java , click ” New —> Class ” in the popup menu.
2. Input package name, class name in the popup dialog as below.

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3. Input below java code in HelloWorld.java. Please note all the private instance field should has a
set and get method.
public class HelloWorld {

private String firstName;

private String lastName;

public String getFirstName() {

return firstName;

public void setFirstName(String firstName) {

this.firstName = firstName;

public String getLastName() {

return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;

public void sayHello()

System.out.println("Hello " + this.getFirstName() + " " + this.getLastName());

4. Create Spring Bean Configuration Xml File.

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1. Right click src/main/resources  in left panel, Click ” New —> Others” in popup menu list.
2. Choose ” Spring Bean Configuration File ” in popup dialog. Click Next.

3. Input BeanSettings.xml in configuration file name text box, please note the xml file should be
saved in src/main/resources directory. Click Next.

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4. Select related xsd in next dialog. We just select beans xsd.

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5. Click Next, Finish to close the wizard. You can see BeanSettings.xml has been created in left
project tree.

READ :   Load Spring Beans From Multiple Configuration File

5. Add Java Bean To Bean Configuration File.

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1. Double click BearSettings.xml file just created.

2. Click “New Bean” button in right panel “beans” tab.

3. Input bean id in the popup dialog as below. Click Browse button to select HelloWorld class we
just created in step 3. Click Next.

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4. Add following two properties in next dialog.

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5. Click Finish, Now click Source tab at the bottom, you can see bean definition in xml file.

6. Invoke HelloWorld Java Bean

1. Create class  com.dev2qa.example.spring.InvokeHelloWorldBean .

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2. Add below java code in it.

public static void main(String[] args) {
/* Initiate Spring application context. */
ApplicationContext springAppContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("BeanSettings.xml");
/* Get HelloWorldBean by id. */
HelloWorld helloWorldBean = (HelloWorld) springAppContext.getBean("helloWorldBean");
/* Set bean field value. */
/* Call bean method. */

3. Run it, then you can see below output.

7. Source Code

1. Download “SpringExampleProject.zip”

 Posted in Spring Tutorial

 Tagged Eclipse Plugin, Hello World, Spring


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