Essay Kebangsaan

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By Natasza Astari Putri

Accounting Major

Sriwijaya University

What is corruption? Corruption has been become daily consumption of

Indonesian people from the upper to the lower classes. Corruption is often heard,
spoken, seen by the public in the mass media. Politics, gratuity, money, bribery,
collusion and nepotism have mutually sustainable relationships with the word
corruption. Corruption is also a complicated problem and becomes a latent danger that
must be immediately addressed by all people because the state's financial condition has
been eroded by corrupt practices by state officials. The rhetoric spread by the
government is only a cover to cover up this despicable practice. Legislation concerning
corruption is only used as a supplement and an additional regulation. If further studied
on the quality of corruption in Indonesia, it can be ascertained that it only benefits the
political elite and only destroys the Indonesian economy in an international manner.

What are the causes of corrupt practices? The factors that made officials in the
reform era commit corrupt practices were the lack of political education from state
officials, the lack of selection from political parties to choose qualified candidates in
occupying board members' seats, the large number of political parties that made
pragmatic politics possible with bribery, corruption rules in Indonesia are long-winded,
and regulations that are less assertive and less binding so as not to cause a deterrent
effect from the perpetrators. State officials are also easy to commit corruption because
there are many opportunities in autonomous regions that have a tiered government

Who can become a corruptor and why they corrupt? People who commit
corruption and accept bribes certainly have more motives and desires for property.
Though their salaries are sufficient, but due to lack of morale and fear, they end up
committing corruption. Many opportunities for corruptors make it want to commit acts
of corruption. The community also takes bribery to facilitate all matters to the law
apparatus and administration. In addition, corruption can also come from employers.
Entrepreneurs sometimes practice bribery with related officials for personal business

Why are there still many people who are corrupt? Corruption may be almost a
culture in Indonesian society, it is known from the contextual facts that this practice
occurs in various government and private agencies. It cannot be denied, most people are
still accustomed to small-scale corruption called gratification, most of which are usually
done early, because of lack of moral education and government counseling on
corruption. Where corruption has clearly violated religious norms, and norms that apply
in society about honesty. Corruption in Indonesia is also caused by a lack of educational
norms when studying on the bench

What is the impact of corruption? The society are the main victims of this
corrupt practice. The people's tax money which should be used for state facilities
actually only enriches its officials. Poor people become poorer, people become
fragmented, people are mocked, and people's rights are forgotten. In addition, the
effects of corrupt practices are massive inflation of the state finances, uncertain
economic development situation of the country, guaranteed rights and welfare of the
people, and the dangerous people make anti-government networks, then carry out coups
due to dissolved dissatisfaction - the result of government acts of corruption.

How to prevent corruption? Well, it starts within you. We can prevent corrupt
behavior by always maintaining a simple attitude of life, not a luxurious lifestyle,
always grateful for the sustenance provided by God, and never feel less for the
sustenance we receive. Then how do we not be tempted to behave in corruption? If we
get money or goods that are not ours, try asking your own conscience, do I have the
right to take this money or goods. If we are occupying a position and there are parties
who try to give money or goods that are not our rights, ask yourself does the provision
of money/goods affect the decisions I made regarding my position. If ot is yes, than you
would better not to taking it.
How do you deal with corruption that has occurred? Here are some ways that
might be effective to eradicate corruption :

1. Set the death penalty for corruption in a certain amount of

manipulation, then confiscate all the assets of the accused corruption for
the State.
2. The corruptors who were not included in the death sentence, on each
forehead of the corruptor must be tattooed with a stamp with a written
sentence "Punished in KPK Corruption Cases”. If this tattoo is
removed, it will be given such a severe sanctions.
3. In KPK organization as soon as possible, a special corruptor prison
need to be built with the name "Prison of the Evil Man of Indonesia"
4. In the field of national education education material about "Dangers
of Corruption and Its Negative Impact on the Advancement of
Nations and Countries" should be included.

How about the corruption in Indonesia? The corruption in Indonesia according

to the history, it has occurred since the era of colonialism which inherited the culture so
that the Indonesian people became influenced by the culture. In the new order era was
the culmination of the practices of corruption, collusion and nepotism due to the many
irregularities carried out by state officials, and after the new order of the Indonesian
state left debts piled up in the Government of Nations. After the collapse of the mandate
of power from the new order era, it does not necessarily immediately eliminate the
practice of corruption, it is because it has become a bad habit of the people of Indonesia.
Corruption in Indonesia can not be tolerated anymore if Indonesia wants to achieve its
goals, because if it is done continuously, all people will consider corruption as a matter
of course, and will lead to mental attitude of officials who always justify any means of
committing corruption. Then corruption must be dealt with thoroughly and responsibly.


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