Chapter II

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2.1 Teaching and Learning Activities

This acticity means isan activity of students’ field experience

program where the students implemented the teaching and learning

process in the class that entrusted by the English teacher. This avtivity is

done during one (1) semester.

In this activity, the students are divided to teach some class and the

following are the schedule of the field experience students in teaching

learning process in SMPN 2 Langke Rembong:

No. Students name Class Date Time

1. Tarsianus Hasa Class VIII I Friday 08.35 – 10.05

Class VIII J Tuesday 07.15 – 08.25

2. Maria Yuliana Jun Class VII E Monday 09.55 – 11.15

Tuesday 07.15 – 08.35

Class VII F Wednesday 07.15 – 08.35

Thursday 09.30 – 10.50

Class VII G Monday 07.45 – 09.05

Wednesday 11.05 – 12.15

3. Saveriono Jorin Class VIII F Tuesday 07.15 – 08.35

Friday 10.05 – 11.25

Class VIII G Tuesday 09.30 – 10.50

Wednesday 07.15 – 08.35

2.2 Administrative Activities of the School

This activity is an activity where the students of field experience

programe take part in helping the teacher and school official in activities as


1. Help the teacher in typing the mid term exam.

2. Help the teacher in clamping the axam text.

3. Help the teacher in overseen the Try Out and Mid Examination

4. Helps the teacher who was unable to give a lesson in classroom.

2.3 Intra-organization activities of the school

In this activity, the students of field experience progrme take a part

in the spiritual activity where take part in choir activity for Rabu-abu that

guaranteed by SMPN 2 Langke Rembong on March 05th 2014 in Katedral

Baru. Beside that, the students also take part in Rekoleksi activity for the

students of grade IX to follow the national examinatio.

2.4 Extracurricular Activities

This activity means that the acivity where the participants of field

experience programe involved in environmental clean-up activities that

conducted every Saturday after the first break. Beside that, also help the

students association of SMPN 2 Langke Rembong in training the flag

ceremony that will be held on Monday. The participants of field experiene

programe also help the teacher in social activity on Wednesday, April 30th


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