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A Doll’s House

Doll House Motif

Henrik Ibsen uses the
extended metaphor of a doll’s
house and includes
juxtaposition with it to show
how Nora is manipulated
and treated like a doll despite
the facade of having a
perfectly put together life.
“When I was at home with
Papa he gave me his
opinions on everything. So “I was simply handed over
I had the same opinions as from Papa to you… The
he did. If I disagreed with whole reason for my
him I concealed the fact, existence was to perform
because he wouldn’t have tricks for you, Torvald”
liked it. He called me his (111).
doll-child, and he played
with me just as I used to
play with my dolls” (110).
“But our home has
been nothing but a
playroom” (111).
“I thought it was
great from when you
played with me…
That is what our
marriage has been”
Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year!

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