Sed 464 Rules and Procedures

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*Exact wording of rules will be selected by the students themselves*

● Respect and support each other
● Participate and engage
● Be prepared
● Be on time
● Believe in yourself

Since these rules are mostly subjective, the disciplinary actions will be handled mostly
1-on-1 between myself and the student, letting them know I am aware of the rule they
are either breaking or on the verge of breaking, and simply communicating my
expectations of them fixing it. My classroom management will vary from this process
and be more objective.

● Bell work will be on the board at the beginning of class. Record your answer on a
shared piece of scrap paper. After the bell rings, we will go over the correct
answers then they will hold onto them until the end of class. When exiting the
room the student will personally hand me their work.
● Lights will be turned off at the beginning of class and during any large transitions.
That way, when the lights are turned back on, students will know it is time to
● Homework will be turned into a designated bin/area marked with their class
section. Homework will be accepted until 5 minutes after the end of the school
● Handling work back will be incorporated into individual work time. That way, I am
able to not waste any time passing back wor.
● Bathroom allowances will be recorded by a sheet by the door. Students will
dismiss themselves, write down their name and the time or exit and return and
then take a bathroom pass. This system will allow me to always have a record of
where my students are incase of emergency, as well as have the students
monitor their own bathroom habits. If they notice they see their name more than
others on the list, they might consider lessening their trips. I will only allow one
student out at a time, unless visibly necessary.
● Absence policy will follow that of the school district. All materials used in a lesson
will be put into a “What Did I Miss” folder for each class in a corner of the room. It
will be the student’s responsibility to gather the work they missed based on the
class and the date.
● Late work will be accepted until the end of each unit. For each day the
assignment is late, a 5% grade deduction will occur. Once it has reached the
point of 50%, it will remain at half credit. This does not include days that students
are absent or weekends.
● Grading will be done in a way that combines completion and content. Each
assignment will have a rubric with it that allows for 50% of the points to be
dedicated to full completion. This guarantees if a student at least does the bare
minimum, they will not be receiving a 0 on the assignment.
● Communication with parents will be one of my number one priorities. I will make
it my goal to email each parent once a unit and give a short update on the
lesson, standards, objectives, and personal achievements or problems their child
is having. The number of students I have will depend on how often these emails
will be sent out, but I will try to space them out so I only have to do a portion of
them per week.

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