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Edexcel Level 7

BTEC Postgraduate Advanced Diploma

Management Studies


UNIT No: 19

Quality and Systems Management

Assignment (August - October 2010)


1. Evaluate the strategic objectives of operations management within the

2. Design and monitor appropriate systems to ensure quality of product and
3. Improve organizational performance

Select an organisation (small, medium or Large) and conduct an in-depth research into the
various aspects of that organisation including:

1. It’s Operations, Strategic and Operation’s Objective

2. Resources, systems and tools used in the operations
3. The auditing activities of the company,
4. Cultural aspects prevail in the organisation,
5. Monitoring activities and the Issues faced in operations
6. Appropriate ways to solve the issues and Implement the change to ensure quality

Based on the research, you should be able to answer the following question in appropriate
details. Answer should be supported by appropriate theories and models related to the

Task 1:
Evaluate the strategic objectives of operations management within the

a) Identify and explain the role and importance of effective operations

b) Identify the strategic objectives of your chosen Organization and analyze
them with the help of appropriate tools.
c) Identify the performance operations objectives of the same company and
analyze how successful the operations are in meeting strategic objectives
of a company. Your discussion need to be focused on Quality, Cost,
Speed, Flexibility and/or Dependability

Task 2:
Design and monitor appropriate systems to ensure quality of product and

a) Define resources, tools and systems required to support business process to

improve the quality of products and services
b) Define quality audit systems/practice to manage and monitor quality to
standards specified by the organization and process operated. Also suggest
ways as to how quality audit systems can be implemented in an organization.
c) Highlight the ways to introduce quality culture in your organization to ensure
continuous monitoring and development of the process.

Task 3:
Improve organizational performance

a) Monitor systems and work activities in your organization and identify problems
and opportunities for improvement.
b) Recommend improvements which align with the organization’s objectives and
goals and which result in a reduction in the variation between what customers
and other stakeholders want and what products, processes and services
c) Evaluate the wider implications of proposed changes within the organization.
d) Develop an Implementation Plan for the evaluated recommendations and
evaluated the possible changes within an organization.
Important Instructions:

1. Total number of words should be 4000 +-10%.

2. Your answer needs to be supported by appropriate theories and academic sources
where required.
3. This assignment has to be submitted online at the assignment submission area
4. Last date of Submission is 05-11-2010 until 23:55. No extension will be given in last
date of submission except in special circumstances. Only the Director of Studies or
Course Manager can extend the date in such circumstances.
5. If you fail this assignment, you can’t re-work on the same assignment but have to
work on the new assignment with the new session in which case all new dates will
6. Plagiarism allowed is 0% however referenced material should be used appropriately
in proportion with the length of assignment.
7. Reference System to be used is Harvard Reference System. There is a comprehensive
document on Harvard Reference system on EThames Livecampus. A number of good
documents can also be found on internet. Wikipedia references are not allowed in
these assignments.
8. All assignments are accepted online only and no hardcopy is accepted. A submission
link will be available on Livecampus on appropriate date and time. Please note; do not
wait for the last minute to submit your work on-line as you may fail to so and in such
circumstances, no second chance will be given.

Deadline: 05-11-2010


Pass All criteria identified in the assignment are met along with appropriate academic

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