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Centre : Centre for Foundation Studies(CFS) Session : 201506

Course : Foundation in Science Unit Code : FHSC 1014
Year : Year 1 Unit Title : Mechanics
Trimester : Trimester 1

Tutorial 9: Universal Gravitation

1. Neutron stars, such as the one at the center of the Crab Nebula, have about the same
mass as our sun but have a much smaller diameter (20 km). If you weigh 675 N at the
surface of the Earth, what would you weigh at the surface of a neutron star?
Given that Mass of the Sun, MS= 1.99 × 1030kg
[Answer: 9.16×1013 N]

2. An interplanetary spaceship passes through the point in space where the gravitational
forces from the Sun and the Earth on the ship exactly cancel. How far from the center
of the Earth is it?
Given that Distance from the Earth to the Sun, rES =1.50×1024 m.
Mass of the Sun, MS= 1.99 × 1030kg
Mass of the Earth, ME= 5.98 × 1024kg
[Answer: 2.59×108 mfrom center of the Earth]


Sun Venus Earth Jupiter Saturn

Every few hundred years most of the planets line up on the same side of the Sun.
Calculate the total net force on the Earth due to Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn, assuming
all four planets are in a line. The masses are respectively MV = 0.815ME, MJ = 318ME,
MS = 95.1ME, and their mean distances from the Sun are 108, 150, 778, and 1430
million km.
Given that the mass of the Earth, ME= 5.98 × 1024kg.
[Answer: 9.58 × 1017N away from the Sun]

4. The average distance separating Earth and the Moon is 384000 km. What is the net
gravitational force exerted by Earth and the Moon on a 3.00×104 kg spaceship located
halfway between them.
Given that Mass of the Earth, ME= 5.98 × 1024kg
Mass of the Moon, MM= 7.36 × 1022kg
[Answer: 321 N directed toward earth]

5. (a) Calculate the force of gravity on a spacecraft which is at 12800 km (2 earth

radii) above the Earth’s surface if its mass is 1400 kg.
Given that the mass of the Earth,ME= 5.98 × 1024 kg.
(b) Calculate the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of the Moon. The
Moon’s radius is about 1.74  106 m and its mass is 7.35  1022 kg.
[Answer: (a) 1.52 × 103 N; (b) 1.62 ms–2]

6. The mass of Venus is 81.5% that of the earth, and its radius is 94.9% that of the earth.
(a) Compute the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of Venus from
(b) If a rock weighs 75.0 N on earth, what would it weigh at the surface of Venus?
[Answer: (a) 0.905gE; (b) 67.9N]

7. An Earth satellite is in a circular orbit at an altitude of 460 km above the Earth’s

(a) What is the linear speed?
(b) What is the period of revolution (in hours)?
Given that Mass of the Earth, ME= 5.98 × 1024kg
Radius of the Earth, RE= 6.38 × 106 m
[Answer: (a) 7.64×103 m/s; (b) 1.56 hr]

8. Our Sun rotates about the center of the Galaxy (mG ≈ 4×1041 kg) at a distance of about
3×104 light-years (1 light year = 3×108 m/s×3.16×107 s/y×1 y). What is the period of
our orbital motion about the center of the Galaxy?
[Answer: 2×108 y]

9. A satellite has a mass of 100 kg and is located at 2.00×106 m above the surface of
(a) What is the potential energy associated with the satellite at this location?
(b) What is the magnitude of the gravitational force on the satellite?
Given that Mass of the Earth, ME= 5.98 × 1024kg
Radius of the Earth, RE= 6.38 × 106 m
[Answer: (a) –4.76×109 J; (b) 568 N]

10. Given that the average distance between the Earth and the Sun isrES= 1.50 × 1011
m.Calculate the mass of the Sun.
Assume that the Earth’s orbit around the Sun is circular.
[Answer: 2.01×1030 kg]

11. In March 2006, two small satellites were discovered orbiting Pluto, one at a distance
of 48,000 km and the other at 64,000 km. Pluto already was known to have a large
satellite Charon, orbiting at 19,600 km with an orbital period of 6.39 days. Find the
orbital periods of the two small satellites without using the mass of Pluto.
Assuming the satellites does not affect each other.
[Answer: 24.5 days, 37.7 days]

12. A projectile is shot directly away from Earth’s surface. Neglect the rotation of Earth.
What multiple of Earth’s radius RE gives the radial distance a projectile reaches if
(a) its initial speed is 0.500 of the escape speed from Earth and
(b) its initial kinetic energy is 0.500 of the kinetic energy required to escape
(c) What is the least initial mechanical energy required at launch if the projectile
is to escape Earth?
[Answer: (a) 1.33; (b) 2.00; (c) 0]

13. Show that the escape speed from the surface of a planet of uniform density is directly
proportional to the radius of the planet.

14. The mean diameters of Mars and Earth are 6.9  103 km and 1.3  104 km,
respectively. The mass of Mars is 0.11 times Earth’s mass.
Given that Gravitational acceleration of the Earth, gE = 9.8 ms–2
Mass of the Earth, ME= 5.98 × 1024kg
(a) What is the ratio of the mean density (mass per unit volume) of Mars to that of
(b) What is the value of the gravitational acceleration on Mars?
(c) What is the escape speed on Mars?
[Answer: (a) 0.74; (b) 3.8 ms–2; (c) 5.0 × 103 ms–1]

15. A spherical asteroid has a radius of 500 km and gravitational acceleration at its
surface is 3.0 ms–2.
(a) What is the escape speed of the spherical asteroid?
(b) How far from the surface will a particle go if it leaves the asteroid’s surface
with a radial speed of 1000 ms–1?
(c) With what speed will an object hit the asteroid if it is dropped from 1000 km
above the surface?
[Answer: (a) 1.7 × 103 ms–1; (b) 2.5 × 105 m; (c) 1.4 × 103 ms–1]

16. As shown in figures below, two planets X and Y travel counterclockwise in circular
orbits about a star with the radii of their orbits are in the ratio 3:1.

At some time, they are aligned as in figure (a), making a straight line with the star.
During the next five years time, the angular displacement of planet X is 90.0°, as in
figure (b).
What is the angular displacement ofplanet Y in this five years time?
[Answer: 1.30 rev or 468°]

17. A 20 kg satellite has a circular orbit with a period of 2.4 hours and a radius of 8.0 
106 m around a planet of unknown mass. If the magnitude of the gravitational
acceleration on the surface of the planet is 8.0 m/s2, what is the radius of the planet?
[Answer: 5.8×106 m]

18. The mean distance of Mars from the Sun is 1.52 times that of Earth from the Sun.
From Kepler’s law of periods, calculate the number of years required for Mars to
make one revolution around the Sun.
[Answer: 1.87 year]

19. A satellite orbits a planet of unknown mass in a circle of radius 2.0  107 m. The
magnitude of the gravitational force on the satellite from the planet is F = 80 N.What
is the kinetic energy of the satellite in this orbit?
(Past Year Paper: Sept12)
[Answer: 8.0 × 108 J]

Centre : Centre for Foundation Studies(CFS) Session : 201506

Course : Foundation in Science Unit Code : FHSC 1014
Year : Year 1 Unit Title : Mechanics
Trimester : Trimester 1

Solutions for Tutorial 9: Universal Gravitation

1. g 

GM 6.67 1011 1.99 1030 
 1.33 1012 m/s 2

r 2
10.0 10 3 2
 
Wn  mgn 
gn 

1.33  1012  9.16  1013 N 

GM E m GM S m M MS
2. FE  FS    2E 
x r  x 2
    Ms  
r  x 2  x 2  M s   r  x1     x 

 ME    ME  M 
1   s 
 ME 
r 1.50  1011
x   2.59  108 m (from center of earth)
M  1.99  10 30
1   s  1
 ME  5.97  10 24

GMm 6.67  10 11 0.815  5.98  10 24
FV  2 
     1.10 10

 
3. N
r 108  150  109 2

GMm 6.67  10 11 318  5.98  10 24
FJ  2 
     1.92 10

 
r 778  150 109 2

GMm 6.67  10 11 95.1 5.98  10 24
FSa  2 
     1.38 10

 
r 1430  150  109 2
Fnet  FJ  FSa  FV  (1.92  0.138  1.10)  1018  9.58  1017 N away from the Sun

4. F 2
; r  1.92  108 m

FE 
  
6.67 1011  5.98 1024 3.00 104 
 325 N

1.92 108
 
FM 
6.67 10 11
 7.36 10 3.00 10   4.00 N
22 4

1.92 10  8 2

Fnet  FE  FM  325  4.00  321N directed toward earth.

 
GMm 6.67 1011 5.98 1024 1400
  1.52 103 N

 
5. (a) 2 2
r 3 6.38 10 6

(b) mg 
 g  

GM 6.67 1011 7.35 1022
 1.62 m/s 2
 
r2 r2 1.74 10 6 2
 

6. (a) mg  2
g 2
r r
GMV G0.815M E  GM
gV    0.905 2 E  0.905g E
0.949rE 2
(b) WV  mgV  0.905mgE  0.90575.0  67.9 N

7. (a)
GMm mv 2
 v

6.67  10 5.98  10   7.64  10
11 24
r 2
r r 6.84  10 6

(b) T
2 r 2 6.84  10 6

  5625 s

v 7.64  10 3
This is equivalent to 1.56 hr.

8. There are two expressions for the velocity of an object in circular motion around a
mass M: v  G M r and v  2 r T . Equate the two expressions and solve for T.
G M r  2 r T 

 3 108 m s  3.16 107 sec  


    
3 10 ly
r3  1 ly   5.8  1015 s  1.8  108 y
T  2  2
GM  6.67 10 11 2
N m kg 2 41
 4 10 kg 
 2  108 y

9. r  RE  h  6.38 106  2.00 106  8.36 106 m

11  5.98  10
 
100   4.76 109 J 
(a) U    6.67 10  
r  8.38 106 

(b) F 
 
GMm 6.67 1011 5.98 1024 100
 568 N

r2 8.38 106
 

GM S mE mE v 2
  
4 2 r 3

4 2 1.50 1011 
 2.011030 kg
 3

 
10. M
6.67 1011 365  24  3600
S 2
r2 r GT 2

2 2 3
T1 T r2
11. T 2  r3  3
 23  T22  T12 3
r1 r2 r1
 48000 
T  6.39 days    T2  24.5 days

 19600 
 64000 
For the other satellite, T  6.39 days    T2  37.7 days

 19600 

12. (a) We see that vo = 2RE in this problem. Using energy conservation,
2 mvo – GMm/RE= –GMm/r

which yields r = 4RE/3. So the multiple of REis 4/3 or 1.33.

(b) We see that in this problem we have Ki = GMm/2RE, and the above
manipulation (using energy conservation) in this case leads to r = 2RE. So the
multiple of REis 2.00.
(c) From the principle of conservation of energy, its total energy at the planet’s
surface must have been zero, and so
1  GMm 
K  U  mv 2    0,
2  R 
we see that the mechanical energy = 0 for the “escape condition.”

2GM 2G 43 R 3 8 G M M
13. vesc    R    4 3  M   43 R 3
R R 3 V 3 R

vesc  R

14. (a) The density of a uniform sphere is given by  = 3M/4R3, where M is its mass
and R is its radius. The ratio of the density of Mars to the density of Earth is
 M M M RE3  0.65 104 km 
= = 0.11   = 0.74.
 E M E RM3  3.45 10 km 

(b) The value of ag at the surface of a planet is given by ag = GM/R2, so the value
for Mars is
M M RE2  0.65 104 km 
  9.8 m/s  = 3.8 m/s .
2 2
ag M = ag E = 0.11
 3.45 10 km 
2 3
(c) If v is the escape speed, then, for a particle of mass m
1 2 mM 2GM
mv = G  v .
2 R R
2(6.67 1011 m3 /s 2  kg)  0.11  5.98 1024 kg 
v=  5.0 103 m/s.
3.45 10 m 6

15. (a) We use the principle of conservation of energy. Initially the particle is at the
surface of the asteroid and has potential energy Ui = GMm/R, where M is the
mass of the asteroid, R is its radius, and m is the mass of the particle being
fired upward. The initial kinetic energy is 1 2 mv 2 . The particle just escapes if
its kinetic energy is zero when it is infinitely far from the asteroid. The final
potential and kinetic energies are both zero. Conservation of energy yields
GMm/R + ½mv2 = 0. We replace GM/R with agR, where ag is the acceleration
due to gravity at the surface. Then, the energy equation becomes agR + ½v2 =
0. We solve for v:
v  2ag R  2(3.0 m/s 2 ) (500  103 m)  1.7  103 m/s.

(b) Initially the particle is at the surface; the potential energy is Ui = GMm/R and
the kinetic energy is Ki = ½mv2. Suppose the particle is a distance h above the
surface when it momentarily comes to rest. The final potential energy is Uf =
GMm/(R + h) and the final kinetic energy is Kf = 0. Conservation of energy
GMm 1 2 GMm
  mv   .
R 2 Rh
We replace GM with agR2 and cancel m in the energy equation to obtain
1 a R2
 ag R  v 2   g .
2 ( R  h)
2a g R 2 2(3.0 m/s 2 ) (500  103 m) 2
h R   (500  103 m)
2a g R  v 2
2(3.0 m/s ) (500  10 m)  (1000 m/s)
2 3 2

 2.5  105 m.

(c) Initially the particle is a distance h above the surface and is at rest. Its potential
energy is Ui = GMm/(R + h) and its initial kinetic energy is Ki = 0. Just
before it hits the asteroid its potential energy is Uf = GMm/R. Write 1 2 mv 2f
for the final kinetic energy. Conservation of energy yields
GMm GMm 1 2
   mv .
Rh R 2
We substitute agR for GM and cancel m, obtaining
a R2 1
 g   ag R  v 2 .
Rh 2
2a g R 2 2(3.0 m/s 2 )(500  103 m) 2
v  2a g R   2(3.0 m/s 2 ) (500  103 m) 
Rh (500  103 m) + (1000  103 m)
 1.4  103 m/s.

GM S m p
16.  F  ma : r2
 m p r 2  GM S  r 3 2
3/ 2
r     3/ 2
r   r   Y   X  X
3 2
   3  2.598  1.30 rev  468
 rY  2

17. From Kepler’s law of periods (where T = 2.4(3600) = 8640 s), the planet’s mass M:
 4 2 
(8640s)2    (8.0  10 m)  M  4.06  10 kg.
6 3 24

 GM 
But we also know ag = GM/R2 = 8.0 m/s2 so
R  5.8  106 m.

18. Kepler’s law of periods, expressed as a ratio, is

3 2 2
 aM   TM   TM 
    (1.52)  
 
 aE   TE   1y 
where we have substituted the mean-distance (from Sun) ratio for the semimajor axis
ratio. This yields TM = 1.87 y.

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