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YOU MUST TAKE A PHOTOGRAPH IN EVERY PLACE (to prove that the group has been there)

LEKU BAKOITZEAN ARGAZKI BAT ATERA BEHAR DA (frogatzeko taldea han egon dela) ETA


The Cinquantenaire Palace is one of the most representative buildings of the European Quartier
of Brussels.

Surrounded by a famous park, this palace was built in 1880, in order to celebrate the 50
anniversary of the Independence and the foundation of the Kingdom of Belgium which took
place in 1830. This building was designed by the architects Gedeon Bordiau and Charles Girault.
The design of the building made a controversy between the ideas of the King Leopold II and his

Built with a semicircular plant, in the middle of the Palace you will see an Arch of Triumph. This
Arch represented the victory of the Belgian people during the Revolution of 1830 in which they
finished with the Dutch domination and became an independent and liberal Kingdom. This arch,
inspired by the Arch of Triumph of Paris, has also a huge similarity with the Brandemburg Gate,
of Berlin. On top of the Arch you can also see a bronze quadriga.

Nowadays, inside the Palace, you can find three different museums.

Hogeita hamargarren urteurreneko Jauregia Bruselaseko eraikin adierazgarrienetako bat da.

1880an eraiki egin zen, Belgikaren independentziaren 50. Urteurrena ospatzeko. Gedeon
Bordiau eta Charles Girault arkitektoek diseinatu zuten eraikin hau garai hartan Belgikako
erregea zen Leopold II.aren nahiak asetuz, naiz eta Gobernua eta Erregea hasiera batetan
proiektuarekin adoz ez egon.

Jauregi honek zirkuluerdi itxura eta lorategi eta parke batez inguratuta aurkitzen da. Jauregia
bitan zatituz hiru arku nagusiz osatutako garaipen arku bat agertzen da. Garaipen arku hori,
Pariseko Garaipen Arkuaren antzeko egitura duena, 1830eko Iraultzan belgiarrek
herbeheretarren aurka lortutako garaipena omendu nahi du. Era berean, arkuaren gainean
brontzezko koadriga bat dago, Berlinen dagoen Brandenburgoko atea gogorarazten duena.

Jauregiaren barnean gaur egun hiru museo garrantzitsu aurkitzen dira.

- What museums are located in the Cinquentenaire? What kind of expositions coud
we find there?/ Zein museo daude Berrogeita Hamargarren urteurreneko
Jauregian? Zer dago ikusgai museo horietan?





Located in the European Quartier, The Park of The Cinquantenaire is the second biggest park
of Brussels. As the Palace of the Cinquantenaire, this park was also designed and built in 1880.
Some year before, the King of Belgium, Leopold II, had decided to build this place to make the
cellebrations of the 50 years of the Belgian independence. In 1880, big parades and
cellebrations took place in this park, and since then, this park is one of the most important
green spaces of the city. For its location, it is also one of the favourite places of the workers of
the European Parliament, who usually meet there during the lunch time.

In this Park we can also find the Big Mosque or Brussels. This Mosque was built in 1978, and
nowadays is the biggest muslim temple we can find in Belgium.

Bruselaseko bigarren parkerik handiena da. Berrogeita hamargarren urteurreneko Jauregia

bezala, 1880an egin zen Belgikako Independentziaren lehenengo 50 urteak ospatzeko. Parke
honetan, 1880an ospakizun handiak egin ziren, eta ordutik hiriburuko espazio berde
nagusienetako bat da. Bere kokapena dela medio, sarritan Europar Parlamentuko langileek
bazkal orduan parke honetara hurbiltzen dira.

Parke honetan ere Bruselaseko Mezkita Handia topatu dezakegu, 1978an egin zena, eta gaur
egun Belgikako Islamiar tenplu nagusiena dena.

- What statues can we find in this Park? What do this statues represent?/ Zeren
estatuak topa ditzazkegu parke honetan? Zer adierazten dute?




Errege Lorategi Zoologikoa zegoen tokian, 1880an Leopoldo Parkea egin zen. Hurrengo
urteetan zoologiko ohi honetan ikerketa eta irakaskuntzarako hainbat eraikin egin ziren, hala
nola Solvay School of Economics and Management, baina parkea desagertzearen arriskuak eten
egin zuen eraikin gehiago egitearen ideia.

Gaur egun, Maalbek ibaietako urek sortutako aintzira txiki bat topatu dezakegu bertan. Horrez
gain, aintzinako lorategi botaniko bat izanik, zuhaitz espezie tropikal ugari topatu ditzazkegu
bertan. Zuhaitz horietaz gain, animali ezberdinak topa ditzazkegu, hala nola ahateak, egipziar
antzarrak, uroiloak..

Near the European Parliament we can find the Parc du Leopold. This park was built in 1880, in
the same place where the unpopular Royal Zoological Garden was. In the folloging years
different buildings were built in this green space, like the Solvay School of Economics and
Management, but construction of additional buildings was soon curtailed for fear of
encroachment on the park and its fragile wildlife.

Nowadays the outstanding feature of the park is its pond, fed by the Maalbeek stream. Many
rare trees (remnants of a botanic garden) and animals such as mallards, moorhens, coots, and
even Egyptian geese and rose-ringed parakeets thrive in this urban environment.

- What buildings can we find there?/ Zein eraikin topatu ditzazkegu parke honetan?



Berlaymont eraikina Europar Batasuneko Botere Exekutiboaren organo nagusia den Europar
Komisioko egoitza da. Eraikina Schuman bidegurutzean kokatuta dago, Wetstraat 200 Rue de
la Loi helbidean. Eraikin honek duen forma bereziak Europar Komisioko emblema ofizialean
agertzen da.

Europar Batasuneko hurrengo sailen egoitza ere dago Berlaymont-en kokatuta: Segurtasun eta
Giza Baliabideak (HR), Europar Estrategia Politika Zentroa (BEPAi), Komunikazio saila (COMM),
Azpiegitura eta Logistika Idazkaritza (OIB), Idazkaritza Nagusia (SG) eta Lege- Zerbitzua (SJ).

Presidentearen Bulegoa eta eta Komisioa 13. Solairuan kokatzen dira (Zenbaki honek daraman
kutsu negatiboari aurre egiteko asmoz). Solairu berean daude halaber, harrera gela eta La
Convivialité jatetxea.

Eraikinak gurutze formako oinplanoa du, lau beso dituena, tamaina ezberdineko lau beso
dituelarik. 40 metrotako pilareek eusten dute aurrefabrikatutako 13 solairuak. Halaber, ez da
kasualitatea eraikin hau altzairuz eta kristalez egina egotea, izan ere, kristalaren bidez,
demokraziak eta politikak izan beharko lituzketen gardentasuna islatu nahi da.

The Berlaymont is an office building in Brussels, Belgium, which houses the headquarters of
the European Commission, the executive of the European Union. The structure is located at
Schuman roundabout at Wetstraat 200 Rue de la Loi. The unique form of the Berlaymont's
architecture is used in the European Commission's official emblem.

The following departments are also based in the Berlaymont: Human Resources and Security
(HR), European Political Strategy Centre, formerly known as Bureau of European Policy Advisers
(BEPA), Communication (COMM), Brussels Office of Infrastructure and Logistics (OIB),
Secretariat-General (SG) and the Legal Service (SJ).[2]

The office of the President and the Commission boardroom are on the 13th floor (occupied by
the President in defiance of superstition surrounding the number), together with the meeting
room of the Hebdo and the restaurant La Convivialité.

The building has a cruciform design with four wings of unequal size spanning from a central
core. It was built on piles located beneath each wing, supporting a 40-metre high narrow ridge
of concrete which in turn supported steel beams forming the frame of the glass façade covering
the prefabricated floors. The top, 13th, floor however was supported directly by the upper
beams, suspended entirely by them making the lower level free standing except for the core.
The design is intended to convey a feeling of light and transparency. It includes decorative
details such as sculptures and frescos to prevent it from becoming monotonous.

Nor da gaur egun Europar Komisioko presidentea? Who is currently the President of the
European Comission?




Luxenburgo plaza, Leopoldo Auzoaren erdigunetzat har daiteke; 1830eko Belgikako Iraultzaren
ondorengo hamarkadetan sortutako gunea. Gune honetan XIX. Mendean zehar familiarik
aberatsenak bizi ziren. 1830eko hamarkadan diseinatu bazen ere, oraindik ez zen espero gune
horretan inongo tren geltokirik egotea. 1854an Leopold auzoko Tren Geltokia eraiki zenean
Antoine Trappeniers arkitektuari plaza publiko handi bat egitea enkargatu zitzaion. Plaza hau
Estilo Neoklasikoan diseinatu zen, posible zen einean simetria bilatzeko helburuarekin. 1855
eta 1861 artean, plaza hau sortzeko lanak egin ziren. Trenaren hedapenak laister egin zuen
plaza hau ospetsu merkatarien eta bidaiarien artean, izan ere Luxenburg Tren Geltoki alboan
kokatzen da. Plaza honetako ertz batetan, Rue d'Arlon/Aarlenstraat-en Belgikako Lehen
Ministroa (1884-1894) izan zen Auguste Beernaert-en etxea kokatzen da.

Urteetan zehar, tren geltokiak berebiziko nortasuna eman bazion Luxenburgo Plazari, 1989an
Europar Batasuneko Gobernu eraikinak agertzearekin batera, plazaren izaera erabat aldatu zen.
Diseinuak erabat aldatu ziren, eta trenbideak 2004az geroztik lur azpian geratu ziren. Geltokia
bera urte horretan ere, sarrera originala kenduta bota egin zen, eta lur azpian eraiki. 2008rako
Europar Parlamentuko eraikin guztiak erabat bukaturik zeuden.

Gaur egun, plaza kafetegiz eta jatetxez osatuta dago, sarritan Parlamentuko langileei zerbitzua
ematen dietenak. Enparantzaren erdian John Cockerill izeneko britaniar jatorriko XIX. Mendeko
belgiar industrialari baten estatua dago, inguruan garaiko langile ezberdinen irudiak dituelarik
(meatzari bat, mekanikari bat edota beiragile bat).

Estatua honen atzean, Bruselas-Luxenburgo geltoki ohiaren eraikina dago (gaur egun geltoki
bera enparantzaren azpian kokatzen da). Eraikin horretan Europar Parlamentuaren Museoa eta
Informazio gunea kokatuta dago.

The Place du Luxembourg was a central feature of the Leopold Quarter, an area developed in the
first few decades after the Belgian Revolution, and the most prestigious residential area in the
capital for the bulk of the 19th century. The district had been designed in the 1830s, but the
original design did not include provisions for a train station. When the new Leopold Quarter
Station was built in 1854, architect Antoine Trappeniers was commissioned to draw up plans
for a large public square leading to the station building. Rue de Luxembourg/Luxemburgstraat
was then in an embryonic state, and the square was created as its end point. The square was
designed in a neoclassical style and to be as symmetrical as possible. Construction was carried
out primarily between 1855 and 1861. The square was popular among merchants and
restaurant and cafe owners due to its proximity to the station. One house on the corner of
Rue d'Arlon/Aarlenstraat was, at one time, the home of Auguste Beernaert, Prime Minister of
Belgium from 1884–1894.

The station was the central feature of the square for much of its existence. However, with the
construction of the Espace Leopold (which now houses the European Parliament) starting in
1989, the character of the square changed significantly. Designs changed frequently, amidst
much legal and political wrangling, but ultimately the tracks of the previously open air station
were covered over by the flagstone mall that is now seen outside the parliament. The bulk of
the station building itself was torn down in 2004, and rebuilt underground, leaving only the
central entrance which now serves as an information office. By 2008, the European Parliament
complex was complete.

The square consists largely of restaurants and bars which dominate the wide pavements, with
some banks and other retail services, serving the employees and members of the neighbouring
European Parliament, as well as the other European Institutions and associated organisations
which are mostly located close by.[5]
In the centre of the square is a statue of John Cockerill, a prominent British-Belgian 19th-
century industrialist, which is a copy of the statue outside Seraing town hall in Liège. The figure
of Cockerill is leaning against an anvil and surrounded by an industrial figures from period: a
glassmaker, a mechanic, a puddler and a miner. Cockerill's motto, Work and Intelligence, are
engraved upon the statue.[1]
Directly behind the statue on the eastern side of the square is the square's principle structure.
The former entrance to Leopold Quarter Station (now the subterranean Brussels-Luxembourg
Station with its entrance moved east) is a listed building and was taken over by the European
Parliament and Belgian authorities as a joint information office and museum. [1] It now houses
the "infopoint" of the Parliament.

- How is colloquially known this Square? / Nola deitzen dute Plaza hau?



The Justus Lipsius building, was the headquarters of the Council of the European Union from
1995, and the de facto home of the European Council from 2002 (de jure as of 2004), until their
relocation to the adjacent newly constructed Europa building at the beginning of 2017. The
building, which has a gross surface area of 227,278 m2, still provides for additional meeting
rooms, office space and press facilities for both institutions. It consists of 17 conference rooms
with at least 10 interpretation booths each, 5 other meeting rooms and 2 rooms for official
meals. It also provides 40,048 m2 of offices for both institutions' shared General Secretariat. An
onsite press centre is also featured, which can be extended during summits with up to 600 seats

in the atrium.[2] It is linked, via means of two skyways and a service tunnel, to the Europa
Justus Lipsius eraikina Europar Batasuneko Kontseiluko egoitza izan da 1995az geroztik, eta
2002tik Europar Kontseiluko Egoitza, 2017an helburu hau betetzeko Europa eraikina egin zen
arte, (Justus Lipsius alboan dagoen eraikina). Eraikin honek, guztira 227,278 metro karratuko
guztizko azalera duena, egongela eta harrera gelak ditu, bulegoak eta prentsarako espazio eta
baliabideak. Guztira, 17 konferentzia gela ditu, hamar interpretazio moduluekin, eta otordu
ofizialetarako 2 jangela. Era berean, 40,048 metro karratuko espazioa du bi erakundeen
bulegoetarako, Idazkaritza Orokorrarekin partekatzen dutenak. Horrez gain, prentsagune bat
dago 600 aulkietako tokiarekin, tunel baten lotuta dagoena Europa eraikinera.

-Which building is in front of Julius Lipsius building?/ What is the square near the Julius Lipsius
building?// Zein eraikin dago Julius Lipsius eraikinaren aurrean?/ Zein izen dauka eraikin
horren aurrean dagoen rotonda ezaguna?




The Paul-Henri Spaak building (PHS), named after former President Paul-Henri Spaak, houses
the hemicycle for plenary sessions in that city, as well as a press centre and offices for the
Parliament's president and senior Parliament staff. The building juts from the main buildings
out into Leopold Park surrounding the far side with trees. With its striking cylinder-shaped glass
dome, redolent of the Crystal Palace as well as the Northern Bordiau Hall of the nearby Parc du
Cinquantenaire, the building known to locals as the "Caprice des Dieux" (whim of the gods),
which is the name of a cheese with the same shape.[2] The 12th floor President's Dining Room
is the dome's interior. This is being used for some press events and special occasions. One of
the glass facades inside the dome is covered with a 150 square meters large ceramic mural

called Miti del Mediterraneo, portraying the abduction of Europa and other elements of Greek
mythology, which was made between 1992 and 1993 by Aligi Sassu.

Paul-Henri Spaak eraikina, Belgikako presidente ohiaren Paul-Henri Spaak-en ohorean bere
izena darama. Bertan hemizikloa dago, Parlamentuak bere eztabaidak eta bozkaketak egiten
.dituen tokia. Horrez gain, prentsaren egoitza nagusia eta Parlamentuko Presidentearen eta
parlamentarien bulegoak daude.

Eraikin nagusitik abiatuta, eraikinaren oinplanoa zuhaitzez inguraturik dagoen Leopold parkera
sartzen da. Zilindro erdiko itxurako kristalezko kupula ikusgarri batek argi naturala ematen dio.
Hori dela eta, bertakoek “Caprice des Dieux”, Jainkoen kapritxoa bezala ezagutzen dute, izan
ere, Belgikan izen hori duen gazta bat dago. 12. Solairuan, Europako Parlamentuaren jangela
dago, kupularen barnean kokatzen dena. Hau soilik ekitaldi oso berezietarako, hala nola prentsa
ekitaldi oso berezietarako erabiltzen da. Kupula honetako barne fatxada handi bat mural handi
batez estalita dago, “Miti del Mediterraneo” izena duena, non Greziar Mitologiaren
elementuen artean, besteak beste Europaren bahiketa irudikatzen da, 1992 eta 1993 artean
Aligi Sassuk egin zuena.

-Which other buildings could we find in Espace Leopold?/ Zein beste eraikin topa
ditzakegu Leopold Espazioan?



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