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Text: Acts 18:2, 26; Rom 16:3, 4; 1Co 16:19; 2Ti 4:19

Introduction: There is something special to say about a woman who helps in the ministry of a church,
especially if that woman is a preacher’s wife. In my years as a member or Heritage Baptist Church, God
has provided us with two great preachers’ wives. The Bible has something to say about qualifications,
duties, and the spiritual walk of a preacher’s wife, and Mrs. Grandy and Mrs. Fowler fit those to a tee.

Priscilla was the wife of Aquila, and not one bit afraid to assist him in every effort, from the time he was
a layman until he became a pastor in his house. Truly, if a woman is going to be the proper wife of any
man, whether he is a full-time layman or a full-time minister, if she patterns her life after what we can
learn from Priscilla, she will be the help meet God meant her to be.

I. Priscilla as the tentmaker (Acts 18:2-3)

A. Paul met her and her husband in Corinth and worked with them while he preached to those in this

B. They stayed with Paul in his journey on to Ephesus (Acts 18:18, 19). This implies to me they had a
part in his ministry, both

in the church at Corinth and at Ephesus.

II. Priscilla as the teacher (Acts 18:26)

A. They realized the weakness of the teaching of Apollos.

B. They lovingly taught him further in the gospel.

C. He became a better teacher—perhaps pastor or preacher because of it.

III. Priscilla as the testimony of Paul (Rom 16:3, 4; 1Co 16:19; 2Ti 4:19)

A. They supported Paul to the point of threats to their lives.

B. They had a great ministry in the church in their house.

C. They became acquainted or well-known to many of Paul’s associates because of their ministry.

Conclusion: We never see this woman apart from her husband in the mentions of these Scriptures. This
shows me what a unity she had in this team of her and her husband, together in fair weather and foul
weather. She did not let the strife and trials of her husband turn her bitter toward him or God.
Whatever failures or weaknesses her husband may have had as a human did not affect her in any way
we read in Scripture. Though we don’t read any lengthy descriptions about the work of this woman, I
think we learn a lot about her character in just the brief way God inspired Luke and Paul to write about

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