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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

25th Session of the COP to the UNFCCC (COP25); 15th Session of the CMP (CMP15); and 2nd Session of
the CMA (CMA2)
Madrid, Spain
Meeting Room 25 (North Convention Center 1st Floor, IFEMA)

Day 1: Friday, 29 November 2019

9:30 – 10:30 Opening remarks by the Chair and general discussion on state of play since the Bonn
session, including the various climate change meetings and bilaterals held (including
Costa Rica Pre-COP, UNSG Climate Action Summit, etc.)

10:30 – 11:00 Consideration of status of thematic coordinators for the G77 and China, and filling of
potential vacancies

11:00 – 12:00 Plenary Meeting with the Executive Secretary

12:00 – 13:00 General discussion on the Pre-2020 Stocktake

13:00 – 15:00 Lunch Break

15:00 – 17:30 General discussion on:

- Adaptation - COP25 agenda item 6 and supplementary agenda; CMA2 agenda item 4;
CMP15 agenda item 7; SBSTA51 agenda item 3; SBI51 agenda item 10, 12 and 14

- Review of the WIM and loss and damage issues - COP25 agenda item 7; CMA2 agenda item
6; SBSTA51 agenda item 4; SBI51 agenda item 9

- Response measures – COP25 agenda item 12; CMP15 agenda item 10; CMA2 agenda item
10; SBSTA51 agenda item 9; SBI51 agenda item 16

- Finance (including long-term finance, SCF, GCF guidance, GCF P&I, GEF guidance) - COP25
agenda item 8; CMA2 agenda item 7

- Technology transfer – COP25 agenda item 9; CMA2 agenda item 8; SBSTA51 agenda item 5;
SBI51 agenda item 13

- Capacity building – COP25 agenda item 10; CMA2 agenda item 9; SBI51 agenda item 15

Note: G77 and China Chair will hold back-to-back bilaterals with the SBI Chair (14:00-14:45) and SBSTA Chair
(15:00-15:45). Chairs of the G77 regional and negotiating groups are encouraged to attend these bilaterals
with the G77 Chair.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
25th Session of the COP to the UNFCCC (COP25); 15th Session of the CMP (CMP15); and 2nd Session of
the CMA (CMA2)
Madrid, Spain
Meeting Room 25 (North Convention Center 1st Floor, IFEMA)

Day 2: Saturday, 30 November 2019

9:00 – 10:00 Plenary Meeting with the SBSTA Chair

10:15 – 11:15 Plenary Meeting with the SBI Chair

11:30 – 13:00 General discussion on:

- Transparency and reporting:

o Under the Convention - COP25 agenda item 4 and 5; SBSTA51 agenda item 10 and
13; SBI51 agenda item 3 and 4
o Under the Kyoto Protocol – CMP15 agenda item 4
o Under the Paris Agreement:
▪ Methodological issues under the Paris Agreement – SBSTA51 agenda item

- Science and review:

o Second review of the adequacy of Art. 4.2(a) and (b) of the Convention - COP25
agenda item 15; CMP15 agenda item 11
o Scope of new periodic review of the LTGG under the Convention – SBSTA51 agenda
item 7; SBI51 agenda item 7

13:00 – 15:00 Lunch Break

15:00 – 16:30 General discussion on:

- Article 6 of the Paris Agreement – CMA2 agenda item 11; SBSTA51 agenda item 12 (related
to CMP15 agenda item 5 and 6)

- Nationally determined contributions:

o Common time frames for NDCs – SBI51 agenda item 5
o Public registries under Art. 4 and 7 - CMA2 agenda item 5
16:30 – 17:00 Consideration of G77 and China priorities and definition of success in Madrid
Any other matters

- Least developed countries – COP25 agenda item 11

- Special needs and special circumstances – CMA2 agenda item 12
- Gender and climate – COP25 agenda item 13; SBI51 agenda item 17
- Action for Climate Empowerment – SBI agenda item 18
- Koronivia joint work on agriculture – SBSTA51 agenda item 6; SBI51 agenda item 8
- Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform – SBSTA51 agenda item 8
- Proposals for amendments to the Convention (Russia, Turkey, PNG, Mexico proposals) –
COP25 agenda item 14
- Administrative, financial and institutional matters – COP25 agenda item 15; CMP15 agenda
item 12; CMA2 agenda item 13
- G77 nominations for SBSTA and SBI chairs


Distinguished Members of the Group are kindly requested to vacate the plenary to allow a timely
start of the mandatory security sweep without interferences.

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