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Brief Introductory Info

Provide information in this table to give the briefest idea about your topic.
Your Name Sean Ponsi
Your IDD Topic “Aries Gradebook” Learning Module
Organization (Where the learning Soledad Unified School District Professional
solution will be implemented) Development
Learners (Target Audience—it’s Primary: For new teachers to SUSD with no experience
possible that you’ll have both a with Aries Gradebook.
primary audience and a secondary
Secondary: For returning teachers who need retraining
or to develop greater efficiency in the use of Aries
Gradebook and Google classroom integration.

Learning Solution
Training new teachers and providing access to resources will keep new hires from having

to figure out how to properly do the job they have dedicated to do. This can reduce stress and

improve the efficiency of the already overloaded teachers that are trying to improve their

technology skills. By creating a base level of knowledge and resources the teachers will be

allowed more time to focus on helping students.

Main points to cover are: Attendance, Grade book configuration, and reporting grades.

Entering grades should not interfere with the act of teaching. When the tools are not used

properly and become a hindrance it interferes with the district's and sites' goals.

Other Possible Solutions

Provide training before teachers are required to implement the needed the skills provided

from training in this software system. This training should to be administered at new teacher

orientation with site specific requirements covered at or in site based groups. With the skills
presented and scaffolded to the new personnel early these users have time to seek additional

assistance if needed.

Learning Objectives

Declarative Objectives
From memory teachers will be able to describe the effects of associating single and

multiple sections to a gradebook with enough clarity to implement the correct option in

accordance with the users needs. (declarative)

From memory teachers will be able to describe how to enter a discipline log for a student

with 90% accuracy. (declarative)

Procedural Objectives
With a computer teachers will be able to create a gradebook in the Aries SIS with 100%

accuracy. (Procedural)

With a computer teachers will be able to populate the gradebook with students in the

Aries SIS with 100% accuracy. (Procedural)

With a computer teachers will be able to create assignments in the Aries SIS gradebook

with 100% accuracy. (Procedural)

With a computer teachers will be able to link gradebooks and assignments in the Aries

SIS with 100% accuracy. (Procedural)

With a computer teachers will be able to enter discipline logs into Aries SIS with 90%

accuracy. (Procedural)

Summative Evaluation

Describe your plan for capturing Level 1 information (how your learners react to the learning

solution). and a short statement about how you will determine Level 2 (whether the learners

have mastered the objectives). (You do not need to repeat any test items here.) Let us know if

you plan to conduct Levels 3 through 5, and be sure to say why or why not.

Level 1 is a Google Form that allows the learners to provide feedback so that future iterations of

the training can be improved. Level 2 is based on formative assessment of the tasks during

training. Students will be following along with the training on their computers creating their first

gradebook in the classroom setting with instructor and peer support. Level 3 and 4 is the

successful completion of the tasks taught. The instruction is primarily for quad-quarterly and

trimester reports successful completion of these reports shows us the mastering of objectives.
Unsuccessful completion and support requests based on this training will show us what parts of

the training need adjustments. Level 5 cost analysis will not be conducted as it is not applicable

to our situation. This is being done to reduce individual training for technology support personal.

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