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M130LON Project Management (Coursework 2, 60%)

0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fail (1-29) (30-39) (40-49) (50-59) (60-69) (70-79) (80-89) (90-99) (100)
Fail Fail Pass Pass Merit Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction
Grade Descriptors (Right)
Competent, Articulated, highly Faultless,
Learning Outcomes, Learning No attempt, No Poor, unsatisfactory, Inadequate, Basic, satisfactory, Reasonable, fair, Strong, proficient, Superb,
LO Weight commendable, impressive, publishable,
Pillars, Criterion Description and submission, Absent weak incomplete, limited acceptable appropriate very good outstanding, original
effective excellent industry standard
Expectations (Below)

Excellent review on Critical review on

Outstanding review
project scope and project scope and
on project scope
strategy with good strategy with good
Effective review on and strategy with
Reasonable review details and details and
Inadequate review project scope and Very good review on good details and
Unsatisfactory Basic review on on project scope supporting evidence supporting evidence
on project scope strategy. WBS project scope and supporting evidence
Cognitive (thinking) Skills: Critically review on project project scope and and strategy with /discussions. WBS /discussions. WBS
and stragety.WBS demonstrates all the strategy, covering all /discussions. WBS
review the scope and strategy of No attempt (see scope and stragety. strategy.WBS lacks sufficient demonstrates all the professionally
1 LO3,4 10% lacks details in necessary activities key aspects of the demonstrates all the
the project, including a detailed grade descriptor). WBS has only the details in showing details.WBS is necessary activities demonstrates all the
showing the of the project which project. WBS is well necessary activities
WBS. top level activities the necessary tasks reasonably of the project which necessary activities
necessary tasks of are organised in (at structured with all which are organised
or is unstructured. of the project. structured with are organised in which are organised
the project. least 3) different activities. in different levels
most activities. different levels and in different levels
levels. and contains cost
shows paralleled and contains cost
and resource
activities on each and resource
level. allocation.

Identify or suggest
Limited knowledge the most relevant or
or understanding of Identify or suggest Identify or suggest Identify or suggest Identify or suggest suitable structure
Knowledge and Understanding, Fail to illustrate any the structures Identify or suggest Identify or suggest a the most relevant or the most relevant or the most relevant or the most suitable for the project
Cognitive (thinking) Skills: : specific project available to be the possible suitable structure suitable structure suitable structure suitable structure structure providing providing sufficient
No attempt (see
2 Critically discuss how the project LO3,4,5 10% management adopted.Inadequate structure for the for the projects with for the project with for the project with for the project excellent evidence, faultless
grade descriptor).
team has been structured and structure that can discussion on the projects with basic reasonable effective strong justification providing excellent justification, justification, and
organised be used. structure and justifications. justifications. justification and and detailed justification and detailed discussions, professionally
organisation of the clear explanations. explanations. detailed discussions. and OBS. constructed OBS
team. clearly showing
Identify all the key Identify all the key
Identify all the key
Identify all the key stakeholders with stakeholders with
Identify some Identify most key stakeholders with
Only identify some Identify most key Identify all the key stakeholders with outstanding professional
stakeholders with stakeholders with good discussion on
Cognitive (thinking) Skills: of the key stakeholders with stakeholders with excellent discussion discussion on their discussion on their
limited discussion reasonable their interest and
Critically discuss how key stakeholders with basic discussion on good discussion on on their interest and interest and interest and
on their interest and discussion on their management
stakeholders have been managed, No attempt (see no discussion on their interest and their interest and management management management
3 LO3,4 10% management interest and strategy.Communica
and present the communication grade descriptor). their interest and management management strategy.Develop strategy.Develop strategy.Develop
strategy. management tion plan is highly
plan implemented during the management strategy. strategy.Communica effective, consistent effective, effective,
Communication plan strategy. effective in
project strategy.Communica Communication plan tion plan is and detailed comprehensive and comprehensive and
is either missing or Communication plan implementing
tion plan is missing. is acceptable. effective. communication detailed faultless
very limited. is appropriate. stakeholder
plan. communication communication
plan. plan.
Excellent discussion Outstanding
Discuss effectively
Very good of the roles of both discussion of the Faultless discussion
Knowledge and Understanding, Inadequate Reasonable the roles of both
discussion of organisational and roles of both of the roles of both
Cognitive (thinking) Skills: discussion of discussion of how organisational and
Basic discussion of organisational and national culture in organisational and organisational and
Elaborate on the role that organisational and organisational and national culture in
the roles of both national culture and managing this national culture in national culture in
organisational culture (e.g. a Poor or irrelevant national national culture managing this
organisational and their impact on the particular project managing this great details with
particular organisation’s value, No attempt (see discussion of culture.Limited impact the particular project
4 LO5,6 10% national culture in project.Great with good details particular project supporting
belief, procedure, routine, grade descriptor). organisational and understanding and project.Appropriate with some
managing this understanding and and examples. with good details examples. Original
communication, power etc.) and national culture. application of application of examples.Competen
particular project in application of Impressive and examples. and critical
national culture (e.g. multicultural relevant concept or relevant concepts or t application of
general terms. relevant concept or understanding and Original and critical applications of the
perspectives and background) theories to the theories to the relevant concepts or
theories to the critical applications applications of the concepts and
played in ensuring project success. project. project. theories to the
project. of the concepts and concepts and theories.
theories. theories.
The full network
The network The network diagram
diagram logically diagram clearly professionally
The network The network The network The network
Poorly constructed and clearly demonstrates demonstrates all the
diagram is logically diagram is logically diagram logically diagram has
network diagram. demonstrated logical necessary tasks by
structured and structured and and neatly logically and neatly
Cognitive (thinking) Skills, Pracitical Only limited Incomplete or dependencies of all dependencies of all using Project
demonstrates series demonstrates series demonstrates series demonstrated series
Skills: numbers of tasks incorrect network the key tasks by the key tasks by Management
of tasks by using of tasks by using of tasks by using of tasks by using
Use MS Project to develop a No attempt (see are demonstrated diagram with using Project using Project Software.Faultless
5 LO4,5 10% Project Project Project Project
detailed project plan (including grade descriptor). by using Project mistakes in Management Management optimisation has
Management Management Management Management
Network Diagram and Critical Path Management calculating critical Software and Software.It is then been conducted
Software.Critical Software.Critical Software.Critical Software.Critical
Analysis). Software (due to the path. optimised with optimised with taking into
path calculation has path is clearly path is clearly path is clearly
poorly defined constraints in constraints in consideration of all
mistakes or is not indicated with indicated with indicated with very
WBS). reality. Critical path reality. Critical path constraints. Critical
shown clearly. reasonable analysis. effective analysis. good analysis.
is clearly indicated is clearly indicated path is correctly
with no mistakes. in both cases. indicated in both
Very good
Outstanding Faultless discussion
discussion on the Excellent discussion
discussion on the on the project
Effective discussion project control on the project
Weak or irrelevant Inadequate Appropriate project control control system with
Basic discussion on on the project system with control system with
discussion on the discussion on the discussion on the system with supporting
the project control monitoring and supporting supporting
project control project control project control supporting evidences and good
Cognitive (thinking) Skills: system,indicating controlling system, evidences and evidences and
system, indicating system, indicating system, indicating evidences and details,
Critically discuss the project control No attempt (see acceptable indicating good details, details,
6 LO4,5,6 10% lack of limited appropriate details, demonstrating
system that has been adopted for grade descriptor). understanding or understanding and demonstrating very demonstrating
understanding or understanding or understanding or demonstrating professional and
your project. application of the application of the good understanding critical application
application of the application of the application of the critical and original original application
PM controlling tools PM controlling tools and application of of the PM
PM controlling tools PM controlling tools PM controlling tools application of the of the PM
and methods. and methods in the the PM controlling controlling tools and
and methods. and methods. and methods. PM controlling tools controlling tools and
project. tools and methods methods on all the
and methods on all methods on all the
on all the key key aspects.
the key aspects. key aspects.

Provide sufficient Provide faultless

analysis and Provide sufficient Provide outstanding professional critical
evaluation on the and critical analysis critical analysis and analysis and
Provide sufficient management of the and evaluation on evaluation on the evaluation on the
analysis and project,project the management of management of the management of the
Provide some Provide reasonable evaluation on the progress and the the project,project project, project project, project
Unsatisfactory Limited evaluation
Practical and Cognitive (thinking) general evaluation analysis and management of the development needs progress and the performance on all performance and
analysis and on the management
Skills: on the management evaluation on the project,project on all the key development needs the key aspects and the development
No attempt (see evaluation of the of the project,
7 Analyse and critically evaluate the LO4,6 10% of the project, management of the progress or the aspects with on all the key the development needs on all the key
grade descriptor). performance of the project progress and
performance of the project with project progress and project, project development needs sufficient supporting aspects with good needs with solid aspects with
project and the the development
sufficient supporting evidence. the development progress and the with reasonable evidence.Demonstra evidence. evidence. Strategic sufficient and solid
development needs. needs.
needs. development needs. evidence.Highlight te critical thinking Constructive review and evidences.
major problems and through reviewing recommendations operational Constructive
the causes. major problems for future adjustments are recommendations
encountered, the improvement are provided as for future
reasons behind and provided. recommendation. improvement are
lessons learned. provided.

Faultless critical
Sufficiently Sufficiently Outstanding, evaluation on the
Inadequate Sufficiently Sufficiently
identifying all the identifying all the original and critical application,
Cognitive (thinking) Skills, discussion on the Identifying most identifying all the identifying all the
project project evaluation on the advantages and
Knowledge and Understanding: key project project project project
Poor discussion on management tools management tools application, limitations of all the
Critically evaluate the project management tools management tools management tools management tools
No attempt (see the key project and methods with and methods with advantages and PM tools and
8 management tools and methods LO2, LO4 10% and methods, and methods and and methods with and methods with
grade descriptor). management tools reasonable excellent critical limitations of all the methods
that were applied in your project, indicating lack of provide basic effective discussion critical evaluation
and methods. discussion on their evaluation on their PM tools and implemented in the
discussing the advantage and understanding in discussion on their on their application, on their application,
application, application, methods project.Provide
limitations of each one. PM theories or application. advantage and advantages and
advantage and advantages and implemented in the valuable insights
practices. limitations. limitations.
limitations. limitations. project. and
Provide faultless
Provide sufficient
reflection on the
analysis, evaluation
management of the Provide sufficient
Provide sufficient Provide outstanding and critical
project,project critical reflection on
and reflection on critical reflection on reflection on the
Provide some progress or the the management of
Unsatifactory Limited reflection Provide reasonable the management of the management of management of the
general reflection development the project,project
reflection on the on the management reflection on the the project,project the project, project project, project
Practical and Cognitive (thinking) on the management needs.Demonstrate progress or the
No attempt (see management of the of the project, management of the progress or the progress or the progrss or the
9 Skills: LO2, LO3 10% of the project, critical thinking development needs.
grade descriptor). project, project project progress and project, project development development needs. development needs.
Critical reflection on the project project progress and through reviewing Constrcutive
progress and the the development progress and the needs.Highlight Strategic review and Constrcutive
the development major problems recommendations
development needs. needs. development needs. major problems and operational recommendations
needs. encountered and for future
lessons learned sor adjustments are for future
lessons learned sor improvement are
far. provided. improvement are
far.Project provided.
provided, along with
adjustments have
detailed action
been made.
Provide sufficient
and appropriate
Provide sufficient evidence from a
and appropriate range of credible
Provide sufficient
Provide little or Evidence provided Provide detailed and evidence from a sources to support
and sound evidence
inappropriate Inadequate and are either solid evidence s to range of credible outstanding project
Sufficient and from a range of
evidence (evidence inappropriate appropriate but Provide sufficient support strong sources to support performance.
appropriate credible sources to
that does not supporting insufficient, or and appropriate project outstanding project Documentation and
Practical Skills: No attempt (see evidences are support excellent
10 LO1-4 10% support claim) for evidences are sufficient but evidence to support performance. The performance. records are well
Project performance grade descriptor). proivided to support project
the project, or the provided, or the indicated limited satisfactory project project has fully met Documentation and maintained and
reasonable project performance.The
evidences indicate project made very project performance. the requirements records are well presented
performance. objectives for the
lack of progress on limited progress. management and and objectives for maintained and throughout the
first half term have
the project. performance. the first half term. presented project.The team
been exceeded.
throughout the has delivered
project. faultless
performance in all

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