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Marketing Goals (includes explanations of the following)

A. Short Term:
Develop a successful web site and social media so customers can know us more closely and be aware of the latest news
of our product.

Obtain financing to expand , increase distribution and publicity.

B. Long Term (1 to 5 years in the future)

Enter new geographic markets like other countries in Latin America.

Increase revenues by at least 50 percent each year.

Introduce two new product lines.

I. Budget (includes explanations of the following)

A. Breakdown of Budget Allocation: Pie chart depicting what % of money is

being allocated for each media vehicle and any other money being used (i.e.:
sales promotions, sponsorship, etc.)
II. Advertising Recommendations: These recommendations are the heart of the
advertising plan. What follows is an outline of the elements you will want to

A. Target Market: Identify the target market to whom the advertising will be
directed. Include the following:
1. Demographic Profile: pick ONE of the groups from your
consumer evaluation.
The target market is for active consumers of all ages starting with kids wich according to our research they spend hours
talking to and playing games, it is like a friend for them., teenagers and also for the elderly who can use it for setting
alarms, listen to audiobooks, check the news, sports scores, time, etc.. making it easier going into voice instead of writing
it on a computer or smartphone. An specific target market are the 25-50 year old, middle to upper class working
These active consumers represent a demographic group of well-educated who can manage technology even though it is
easy to use; they can be single or married and raising families.

B Advertising Objectives:

 As it is mentioned it in the marketing goals, we expect to Increase revenues by at least 50 percent each year,
Through our advertising increase our sales every year
 increase brand awareness by 80% percent in our primary target market within a year
 Inform and make the public aware of our product
B. Creative Strategy: This explains “what” you’ll be saying in the advertising
campaign. The creative strategy is the most important element in the entire
plan. If you select the wrong approach or feature an unimportant benefit, not
matter how much media you buy or how creative your other communication
ideas may be, the advertising campaign will likely fail. The advertising
objectives should be clear concise statements.

 To position product as ___?
 To strengthen image of product in consumers mind
 To create continuity within campaign
 To differentiate product by ___?

These objectives should reflect Marketing Goals & Advertising Objectives

We like to position our product as a technological home product that can bring
efficiency to peoples homes, because our product is the intelligent personal
assistant that provides hands free technology within your household.
Because of its artificially intelligent software it can assist you with any task from
calling an Uber ride to updating your busy calendar, ordering your favorite
Domino’s pizza, adding items to your grocery list or streaming your latest Spotify

C. Executions: This section shows how the creative strategy has been fulfilled.
Include at least 1 example of each type of medium including:
 Print layouts and copy
 Radio scripts
 Television storyboards
 Theme lines, art, package designs, illustrations, and so on
 Brochure or catalog layouts
 Outdoor board designs
 Advertising specialties
 Sales promotion ideas
 Internet ads
TV Spot Advertisement: We chose to use a TV spot because it remains a good medium for consistently
reaching a large portion of our target market, this will help us to increase awareness of our product and
to help inform consumers of the unique characteristics.

The ad will be a 30-second television ad on Ecuavisa in a primetime on weekends, for 2 months

Time of Year: November 1st-December 30th, the last months of our campaign; this range includes the
Holiday season, which also includes Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

YouTube Videos, and ads : YouTube is a popular platform among our target market.

Frequency: 1-2 new videos per week over the course of the campaign

El Universo ad: El Universo is a newspaper that has a national reach, is read by a good portion of our
target market, The ad will appear following the business section of the newspaper.

Frequency: each Saturday issue

Time of Year: the first 3 months of our campaign

Digital ads and print ads.

A. Media Schedule: Color-coded chart of media vehicles and

daily/weekly/monthly use.
III. Integrated Marketing Recommendations
(Includes explanations of the following)
A. Sales Promotion
1. Sales Promotion Objectives: Attract more customers each year and
that they increase their volume of purchases more and more

2. Sales Promotion Strategies:

 Offer Online coupons in all of our social media with a 5% discount on our
products , these generate significant return for little investment.

 Emails of all of our discounts and sales to interested clients

B. Public Relations Recommendations: A brief description of the public

relations activities that will be used in support of the product or service.
Ideally, summary statements of the following should be included:
1. Public Relations Objectives : Be more visible and that people
know us every time more, be a recognized brand in the country
2. Public Relations Strategies: In order to be more visible one of our
public relations activities is to organize trade events in which
customers can know us more closely.

IV. Conclusions: Be short and to the point. This section should not repeat material
previously included. Create a summary of the main points that you want to focus
on, especially the problems and opportunities the product or service face.

The Carlos falls into the industry of digital assistants that is still evolving until this date, one of our main
problems is the competition such us Apple Inc., Google Inc., and Microsoft Co., but what sets us apart
from them is that our product can speak in Spanish and understand the dialect of Ecuadorians, We have
determined several opportunities to enter the market as it is a technology that is in trend and continues
to grow, we are unique in the Ecuadorian market to offer this product which makes us Convenient,
intelligent and innovative.

Finally We want our target market to feel excited about the Carlos ; we want them to think about how
innovative the Carlos is and how helpful it could be at home.

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