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Example of persuasive speech outline

Persuasive outline
Topic: facebook doing more harm than good

General purpose: To persuade

I. Introduction

(A) Attention getter: Ladies, gentlemen, there has recently been a debate as to
whether social networking sites like such as facebook do more harm than good. People
– is our nation known for its numerous social networks which invade privacy and
prevent outdoor activity and exercise? Are our students to spend time chatting online
instead of studying for future careers which make this country great?

(B) Reason to Listen: Provides a forum that allows large groups of people to gather
whose interests create more harm than good. Misinformation, Bullying in mass,
Threats toward gender, Race, Religion, Widespread ignorance is spread; sexual
harassment/assault, Child trafficking. Incitement of division between people.
Personally, I believe social networking sites are harmful and do have consequences. I
have solid evidence to support my statement and so I would like to start with a true
story concerning Facebook – a popular social networking site.

(C) Credibility statement

1. I have done assignment in the library on the topic of facebook doing more than
2. I have dedicated my university studies to the fields of audiology.

(D) Preview of main point:

1. First, I will describe the some ways facebook doing more harm than good occurs.
2. Second, I will give some advice on how to protect and advantage of facebook.

II. Even though facebook doing more harm than good can be easily prevented, it is the
number difference cause of deafness for people of all ages.

A. Facebook doing more harm than good can be experienced in some different ways.

1. The first type of facebook is more than Harmful and dangerous.

a. Provides a forum that allows large groups of people to gather whose interests
create more harm than good. Misinformation, Bullying in mass, Threats
toward gender, Race, Religion, Widespread ignorance is spread; sexual
harassment/assault, Child trafficking.
b. Incitement of division between people. Not enough people following through
with investigating identity theft and complaints, As well as bias to determine
what can be said or posted that causes detriment to another person, Even
when it's clearly wrong.
c. There are too few safeguards to protect the welfare of the individuals using
FB and access to their information. The psychological damage caused is also
a major factor.

2. The second types is No, Facebook can help support businesses.

a. Facebook can't always be about posting random selfish or wasting a bunch of

b. Facebook can also be used to advertise business and can also be used for
educational purposes like Edmodo.
c. And some people on the yes side say something about cyber bullying, this is
a problem that can be easily solved on Facebook, either tolerate and report
them or just go ahead and block them or unfriendly them.

3. The third types are Endless propagation of misinformation.

a. The problem with Facebook is that anyone can put up any information they
want, true or untrue, and it explodes on the network and becomes a movement.
b. Today I saw petitions to fine a zoo for shooting a gorilla that was about to kill a
3 year old boy. Without actually seeing the terrifying video of this young boy
being tossed around like a rag doll, people began to support this movement
against the zoo workers who shot the gorilla.

c. They saw something on Facebook and without the slightest bit of research,
indeed without even looking any further into the matter at all, began to protest the
zoo that doubtless saved this little boy's life.

d. I see this kind of thing over and over and over again. I'm embarrassed to admit
that I've been guilty of it myself. Because of this endless propagation of
misinformation, I have come to believe that Facebook does more harm than good
and have decided to quit using it permanently.

4. The four types are a girl in her teens made a friend on Facebook – a chat buddy.

a. Unidentified friend didn’t give any personal details and one day this girl and
friend met up at the mall.
b. The girl was never seen again. This is a serious matter because let’s say this
happened to all girls – it would be chaos.
c. Another story is that of a suicide because a person couldn’t meet up with
another person on another social networking site.

Transition: I have just informed you on some different ways you can acquire facebook doing
more harm than good, now let us take I will give some advice on how to protect and advantage
of facebook.

B. Secondly, I will give some advice on how to protect and advantage of facebook.

1. People – is our nation known for its numerous social networks which invade
privacy and prevent outdoor activity and exercise?

2. Are our students to spend time chatting online instead of studying for future careers
which make this country great?

3. Well, would we not prefer our children to go outside and socialize and meet friends
that know where they live and they know their gender?

a. In the olden days we didn’t express a need for an online high tech chatting system.
b. Social networking sites prevent youths from spending time with their parents.

c. The opposition argues that social networking sites give people their own space

D. and that these blog sites represent fun and socialization

4. Another issue about social networking sites is what if your child comes across discrimination
or cyber bullying?

a. This only adds to depression. If we are to be a happy nation we should restrict these sites to
people above the age of sixteen.

b. This is a fairly easy alternative which I am sure the majority of you would vote for

C.The benefits are few and the drawbacks are many – social networking sites are the centre of
misconduct, less studying and unsafe blogs.

D. We must restrict social networking sites to 16s or above! Get your children outside socializing
and inside studying.

5. Advantage on Facebook for news and information.

a. The real advantage of Facebook is that it’s a real-time social networking site. This makes it
one of the best sources to stay updated with the latest news and information.

b. Major news usually goes viral on Facebook, and most brands use it to announce important
things regarding their products/services.

c. Bloggers and internet marketers can subscribe to popular blog fan pages and keep
themselves aware of the latest updates. In fact, I have one profile just to gather news.


Review of main points:

1. First, I will describe the some ways facebook doing more harm than good occurs.
2. Second, I will give some advice on how to protect and advantage of facebook.

Even though facebook doing more harm than good can be easily prevented, it is the number
difference cause of deafness for people of all ages.

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