So-230 - Seminar of The Cayman Islands - Pride Workshop

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Running head: PRIDE WORKSHOP 1

Pride Workshop

Sherryl Edwards

Professor Melissa Hamilton

SO-230 Seminar of the Cayman Islands

International College of the Cayman Islands

December 1, 2019

The pride workshop was hosted by Janet Holness. She has been working in the department

of tourism for quite a few years. She is the one who deals with the pride sessions nationally. It

was with pride that she imparted the knowledge about the history, culture, and heritage of the

Cayman Islands. It was a great session.

We participated in a question and answer section about the said three topics. It was a very

exciting session. She is very knowledgeable of the entire Cayman Islands Inside out. Almost

everything that we discussed in the gathering can be found in the Cayman Islands history book,

“Founded it upon the Seas.” That book has a lot of historical facts about the three islands,

Cayman Brac, Little Cayman and Grand Cayman. Everyone should own a copy. Ms. Holness, or

Ms. Janet as she is commonly called, was able to be on most of our tour trips with us. It was a

great experience.

I have learned a lot on the Cayman Island History, Culture and Heritage. A lot of the historical

facts can be found in the Museums that we visited. We definitely can relate to the history book.

The most interesting aspect of the day was the Question and answer section, or the general

knowledge section. According to Smallwood (2015), “a fine line between dedication and

obsession. What one person would consider to be a perfectly normal hobby like owning the same

VHS tape 500 times, another person might see that as a tad bizarre or even god forbid,


Based on the knowledge that was imparted by Ms. Janet, you can tell that she had been

researching her information on the three islands. It is with pride that she beams when she shared

the facts of the islands. The islands, unlike any other, the facts that are imparted are well


This information will be inexistent for a very long time. Without a doubt, this is the only place I

have been where I’ve seen people care so much about the history of the islands. Just like other

countries, you have the good and the bad, but it is a part of what makes up history. Ms. Janet has

done a great job with the presentation and is highly recommended. I am certain that there are

others, but she is the perfect candidate for such an inspiring position of sharing the treasures of

the Cayman Islands.



Smallwood, K. (2015). 10 Insanely dedicated people. Retrieved from

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