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Problem Based Question:

How can I, as an Educator, make reading more relevant to my students?


The purpose of this project is to make reading more relevant and engaging to students.

Based off of novels through our American Literature time period, students will pick a novel off

their own interest. From there, students will dive deeper into a character and research everything

they can find about them with the purpose of educating fellow students and other educators.

It is the 21​st​ century, so by creating a media-based project this will capture their attention.

Following this, students are required to tweet based on what their novel characters’ lives are like.

This means, students will be engaged fully (constant research and reading). The number of

students impacted will hopefully be all 6 of my classes, holding around 25 students each. I

believe my project is engaging enough to make students research and enjoy what their doing

while retaining information to make them “masters” of the subject. I also hope students can use

this learning style and apply it to other books or classes that they are in. This project requires

individual and group work, this means they will come up with skills to push themselves to

become successful in this area of novels. Firstly, the power to choose a novel they find

interesting will spark that fire they find interesting. By forming them into groups, they will

collab to form ideas of a timeline poster that will help guide them through the individual work or

social media postings. The goal of this is to work in teams to become more comfortable with

their research of their own character within the book. During this period, they will all have their

own knowledge so when it is combined, they are able to talk and understand, leading to

conversations held with myself and other educators.

The impact of myself will be seeing the students guiding their own project while

retaining information about novels. The whole goal is to make reading more exciting to students

and by this project, I will be able to see that joy students have. This project allows me to become

a better educator by seeking students in need of guidance and always bettering my project.

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