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In-Class Activities:
Time Learning Activities Purpose

Orientation/Engagement/Motivation: Students will learn about myself, I

Introduction of teacher and students, how will learn their names, and they will
the class will be conducted. learn the expectations for the
Teacher begins PowerPoint on class.

2 min. First slide (Self Esteem Partner Animal


-Introduce students to the meaning of why This gives students a chance to

we are doing this project. (Big Idea) think about the big idea of the
project, and an insight of what we
2 min. Second slide (What is portraiture?): will be doing in this class.

Topic questions:
-Who has ever created a self-portrait or a By a show of hands, teacher can
portrait? assess who has ever created a
-What is the difference between a self- self-portrait or portrait.
portrait and a portrait? (Teacher will pick
on a few different students for answers)
-Who can tell me what I mean by showing Student will tell the teacher what
characteristics through portraiture? characteristics by looking at the
(eyes, nose, mouth, face shapes) sketch of a portrait in the
2 min. Third Slide (What is Identity?):

-What is Identity? Students will participate with the

-Teacher will conduct a Mind Map with class to create a Mind Map that
the class on identity. will capture all the student’s ideas
-What is the first thing you think of when of what identity is.
the word identity comes to your mind?
(characteristics, personality, favorite
things, values)
-What things contribute to make you who Students will reflect on the Mind
you are? (family, friends, likes and Map done in class and discuss
dislikes) characteristics of themselves.
-Why is it important to know what makes
up someone else’s personality? (Their
partner’s characteristics to better
understand them)

We are going to look through the portraits

to see a variety of ways to create

2 min. Forth Slide (Self Esteem):

Association Questions:
-How can a portrait communicate Student will be able to determine
information about the person’s identity? how the portraits in the PowerPoint
(Show the students the quote on how communicate more than what
identity relates to self-esteem, relating they eye sees.
human to animal by finding common
positive characteristics, positive

2 min. Fifth Slide (Animal Personalities):

-What types of different personalities do Students will begin to relate their

animals have? personalities to animals.
-(Go back to Mind Map and relate We will add to the Mid Map
identity characteristics to animals personalities of animals and
personalities, animals characteristics: relate to the characteristics of
brave, strong, powerful, etc.) identity we wrote down.

2 min. Slides Seven Through Fifteen

(Examples of artists work that relate to
identity, self-esteem, and
human/animal hybrids):

-Ask the students questions about each

artist to relate the artists to the Big Idea
(questions on PowerPoint)

Visualization Questions:
-After looking at these artists’ examples of Students will reflect on their own
portraiture, how can you create a partner’s characteristics that animals have
portrait to communicate their on the outside rather than only
characteristics, personality traits, and their personalities.
values? (Different personalities, different
characteristics in each artist, different
colors, different meanings, animal
human hybrids, animal characteristics
and symbols.)

2 min. Slide Sixteen (Simulated Textures and

Actual Textures):

-Students will begin to think about animal Think about how they will create
textures, how to create these animal these textures with acrylic paint
textures through the medium we will be and puffy paint.
using in this class. (Acrylic and Puffy
Paint, they will tell teacher actual
texture verses simulated texture and
how we can create those, show them
teacher example again.)
2 min. Slides Seventeen and Eighteen (What
the project is):

Transition Questions:
-After this presentation, how might you Students will understand the
apply these ideas into your own portrait of project and now have verbal and
a classmate? visual examples.
Teacher will show final project
-Show Visual board

Now that the students have an idea

about what the project is, teacher will
gather ideas for portraits.
-What do we need to research for our Students will reflect on their own
portraits? (Students own information, characteristics that relate to their
think sheet.) animal.

The portrait project is going to help you Students will be able to brainstorm
reflect who you are through a partner. their best characteristics.
Sometimes it is difficult to express who
you are, so this project will allow your
partner to share the greatest qualities you

10 min. Structured Practice:

Students will research their own
-Teacher will hand out Identity Think identities as a subject, this will
Sheets to the students. (They will each give the teacher an insight of what
complete one on their own.) makes the student them.

-Students will either already be paired with By working with a partner on this
a partner or get paired with a partner that project, it will give students the
they will be doing the project with. opportunity to help boost their
partner’s self-esteem.

-Students will then switch their Identity This will allow the students to
Think Sheets with their partners and have begin to understand more about
the students compare their ideas. their partner and begin to think
about how they can represent their
partner’s characteristics as an

10 min. Feedback:
Now that we have finished our Identity Students will take this time to
Think Sheets, who would like to share reflect and think about the
some of their positive characteristics? varieties of portraits the teacher
(Positive characteristics about showed them and how it relates to
themselves, positive characteristics a their Identity Think Sheets and
friend would describe them as, activities their partner’s characteristics and
that they enjoy doing, positive animal.
personalities of an animal and how they
relate to them, things in their life that are
important to them, ways in which they
want to make the world a better place.)

Show the students the final project

In our portraits, we are using
characteristics by making half of our
portrait a face of a related animal. Next
week we will be taking photographs of
each other that express an emotion we
want portrayed in our portrait.

4 min. Closure:
-Teacher reminds students to think about Students will leave remembering
their partner’s characteristics and how the artists we discussed in the
their characteristics relate to an animal, PowerPoint and how they all had
and how they can use this project to different styles when it came to
represent their partner’s positive creating a portrait.

-What varieties of portraiture did we

learn about?

- How can you after given this PowerPoint Students will learn how this lesson
on varieties of portraiture, successfully can successfully represent their
apply your own ideas for ways in which partner’s positive characteristics
your Self Esteem Partner Animal through relating them to an
Portraits can communicate positive self- animal that shares common
esteem, by relating an animal’s personality traits.
characteristics to your partner’s


10 min. Orientation/Engagement/Motivation: Students are reminded of the

Demonstration on portraiture, this will project’s goals, and through this
get the students back into thinking about demonstration will begin to learn
varieties of portraiture and how they will how to draw a portrait
represent their partner. realistically.

-Students will gather around table for

demonstration on portraiture.
-For this demonstration I will only be
focusing on the human aspect of this
project, the animal portraiture will come
in a later demonstration.
-I will be asking the students the topic
questions, association questions,
visualization questions, and transition
questions throughout the demonstration.
-Teacher will have finished project,
visual board, sketch of portraiture
traits, and sketch of final project.
-“For this demonstration I am going to be
showing you how to draw and paint a
realistic portrait.”
-“You will be beginning this project by
outlining on the cardboard half of your
portrait realistically and the other half an
animal. Today we will only be focusing on
the human portion. We will be cutting out
of the cardboard on another day of class.”
-I will already have all the students’
cardboard prepped with gesso paint to
limit the work time for the project.
-For the day students will just be
practicing sketches of their partners but
will later refer to this demonstration on
-I will choose one of the students in the
class to draw and paint for this
demonstration so they understand the
concept of working on a portrait of a
-I will then ask the student the Topic
Questions and Association Questions
related to the project to begin the

10 min. Topic Questions:

-Last week we spoke about portraits and Having the students think about
the PowerPoint on varieties of what goes into someone else’s
portraiture, from that PowerPoint how portrait while drawing will have
can I draw one of you to display your the students think about how they
personality? can draw their partner.

Association Questions:
-Who can give me examples of what I Students will analyze each other’s
need to draw to make this portrait faces to think about what makes
realistic? up someone’s face.

-I will choose one of the students who

volunteers to be drawn.
-From the Transition Questions and
Association Questions, I will point out to
the students on my sketch of a portrait
the different shapes and qualities that
make up a face.
-I will then begin to sketch out the outline
of the students face on one half and will
be focusing on just the portrait aspect for
this demonstration.
-I will be reminding the students to look at
their reference photos to think about the
shapes of the students face and that
every student looks different. “Not every
face is the same, we all have unique
-This will lead me to ask the students the
Visualization Question.

Visualization Questions:
-How does this portrait achieve variety? Students will remember that not
(Each portrait will be different) ever nose looks like same, not all
eyes are the same, every face is
-For this demonstration I will not have the different.
student make any expression since we
are not photographing them yet, but I will
remind the students that they will be
making an expression that relates to
their chosen animal.
-I will refer the students back to their think
sheets and their chosen animal.
-This will lead me into my Transition

Transition Questions:
-How can you show your emotions Students will think about how to
through an expression? draw an expression.
-I will then begin to sketch the student’s
portrait. I will go through step by step of
how I am using shapes to create the
features of the students face.
-As I draw, I will continue to discuss
positive characteristics about the
student from their think sheet and how it
can later relate to their animal.
-After I finish the sketch of half of the
students face, I will show the students
how to use acrylic paint and color to
express emotion through their portrait.
-Throughout the demonstration I will
continue to ask the students if they have
any questions and I will continue to remind
them the big idea of this project and why
we are creating these human animal
10 min. Structured Practice:

Students begin working on portrait

-Students will sit across from their partner This will allow the students to
and begin to sketch out portraits of each really view each other’s traits and
other before taking photographs. learn how to draw their partner’s

Photo Session in the hallway

-Have the students come in pairs into the Student will accurately
hallway while the other students continue photograph their partner and lead
to work on their portrait sketches. them to express an emotion that
-Have the students stand behind a relates to their animal.
-Remind the students that they want to
express a certain emotion in this portrait
-Remind them of what animal they have
chosen for this project

5 min. Feedback
-Students will show their partner their Students will have more practice
sketches of their portraits. with creating portraits.

5 min. Closure Students will leave remembering

-Teacher will ask the students to think at all the aspects that go into
home about if after working on their drawing someone’s portrait and
partner’s portrait if they have any ideas will leave with more skills on how
on how they can represent their to draw an accurate portrait.
characteristics in this project. -Students will remember the
-How can these individual physical meaning of the project.
characteristics be represented in your
Self Esteem Partner Animal Portraits?

10 min. DAY THREE:

Students are reminded of the
Orientation/Engagement/Motivation: project’s goals, and they begin to
-Demonstration on texture, this will get learn how to create textures for
the students thinking about what physical their animals.
characteristics their animal possesses
and how they can create those textures
through this project.
-Students will gather around the table just
like in day one, this demonstration will be
shorter because I want the students to
have time to work on the project.
-I will begin this lesson by asking students
the Topic Questions related to texture.

Topic Questions:
-Who can share with me why it is Students will analyze the animal
important to focus on the physical that represents their common
characteristics of their animal for this characteristics for more than just
project? their personality traits but their
physical characteristics.
-I will begin the demonstration on showing
students how to create simulated
textures. I will be showing them hand
outs of texture drawings and reminding
them of the PowerPoint.
-Remind the students of how these
simulated textures will later be turned
into actual textures using their puffy
-I will demonstrate how to use acrylic
paint to create simulated texture with
movement and relating the demonstration
on the qualities I want students to focus
on. (Fur, skin, feathers)
-I will then lead into the Association
Questions to have the students thinking
about how these simulated textures feel.
(I want the students to paint as
realistically as they can and viewing the
actual textures can help them)
-I will also bring in actual textures so the
students can compare it to the pictures of

Association Questions:
-Who can give me an example of textures Students will discuss the
that you can feel? (Describe to me what difference between actual texture
the texture feels like) and simulated texture.

-I want the students to think of descriptive

words that describe their physical
characteristics of their chosen animal.
-Examples: Mammals have hair or fur,
warm blooded; Reptiles - cold blooded,
vertebrates, have scales; Amphibians -
most have four legs and thin, damp skin,
cold blooded; Birds- have wings and
feathers, a beak, two legs, vertebrates;
Fish- have scales, fins, and gills, some
have cartilage.
-The more detail of the texture the better.
-As I am drawing these simulated
textures, I will be showing the students
examples of Adonna Khare’s artwork.
(She has great examples of drawings of
simulated animal textures.)
Visualization Questions:
-Show the students pictures of animals, Adonna Khare’s artwork is a
including printouts of Adonna Khare’s great example for students to
artwork on animals. Looking at Adonna grasp the idea of a realistic
Khare’s representations of animals, animal drawing.
what textures do you see her using?
-I will be using Adonna Khare’s artwork
on animals to demonstrate how to draw a
realistic drawing and painting of an
animal. (The students will remember the
demonstration on portraiture.)
-During this demonstration I will be making
sure the students focus on the colors
within the animal’s textures as well, this
will be used in the demonstration through
the acrylic paint. Each student will get
their own colors of acrylic paint.
-This will lead me to the Transition
Question on how they can add actual
texture to their portraits with puffy paint.
Each student will get one white and one
black puffy paint to add finishing details
to their cardboard cut-outs.
-I will demonstrate to the students how to
use the puffy paint and techniques to
create fur, scales, skin, etc.

Transition Questions:
-From this demonstration how can you The students will begin to think
create your own texture with puffy paint? about actual textures that they
can give their animal.

10 min. Structured Practice:

-Teacher will hand out to the students This will allow the students to
printed out photos of their animal begin practicing how to draw
-Teacher will hand out to each student a textures and get them ready for
texture worksheet (they will draw creating actual textures. It will
textures of their partner’s animal and write also help them focus on their
next to it materials they could use to partner’s animal’s physical
create actual texture) characteristics.
-Students will work on texture
-Students will begin their portrait portions
of their project today if they finish with
their texture. Students will know how to
begin their sketches for their project after
day two demonstration.
-They will only begin to sketch the outline
and small details of their face and animal
onto their cardboard with gesso.
5 min. Feedback
-Students will share with the class their The worksheets on texture will
worksheets on texture. allow the students to start to think
-Students will go home thinking about they about the textures they can create
can use puffy paint to recreate their in their project.
simulated textures.

5 min. Closure:
-Who can share with the class examples The students will be able to
of simulated texture and explain how discuss why using an animal can
they will turn it into actual texture? help to portray a student’s
-So far how do you think this project is characteristics.
going to represent your partner as an
individual, how will this animal become a
part of your partner’s identity?

5 min. Cleanup:
-Have the students put away their drawing Cleanup will be simple this day
-Have the students turn in their texture
worksheets to me.

5 min. DAY FOUR

Orientation/Engagement/Motivation: This is the first day that the
-Demonstration on the project. (combining students can begin to paint their
how to draw portraits, how to create projects, through the
actual and simulated texture) demonstration and examples.
(cardboard with gesso already on it,
acrylic paint, puffy paint, water cups,
and smocks),
-I will remind the students on the
demonstration on portraiture and the
demonstration on actual and simulated
-The visual board will also always be in
the room for the students’ reference.
-I will show the students teachers
example, the sketch of a portrait, the
outcome of the first demonstration of
portraiture, and the outcome from the
texture demonstration and animal
demonstration. Students will also have
their worksheets on portraiture and
textures handed back to them.
-I will be demonstrating to the students a
recap on how to outline their partner’s
human face and animal face. They will
be cutting out their portraits on the
cardboard in this lesson.
-The demonstration will be short. I will just
be recapping the first two demonstrations
and will let the students get to work.
(Since they now understand how to use all
the materials, the big idea of the project,
have reference photos of their partner,
and have had both demonstrations on the
-Students can begin their projects this
day, I will have art supply boxes in the
front of the room (One box with paint,
water cups, paint brushes, smocks) (One
box with cardboard), I will have the tables
covered with paper towels or newspaper
before the class starts.

Topic Questions:
-From the demonstration, do you have any Students will be able to ask any
questions about the materials? questions to the teacher that they
-Does anyone have any questions on this may not understand on the project
project before we begin? or the materials.

Association Questions:
-Who can tell me why we are doing our
project on cardboard (sturdiness,

This project will represent the best

versions of our partners and their
characteristics relating to their animal.
(Have visual board with my example out, Students will be able to
example of teacher’s version out, images understand why we are using
of their animals handed out to the cardboard cut-outs as the
students for reference, images of their backboard to our portraits. The
partners printed out for reference, students can learn new innovative
PowerPoint of varieties of portraits up ways to create art.
for the students to look at).

Visualization Questions:
-Can you see how the teacher’s version of The students will be able to see
the project shows her characteristics and through the teacher’s example
how she relates to her related animal? how the project should look.

Transition Questions:
-Can you think of one word that relates to This will allow the students to
your partner’s animal that you want remember to use reflective words
perceived in this project? that describe positive
characteristics of their partner.

20 min. Structured Practice:

-Have students begin project (Each pair Students will be responsible for
will sit away from each other so that they making sure they stay on track,
do not see the process of the project) ask any questions if they need
(Each table will come up at a time to get help, and focus on the main goal
materials from the art boxes) of the project.

2 min. Feedback

-Check all the students work so far to Teacher will make sure that the
make sure that they are understanding the students are staying on track and
project. are understanding the project.
Students will be reminded at the
end of every work session to
continue to relate this project to
their partner’s personality and
relating them to an animal that
represents their own identity.
-Reminder to use the materials
that they have to their advantage
3 min. Closure:
- Given these materials you were working Students will be responsible for
with today; photograph of a partner, making sure when class ends, the
cardboard with gesso, scissors, puffy room looks the same as when they
paint, and acrylic paint, how will you got into it.
creatively continue to construct cardboard
cut-outs of your partner’s face with half of
their face representing an animal that
corresponds to their identity while also
including your partner’s characteristics in
words to promote positive self-esteem?

10 min. Cleanup
- Students must keep the materials under
control, they are all responsible for their
own space, at the end of class students
will be responsible to put all materials
back into the correct art boxes that will be
in the front of the room, (One box with
paint, water cups, paint brushes, smocks)
(One box with cardboard).
-Students will have to recycle the
newspaper or paper towels that were on
their desks to keep the desks clean.

25 min. -This class will be a full workday
-Work day
-I will go around and talk to the students Students will continue to work on
and make sure their project is going well. their projects.
Topic Questions:
-Can someone remind me what
“representation” means? (the
description or portrayal of someone or As the students work remind them
something in a way or as being of a about what the lesson is about and
certain nature.) make sure that they are staying on
- How is creating this portrait making you task.
feel? (Positive feedback, positive-self-

Association Questions:
-How is this project different than just
drawing your own self-portrait?
(Animal human hybrids,
characteristics, cardboard cut outs,

Visualization Questions:
-Why is it important to use positive words Students must remember to think
throughout your project? (Positive self- outside the box and really make a
esteem) creative project.
-Why is it important to show your partner’s
identity through this artwork?
(Help each other share each other’s

Transition Questions:
-How will you continue to make this
project stand out? (Colors, textures,

Structured Practice: Students will be responsible for

staying on track, checking the
-Students will be working on their projects teacher’s example, and
the whole class period. remembering the meaning of the
-Students will continue to view examples, lesson.
refer to their worksheets, (the PowerPoint
will always be available, and they can
view the teacher’s example from the

5 min. Feedback and Closure:

-Have the students show the person This will allow the students to get
sitting next to them the progress of their feedback on their work quickly at
work (not their partners, they will be sitting the end of class without showing
away from each other) everyone their final project.
-Does anyone have any questions about
the project so far?
-Discuss with the students that next week
is a full day of working on the project.
10 min. Cleanup:
-This day students will need to begin
cleaning up 10 minutes before class.
(cleanup will be more intense on
-Students must put back the materials in
the correct art boxes in the front of the
-Students will hand in their cardboard to
me and I will cut their carboard to save
time, since the cardboard is difficult to cut

25 min. Orientation/Engagement/Motivation:
-By now students have gotten all The students will be done with
demonstrations and will be done with their their projects this day.
projects today and will be sharing their
artist statements and sharing their projects
with each other.

Topic Questions:
-How does your work relate to one of the Relate the project to real life, have
artists shown in the PowerPoint on the the students remember why the
first day of class? (Animal human lesson was important and not just
hybrids, different personalities, another art lesson.
different forms of portraiture.)
-Who can show me an example of
identity in their work? (Their own
characteristics, think of the big idea.)

Association Questions:
-How does creating your partner’s portrait
in this way create a new aspect on how
you view them as a person? (Your
partner’s characteristics, their identity,
their animal common characteristics.)
-Why is it important that you communicate Remind the students that this
positive self-esteem to those who project should boost their own
surround you? (Support each other in and self-esteem and their partner’s
out of the classroom, learn how to let go of self-esteem.
the negatives in life and bring in the

Visualization Questions:
-When you view your final project that
your partner created of you, how does it
make you feel? (emotions, colors, how
does it express their characteristics,
does your partner feel positive.)
-Did they positively relate you to your

Transition Questions:
-How will you take the lesson of this Students will be done with their
project with you out of this class? projects and will be sharing artist
-Has this project made you view identity statements and share their
differently? projects with the class. This will
-Did this project help you bond with your allow students to see their work,
peers? why they created it, and see how
their partner represented them.

Structured Practice:

5 min. -Students will be sharing their artist

-Students will share with the class their Reflection on the project for
projects. Students will participate in two teacher’s feedback
pluses and a wish exercise where the
students share with each other two
positive things they see in the artwork and
one thing they would like to see if the
student did the project again.

-Have the students reflect on what they
10 min. learned from this class and this project.
-What artists have we discussed?
-What does identity mean to you after this
-What principles did we learn?
-What are some important vocabulary
terms you can remember?
-Why was this project important and how
did it affect you?

5 min. Cleanup:
--This day students will need to begin
cleaning up 10 minutes before class.
(cleanup will be more intense on
-Students must put back the materials in
the correct art boxes in the front of the
-Students will be responsible for each
cleaning up their own space.
-Students must turn in their projects and
artists statements for the project for the

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