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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Your Name: Micah Johnson Date of Activity: Oct.5/Nov.26 2019 Faculty name: Rajni Parmar

Describe the community service/professional activity/s you attended or participated with

(be specific about the purpose and your role):

The first professional activity I attended was the Open Shooter/Stop the Bleed event. During this

event, there was an officer from the TPD who presented a PowerPoint on what to do if in an

open shooter situation and what police officers’ role is when they arrive to the scene of an active

shooter. We learned the main steps in responding by Run, Hide, and Fight. In Stop the Bleed, I

learned how to stop and decrease bleeding time in someone who is hemorrhaging using different

techniques including compression, tourniquets, and wound packing. The second professional

activity I attended was my BLS certification. I took my certification through the American Heart

Association and I strengthened my skills in performing health care provider level CPR, pulse

checks, and bag mask use for infants, children, and adults. These skills were taught by a certified

educator and at the end of the course I had to pass a written and demonstration test.

Where was this held and what was was program/activity length?

The Active Shooter/Stop the Bleed event was held at the College of Nursing in room 117 and

was 4 hours long. The BLS training course was located on speedway at Eclipse and was 3 hours

long and I also volunteered in SILC for 4 hours.

Discuss the value of this experience to you (be specific).

The Open Shooter/Stop the Bleed event presented really valuable information. Learning how to

be safe and protect yourself and others in the incidence of an open shooter was really eye

opening, but if there is a chance I happen to be in this type of situation it would bring me more

comfort knowing the best way to protect myself. Additionally, learning how to makeshift
tourniquets and material to pack wounds and stop hemorrhaging in emergency situations is

valuable information and skills.

How would you continue to use this experience throughout your nursing career?

I can use the stop the bleed/open shooter throughout my nursing career because as a future health

care professional, I may be in situations that require me to use my medical skills outside of a

hospital setting and may include using a tourniquet or packing a applying pressure to wounds.

BLS recertification is also something that helps strengthen my education and training so I am

more prepared and confident when the time comes to perform CPR on a patient.

Would you recommend this specific communnity/professional experience in the future; why
or why not? (Describe)

Yes, I would recommend this experience in the future because there has been a significant

increase in the amount of open shooters throughout our country and knowing what to do and how

to respond in this type of situation is important for the safety of others and myself. I also would

recommend the stop the bleed event because it taught us how to use tourniquets, pack wounds,

and apply pressure to bleeding injuries in attempt to prevent hemorrhage and save lives. These

are critical skills that are important for a nurse and anyone to know because in case of

emergencies bystanders are always the first responders.

Yes I would recommend BLS as a professional experience in the future because one it is a

mandatory certification to have and second it was beneficial to have my recertification

completed before I started working and to have a good refresher on basic life support and all of

the important steps.

Brochure or proof of attendance obtained if applicable? Yes Signature on validation of

clinical hours form obtained? Yes

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