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The Story of Half- Chicken from Puerto Rico

Scene 1 Leaving the Ranch

NARRATOR 1: Once upon a time in the ranch of Puerto Rico, 7 chicks were hatched.

(MOTHER HEN clucks until 7 chicks come out.)

LET’s GET LOUD for girls

La VIDA Loca for boys

NARRATOR 2: The Mother hen was surprised as she saw the last one.

MOTHER HEN: Oh no! What is this?! I can’t believe it. He is so different from my 6 other chicks. He
only has one leg, one wing and one eye. He is only Half-a-chick!

NARRATOR 3: News about the weird-looking chick travelled fast all over the ranch so, the animals
came to see him.


DUCK: Quack! Quack! Poor baby!

BIRD: He is so ugly!

HORSE: He looks funny!

DOG: He is a mess!

CAT: He doesn’t belong here!

ALL: He is half-chicken! (all the animals laugh)

NARRATOR 1: A few weeks later, half-chicken overheard the parrot and swallow talking about him.

PAPI again

SWALLOW: I don’t think he will stay with his mother for very long.

PARROT: You’re right! He is not as pretty and obedient like his brothers and sisters.

SWALLOW: Maybe because he’s different. Nobody likes him.

NARRATOR 2: Half chick was angry.

HALF_CHICK: I don’t belong here. It’s time for me to leave this boring ranch.

NARRATOR 3: That same day, Half-chick talked to his mother.

Half-CHICK: Mother, I’m tired of the life in this ranch. I’m off to Madrid to see the king.
MOTHER HEN: You can’t leave. You’re still too young and little. Maybe someday when you grow big,
I’ll go with you.

HALF CHICK: No, mother. I’ve already packed my things.

MOTHER HEN: Very well, just remember to speak kindly to everyone you meet.

Scene 2: Nature Group

NARRATOR 1: Off he went and said goodbye to his mother and friends. With a hoppity kick, hoppity
kick, he walked over the fields until he met the stream.

STREAM: "Little Half-Chick, I am so choked with these weeds. Please push the sticks and weeds
away so my water could flow through.

HALF_CHICK: Sorry, I can’t waste time. Do it yourself. I’m going to Madrid to see the king!

NARRATOR 2: With a Hoppity kick, hoppity kick, he hopped until he met FIRE.

FIRE: Oh, half- chick. Please put some twigs and dry leaves over me so I could live longer.

HALF_CHICK: Sorry, I can’t waste time. You can do it yourself. I’m going to see the king!

NARRATOR 3: And he went Hoppity-kick, hoppity-kick until he met the WIND.

WIND: Oh, little Half-chick. Please help me brush aside these twigs and leaves so I can get my
breath through.
HALF_CHICK: Sorry, I can’t waste time. Do it yourself. I’m going to see the king!

NARRATOR 1: With a hoppity kick, hoppity kick, he finally reached the gate of the palace. But the
guards stopped him.

SCENE 3: In the palace


GUARD 1: Stop! What do you want?

HALF_CHICK: I am here to see the king.

Guard 2: Hahaha! You must be joking. (whispered something on the other guard’s ears)

GUARD 1: Let him see the king.

NARRATOR 2: The guards went in the palace. Instead of the king, the cook came out. Thinking that
it was the king, Half-chick bowed and said.

HALF-CHICK: My king, it is an honour to finally meet you.

COOK: The honour is mine. Come with me. I have a very special place in the palace that I want to
show you. My kitchen!
NARRATOR 3: Half-chick followed the cook. As soon as they were in the kitchen, the cook suddenly
held the chicken by the neck.

COOK: This is my lucky day! You’re just what I need for my chicken soup.

NARRATOR 1: Then, he threw Half-chick into the pot of boiling water.


HALF-CHICK: Water! Water! Please help me. I’m drowning.

STREAM: But when I was in trouble, you did not help me.

NARRATOR 2: And the water grew hotter and hotter.


HALF_CHICK: I’m burning. I’m burning! Fire help me!

FIRE: No! You did not help me when I needed your help.

NARRATOR 3: And the water became frightfully hotter.

NARRATOR 1: And then the cook came into the kitchen, Took the cover from the pot and said..

COOK: What a mess?! This chicken is no good. It is burned to a cinder.

NARRATOR 2: Then, she picked the little Half-chick up and threw him out of the window.

HALF-CHICK: Wait! Please help me wind!

WIND: When I was in trouble, you did not help me.


NARRATOR 3: So the wind blew stronger. It caught and round him up through the air. The wind
lifted Half- chick up to the roof of the highest church.

HALF-CHICK: Oh no! How am I going to get down from here.

NARRATOR 1: There he stands up to this day, with his one eye, his one wing, and his one leg. He
cannot hoppity-kick any more, but he turns slowly whenever the wind blows.


CUP OF LIFE: Final Dance.

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