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Running head: WHY CAN’T WE ALL GET ALONG 1

Why Can’t We All Get Along

Sherryl Edwards

Professor Melissa Hamilton

SO-230 Seminar of the Cayman Islands

International College of the Cayman Islands

December 1, 2019

Why can’t we all get along? That is a commonly asked question. It is a question that we could ask

ourselves every single day of our existence. People can’t get along for so many reasons that are staring us

in the face every single day. Some of these reasons are; having different opinions, different cultural

backgrounds, different religious backgrounds, and different personalities, to name a few. When we face

the reality of this matter, the big picture is, people are entitled to their opinion, but most people think they

have control over another person’s freedom to speak. According to Brownson (2017), “Many people,

especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you.

Never apologize for being correct, or for being years ahead of your time.” People will always be

opinionated about another person’s input on any matter of the sort. Brownson again stated (2017), “If

you’re right and you know it, speak your mind. Speak your mind. Even if you are a minority of one, the

truth is still the truth.” People will say whatever they want, whenever they want and wherever they want,

but regardless of one will think, we still have to ensure that what we do or say is socially accepted.

Some people would always think negatively and therefore everything will appear negative

because they are negative. Some people are the total opposite of being negative. We just have to stay true

to ourselves to at least get along with people. People will always have a problem with others. We can’t

escape that so easily.

The real-life example you can face every day in the workplace. You might be in a higher position

and other line staff will develop a negative attitude towards you for your achievements. This is something

that I had experienced at my workplace. Another real-life experience can be as simple as having a

different religious background. That is a very touchy topic and people always war over different beliefs.

It has affected me one way or the other. It goes as far as people stop talking to you due to different

religious beliefs. There are different ways in which we can get along. Try to understand the other person

from their perspective. According to Whitbourne (2015), “Be patient and give others a chance to express

themselves. Whether with one other person or with 50, pause between your sentences to allow others to

collect their thoughts and put them into words.”

The seminar has taught me a lot. We all came from different backgrounds. People do things and

understand things differently. At times we had some form of misunderstandings, but at the day's end, we

all have to learn to accept one another. At times, a simple decision as to where to eat has caused

problems. At days end, you can’t blame someone for having a different social background.

It all boils down to appreciate each other one way or the other. The seminar was a great experience for

people to at least familiarize themselves with people of a different social background.



Brownson, J. (2017). Can’t we all just get along? Retrieved from

Whitbourne, K.S. (2015). 5 Rules for getting along with anyone. Retrieved from


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