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September, 1967

390 T h e Journal o[ P E D I A T R I C S

Cellular growth of human placenta

IIL Intrauterine growth failure

Placentas from in[ants with intrauterine growth [ailure were examined [or total organ
weight, desoxyribose nucleic acid ( D N A ) , ribonucleic acid ( R N A ) , and protein. In
eight in[ants with severe maI[ormations, the placentas were entirely normal
when compared with those [rom physically normal infants of comparable gestationaI
age. In seventeen in[ants with low birth weight but with no maI[ormations there
was a proportional reduction in weight o[ the placenta and in its DNA and protein
contents; there was, however, a marked elevation o[ R N A content. Thus
protein/DNA was normal whereas the R N A / D N A ratio was elevated. It is suggested
that this increased ratio may be a mani[estation o[ placental insufficiency.

Myron Winick, M.D.


T ~ I E T O T A L organ content of DNA is with cell size increasing only in brain. 4 The
a measure of the number of cells at any number of cells is also increased in the pla-
given time? The protein/DNA ratio is a centas of diabetic mothers. 5 R N A / D N A ra-
measure of individual cell size, and the tios have been increased under a variety of
quantity of RNA per cell may be expressed conditions.
as an R N A / D N A ratio. During growth any Although intrauterine growth failure has
or all of these quantities or ratios m a y been ascribed to "placental insufficiency" due
change in response to various environmental to a "faulty intrauterine environment," the
stresses. For example, malnutrition in neo- placentas from these infants are histologi-
natal rats results in fewer cells of normal cally normal2 Moreover, no biochemical ab-
size in all organs studied. 2 Congenital heart normality has ever been demonstrated.
disease in young children is associated with This study investigates the possibility of
a reduction in both number of cells and cell a biochemical abnormality by comparing to-
size in skeletal muscle2 Increased caloric tal weight, protein, DNA, and R N A content
intake in neonatal rats is accompanied by an in placentas from infants too smalt for ges-
increase in number of cells in various organs, tational age with the same parameters in
placentas of normal infants.
From the Cornell University Medical College,
I300 York Ave.
Supported by grants [rom The National
Foundation No. 1270, the Ross Laboratories The placentas from 25 infants who were
No. 15-0532082, and the Nutrition
Foundation No. 357. more than two standard deviations below
Vol. 71, No. 3, pp. 390-395
Volume 71 Intrauterine growth [ailure 39 1
Number 3

the mean weight for gestational age were dicate the upper and lower ranges of normal
examined. 7 Expected date of confinement values as previously determined on 50 nor-
was established from the date of the last mal human plaeentass
menstrual period. The infants were divided
into two groups: one containing those with
major congenital malformations; the other, Placental weight. Fig. 2 shows that the
those with no obvious physical defect other placentas from the eight infants with con-
than size. Fig. 1 identifies the infants in the genital defects were of no~xnal weight for
two groups. There were eight patients in gestational age. The placentas from the 17
the first group: two with anencephaly; three infants without defects were small for gesta-
with microcephaly and multiple malforma- tional age. However, when these data are
tions, one of whom had proved rubella; and compared to the infant weight, the placentas
three with multiple severe skeletal deformi- from both groups were actually large. Thus,
ties. Seventeen patients comprised the second in infants whose growth failure is accom-
group, in which low birth weight and small panied by severe malformations, there is no
stature were the only physical deviations. decrease in placental weight, whereas pla-
Twelve of the mothers of these infants had centas from infants with only intrauterine
uneventful pregnancies; four had mild to growth failure do show retarded growth.
moderate pre-eclampsia, and one had severe This retardation, however, is not as great as
pre-eclampsia. in the fetus.
Placentas were obtained immediately upon Placental DNA. Total organ DNA and,
delivery and processed as previously de- therefore, total cell number were normal in
scribed. 7 DNA, RNA, and protein were de- all 25 placentas when compared to DNA
termined by methods identical to those pre- content of normal placentas of comparable
viously described. 8 Lines on all graphs' in- weight (Fig. 3). Since the weight of the pta-

3,500 - -

3,000 -

2,500 -

2,000 -

..~ 1,500

1,000 -


0 [ , [ f [ p 1 J
10 20 30 40
Weeks of gestation

Fig. 1.* S y m b o l s : triangles, n o p h y s i c a l a b n o r m a l i t i e s ; circles, severe c o n g e n i t a l m a l f o r m a t i o n s .

Lines i n d i c a t e r a n g e of n o r m a l f o r 50 h u m a n p l a c e n t a s J
* S y m b o l s a r e t h e s a m e for Figs. 1 to 5.
392 Winick The Journal o[ Pediatrics
September 1967

600 -



9 A AA
9 AA

~- 200 -

i00 -

o I , I 1 I I
o 10 20 30 40
Weeks of gestation

Fig. 2.

1,400 - -

~ o

1,200 -


N 8oo -

600 -

400 -


, I , I , I I
100 200 300 400 5O0
Placental weight/gms)

Fig. 3.

centas in the malformed group was normal, placenta contains fewer cells than the one
DNA content was,, normal for of normal size does.
gestational age. However, since placental Placental Protein. The total placental con-
weight is decreased in fetal intrauterine tent of protein was comparable to that of
growth failure unassociated with abnormali- normal placentas of similar weight (Fig. 4).
ties, the DNA content of the placenta is also The protein/DNA ratio is, therefore, nor-
decreased proportionately. Thus, the smaller mal, indicating that dry-cell size is essen-
Volume 71 Intrauterine growth [ailure 3 93
Number 3




20 -

9 9

~- 16

~_ 12 -
8 -

4 -

o f I I , I , I , F
0 100 200 300 400 500
Placental weight.(gms)
Fig. 4.

dally the same in both groups. Therefore, it trauterine growth failure, placentas tend to
can be assumed that the smaller placentas be of normal weight and have normal nu-
from the infants with intrauterine growth cleic acid and protein content. By contrast,
failure and no malformations contained cells placentas from infants born with only intra-
of normal size but had fewer of them than uterine growth failure are small for gesta-
did the larger placentas of the infants with tional age. These placentas contain decreased
malformations. quantities of DNA. Cell number is reduced.
Placental RNA. Total organ RNA con- Protein content is also reduced proportion-
tent was normal in the eight placentas from ally to the reduction in weight and DNA
infants with congenital malformations, content. The protein/DNA ratio is, there:-
whereas it was markedly elevated in all 17 fore, normal, indicating that dry-cell size
infants without malformations (Fig. 5). Both is normal. The reduction in placental weight
RNA concentration and R N A / D N A ratios for gestational age is, therefore, accompanied
were normal in placentas from the eight in- by a concomitant reduction in cell number,
fants with intrauterine growth failure and with the cell size remaining unaffected.
associated malformations. RNA concentra- DNA synthesis and cell division have
tion and R N A / D N A ratios in the 17 infants been shown to cease before growth ceases
with intrauterine growth failure but no mal- in both rat 9 and human placentas. 7 In hu-
formations were markedly elevated. man placenta there is no further increase in
cell number after approximately the thirty-
sixth week of gestation. Since cell number
Infants with intrauterine growth failure is reduced in these placentas, it would ap-
can be divided into two groups depending pear that, whatever the stimulus to retarded
on the presence or absence of major malfor- growth is, it must already be operating
mations. These data suggest that these clin- prior to the thirty-sixth week of gestation.
ical types may be etiologically different. In One can conclude, then, that the causes of
infants with major malformations and in- faulty intrauterine growth with no other
3 94 Winick The Journal o[ Pediatrics
September 1967

900 --- z~

800 - A

h AAA 2

9 9

~ 9 9




I , I L I , I
IOO 200 300 400 500
Placental weight (gins)

Fig. 5.

abnormalities affect both placenta and fetus. growth is impaired in conjunction with
They are operating before the thirty-sixth congenital malformations. It is possible that
week of gestation and are accompanied by this is actually a biochemical manifestation
a reduction in the expected number of pla- of "placental insufficiency" in the placentas
cental cells. of infants with intrauterine growth failure
In addition, there is a selective increase and no other abnormalities.
in RNA content in these placentas. Thus At times it is difficult, because of faulty
the R N A / D N A ratio is markedly elevated. dates, to know if a newborn infant is truly
At present, the significance of an elevated premature or a full-term infant manifesting
R N A / D N A ratio is unknown. During exper- intrauterine growth failure. Apart from clini-
imental cardiac hypertrophy due to mechani- cal differences in these infants, differentia-
cal factors, 1~ and uterine hypertrophy due tion may be possible on the basis o~ an ele-
to hormonal factors, 11 R N A / D N A ratios in- vated R N A / D N A ratio in the placentas.
crease. Experimental nerve stimulation is
accompanied by an increase in the ratio in
the excited muscle, 12 and human bone mar- Placentas from 25 infants with intra-
row has shown a similar rise in association uterine growth failure were examined for
with various malignant neoplasms2 a It would total weight and nucleic acid and protein
appear that a rise in the R N A / D N A ratio content. In eight infants with concomitant
is a nonspecific change occurring in response severe malformations, placental weight and
to a variety of stimuli. These data, then, in the protein, DNA, and RNA contents were
no way suggest the nature of the basic pla- all within the normal range. In 17 infants
cental abnormality. However, they do dem- of abnormally small size but with no. malfor-
onstrate that an abnormality does exist with- mations, there was a proportional reduction
in the placenta. The increased RNA/DNA of placental weight and of the protein and
ratio is not dependent on a lack of fetal DNA contents, but a paradoxical increase
growth alone, since it does not occur when in i:he RNA content. Protein/DNA ratios
Volume 71 Intrauterine growth [ailure 3 95
Number 3

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