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Name: ________________

Date: _________________

Bullet Journaling – Assignment #1

Your first assignment will be to create a title page for your bullet journal. Use the tools you
were given last class to create an eye catching and engaging bullet journal title page!

The requirements for this assignment are the following:

Must include:
- At least one banner
- A border that goes around the outside of the entire page (along the
- A unique font
- Your name
- A title (below are some examples)

• “Ms. J’s Bullet Journal”

• “Bullet Journal” with your name below (or elsewhere on the page)
• “2019/2020 Bullet Journal”
• “Investigative Option: Bullet Journaling 2019/2020”

Below is the rubric that will be used to grade your title page:

Title Page Rubric

Criteria 1 – Limited 2 – Satisfactory 3 – Excellent

Little to none of the Only some of the requirements All requirements are met
Requirements requirements are met are met

The final product does not The final product is The final product looks
look professional or finished: satisfactory: professional and finished:

-The page is messy and -The page is a little messy -The page is neat, tidy and
Presentation disorganized and/or disorganized doesn’t look like anything
-There is pencil showing – the -There is some pencil showing – else needs to be added
written work has not been the written work has been -All written work has been
gone over in marker partially gone over with marker gone over with marker
-The writing is hard to read -The writing is somewhat -The page is easy to read
difficult to read -The page is organized
Name: ________________
Date: _________________

Bullet Journaling – Assignment #2

For your second assignment, you must research to find at least two inspirational quotes to
include in your bullet journal. You will be provided with a chrome book to complete the
research component of this assignment. You will also be provided with a steps to take, a
planning page and requirements below!

The requirements for this assignment are the following:

Must include:
- A border that goes around the outside of the entire page (along the
- A font that you have not tried yet!
- Two inspirational quotes
• You must include the author/speaker of the quote
• You must include the quotation marks (“Your quote here”)

- NOTE: there is no title required for this page in your bullet journal – all
you need written are the two quotes

Below is the rubric that will be used to grade your inspirational quotes page:

Inspirational Quotes Page Rubric

Criteria 1 – Limited 2 – Satisfactory 3 – Excellent

Little to none of the Only some of the requirements All requirements are met
Requirements requirements are met are met

The final product does not The final product is The final product looks
look professional or finished: satisfactory: professional and finished:

-The page is messy and -The page is a little messy -The page is neat, tidy and
Presentation disorganized
-There is pencil showing – the
and/or disorganized
-There is some pencil showing –
doesn’t look like anything
else needs to be added
written work has not been the written work has been -All written work has been
gone over in marker partially gone over with marker gone over with marker
-The writing is hard to read -The writing is somewhat -The page is easy to read
difficult to read -The page is organized
Name: ________________
Date: _________________
The Process:

o Step 1 – Log in to a chrome book and go to google

o Step 2 – Type in something like…
• “Inspirational quotes about school/life/faith”
• “Inspirational quotes from famous athletes/celebrities”
•“Inspirational quotes from movies”
You may select any two quotes for your bullet journal, just as long as they are
appropriate for school
o Step 3 – Record your quotes below as a rough draft
o Step 4 – Put your chrome book away – make sure to plug it into the correct spot
o Step 5 – Transfer your quotes into your bullet journal (your good copy)
Name: ________________
Date: _________________

Bullet Journaling – Assignment #3

For your third assignment, you will create a 2019/2020 goals/intentions page. You will need
to brainstorm some goals or think about your intentions for the remainder of 2019 and for
the new year!
Consider the following:
What is it that you would like to accomplish before the new year/after the new year? What
would you like to accomplish in the new year? When you think about the new year, how do
you see yourself? Are you different than you are now? What has changed?

The requirements for this assignment are the following:

Must include:
- At least 2 banners
- A font that you have not tried yet!
- A title:
• “2019/2020 Goals” OR
• “2019/2020 Intentions”
- At least 10 goals/intentions total:
• You will need to include 5 today and then 5 in December (closer to
Christmas break)

You may use the photos below as inspiration for the layout of your page.
Name: ________________
Date: _________________
Below is the rubric that will be used to grade your goals/intentions page:

Goals/Intentions Page Rubric

Criteria 1 – Limited 2 – Satisfactory 3 – Excellent

Little to none of the Only some of the requirements All requirements are met
Requirements requirements are met are met

The final product does not The final product is The final product looks
look professional or finished: satisfactory: professional and finished:

-The page is messy and -The page is a little messy -The page is neat, tidy and
Presentation disorganized
-There is pencil showing – the
and/or disorganized
-There is some pencil showing –
doesn’t look like anything
else needs to be added
written work has not been the written work has been -All written work has been
gone over in marker partially gone over with marker gone over with marker
-The writing is hard to read -The writing is somewhat -The page is easy to read
difficult to read -The page is organized

Use the space below to brainstorm goals/intentions. Remember, you need to include at least
5 now, and 5 later on in December!
Name: ________________
Date: _________________
Use the space below to draw a rough draft of your Goals/Intentions page. Use this space
to try and visualize how you would like your goals page to look!
Name: ________________
Date: _________________

Bullet Journaling – Assignment #4

Gratitude/Prayer Wheel
For your fourth assignment, you will create a gratitude/prayer wheel. This is a 2-page
spread that you can use to become more mindful in your everyday routine.

• You may choose to create a Gratitude Wheel, a Prayer Wheel, or a mixture of both
(Gratitude/Prayer Wheel)
• You will need to divide your 2-page spread into at least 30 sections
• In each section you will write either a prayer, or you may reflect on something you
are grateful for. If you’d like to combine these two ideas to create a
“Gratitude/Prayer Wheel,” you may do so as well.

• One banner
• A font that you have not tried yet
• A title (one of the following):
- “Gratitude Wheel”
- “Prayer Wheel”
- “Gratitude/Prayer Wheel”
- NOTE: you may include the month or year if you would like to
(ex. “December 2019 Prayer Wheel”)
• Consistent colour scheme – choose a variety of colours for this page and stick with
those colours to fill in the sections of your wheel!

• Below are some examples of how you could set up your two-page spread:
Name: ________________
Date: _________________

Below is the rubric that will be used to grade your gratitude/prayer wheel page:

Gratitude/Prayer Wheel Page Rubric

Criteria 1 – Limited 2 – Satisfactory 3 – Excellent

Little to none of the Only some of the requirements All requirements are met
Requirements requirements are met are met

The final product does not The final product is The final product looks
look professional or finished: satisfactory: professional and finished:

-The page is messy and -The page is a little messy -The page is neat, tidy and
Presentation disorganized
-There is pencil showing – the
and/or disorganized
-There is some pencil showing –
doesn’t look like anything
else needs to be added
written work has not been the written work has been -All written work has been
gone over in marker partially gone over with marker gone over with marker
-The writing is hard to read -The writing is somewhat -The page is easy to read
difficult to read -The page is organized

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