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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Hari / Tanggal : Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

Kelas / Program : XII / IPA / IPS / IK Alokasi Waktu : 120 Menit

Listening Section
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are
four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Part I
Questions 1 to 4
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues spoken in English. The dialogue will be spoken twice. They
will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.

After you hear a dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be
the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.

You will hear:

Boy : Have you finished doing your homework?
Girl : Not yet.
Boy : Do it right away. The class will begin soon.

You will also hear:

Narrator: Where does the conversation take place?
Sample answer
You will read in your test book:
A. At school
B. At home.
C. At a store
D. At the mall
E. At the market

The best answer to the question ‘Where does the conversation take place? is choice (A), ‘At school’.
Therefore, you should answer choice (A)

1. A. The schedule of film.

B. The woman’s activities.
C. The woman’s profession.
D. The woman’s favorite song.
E. The woman’s favorite movie genre.

2. A. Pizza.
B. Fried egg.
C. Fried rice.
D. Hamburger.
E. French fries.

3. A. She will submit her task.

B. She will visit her friends.
C. She will sleep all day long.
D. She will do her homework.
E. She will shop with her mother.

4. A. I like it.
B. Certainly.
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C. I don’t believe it.
D. That’s a great relief.
E. I’m sorry to hear that.

Part II
Questions: 5 to 8

In this part of the test, you will hear several questions or statements spoken in English followed by five responses,
also spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test
sheet, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. You have to choose the best
response to each question or statement.

Now listen to a sample question:

You will hear:

Woman : Good morning, John. How are you? Sample answer
Man :….
You will also hear:

A. I am fine, thank you.

B. I am in the living room.
C. Let me introduce myself.
D. My name is Hendra Gunawan.
E. I am living here since last year.
The best answer to the question ‘How are you?’ is choice (A), ‘I’m fine, thank you.’
Therefore, you should choose choice (A)

5. Mark your answer on your answer on your answer sheet.

6. Mark your answer on your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer on your answer sheet.
8. Mark your answer on your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III
Questions: 9 to 11

In this part of the test, you will hear dialogues and a monologue spoken in English. The dialogues and the
monologue will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to
understand what the speakers are saying.
After you hear the dialogue or the monologue and the question about it, look at the pictures and decide which one
would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

1 2 3

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4 5

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
1 2 3

4 5

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
1 2 3

4 5

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A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

Part IV
Questions 12 to 15
In this part of the test you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken twice. They will not be
printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.
After you hear a monologue and the questions about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would
be the best answer to the questions you have heard.

12. A. Delaware’s history

B. The United States
C. The Constitution
D. Rhode Island
E. Bread Basket

13. A.Fiber
B. Nylon
C. Corn
D. Cotton
E. Grains

14. A. The shorter lives of self-propelled beings.

B. The longer lives of self-propelled beings.
C. The lifespan of self-propelled beings.
D. The lifespan of human beings.
E. The lifetime of human beings.

15. A. Over congestion of university area.

B. Roller skating in the streets.
C. The high cost of gasoline.
D. Police roadblocks.
E. The drivers.
This is the end of the listening section

II. Reading Section

Text 1 for no. 16

Dear Dewi,

I was at a friend’s house for dinner recently. Many friends were invited.
The party was great and all people enjoyed it. But something happened to
me. During the dinner I accidently broke a beautiful vase. I found that it
was my friend’s favorite wedding present. I offered to pay for it, but she
refused. I still feel bad about it. I wish I had been careful.


16. The text tells about ….

A. a great dinner
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B. an invitation to dinner
C. the writer’s experience
D. an accident of having dinner
E. the writer’s dinner experience

Text 2 for no. 17 - 18

Mr. Michael Warrens Software

78 Court St Nottingham WQ1 6P0

Dear Mr. Soria,

On the end of January, I bought a digital camera that cost $150 in Logans Shop.

Having checked my summary of credit card I observed that you charged two times to the same
article. To solve the problem, I would be grateful that you accredits to my account $150. I attach
copies of the receipt.

I wait for your response and solution for my problem, and foresee to receive your news before
valentine day.

Be served to communicate with me in the address before mentioned or by telephone on



Janet Jones

17. The point of the letter is ….

A. the complaining of charging the credit 18. What did Janet enclose to his letter?
card A. The camera she bought.
B. checking the summary of credit card B. A receipt of digital camera.
C. solving the problem of credit card C. A summary of credit card.
D. buying a digital camera D. A telephone number.
E. receiving credit card E. A credit card.

Text 3 for no. 19

19. What is informed in the announcement?

A. A fund raiser.
B. The Omaha Chapter Stories.
C. A writing contest for short stories.
D. The National Federation of Blind.
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E. A writing contest for the blinds.

Text 4 for no. 20

Located in Gatsby City on the waterfront. It has 50 modern

apartment. You will feel at home. Each apartment is
furnished and has a kitchen, a large living room and
bathroom. All apartment have patios with views of water.
We also provide city-tour buses with professional guides
who are ready to show your exciting tourist spots nd
shopping places.

Visit Gatsby city and stay at Callipso Apartment – home

away from home.

20. Which of the following would be the best title?

A. Gatsby City.
B. City tour buses.
C. Modern apartment.
D. Callipso apartment.
E. Exciting tourist spots.

Text 5 for no. 21-23

New York : A towering construction crane crashed onto New York residential building, killing at least four
people and injuring ten others, official said.

The white crane crushed a small building and damaged three others Saturday, sending a massive plume of
dust sky-ward in Manhattan’s Upper East Side in the middle of sunny afternoon.

“ We have four fatalities, we believe all construction workers, plus 10 injured among whom three critical, “
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg told reporters at the scene of the disaster.

Manhattan Borough President, Scott stringer, told reporters that residents had complained of security
violation since January at the construction site. –AFP

21. The text tells that ….

A. Some people were killed in a towering construction crane crash
B. The white crane crushed a small building and damaged three other buildings
C. A towering construction crane crashed onto New York residential building
D. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg told reporters at the scene of the disaster
E. Residents had complained of security violation since January at the construction site

22. The victims of the accident were … people.

A. three
B. four
C. ten
D. thirteen
E. fourteen

23. Which statement is true according to the text?

A. The crash didn’t cause any victims.
B. The building crashed was a big one.
C. All the injured victims were critical.
D. The white crane crushed four buildings
E. Residents had complained of security violation

Text 6 for no. 24 - 25

One day in July 2005, I went fishing on Sodus bay. I casted under our own dockwith arubber worm and

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A big bass took offto the other side ofthe dock and I was sure the line was goingto break because his
pulling was rubbing the line against sharp rocks. Three times I pulledhim back to my side of the dock and he
got back to the other side of the dock,Finally, I got him to my side and he was tired.

I knew that this was the biggest bass I had ever seen. I worked him towards meand got down on my
belly, reached down and gripped him. However, I didn't have a goodgrip at first and I let him down to the
water fora few seconds to get a better grip. The nextthing I knew he was swimming away. No! I screamed
louder than I ever had. It was thefirst time I cried over a fish. What a huge fish. This is a true story and a sad
one for me.

24. Why could the writer not catch the fish? 25. What is the ending of the story?
A. He gripped the fish too tight. A. Unhappy ending
B. He didn’t have a good grip B. Happy ending
C. He has a very good grip. C. Good ending
D. He gripped on his belly D. Excellence
E. He let the fish away E. Interesting

Text 7 for no. 26 - 28

Deviations from normal temperature patterns of the southern Pacific Ocean, between Australia and
South America, result in the phenomenon called El Niño. Under normal conditions, eastern trade winds
blows across the Pacific. These drive sun-warmed surface water from the central Pacific to the coast of
northern Australia. When clouds form above this area of warm water and move over Indonesia, Papua New
Guinea, and Australia, they bring rain with them. Every two to seven years, however, this pattern is
interrupted by the El Niño event.

During El Niño, the Pacific Ocean of Australia does not warm as much as it normally does. Instead,
it becomes warmer right up to the coast of Peru in South America. At the same time, the easterly trade winds
that blow across the Pacific reverse their direction. This causes high-pressure systems to build up to the north
of and across the Australian Continent, preventing moist tropical air reaching the continent. These conditions
in turn result in storms, and in rain falling in the eastern Pacific Ocean and in South America instead of in
Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia, which suffer drought conditions.

While the effects of El Niño are sometimesweak, at the other times they are verystrong. During a
severe El Niño period,extreme drought conditions prevail,as in 1982 - 1983 and 1997-1998. In
contrast,heavy rainfall and flooding occurredin parts of North and South America.In 1997, there were severe
storms andAustralia, they bring rain with them.Every two to seven years, however,this pattern is interrupted
by the ElNiño event. During El Niño, the PacificOcean of Australia does not warm asmuch as it normally
does. Instead, itbecomes warmer right up to the coastof Peru in South America. At the sametime, the easterly
trade winds thatblow across the Pacific reverse theirdirection. This causes high-pressuresystems to build up
to the north offloods in Mexico and further northalong the west coast of the UnitedStates.

The converse of the El Niño effect is theLa Niña effect, which is an exaggerationof normal
conditions. This takes placewhen trade winds blow strongly andconsistently across the Pacific
towardsAustralia. This pushes the warmwaters from the central Pacific, off thenorthern Australian coastto
build upinto a mass that is bigger than normal.Thus, much more cloud develops thanusual, and this brings
considerablymore rain to Australia and neighbouring countries.

26. What is the main idea the second paragraph? A. El Nino occurs every 2 – 7 years
A. El Nino is in United States. B. El Nino causes Papua New Guinea suffers
B. The effect of El Nino is weak. drought
C. The effect of El Nino can be very C. the coast of Peru becomes warmer
dangerous. because of El Nino
D. The effect of El Nino can be extremely D. El Nino causes the moist tropical air reach
strong. Australian continent
E. La Nina is the contrast of El Nino E. El Nino causes high – pressure system
phenomenon. builds up across Australian continent
28. The converse of the El Niño effect is the La
27. This statement is not correct according to Niña effect, …(par.3). The underlined word
paragraph 1 …. can best replaced by ….
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A. condition D. opposite
B. consistent E. normal
C. occurrence
Text 8 for no. 29 - 31

Smoking in restaurants is just not on. It must not be allowed because it is rude, harmful to others
and dangerous for the smokers.

Firstly, smoking in a restaurant is impolite. The smell of the smoke affects all people and can turn
them off their food. People pay to taste good food and not to be put off by foul smelling smoke.

Another reason smoking should not be allowed in restaurant is the harm it can do to others. Passive
smoking that is breathing in smoke made by a smoker can lead to asthma attacks and even cancer.

Finally, smoking is dangerous and a health risk to the smokers. Cigarettes cause heart and lung
disease and people should not smoke anywhere, not just in restaurants.

Therefore, smoking in restaurants is impolite, harmful to others and a health risk to the smokers and should
not be allowed in any restaurants.

29. What the text tells about? C. it can lead to asthma attacks and even
A. The rule of smoking in restaurant. cancer
B. Smoking is forbidden in restaurant. D. it can make someone follow smoking
C. The diseases caused by smoking E. it can make us rude
D. Smoking is harmful to others.
E. Smoking is impolite. 31. The word them in the second paragraph refer
to ….
30. Why is it dangerous sitting near the smoker? A. foods
Because …. B. smokers
A. it is impolite C. another people
B. it is harmful to the smoker D. restaurants
E. others

Text 9 for no. 32 - 34

The levels of advertising are just too much these days. You cannot walk down the street, ride on a
bus, watch television or read your email without seeing advertisements.

Advertising has a positive role to play in modern society, helping us choose between competing
goods. Many adverts are drawing our attention to products with new features, for example more powerful
computers, telephones which are also cameras and music players, or foods with added vitamins. Other
adverts try to compete on price, helping us seek out thecheapest or best value products. In most cases
advertising does not make us go shopping – we would be planning to buy food, clothes, gifts and
entertainment anyway. What advertising does is to help us make better decisions about how to spend our
money, by giving us more information about the choices available.

On the other hand, advertising leads to many people being overwhelmed by the endless need to
decide between competing demands on their attention – this is known as the tyranny of choice or choice
overload. Recent research suggests that people are on average less happy than they were 30 years ago -
despite being better off and having much more choice of things to spendtheir money on. The claims of
adverts crowd in on people, raising expectations about a product and leading to inevitable disappointment
after it is bought. Shoppers feel that a poor purchase is their fault for not choosing more wisely, and regret
not choosing something else instead. Some people are so overwhelmed that they cannot choose at all.

32. What is the text about? C. Advertisement draws attention to products

with new features.
A. The role of advertising in modern society. D. Advertising leads many people being
B. The two different view about advertising overwhelmed.
in modern society.

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E. All people tends to be interested in
advertisement. 34. From the text we can conclude that ….
A. advertisement has only some positive
33. What is the positive effect of advertising? effect
A. Helping to choose between competing B. there are not any advantages taken from
goods. ads
B. Helping to go shopping in the department C. advertisement has only some negative
store effects
C. Advertisement does not help to making D. there are not any disadvantages taken
better decision. from ads.
D. Advertisement do not try to compete on E. advertisement has some negative and
price. positive effects
E. Advertising makes to spend our money.
Text 10 for no. 35 - 37

When author Nicholas Sparks sat down to write The Notebook, a tender love story inspired by the
enduring relationship of his wife Cathy's grandparents, he wanted his readers to walk away with a renewed
spirit of hope.
"I'll never forget watching those two people flirt," he recalls. "I mean, you don't see that very often.
They’d been married 67 years, and yet they still loved each other. I wanted to write a book about that kind of
love. I wanted people to know that unconditional love does exist."
So Sparks created The Notebook, the simple story of Noah Calhoun, a soft spoken North Carolina
outdoorsman who carried his love for the willowy Allie Nelson with him long after their youthful romance
had ended. He paralleled Noah's silent passions with Allie's haunting thoughts—feelings she could not
escape even after she became engaged to another man. He asked his readers to consider what it might mean
if these relatively happy, middle-aged people found their destinies once again overlapped.
He presented a question all but universal in appeal: What would happen if two people were given a
second chance at the love of a lifetime?
Sparks deftly answers that question. But it's the inspiration drawn from his real life grandparents that
makes The Notebook more than just a novel of flames reignited. The novel opens and closes with an elderly
Noah Calhoun reading aloud from his personal journals and "notebooks." And as he shares the delicate
details, the good with the bad, it's clear he is as enchanted with Allie in old age as he was on the day they
"And that’s the legacy of The Notebook," according to Nicholas Sparks. "When love is real, it doesn't
matter what turns the road takes. When love is real, the joys and possibilities are endless." — Reviewed by
Kelly Milner Halls

35. The text mainly tells about ….

A. The Notebook
B. the writer of The Notebook
C. the review of The Notebook
D. the reviewer of The Notebook
E. the main characters of The Notebook

36. The following statement is true about the novel ….

A. the Notebook was written by Kelly Milner
B. the Notebook was reviewed by Nicholas Spark
C. the author got his inspiration from his wife’s experience
D. Kelly Milner Halls was the main woman character of the novel
E. Noah Calhoun and Ally Nelson were the main character of the novel

37. Sparks deftly answers that question.(par.5) The bold word is the same in meaning to ….
A. smartly
B. smiley
C. beneficially
D. potentially
E. conventionally

Text 11 for no. 38 - 40

Cheung Tsai was a good for nothing fellow. He knew that his father, old Mr Cheung was a rich man.
So Cheung Tsai was very careless with his father's money and spent as much as he pleased.
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When old Mr Cheung found out, he did not give his son any more money. Cheung Tsai began to
think of a plan. He went to his friends and borrowed money from each of them, saying, "Don't worry. My
father is so rich that I can easily pay back all the money I have borrowed from you."
Soon, he owed all his friends so much money that they refused to lend him any more. At last they
began to ask him for their money back. Cheung Tsai did not know what to do, so his friends all went to old
Mr Cheung and asked him for their money back.
Mr Cheung was very angry. He gave his son two huge sacks full of dollar coins and ordered him to
go to the home of each of his friends to repay the money he owed them.
Cheung Tsai walked from house to house, carrying the heavy sacks of money. At last he thought to
himself, "If giving money away to people is such hard work, how much harder must it be to earn the money."
From that day onwards, he was very careful with money.

38. Why did Mr. Cheung not give his son any more money? Because….

A. His son was careless with Mr. Cheung’s money.

B. His son was careful with Mr. Cheung’s money.
C. Mr. Cheung wanted his son to get money by himself.
D. Mr.Cheung didn’t have any money to give his son any more.
E. Mr.Cheung knew that his son borrowed money from his son’s friend.

39. What moral value can we get from this text?

A. Like son like father.

B. Don’t crying for the spilt milk.
C. Every cloud has its own lining.
D. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
E. Where there is a will there is a way.

40. “soon , he owed all his friends so much money….” (par 3)

The underlined words refer to….

A. Mr.Cheung
B. Mr.Cheung’ son
C. Mr. Cheung son’s friends
D. Mr.Cheung old friends
E. Mr.Cheung ‘s friends

Text 12 for no. 41 - 43

Koalas have been described as "as coloured pouched bears". But they are not bears, they are
mammal and marsupial. The name koala, comes from the Aboriginal saying that means "no drink". The
Koala obtains enough moisture from the eucalypt leaves that it lives on.

Koalas are found where there are suitable Eucalypt forests (Gum trees) and woodlands which is
along Australia's East coast. The Koala prefers to move around neither in daylight or night, but rather just
after sunset. Usually daytimes are spent asleep in the fork of a tree, as 80% of its time is spent sleeping . For
a couple of hours after sunset it will move around quiet a bit feeding and can often be heard "barking"
aggressively at other koalas. They are solitary animals having its own specific home range.

"A picture paints a thousand words" Koalas are usually ash grey with a white chest and the males are
larger than females thick fur, fluffy ears and a broad flat nose give them their "cuddly" appearance They
have strong limbs and large hands to help with climbing trees. Surprisingly they have a short stumpy tail
which is of no assistance to them in climbing at all.

41. The text mainly tells about ….

A. the comparison between the koala and other animals in Australia.

B. information on the characteristics, habitat and life of the koala.
C. explanation of the shape and species of the koala.
D. how the koalas move around in day or night.
E. the differences between koala and bear.

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42. How can Koala get its drinking? Its ….

A. never drinks
B. gets from other marsupials
C. moves around in the daylight
D. gets from the eucalyptus leaves
E. gets from the bark of eucalyptus

43. The purpose of the text is to ….

A. inform readers about the recent news of koalas.

B. entertain readers with the story of koalas.
C. explain how koalas move around.
D. tell the life of koalas
E. describe koalas in brief.

Text 13 for no. 44 - 46

Edison once worked for the railroad. Something happened that changed the course of his career.
Edison saved the life of a station official's child, who had fallen onto the tracks of an oncoming train. For
his bravery, the boy's father taught Edison how to use the telegraph.
From 1862 to 1868, Edison worked as a roving telegrapher in the Midwest, the South, Canada, and
New England. During this time, he began developing a telegraphic repeating instrument that made it
possible to transmit messages automatically.
Edison moved to New York City. Within a year, he was able to open a workshop in Newark, New
Jersey. He produced the Edison Universal Stock Printer, the automatic telegraph, the quadruplex, as well as
other printing telegraphs, while working out of Newark.
Thomas Alva Edison died in West Orange, New Jersey on October 18, 1931. At the time of this death,
he was experimenting on rubber from goldenrod. After his death, Edison became a folk hero of legendary
status. His inventions had truly and profoundly affected the shaping of modern society.

44. The text is about ….

A. Edison’s career
B. Edison’s inventions
C. Edison’s childhood
D. Edison’s bravery
E. Edison life

45. Edison saved the life of a station official’s child, who had … (paragraph 1).
The underlined word refer to ….
A. Edison
B. Edison’s child
C. Edison’s father
D. a station official’s child
E. the life of a station official’s child

46. The following statements are true about Edison, except ….

A. Edison was a brave and intelligent man
B. Edison passed away in the twentieth century
C. Edison’s father taught him how to use the telegraph
D. Edison produced the Edison Universal stock Printer while working out of Newark
E. Edison began developing a telegraphic repeating instrument when he worked in the Midwest

47. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph!

1. In hot weather, light clothes are best.

2. Be sure you have a hat and gloves, too.

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3. If you are going to a cold country, you should bring warm clothes.
4. You do not want heavy or dark clothes.
5. It is important to bring the right clothes when you travel.
6. But when you are going to a hot country, you need different clothes.

A. 5-3-2-6-1-4
B. 5-3-2-1-6-4
C. 5-3-2-4-6-1
D. 1-6-4-2-5-3
E. 3-5-2-6-1-4

Fill the blank with the most suitable word!

One day, a clown was visiting a zoo and tried to earn some money by making a street ….(48). He ….(49)
some animal acts perfectly. But the zoo keeper grabbed and dragged him into his office. He explained to the
clown that the zoo’s most popular gorilla had died and he worried that the attendance at the zoo would fall
off. ….(50) he offered the clown a job to dress up as the gorilla until the zoo could get another one.

A. attendance
B. recommendation
C. demonstration
D. appearance
E. performance

A. explained
B. maimed
C. mined
D. taught
E. took

A. because of
B. although
C. however
D. but
E. so

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