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into dentro

Aunt tia
Uncle tio
Nephew sobrino
niece sorina
Daughter hija

this is tom´s mother

In front of en frente
Behind detras
On top of encima de
under debajo

Eddie has got his address book.

Rosemary wants uncle Tom's address.
Eddie has got Martin's address.
Eddie hasn't got Rosemary's sister's address.

unit 3-2
to give dar
to move mover
To sit down
To open
Race carrera
Wonderful maravilloso

You have curly hair. i,you,they

i, we, you do don´t
she, he, your, it does

What color eyes does your girlfriend have?

I don't think I have your phone number.

Yes, you have my phone number.

area you well

spends gastar

At the moment, I don't have a job.

No, my sister doesn't have any children.

Does the boy have a dog
Yes, I often see Joe. He lives next door.
Bob is a kind man. He often helps people.

Mayor alcalde
Runner corredor
Street calle
Road carretera
Highway autopista
Roundabout rotonda
Bakery panaderia
Post office oficiana postal
Train station
To explain para explicar
To start para enpezar
To get to para llegar
To continue continuar
To pass pasar
To go straight ahead seguir todo recto
To end para terminar
Can you reach the rice?
I think they are lost.

Youth hostel
Grocery store
City Hall municipalidad
Shoe store
Along a lo largo
Lane carril

How do you get to the bank?

Can you tell me where the post office is?

Yes, continue along Dale Street.

On your right you see Tavistock Street.
Go down Tavistock Street.
The post office is at the end.
The bank is on this street, opposite the market.

Excuse me, where is the library?

The library is in Churchill Square, opposite City Hall.

Is there a bakery in this town?

Yes, go down Dale Street and turn right onto Market Street.
The bakery is on the right-hand side.

Do you know where the grocery store is?

Yes, it is on the corner of Dale Street and Market Street.

Which building are you in?

Grocery store

Where is the bar?

The bar is opposite the pharmacy on Marshall Lane.
Where is the pharmacy?
The pharmacy is on Marshall Lane.
Go straight ahead and turn onto Market Street.
The first left is Marshall Lane.
The pharmacy is on the right.

Can you tell me where the museum is?

This street ends at Market Street.
Turn right onto Market Street.
When you reach the roundabout turn left onto Lancaster Drive.
The museum is on your left.

Can you tell me how to get to City Hall?

Go straight along Dale Street until you reach Oxford Street.
Turn right onto Oxford Street.
When you get to Churchill Square, City Hall is on your left.

How do you get to the hospital?

At the end of this street is Market Street.

Turn right onto Market Street.
Go straight ahead until you reach a roundabout.
The hospital is next to the roundabout.

Excuse me, can you tell me where the hotel is?

Yes, go down Dale Street and turn right onto Oxford Street.
Go past Churchill Square and the hotel is on your left, after South Road.

Excuse me, how do you get to the youth hostel?

Turn right onto Oak Avenue.

The hostel is on your left at the end.

Youth hostel

Go up and look at the light.

We are on the way to the hospital.
The grocery store is on the corner of Broad Street and Grosvenor Avenue.
I think we are lost, Henry.
I don't know where to go.
She gets to the office at nine.
Ask that man for directions.
Good luck.
The library is on the way to the shopping mall.


Welcome to
Checking out of a hotel salida hotel
Checking into a hotel legada
Excuse me, how do you get to the pharmacy?
The race starts at the City Hall.
The square is in the town center.
Can you give me directions to the youth hostel?

After the exit, you turn left onto Norfolk Road.

You see a pharmacy on your left and you turn right onto Salisbury Lane.
I think you pass the traffic lights and there is a post office.
Our street is after the bar.
Roosevelt University

6-Go down Washington Blue Street until you reach Millennium Park.
Turn right into Michigan Avenue. Go down Michigan Avenue.
Roosevelt University is at the end of Michigan Avenue and on the right
side of the street

Go down Randolph Street. Pass Richard J. Daley Center.

Turn right into Michigan Avenue.
Pass Millennium Park and you can find the Art Institute of Chicago on your left.

Willis Tower

Go up State Street until you reach La Salle Street.

Turn left into La Salle Street and pass by Oscar O. D'Angelo Park.
When you reach the river, turn right and continue along until you see the Willis

Auditorium Theater

At the Willis Tower go down Jackson Blue Street until you reach State Street.
Turn right into State Street and turn left on the second street.
Continue until you reach the Auditorium Theater on the left side of the street.

Shedd Aquarium

At the Auditorium Theater go down St.

Michigan Avenue until you reach Roosevelt Road.
Turn left and continue down the street. The Shedd Aquarium is opposite the Field

The dog is hungry.

Give the dog some food. (to give)
Take the five o'clock train to Portsmouth

The dog isn't hungry.

Don't give the dog any more food. (to give)

Paul is in Austria. False

William doesn't want Aunt Judith to come to the party. False.
Robert and Judith are married. True.
They have plenty of chairs. False.
William thinks they've got enough tables. True.
Karen wants to rent some chairs. True.

Is there anyone at home?

It is six o'clock.
Do you think Philip is home?
I don't know. I guess so.
He leaves work at half past five.
There isn't anyone in the office.
I don't want to go inside either!
plenty mucho
A lot of mucho un as
few contables pocos

5-6 That's enough eso es suficiente

Cheap barato
Expensive costoso
Difficult dificil
Easy facil
Responsible responsable
Crime crimen
Form forma
To lock bloquear
To pay pagar
To rent rentar
To sleep dormir
To act actuar

c-half houar
The babysitter can call the theater after ten.

thing, cry inside


Is anyone at home? I haven't got my keys.

Here, let me help you with those bags.
Thank you, that is very kind of you.

James, we have ten plates and we need twenty plates. We don't have enough plates
for the party.
Do the neighbors have extra plates?

No, they don't.

And Heather, does she have extra plates?
No, she doesn't have plates either.

Oh no, I don't have my passport! We have to go home.

When does your flight leave?
It leaves at twelve o'clock.
It is ten o'clock. We have plenty of time.

Don't call me tomorrow, call me on Sunday.

Don't worry about the birthday party.

Jennifer has got a cake and presents.

Can you hear that noise?

No, I can't.
Listen, I think it is outside the house.
I don't know. I guess so.
Go and see what it is.

Don't eat chips and drink soft drinks before dinner.

Do you have any pets?

Yes, I've got a dog and a cat.

Don't serve the food from the left, serve the food from the right.

Do you like the neighbors?

Yes, they are very friendly.

Let's go to the theater.

Do you have enough money?
No, but I've got a few tickets.

Mother: Sweetheart, don't forget to lock the doors at night.

Nicole: Don't worry mother.

Mother: If you have a party, don't invite a lot of people and please don't make a
lot of noise. Think of the neighbors.

Father: Tomorrow is your sister's birthday.

Don't forget to call her.
Nicole: Alright.


Nicole: Alright, I can call cousin Desmond too.

Mother: No, don't call Desmond, he is in Australia. Call your sister.

Father: Do you have enough money?

Nicole: Yes father, I've got plenty.
Mother: Honey, don't give her any money.
Father: Let's go, the taxi is here.


level 6
a A ,He doesn't know what Megan looks like
B, Megan has blonde hair and she has green eyes
C, Her hair is straight.

the grocery store is at the end of the street

He rents a car in Portugal.
grandmother looks after the children

Hi, is Randolf there?

Yes, can you hold on one minute?
Hello, Randolf speaking.

hold sostener
hope esperanza
hug abrazo
wait espere
well bien
find encontrar
alright bien
find encontrar
down abajo
broken roto
hang colgar
hurt herir
move moverse

Are you alright?

No, I think my leg is broken. I can't move it.
Does it hurt?
Yes, a lot.

Can I see your driver's license, sir?

Yes, here you are.

Don't worry. The children are fine.

Is there enough salad?

No, there isn't. Can you make more?

Where does your cousin work?

My cousin works at the train station.

Can you play the piano?

No, I can't, but my brother can.

I think he is married.
Does he wear a ring?
Yes, he does.
I've got a sister.
How old is she?
She is twenty-nine.

Do you remember where he lives?

I think so, doesn't he live at Greencoat Place?

Is anyone at home?
No, I don't think so.

What do you want me to do with the shoes?

Put the shoes inside.

Are you alright?

No, my feet hurt.

Who is that girl in the photo next to your sister?

That is my niece. She lives in Rome.

Let me help you with those boxes.

Thank you, that is very nice of you.

The library is next to the highway.

Is there a lot of noise?
Yes, there is. It's impossible to read.

unit 6.-2
plenty- mucho

This is Raymond's uncle.

He works in the hotel.

This is Raymond's aunt.

She works in the museum.

The taxi driver has a cousin in New York. False

His nephew says that it is easy to find work. True
New York is expensive, but work pays enough money. False

1 Rod Harrington and Fred Hardly rob a jewelry store.

4 They see the police officer.
2 Rod and Fred enter the Royal Palace Restaurant.
5 The robbers stand up and run to the door.
6 Officer Sloane says "Don't move!".
3 Fred and Rod order ice cream.

This is Raymond's mother.

She works in the hospital

Raymond's family: PHIL

This is Raymond's father.

He is the mayor.
This is Raymond's sister.
She works in the school.

This is Raymond's brother.

He works in the post office.

Officer: Good afternoon, can I help you?

Paul: Yes, I need a resident's visa.

Officer: What is your name and nationality?

Paul: My name is Paul Hernández and I am Mexican.

Officer: Do you have family here in the U.S.?

Paul: Yes, my sister lives in San Francisco. She is married to an American. I've
also got an aunt who lives in San Diego.

Officer: Well, your sister signs a paper.

She says that she is responsible for you.
Here is the form that she has to sign.
When you bring this form, don't forget to bring your passport.

This is Raymond's nephew.

He works in a bar.

unit 6-3
Toothpaste pasta dental
To go in entrar
Room service servicio de habitaciones
Return regreso
Useful util
Mineral water agua mineral
Airline aerolinea
Photo foto
Hairbrush cepillo para el cabello
Boat barco
Air aire
alert alerta
bus statiom
Weekday dia laborable
Bank holiday feriado bancario
Helicopter elicotero
Ferry transportar
State stado
Traffic trafico
Tram tranvia
To disembark desembarcar
Customs aguana
Land tierra
Transportation transporte
Gift shop tiend ade regalo
City ciudad
Limit limite
Something that is practical.
that is practica Useful

unit 7-1
We / us
Grand grandiosa
Great excelente
out fuera
Pretty bonita
Actually realmente
Card tarjeta
night noche
Two-night stay estancia de dos noches
Hallway pasillo
to check in para registrase
To check out para revisar
Tourist turista
Question pregunta
guide guia
Guide guia
Ma'am / madam señora
Kid niña
They / them ellos ellos
Crib cuna
A lot of un monto de
Many muchos contable
Fee cuota
Pot maceta
Pillow almohada
Game juego
Block bloquear
Art arte
Architecture arquitectura
Cathedral catedral
the best el mejor
Style estilo
Modern moderna
Gothic gotico
Excellent excelente
Pleasant agradeble
Journey viaje
Exhibition exposicion
Life vida
Used usado
Should deberia
Parking lot estacionamiento
price precio
Pound libra
Receipt recibo
Concierge concejero
intern interna
Afraid temeroso
To follow seguir

unit 7-2

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