English 10 Mastery Test

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2ND Grading Mastery Test

In English 10
Name: __________________________________ Date: ______________
Grade & Section: __________________________ Score: ______________
Test I. Directions: Read carefully the nonlinear text information below. Use the information to
complete the passage below. Then, don’t miss to answer the questions pertaining to the
nonlinear text.

Answer the questions correctly and in complete thought.

6. Where is the sale being held?
7. When is the sale?
8. Why is there sale?
9. What does Danny want to buy?
10. How much is the discount for the textbooks?
Test II. Multiple Choice
A. Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank
______11. What kind of words add meaning to verbs?
a. adjectives b. adverbs c. nouns d. modals
______12. What modal is NOT used to express possibility?
a. could b. should c. may d. might
______13. What modal is used to express ability in the past?
a. can b. am able to c. could d. might
______14. Which modal is NOT used to express advice?
a. had better b. could c. should d. ought to
______15. Which modal of ability can be used in the future?
a. can b. be able to c. could d. might
16. Before this year, I _____ move out of my parents’ house because I did not have a job.
a. may not b. cannot c. should not d. could not
17. But now that I have finished college and have a job, I realize that living at home ______
drives my parents and me crazy. (potentially/possibility)
a. could b. would c. should d. would have
18. Unfortunately, it’s not so easy to find an apartment in this city. Without an agent, you ______
not be able to find all the available listings.
a. ought to b. must c. might d. should
19. I asked my friends to help me move because I knew that I ______ fit all my things into my
little car.
a. can’t be able to b. not able to c. can’t d. couldn’t
20. My best friend said, “I _____ help you move next week.”
a. will be able to b. must be able to c. would be able to d. should be able to
_____21. Linda, an income tax clerk, checks every tenth income tax filed. Because of the errors
she finds, she concludes that the average citizen is poor in arithmetic. What type of reasoning in
debate is used in the given example?
a. Argument from sign c. Argument from example
b. Argument from cause and effect d. Argument from analogy
_____22. A doctor studies the symptoms of a patient and decides that the patient’s tonsils need
to be removed. What type of reasoning in debate is used in the given example?
a. Argument from sign c. Argument from example
b. Argument from cause and effect d. Argument from analogy
_____23. A certain detergent can be promoted successfully here because it has been
successfully promoted in six other countries. What type of reasoning in debate is used in the
given example?
a. Argument from sign c. Argument from example
b. Argument from cause and effect d. Argument from analogy
_____24. There will be measles epidemic this summer. There has been one every summer.
What type of reasoning in debate is used in the given example?
a. Argument from sign c. Argument from example
b. Argument from cause and effect d. Argument from analogy
_____25. Shane will be a dropout because he goes around with dropouts. Birds of the same
feather flock together.
a. Argument from sign c. Argument from example
b. Argument from cause and effect d. Argument from analogy

B. Directions: Read each item carefully. Identify the correct answer from the choices inside the
box and write it in the blank provided.
Claims of Fact Claims of Value Testimonials
Claims of Policy Linear Text Propaganda
Debate Hasty or False Generalization Transfer
Bandwagon Name calling Card stacking
Transfer Nonlinear Text

_________________26. an assertion that specific plans or courses of action should be

instituted as solutions to problems.
________________ 27. an attempt to prove the desirability or undesirability of something, or if
something is good, bad, or wrong.
________________ 28. an assertion of a condition that exists, will exist, or has existed.
________________ 29. To formulate this claim, the following markers are used: ought to,
should, must, and strong action words or verbs.
________________ 30. The following markers are used to qualify this claim: generally, usually,
probably, as a rule, etc.
________________ 31. The following markers are used for this claim: “It is better to…”, “It is
unethical that…”, “It is wrong to…”, “It is more beautiful than…”
________________ 32. The texts are presented straight—reading from start to end following a
sequential path.
________________ 33. The texts are used to aid refers comprehension and they require
analysis and conclusions from the texts presented by graphs, tables, diagrams, and other
graphical organizers.
________________ 34. What type of claims is “Reforestation is the key or way to save our
________________ 35. What type of claim is “We need to do reforestation to remedy the
baldness of the mountains.”?
________________ 36. It is a sustained, organized campaign to influence others to accept a
________________ 37. You are guilty of this one of the techniques of false reasoning say for
example when you spend one day in Jakarta and upon your return, you tell your friends that
Indonesians are a modern, technically sophisticated, and highly literate people, and that all their
towns have first-class roads with traffic lights, high-rise hotels, and condominiums.
________________ 38. A propagandist uses this technique when he/she appeals to your desire
to belong to a group. This technique derives its name from the practice of having a wagon
carrying a band leading a parade.
________________ 39. This is the technique of false reasoning whereby the propaganda
makes you accept a person, idea, or thing by showing that it is related to other persons, ideas,
or things that have proved to be good or beneficial.
________________ 40. This is deliberately withholding information, manipulating or “correcting”
statistics, or even lying about a product, a person, or an idea.
________________ 41. This is a formal type of argumentation that follows rules and with two
opposing sides.

TEST III. Modified True or False. Write in the blank TRUE if the statement is correct, but
if it is false, rewrite the underlined word or phrase to make the whole statement correct.
_____42. As a good debater, it is okay to just gather data and don’t analyze your subject and
determine what it means and all its possible implications.
______43. In a debate, complexity and clarity of presentation are extremely important. The
audience must grasp the arguments as they are delivered so that they can understand and
follow an argument.
______44. As a good debater, you must develop and assume qualities of leadership.
______45. As a good debater, you need not to be forceful or aggressive. As long as you’re a
good speaker and graceful with your words that you’ll utter.
______46. With the subject of a debate, one of the guiding principles is that you should select a
subject that is practically unknown, unfamiliar, and worn-out.
______ 47. A debate has no difference with an argumentation.
______ 48. The proof of an argument in a debate depends on the evidence and reasoning.
______ 49. The two methods of reasoning are inductive and distractive reasoning.
______ 50. Inductive reasoning proceeds from general conclusion to specific instances.

Test IV. Essay

51-55. Give at least 3 moral lessons that you can get from the German Epic, “The
Nibelungenlied”. How will you apply these lessons in your life? (5pts.)

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