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Activity Module 1 &2:

Role of the Youth in Nation building,

Christian call
Thomasian response


Jianne Daphne C. Pulido
Kayelah B. Zapanta
Lawrence Andrei R. Sanchez
Vince Tyrell P. Yongco
Yanni Bryan C. Regalado
Ma. Tiffanie Cate Tan
Theo C. So
Danielle Drew P. Reyes
Part I: Institutional visit

A day to reminisce with Miss Aena Briones

The Child’s Rights Coalition was founded in 1993 by Amihon Aqueva and Tess
Fuentes from Child Rights Asia by signing as a state party in United Nations. The
organization is a body of the UN that ensures the implementation of state parties that
the UN convention rights of the child is monitored and reported to the government. Since
the institution is a coalition, all the marginalized sectors of children are catered. There
are organizations focused on education, health, family, stability, or anything related to
children’s rights.

Every five years, the institution implements programs such as, the third national
plan of action for children with a framework of 2017 to 2022. The organization was
assigned by the government to monitor the assurance that the advocacies written by the
children from different sectors would reach them. They raise awareness on the Universal
Periodic Review recommendations, cooperate with other stakeholders for
implementation, monitor and report progress, and submit to the Human Rights Council.
A lot of the challenges that the institution faced were usually about child pornography
and statutory rape. The Philippine government had already declined two pending
advocacies of the organization. First, the advocacy of extending the age of consent from
12 years old to 18 years old. Second, the Philippine government has declined the
prosecution of individuals who sexually abuse children and who use children in
pornography. The organization has continued strategies and programs to end all forms
of violence against vulnerable groups, particularly children, both online and offline.

Miss Aena, a beneficiary of the Child’s Rights Coalition had a lot of memorable
moments experienced in being part of the organization. The most memorable experience
was their campaign entitled “End Child Rape” held in Davao last July. Having an audience
with Mayor Sarah Duterte supporting with an impromptu campaign having hundreds of
audience learning about the misconceptions and issues about statutory rape and sexual
consF. Another experience of her’s is also about her first assignment on November 2017
when she was hired. The assignment was about the ASEAN forum. Advocating about the
good alternative practices and governance in the Philippines. Lastly, the National Plan of
Action addressing four key priority areas of child rights; survival, health and nutrition;
education and development; protection and participation. It takes a sustainable, multi-
sectoral, integrated and inclusive approach and focuses on strengthening the initiatives
so that they are able to protect the rights of the children. The plan also highlights new
and emerging concerns for children such as online child abuse, children affected by
natural and man-made disasters, and climate change.
Individual Reflection
C-PHA-3// 1D-PH
It was on the 16th day of September that our group visited in one of the
institutions here in Manila. Our group decided to visit the Child Rights Coalition Asia or
CRC Asia. One reason is because we observed that human rights specifically the child
rights are being abused these days and we want to witness why these child rights are
not given much importance by the society. Since CRC Asia is known internationally,
their physical environment is convenient for the children to fully enjoy and exercise
their rights. We were not able to visit the institution so we just agreed a place where
we can meet the beneficiary. But basing on the photos online, their social environment
is of course free from different abusers of human rights. They promote human rights so
it is expected from them that their social environment is free from any acts of
discrimination. Thus, it is their responsibility to implement strict rules that will discipline
their people.
One of the life stories that Miss Aena, the beneficiary, shared and that struck me
the most is their determination and courage to attend to one of their campaigns in Davao.
She really inspired me because she is a living proof that if there’s a will, there’s a way
and her way was really impressive. She was able to flew to Davao just to fight for their
The transition of CRC Asia from a loose coalition to a more dynamic coalition
entailed with development of their government structures, internal policies and the
development of their strategic planned. What has been essential in strengthening the
organization has been the holding of members meeting because it provides them with
opportunities to learn about the different works being done by the members as well as
to have capacity building session focusing on the various advocacy issues that they need
to learn more about. The development in the region necessitates that they have a
stronger system of information sharing as well as being able to react quicker to the
development. They have to maximize the use of social media like Facebook, Twitter and
other internet-based mechanisms. The CRC Asia has been able to maintain and expand
their links with various organizations in different levels. As they are part of the civil society
organization they must not lose track of the necessity to remind these Human Rights
institution of how human rights has to be put into practice in their region.
Nowadays, we seldom see humanity in people. So as a thomasian, we should be
an epitome for change that in simple ways we can restore humanity. I think one way that
I can strengthen my faith in humanity is by simply doing good things to people by
attending feeding programs like I will never take it for granted. I’m doing it because I am
committed, not because it is just part of a requirement of something. I would not ask in
return and in that way I can strengthen my faith in humanity.
Individual Reflection
C-PHA-3// 1B-MT
Since the group did not have enough time to visit the institution, a rendezvous
was agreed upon and the interview would be set there. But looking at the photos found
online of the institution, as well as the programs they said institution is implementing, it
gives me a sense of hope that, even though there are children in the marginalized sector
who are being mistreated, neglected, abused, there are institutions like these that are
working to end this kind of violations towards children. This kind of dedication, and
compassion the people working in these institutions show towards their work, gives me
a sense of hope that, in our day and age, there is still people who would do good for
others while asking for nothing in return, as opposed to doing something for the benefit
of one’s self.
Ms. Aena recalled her most memorable experience, it was during one of campaigns
that was aimed to promote ending child rape, and to raise awareness on this pressing
issue. Her campaign brought her to Davao, last July, where she met with Mayor Sarah
Duterte during one of her campaigns in-front of hundreds of supporters learning about
the issues about child rape and sexual consent. This struck me the most because the
mere fact that people lack awareness on this moral issue, made me wonder whether or
not there is a connection between morality and human nature. I thought to myself, “isn’t
this normal human ethics? Why do people need to be educated on this?”
I think what the government and other concerned agencies could do to deal with
the issues are to raise awareness towards it. In the Philippines, it has been quite taboo
to talk about issues that concern themselves with sexuality. This type of conservative
norm, has to decrease to an extent, because it has come to a point where no one speaks
up in fear of judgment from others. The government, and other agencies concerned with
these issues needs to raise awareness towards this issue, through social media,
campaigns such as the one Ms. Aena participated in.
I can strengthen my faith in humanity through participating in campaigns that try
to eradicate and raise awareness on the issues that many people disregard. I believe that
through participating in these events, I’ll be able to meet people who share the same
passion, and drive as Ms. Aena, Ms. Aqueva, and Ms. Fuentes, that want to raise
awareness and improve the quality of life of the people in the Philippines. Through
meeting more people who believe in these things will remind me of human nature, that
is inherently good. As such, will remind me that God’s love doesn’t stop at you, you must
extend His gift’s towards others, especially those most in need.
Individual Reflection
C-PHA-3// 1B-PH

The Child’s Rights Coalition is already established in eight countries in Asia. The
institution has a young and dynamic coalition. The physical and social environment of the
institution gives forth more on the technical resource being essential on strengthening
the environment of the organization. Holding of members’ meetings to capacity building
sessions focusing on the various advocacy issues that we need to learn more about. The
developments of the social environment institution necessitates that they have a stronger
system for information sharing and being able to act quicker for developments.
Child’s Rights Coalition has already helped in tackling the risks children face online
partnering with UNICEF to produce materials for children about how to stay safe from
cyberbullying and potential abuse. As a constitution they must not lose track of the
necessity to remind human rights constitutions of how human rights must be put into
practice in our country. Being able to invite national networks and other non-government
organizations in advocating and being active on how to encourage other sectors to look
on how they are doing using child rights so that they could see how their work can affect
children. The organization provides avenues where children can learn from each other.
The participation of the children is an essential component to the organization. Through
this, the organization helps the children develop more solidarity, understanding, and
tolerance. It is crucial in wanting to create children leaders who can take the institution
to higher level of development of children’s involvement in national, regional, and global
Realizing the hardships and successes the Child’s Rights Coalition had encountered
I can say that I have strengthened my faith in humanity. Having to see the good in the
world, finding gratitude, and making the world better can not only help strengthen my
faith in humanity but in other people also.

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