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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in English IV

(Integrated with Values Education)

I. Objectives
1. differentiate reality and fantasy
2. tell whether an action or event is reality and fantasy,
3. construct sentences about reality and fantasy, and
4. give examples on how to show generosity to others.

II. Subject Matter


b. Selection The Poor Bunny’s Magical Present

c. Target Skill Listening, speaking, reading

d. Language Concept REALITY- refers to a situation that may happen in real life.
FANTASY- refers to a situation that are magical and could
not happen in real life.

e. References English- Grade 4- Learners; pp. 231, 341, 342 and 343.
Integrated English for Effective Communication The New Grade
4; pp. 204-213.
Pillars- Progressive Integrated Language Learning and Reading
Series Grade 4; pp. 11-16
Read to Lead Grade 4; pp. 294-303.

f. Materials flashcard, image stick of wand and eyes, numbers from 1 to 35, a
paper bouquet of flowers, little basket, pictures of drought, bouquet,
reluctant, lame, rumble and cartolinas.
III. Teaching Strategy
1. Performing Routinary Activities
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Opening Song
d. Attendance

2. Drill
Let the pupils identify whether the picture is magical and not magical by raising the
wand if the picture is magical or the eye if the picture is not magical.

3. Review
Let the pupils listen carefully as you instruct them the mechanics of the game. The
class will be divided into two groups, let the fist group pick numbers from 19 to 35, as the
second group read the statement, the first group will identify whether the statement is fact or
opinion. Among these statements, are blank papers and whoever picked these blank
statements will give there point to the other group.

Some examples of these are:

1. The world is round.
2. The three primary colors are red, blue and yellow.
3. The heart, lungs, liver, are examples of internal organs of human body.
4. Your heart pumps blood through your body.
5. The leaves of growing plants are usually green.
6. President Barack Obama is the greatest president of the United States of America.
7. Cellphones being manufactured by IOS are better than those produced by
8. The most beautiful country in Southeast Asia is the Philippines.
9. Jennifer Aniston is more talented than Angelina Jolie.
10. The beaches of Palawan are more amazing than the beaches of Bali, Indonesia.
4. Motivation
The pupils will be asked who are there favorite cartoon characters and favorite
television artist. They will be asked if they believe in wizard and fairies. The teacher will
give some of the pupils a piece of flower and ask each of them what do they want that flower
to turned into such as what do they want to wish and tell that there is also a bunny who
received a bouquet of flowers from a wizard.

1. Introduction
The teacher will present the title of the topic and ask the pupils to repeat the title of
the story.

2. Unlocking of Word Difficulties

The teacher will present the difficult words to the class, these words are drought,
bouquet, reluctant, lame and rumble. The pupils will identify the meaning of the word
through the context clue and pictures clue, the teacher will show the definition of the word
and let the pupils read it and asked them example of sentences using these words.

3. Reading of Guide Questions

Present to the class the guide questions that will be answer after reading the
selection. Let the pupils read each questions.
1. What problem was experienced by the animals in the story.
2. What did the wizard gave to the bunny?
3. Who did the bunny met on his way?
4. What did the bunny do with the bouquet of flowers? If you were the bunny, will
you do the same?
5. Why do you think it is important to have generosity?
6. In what ways can you show generosity to the people around you?

4. Recalling Standards for Listening

Recall the standards for listening, let the pupils enumerate these standards.
The things we need to remember while listening are:
1. Sit properly.
2. Listen carefully.
3. Avoid unnecessary moves and noise.
4. Understand the story.
5. Note down important details.

5. Listening Period
The pupils will listen to the selection “The Poor Bunny’s Magical Present” as the
teacher reads the selection.

6. Comprehension Check-Up
After reading the selection, the pupils will answer the guide questions to check if
they understand the selection that the teacher have read. Call pupils who will answer the
guide questions and answer the informations needed.
Values Formation
Ask pupils what was the lesson of the story and ask them what are the values shown
and how can they apply this to the people around them and deepen the discussion.

7. Language Skill Development

The teacher will present sentences from the selection read. Ask the pupils to read
these sentences and ask them what they’ve observed from the sentences. Ask them if these
sentences are possible to happen or not. As they answer, ask them again why or how do they
say so, so that they will come up with depending their answers. Then
Tell them that these sentences are called reality or fantasy because it may happen
in real life or it cannot happen in real life. Let them read the definition of the word reality or
fantasy. Present them more sentences and let them identify if these sentences are whether
reality or fantasy. After these, call pupils and ask them to give example of sentences showing
reality or fantasy.

Let the pupils answer the following questions orally:
1. What was our lesson for today?
2. What is the difference between reality and fantasy?
3. Can you give examples of sentences showing reality and fantasy.
1. The activity requires two groups and each groups need a representative.
2. Provided is a mix of sentensces containing reality and fantasy
3. The representative needs to act out the sentence picked, only accepted words are the
different sounds such as the sound of cars and engines, machine, or sound of different
4. The members of the group needs to construct a sentence from the act and identify if it is
reality or fantasy.
5. The members or one of the members needs to shout the cue word “HOORAY” before
answering. If the sentence constructed is correct, the group has one point but if not the
other group can still but they need to shout the cue word “HEPHEP” first.
6. If there guess is right, they gain one point and it’s their turn to do the guessing.
7. The group who gain five point first is the winner.

A. Read the following statements carefully. In the box, write F if it states a fantasy and R if
it states reality.

1. My mom uses her magic wand to clean our house.

2. Lucoy, a rich man was very selfish.

3. Mrs. Cedro always prepare dinner for her family.

4. He had been swimming in the ocean since the day he was born.

5. Aunt Maria had many hands because she can do many things all at the same


B. Complete the sentence below.Decide which is fantasy and which is reality.

1. If I were a superman, I would ____________________________________.

2. If I were a doctor, I would _______________________________________.
3. If I could fly, I would go to _______________________________________.
4. If I could catch a star, I would ____________________________________.
5. If I become famous, I will _______________________________________.
C. Think about your dreams or the dreams you had every night, construct 2 sentences about your
dream showing reality and fantasy.


1. 2.

A. Read these book titles. Determine if they are based on reality and fantasy. Write REALITY
or FANTASY on the line.

10 Tips for My Mother is The Life of

Being the Best Fairy Blessed of
Mom Goodmother Mother Teresa
of Calcuuta.

1. _____________ 2. ____________ 3. _____________

Mrs. Smith and The Invisible

her 25 children Mother of
in the Big Shoe Mount
House Makiling

4. ____________ 5. _____________

B. Read each sentence carefully and cross out the words that make the sentence fantasy.
1. She cried so much that her tears formed a river.
2. Raul met a monster in the woods.
3. The purple cow gave more milk than tthe white cow.
4. Superman flies above the sky.
5. Jade rubbed his ring and a genie appeared.

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