Ch1 Balanced ThreePhase Circuit

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Three-phase voltages are generated in the same way as single-phase voltages. A

three-phase system is simply three single-phase systems, which are displaced in time-
phase from one another. The single-phase systems that form the three-phase systems are
generally interconnected in some way.

Generation of Three-Phase Voltages

Consider the coil aa’ on the armature
a of a two-pole machine. When the
poles are in the position as shown in
Fig.1.1, the emf of conductor ‘a’ of the
coil aa’ is maximum and its direction
b' c' is away from the reader. If a conductor
N is placed 120o away in space from ‘a’
120o at position ‘b’, then it will have
maximum emf in a direction away
from the reader when the north pole
S will be at ‘b’, in other words 120o later
c b than the time instant when the north
pole was at ‘a’. In the same manner,
the maximum emf in the direction
away from the reader for the
a' F ig .1 .1
conductor at ‘c’ would occur 120o
later than that at ‘b’ and 240o later
than that ‘a’.

e ea eb ec

180 300 t
0 60
240 360

F ig .1 .2

Thus the coils aa’, bb’ and cc’ would have emfs that are 120 o out of phase in time as
shown in the wave diagram of Fig.1.2. This system is called three-phase because there are
three waves of different time phase. From the above discussion, it is apparent that any
number of phases could be developed through properly spacing the coils. In general, the
electrical displacement between phases for a balanced n-phase system is (360/n)
electrical degrees. However, for two-phase system, it is 90 electrical degrees.

The equation of the phase emfs for a balanced three-phase system are as follows.

ea = Em sin t
eb = Em sin (t – 120o)
ec = Em sin (t – 240o) (1.1)
where, Em is the peak value of the voltages in the three phases.
Their phasor representation is as follows.

E c

120 o

E a
120 o


F ig .1 .3
E b

The sum of the above-mentioned three emfs is

  
ea  eb  ec  Em sin t  sin t  120 o  sin t  240 o  
 
 Em sin t  2.sin t  180 o cos 60 o  

 Em sin t  2.sin t. 1
 (1.2)
This is also evident from the wave-diagram, wherefrom it can be seen that the sum of the
ordinates of the three emfs at any instant is always zero. The same can also be proved
from the phasor diagram. In other words, at no time instant all the three emfs are of same

Phase Sequence

Phase sequence means the order in which the three phases attain their peak values.
In the above discussion, clockwise rotation of the field system was assumed. This
assumption made the emf of phase b to lag behind that of a by 120 o and the emf of c to
lag behind that of b by 120 o. Hence, the order in which the phase emfs attain their peak
values is ‘abc’. It is called the phase sequences ‘abc’.
If now the rotation of the field structure is reversed, then the emf of phase c would
lag behind that of a by 120o and the emf of b would lag behind that of c by 120 o. Then the
order in which the three phases would attain their peak values would be reversed. The
phase sequence would then be ‘acb’.
Obviously, in a three-phase system, there are only two possible sequences, i.e.
‘abc’ and ‘acb’, as shown in Fig.1.4.

Ec E b

E a Ea

F ig .1 .4
Eb a -b -c E a -c -b

Numbering of the Phases

The three phases may be numbered 1, 2 and 3 or a, b and c. They may be given
three colours. The colours used commercially are Red (R), Yellow (Y) and Blue (B).

Double-subscript Notation

While analyzing three-phase circuits, it is imperative that directions in which the

circuit is being traced be noted and recorded. For such cases, double subscript notation is
very convenient. The order in which the subscripts are written denotes the direction in
which the circuit is being traced. Thus the emf from a to b is designated as Eab and that
E ab
= E 60o

a b F ig .1 .5
E 60o
c d
E cd
= E 0o

from c to d as Ecd as shown in Fig.1.5. If d is connected to a as shown in Fig.1.6, then the

emf from c to b is determined by adding all the emfs in the direction encountered as the
circuit is traced from c to b. Hence,

Ecb = Ecd + Eab

a b
E E cb

F ig .1 .6
E 30o
c d
E cd

Ecb = 2E cos 30 = 3E


Interconnection of Three Phases

If the three armature coils of the generator discussed above are not interconnected
but are kept separate as shown in Fig.1.7, then each phase would need two conductors for
transfer of power and the total number of conductors in that case becomes six. Such a
system may be called a six-wire, three-phase system. Such a generator can be loaded with
three independent single-phase loads.
However, the use of six conductors makes

Load a
such a system very complicated and
E a 'a expensive. Hence, the three phases are
generally interconnected which results in
substantial savings in cost. The two most

Load b
popular methods of interconnection are
E b 'b
i) Star or Y connection and
ii) Mesh or  connection.
Load c

E c 'c


F ig .1 .7

Star Connection

In this method of interconnection, the similar ends, i.e. a, b and c or a’, b’ and c’,
are joined together at the point n which is known as star point or neutral point as shown
in Fig.1.8. The three conductors meeting at the point n are replaced by a single conductor
known as neutral conductor. Such a system is known as 4-wire, 3-phase system.

a a
Ia Ia
F ig .1 .8
I a 'a
In a
a' n n'
I c 'c I n 'n = I a + I b + I c
b' In c
I b 'b In b
Ib Ib
c b c b
Ic Ic

While considering the distribution of currents in a three-phase system it is to be

borne in mind that the arrows placed alongside the currents Ia, Ib, Ic etc indicate the
directions of currents when they are assumed to be positive in magnitude and not the
directions at a particular instant.

If balanced three-phase voltages are applied across a balanced three-phase load,
the three currents Ia, Ib and Ic are equal in magnitude and are 120 o out of time phase. Then
the neutral current

In’n = Ia + Ib + Ic = I0o + I – 120o + I – 240o = 0. (1.3)

Hence, in that case, the neutral wire may be omitted and such a system is then known as
3-wire, 3-phase system as shown in Fig.1.9. Since all the currents are not positive or
negative at any time instant, hence any one or two line conductors offer the return path
for current at every instant of time.

In a

n F ig .1 .9
In c
In b
c b

Line and Phase Voltages in Star connection

F ig .1 .1 0
The voltage induced in each coil is
E na
called the phase voltage. In other
E E ac words, the voltage between the
n neutral point and any one of the lines
E nc is called the phase voltage. On the
E other hand, voltage between any pair
c b
of terminals or lines is called the line
E cb voltage as shown in Fig.1.10.

Considering ‘abc’ phase sequence, for a balanced three-phase system:

Ena = Eph 0o, Enb = Eph – 120o and Enc = Eph – 240o (1.4)

Then the line voltages are as follows and are shown in Fig.1.11 in phasor form.

Eba = Ebn + Ena = Ena – Enb

Ecb = Ecn + Enb = Enb – Enc
and Eac = Ean + Enc = Enc – Ena (1.5)

E bn E ba
E nc
E ac



E an
E na

E cn
E nb F ig .1 .1 1

E cb

From the phasor diagram shown in Fig.1.11

E ba  E 2
ph  E ph
 2.E ph .E ph cos 60 o   3.E ph (1.6)

and Eba leads Ena by 30o

Similarly, |Eba| = |Ecb| = |Eac| = EL = 3.Eph and

Eba, Ecb and Eac lead Ena, Enb and Enc respectively by 30o.

Line and Phase Currents in Star connection

Ia The current in each winding is
In a known as phase current while the
F ig .1 .1 2
current flowing in each line is called
n the line current, as shown in
In c Fig.1.12.
In b For balanced 3-phase system
c b
Ic |Ina| = |Inb| = |Inc| = Iph.

In phasor form (considering a lagging phase angle),

Ina = Iph – , Inb = Iph – (120o + ), Inc = Iph – (240o + ) (1.7)

From the circuit it is obvious that

Ia = Ina , Ib = Inb and Ic = Inc

 |Ia| = |Ib| = |Ic| = IL = Iph. (1.8)

Power in Star connection

For balanced three-phase system

Total power = 3  Phase power.

Now, Phase power = Eph. Iph. cos

 Total Power = P = 3. Eph. Iph. cos
Again, E ph  and I ph  I L
Therefore, in terms of line quantities
P  3  L  I L  cos  3E L .I L .cos (1.9)
In Eqn.(1.9), it is to be noted that  is not the angle between EL and IL, but is the angle
between Eph and Iph.

Delta Connection

In this form of interconnection, the dissimilar ends of the three phase windings are
joined together. In other words, the three windings are joined in series to form a closed
mesh as shown in Fig.1.13.
In b

n c Ic = In c - In b
n c In c
F ig .1 .1 3

In b In c n In c In b
b In c
In a In a n Ia = In a - In c
n a In a n a
In a
Ib = In b - In a
In b

From the circuit diagram, it appears that the delta connection results in short-
circuiting the three windings in a closed loop. But, for balanced three-phase system
Ena+Enb+Enc = 0 and, hence, no current of fundamental frequency will flow in the closed
loop. The delta connection results in 3-wire, 3-phase system.

E nc = E ac


Ibn F ig .1 .1 4

Ian  30o
Ib 30o

30o E na = E ba
30o Ina

Inb 30o

E nb = E cb

Line and Phase Voltages in Delta Connection

| Ena | = | Enb | = | Enc | = Eph.

From the circuit arrangement shown in Fig.1.13, it is obvious that

Eba = Ena , Ecb = Enb and Eac = Enc.

 | Eba | = | Ecb | = |Eac | = EL = Eph. (1.10)

Line and Phase Currents in Delta Connection

| Ina | = | Inb | = | IIc | = Iph.

From the circuit diagram shown in Fig.1.13, the line currents are as follows:

Ia = Ina – Inc = Ina + Icn

Ib = Inb – Ina = Inb + Ian
and Ic = Inc – Inb = Inc + Ibn. (1.11)
From the phasor diagram shown in Fig.1.14,

Ia  I 2
ph 
 I ph2  2.I ph .I ph . cos 60 o  3.I ph
and I a leads I na by 30 o

Similarly , | Ia | = | Ib | = | Ic | = IL = 3. Iph and Ia, Ib and Ic leads Ina, Inb and Inc
respectively by 30o.

Power in Delta Connection

Total power = P = 3. Eph. Iph. cos

Now, Eph = EL and Iph = IL / 3.

Therefore, in terms of line quantities

P  3  EL   cos   3.E L .I L . cos 

Balanced  / Conversion
IL a
F ig .1 .1 5
E L Z 
Z 

IL Z 
c c b


When a balanced star-connected load is equivalent to a balanced delta-connected

load as shown in Fig.1.15, the line voltages and currents must have the same values in
both the cases.

For balanced -load:

E ph  and I ph  I L
E ph 1 EL
 ZY   .
I ph 3 IL
For balanced  - load:
E ph  E L and I ph 
E ph EL  1 E 
 Z   3.  3. . L   3.Z Y
I ph IL  3 IL 

Hence, for Y to  conversion : Z   3Z Y 9

and for  to Y conversion : Z Y  .Z 
Alternate Proof

For balanced Y – load: Za = Zb = Zc = ZY

and for balanced  - load: Zab = Zbc = Zca = Z

For Y to  conversion:

Z a .Z b
Z ab  Z a  Z b 
Z Y .Z Y
or, Z   Z Y  Z Y   3.Z Y

For  to Y conversion :

Z ab .Z ca
Za 
Z ab  Z bc  Z ca
Z 2 1
or, Z Y   .Z 
3.Z  3

Power-factor of balanced Three-phase System

The power-factor of a balanced three-phase system, when the wave-forms of the

voltage and current are sinusoidal, is defined as the cosine of the angle between phase
voltage and phase current irrespective of whether the connection is Y or . In other
words, it is the ratio of phase active power (W) to phase apparent power (VA).

Comparison of Copper requirement of Three-phase with Single-phase System

Three-phase system can be compared with the single-phase system on the basis of
a fixed amount of power transmitted over a fixed distance with the same amount of
power loss. In all the cases, the total weight of copper will be directly proportional to the

number of wires since the distance is fixed and inversely proportional to the resistance of
each wire.

Same Voltage between the Lines

For Single-phase system: P1 = V.I1 cos

For Three-phase system: P3 = 3.V.I3 cos

Since, P1 = P3 , V.I1 cos = 3.V. I3.cos

or, I1 = 3.I3

Again, Loss1 = Loss3

or, I 12 .R1  2  I 32 .R3  3

R1 3I 2 3I 32 1
or,  32  
R3 2I1 2  3I 32
Copper for three - phase No of wires of three - phase R
   1
Copper for single - phase No of wires of single - phase R3
3 1
 
2 2
  0.75

Same Voltage to Neutral

The voltage to neutral in single-phase system is half the voltage between lines.

For single-phase system : P1 = 2. Vn.I1 cos

For three-phase system: P3 = 3.Vn I3 cos

Since, P1 = P3 , 2.Vn I1 cos = 3. Vn. I3 cos

or, I1  .I 3

Again, Loss1 = Loss3

or, 2.I 12 .R1  3I 32 R3

R1 3I 32 3I 32 2
or,   
R3 2 I 12
9 3
2  I 32
Copper for three - phase No of wires in three - phase R 1
  
Copper for single - phase No of wires in single - phase R 3
3 2
  1
2 3
Example – 1

Calculate the active and reactive current components in each phase of a star-
connected 10kV, three-phase alternator supplying 5000kW at a power-factor 0.8(lag). If
the total current remains the same when the load power-factor is raised to 0.9(lag), find
the new power output.


Given, VL = 10,000V , cos = 0.8

 5000  103 = 3  10,000  IL  0.8
 IL = 360.8A
 IL = 360.8 cos-1 0.8 = 360.8 36.87o = (288.6 – j216.5)A.
 Active component = 288.6A and Reactive component = -216.5A.
Now, VL = 10,000V, IL = 360.8A and cos = 0.9
 P = 3  10,000  360.8  0.9 = 5624315 W
= 5624.3 kW

Example – 2

A balanced load of (8+j6) per phase is connected to a three-phase, 230V supply.

Find the line current, power-factor, power, reactive VA and total VA when the load is i)
star connected and ii) delta connected.


Zph = 8 + j6 = 1036.87o .

Star Connection: Vph = 230/3 = 132.8 V

Vph 132.8
 I ph    13.28 A.
Z ph 10

IL = Iph = 13.28A.
cos = cos 36.87o = 0.8 (lag).
P = 3  230  13.28  0.8 = 4232.3 W
VAR = 3  230  13.28  0.6 = 3174.2 VAR
VA = 3  230  13.28 = 5290.4 VA

Delta Connection: Vph = 230 V.

 I ph   23 A

 IL = 3. Iph = 3  23 = 39.8 A.

cos = 0.8 (lag)
 P = 3  230  39.8  0.8 = 12684.1 W
VAR = 3  230  39.8  0.6 = 9513.1 VAR
VA = 3  230  39.8 = 15855.2 VA.

Example – 3

A balanced three-phase, star-connected load of 150 kW takes a leading current of

100A with a line voltage of 1100V at 50Hz. Find the circuit constants of the load per


P = 150 kW = 150,000 W
Given, VL = 1100 V and IL = 100 A.
 150,000 = 3  1100  100  cos
 cos = 0.787 (lead)


E ph   635.1V and I ph  100 A.
 Z ph   6.35 
 Rph = 6.35  0.787 = 5 
and Xcph = 6.35  sin (cos-1 0.787) = 6.35  0.617 = 3.917 

 C ph   812.6 F .
2  50  3.917

Example – 4

A balanced star-connected load is supplied from a symmetrical three-phase, 400V

system. The current in each phase is 30A and lags 30 o behind the phase voltage. Calculate
the phase voltage and the total power.

VL = 400 V
 E ph   230.94 V
cos = cos 30o = 0.866 (lag)
Given, Iph = 30 A  IL = 30 A.
 P = 3  400  30  0.866 = 18000 W.

Example – 5

A symmetrical three-phase, 400V system supplies a balanced delta-connected

load. The current in each branch circuit is 20A and the phase angle is 40 o (lagging). Find
the line current and the total power.

Given , Iph = 20 A and VL = 400 V
IL = 3  20 = 34.64 A
cos = cos 40o = 0.766 (lag)
P = 3  400  34.64  0.766 = 18383.5 W.

Example – 6
Between any two terminals of a three-phase balanced load the voltage is 415V
and the resistance is 3.0. The current in each of the three lines is 100A. Find the power-
factor of the load. Find also the resistance and reactance per phase of the load with (a)
star connection, (b) delta connection.


Star Connection:

Let, resistance / phase = Rph
 Resistance between two terminals = Rph + Rph = 2Rph
Now, 2Rph = 3
or, Rph = 3/2 = 1.5 
E ph   239.6V and I ph  100A
 Z ph   2.396 
 X ph   2.396 2
 1.5 2   1.868 
Power factor   0.626

Delta Connection

R ph  2R ph 2
Resistance between two terminals   R ph
R ph  2R ph 3
2 3 3
 R ph  3 or, R ph   4.5 
3 2
Again, E ph  415 V and I L  100 A
 I ph   57.73 A
 Z pn   7.19 
 X pn   7.19 2

 4.5 2  5.6 
 Power factor   0.626.
2   30  j 15 9.
Z1  20  j3 7. 7 
Z 1 .Z  5
 Z  2

Z1  2

23 05 .4 6 

30  j 1
23 05 .4 6 

3 3. 72  2
Gi ve n,

VL  3 98 V, 

Example – 7 

I ph


22 9 .8
6 8.3 7
I ph 

3. 36
3. 36

Three star-connected impedances Z1 = 20 + j37.7  per phase are in parallel with

three delta-connected impedances Z2 = 30 – j159.3  per phase. The line voltage is 398V.
Find the line current, power-factor, power and reactive VA taken by the combination.

 to  conversion:

Power-factor = cos(9.92o) = 0.985 (lag)
 Power = 3  398  3.36  0.985 = 2281.5 W
VAR = 3  398  3.36  sin 9.92o = 399 VAR

Example – 8

A three-phase, star-connected alternator feeds a 2000 hp delta-connected

induction motor having a power-factor of 0.85(lag) and an efficiency of 93%. Calculate
the current and its active and reactive components in (a) each alternator phase, (b) each
motor phase. The line voltage is 2200V.


a IL a'

2200V c'
F ig .1 .1 6
c b b'

Motor output  2000 hp  2000  746  1492,000 W
 Motor input   1604301 W
Given, VL  2200 V and cos  0.85
 IL   495.3 A
3  2200  0.85
and   cos 0.85  31.79o

 I L  495.3  31.79 o A

Alternator :
I ph  I L  495.3  31.79 o
  421  j260.93 A

Motor :
IL 495.3
I ph     31.79 o
3 3
 285.96  31.79 o
  243  j150.65 A.


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