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• Example Charts With Activation Ages at


• One chart, One house as reference and multiple Predictions


• Age 27 (1981 – 1982) In 1982, Jobs bought an apartment in the two top floors of The San Remo, a Manhattan building .Although he never lived there, he spent
years renovating it with the help of I. M. Pei. (An Architect)

– 12th house Cancer –Purchased House in rooftop, Never lived there – Loss of house – Moon in 8th house – Tranformation – Kept Renovating it.
Example Chart 2 – Mahatma Gandhi (AA)

• Age 27 (1905 – 1906) - In September 1906 Gandhi first adopted Satyagraha in response to a law that was passed by the British Colonial Govt. in South Africa –
Rahu with moon in the sign of Cancer - 3rd house(Weapons) activation with the sign of Saggitarius – Used weapon by Rebelling against the Law but in a peaceful
manner. (Satyagraha)

• Age 39 (1917 – 1918) – On October 1, 1917 Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics was established with Einstien as its Director.
- Moon in 6th house with the sign Of Scorpio – Got a job in an institute related to research – 2nd house cancer – Generated Income

• Age 27 (1905 – 1906) On 30 April 1905, Einstein completed his thesis and was awarded a PhD by the University of Zurich, with his dissertation - A New Determination
of Molecular Dimensions.– The year of 1905 was also called as Eintein’s Annus Mirabilis (Miracle year), he published four groundbreaking papers, on the photoelectric
effect, Brownian motion, special relativity, and the equivalence of mass and energy, which were to bring him to the notice of the academic world.

– Moon in 6th house Scorpio – 3rd house of stripes through research work – 9th from moon being sign of cancer having A11 as well – gained higher degree (PHD) for his
research work.

• Age 51 (2011 -2012) – Upon being reported the hideout of Osama Bin laden in March 2011, Obama conducted meetings with his National Security advisors over
the course of six weeks and authorized a surgical raid to be conducted by United States Navy SEALs(Sea, Air and Land) Team. The operation took place on May 1, 2011
and resulted in the shooting death of bin Laden.

– Moon in 5th house in Taurus with Gulika Mandi – 7th house having sign of Cancer and 3rd house having sign of Pisces with A7 in it
– Obama’s Achievement(3rd House) in power as President(5th House) was ending the Life( Pisces) of Open enemy (7th house) – Mars + Rahu in 8th house
8th lord in 7th house – Bin Laden was killed due to shooting ( Amplfied Sudden burst of energy) – 6th lord Mercury in 7th house(12th to 7th) showing loss to the Enemy.
• Native has round face,smiling face,fair in colour – Moon in lagna

• Native has changed houses frequently (3times) – 3rd house cancer sign,12th to 4th
house - Moon in Lagna - Shows Fluctuations,travels and loss of home for self.

• Native’s mother’s Profession was that of a teacher in Govt school

- If we make 4th house as Asc,moon is in 10th house denoting profession – Dispositor of
Moon ie Venus is in the sign of Leo(Govt) Conjunct Jupiter.(Teacher)

• Native’s Father’s sibling has a child who is mentally ill – If we make 11th house Pisces
as Asc,5th house is sign of Cancer - Moon is with Maandi and Gulika in Taurus – Dispositor
Venus is in 6th house from pisces with Jupiter – Shows disease related to mind for child.

• Native has received Permanent Residency in Foreign Land.

- 3rd House Cancer, Moon in lagna in Taurus - Dispositor Venus in 4th House with 11th
lord Jupiter.(A3 in 11th house Pisces) – Gain of Document to be in foreign land/isolation.
• Native’s mother has habit of early morning walk – From 4th house - 10th house Taurus, 11th house gemini and 12th house Cancer represent the Leg portion of the
Mother – She walks around 5:00 AM – 12th lord Moon in 10th house Taurus – Walking Activates Maandi and Gulika – I have no Knowledge of Maandi and gulika but as
per your mentions during teachings youv’ve asked us to consider it like most malefic planets and as per application of malefic planets it will give non living things
Like money and spoil living things like body part, relationships – But dispositor is Venus representing relationships, Marriage – Native is not married yet but parents are
Searching – As per my limited understanding Chart suggests Love marriage, Transformation of Spouse and Dispute with family after love marriage – Also Venus in 4th
house – Happiness and peace of House

- My doubt is does the malefic effects(for living things) take place everytime the native or mother walk or travel ?!
And if so what could be done to reduce If it is getting activated all the time?!

• 12th house Cancer – Native’s Mother’s Paternal Grandmother – If we make Cancer sign lagna Jupiter comes in second house.

- Can it be that from Native’s Mother’s Paternal Grandmother’s family someone has beaten up a Brahmin who came home to do Pooja?! I picked this up from your
Last video -
I don’t know Timing events or vastu – but reason for change of residence is because of Vastu Problem. They have changed houses thrice.

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