Development of A Commercialy Viable Aquaponic System PDF

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copyright 1997, Nelson and Pade, Inc.

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Aquaponics Journal

plant growing areas are

DEVELOPMENT OF AN required relative to the fish
culture component. Fish
AQUAPONIC SYSTEM FOR THE waste provides most of the
INTENSIVE PRODUCTION OF TI- nutrients required by the
plants, but some supple-
LAPIA AND HYDROPONIC VEGE- mentation with Ca, K, and
Fe is required.
The key design criterion is
the ratio of daily fish feed
input to the plant growing
by: very economical because
area. The optimum ratio
J.E. Rakocy, D.S. Bailey, several key costs, such as
for leaf lettuce is 57 g/m2/
nutrients, land and water are
K.A. Shultz, W.M. Cole d. At this ratio, the hydro-
substantially reduced and
ponic component provides
component operating and
University of the Virgin adequate biofiltration. In
infrastructural costs are
Islands Agricultural fact, the waste treatment
shared. Lower resource re-
Experiment Station. capacity of raft hydropon-
quirements extend the geo-
RR 2, Box 10,000 ics is equivalent to a fish
graphic range of production
Kingshill feeding rate of 180 g/m2 of
to areas that rely heavily on
U.S. Virgin Islands 00805 lettuce growing area/d.
food imports such as Carib-
Therefore, a separate
bean islands.
Editor’s Note: biofilter is not required and
This paper was presented at water quality is very sta-
Research and development
the Conference on Island and ble. Solids removal is a
Tropical Aquaculture held in critical management prac-
Aquaponics research has
Martinique this spring. It is tice. Solids will accumu-
been conducted at the Uni-
reprinted with permission late on the plant roots, cre-
versity of the Virgin Islands
from Dr. Rakocy ate anaerobic zones
for more than 16 years in
AES Director, UVI and block the flow of wa-
response to the difficulty of
ter and nutrients to the
growing freshwater fish and
vegetables on semiarid is-
Introduction lands. Replicated experimen-
But solids also have a
tal systems have been used
Aquaponics is the combined beneficial role of provid-
to discover the principles
production of fish and hy- ing nutrients to the plants
of aquaponics for successful
droponic vegetables in through mineralization and
commercial application.
closed recirculating sys- promoting the growth of
tems. The Interaction of fish microorganisms that are
Foremost among the princi-
and vegetables creates an antagonistic to plant root
ples earned are these: Raft
ideal growing environment pathogens. Therefore, a
hydroponics is the most suit-
that is more productive than delicate balance must be
able technique for culturing
conventional methods. Aq- reached between too much
vegetables in conjunction
uaponic systems are accumulation of suspended
with fish in outdoor systems
(Continued on page 13)
in the tropics. Very large

Oct/Nov 1997 12
Aquaponics Journal

(Continued from page 12) fused air delivery stones. A net pots supported by float-
solids and too little. 1/20-hp vertical lift pump is ing polystyrene sheets. Pro-
used to supply additional duction is staggered so that
Commercial-scale aeration to the fish rearing one forth of the lettuce is
production trial tank in the last 12 weeks of harvested every week.
the production cycle.
An outdoor, commercial- Three week old transplants
scale unit for the integral Production of red tilapia is grow to marketable size
production of red tilapia and staggered so that one tank (250-650 g) in 4 weeks.
hydroponic leaf lettuce has of fish is harvested every 6 Five varieties (Sierra, Mon-
been in continuous operation weeks. Initial stocking tello, Nevada, Jericho, and
on St. Croix, U.S.V.I., since rates of 222 mixed-sex fin- Paris Island) have been
January 1995. gerlings/m3 were reduced to used.
178 male fingerlings/m3.
The production unit consists The fish are fed for 24 In 90 harvests, marketable
of four circular fish rearing weeks with a nutritionally production has averaged 26
tanks (4.5 m3 each) and six complete, floating ration cases per harvest and ranged
hydroponic tanks ( l 1.5 m3). (32% protein) delivered from 13 - 38 cases (24-30
The hydroponic tanks are initially by demand feeders heads/case). Losses have
29.6 m long by 1.3 m wide and currently by belt feed- occurred due to caterpillar
by 0.4 m deep and have a ers. damage, wind damage, tip
total combined surface area burn, root disease and root
of 214 m2 for plant produc- Production has been rela- damage, caused mainly by
tion. The solid removal sub- tively stable for the last zooplankton (ostracod)
system consists of two 1.8- seven harvests (out of 15 blooms. Two hurricanes
m2 cylindro-conical clarifi- total harvests), during interrupted production for 9
ers and four rectangular fil- which time total production weeks.
ter tanks ( 0.7 m3 each) con- has averaged 345 kg per
taining orchard netting. A harvest. This is equivalent The hydroponic component
1/5-hp variable speed in-line to annual total production has maintained good water
pump produced a maximum of 170 kg/m3 of rearing quality through direct am-
flow of 170 l/min and an tank space. The final stand- monia uptake and nitrifica-
average retention time of 1.7 ing crop has averaged 78.5 tion on the tank surface.
h in the rearing tanks. In the kg/m3. Male fish have at- Total ammonia-nitrogen and
23rd month a 1/2-hp in-line tained an average size of nitrite-nitrogen values have
pump was installed to move 520 g. and a mean growth averaged 1.3 and 0.6 mg/l,
water at an average rate of rate of 2.9g/day. The feed respectively. Total water
378 l/min from a 0.6-m3 conversion ratio has aver- consumption has been 1093
sump to the rearing tanks aged 1.76 and survival has m3 (91.6 m3 system volume
(mean retention time, 0.8 h) ranged from 78.6 to 97%. plus 1001 m3 makeup water,
from which effluent flows Mortality has resulted from which was 1.6% system vol-
by gravity through the solids bird predation, disease, hur- ume/d).
-removal and hydroponic ricane damage and power
subsystems and returns to failure.
the sump. The fish rearing
tanks are aerated with dif- Lettuce plants are grown in

Oct/Nov 1997 13

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