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• The vapour absorption refrigeration system is one of the
oldest methods of producing refrigerating effect

• The principle of vapour absorption was first discovered by

Michael Faraday in 1824

• The first vapour absorption refrigeration machine was

developed by French Scientist, Ferdinard Carre, in 1860.

• In this system ammonia is used as the refrigerant and water is

used as the absorbent.

Comparison of VAR with VCR :
• The absorption system differs fundamentally from vapour
compression system only in the method of compressing the

• In the absorption system, the compressor is replaced by an

absorber, generator and a pump.

• The vapour absorption system uses heat energy, instead of

mechanical energy as in vapour compression system, in order to
change the conditions of the refrigerant for the operation of the
refrigeration cycle.

• The major drawback of the vapour compression refrigeration

system is that it requires large volume of refrigerant vapour which
requires large mechanical power for its operation.
Simple vapour absorption system

• Uses ammonia as refrigerant and water as absorbent

• Ammonia vapour from evaporator is absorbed by water in

absorber. Condensation heat released is absorbed by cooling

• After pumped to generator, it is heated to release ammonia

vapour. Weak solution is sent back to absorber.

• High pressure vapour is condensed to high pressure liquid

ammonia in condenser.

• Liquid ammonia is throttled by expansion valve, and then it

evaporates absorbing heat from evaporator.
• Function of compressor is accomplished by the use of absorber, pump
and generator.
• Compressor work is replaced by heat supplied in generator Qg and pump
work Qp.
• Cooling is done in absorber to remove latent heat of refrigerant vapour
as it changes in to liquid state by absorption by weak solution.
• Energy balance of the system

QE  Qp  Qg  Qc  QA  Qk
• Where
• Qp- pump work, Qc Heat rejected in condenser, QA – Heat rejected in absorber
• Qk - net heat rejected to atmosphere.

• Since specific volume of liquid handled by pump is very small compared

that of vapour in VCS pump work is very small compared to compressor

• Energy consumption of the system is mainly, heat supplied in generator QG

Refrigerat ing effect QE QE

• Overall COP =  
Energy Supplied QG  QP QG

 Maximum COP Of Heat operated machine
 VAS may be considered as a combination of a heat engine and
refrigerating machine.

 Thermodynamic cycle consists of of heat engine cycle E operating

between temperature Th and Tk
 Refrigerator R cycle operating between refrigeration temperature To and
 Work done in heat engine cycle =work requirement of refrigeration cycle.

Qo W Qo
COP of cycle =    th  COP
Qh Qh W
 COP of a heat operated refrigerating machine =Thermal efficiency of heat
engine part of cycle x COP of refrigerating part of cycle

 Max. COP= when above two terms has a maximum value = Their
respective COP values.

COP of an ideal VAS
• VAS can be considered a perfectly reversible system. Clausius inequality
can be applied ie. dQ  0
 T

 Drawbacks of simple vapour absorption system.

• Low temperature of rich solution entering generator

• High temperature of poor solution entering absorber

• Presence of absorbent in the vapour leaving generator and going

to refrigerant circuit

• Water vapour entering expansion valve will freeze there.

Practical Vapour Absorption System

 Using Liquid-Liquid Heat Exchanger in solution circuit
 In simple system saturated rich solution must be heated from
the absorber temperature to the generator pressure.

 Whereas saturated poor solution from generator in liquid

phase must be cooled to temperature in absorber.

 Heat must be added in generator and must be rejected in


 System can be improved by incorporating a regenerative heat

exchanger between absorber and generator.

 This will reduce heat added in generator and improve COP and
will reduce amount of heat rejected in absorber.
 Dephlegmator and rectification column

 High COP will be obtained if pure ammonia vapour leaves the


 Cooling the vapour and separating liquid increases the

concentration of ammonia.

 To return the absorbent to the generator and to allow only

the refrigerant vapour to enter the condenser, two elements
are added to the simple absorption system. These are :

 The analyser or the exhausting column

 The dephlegmator and rectifier or rectifying column

 Analyser or Exhausting column;

• Analyser fitted on the top of the generator consist of a series
of trays mounted above the generator.

• Strong solution from absorber flows downward over trays to

cool outgoing vapour.

• Since saturation temperature of water is higher than

ammonia at a given pressure, water vapour condenses first.

• As vapour passes upward through analyser it is cooled and

enriched by ammonia and the liquid is heated.

• Vapour going to condenser is lower in temperature and richer

in ammonia and the heat input to the generator is decreased.
 Dephlegmator cum Rectification Column

• A rectifier is a water cooled heat exchanger

• Enriched vapour from the analyser enters dephlegmator

where heat is removed from the vapour by circulation of a
cooling medium

• Dephlegmator condenses water vapour and some ammonia

and returns to the generator

• Final removal of the percentage of water vapour takes place

in the rectifier.

 Properties of ideal refrigerant:
• Large latent heat of vaporisation
• Low specific heat
• High critical temperature.
• Stability in complete cycle.

 Properties of ideal absorbent

 Greater affinity for the refrigerant
 Heat liberated during absorption of refrigerant should be
 High boiling point
 Low specific heat
 Chemical stability.

 Properties of ideal refrigerant- absorbent combination
 Refrigerant should have high affinity for absorber at low
temperature and less affinity at high temperature.

 Mixture should have low viscosity and low specific heat.

 Should be non corrosive

 Low freezing point

 Difference in boiling points of refrigerant and absorbent

should be high

 Following combinations are commonly used
 Ammonia-water combination
 Lithium-Bromide water combination

 Ammonia water combination is preferred because it posses

most of the properties for an ideal refrigerant.
 1 cum of water absorbs 800cum of ammonia.
 LH of ammonia at -15 deg.C= 1314kJ/kg
 Critical tmperature of ammonia = 132.6 deg.C
 BP at atmospheric pressure= -33.3 deg C

 Disadvantage:
• it generates more heat in absorber when absorbed, cooling
must be provided.
• NH3 being corrosive special materials must be used.

Advantages of VAS over VCS
• No moving parts except pump-motor.

• It is quite small as compared to compressor-motor

• Quite in operation, little wear, and low maintenance

• Any source of thermal energy (waste steam, Solar energy)

may be used. Can be used in places where electrical energy is
not available.

• Can be built in large capacities, well above 1000TR, which is

maximum for Single compressor units
• Capacity of VAS can be controlled by adjusting generator temperature
even if evaporator temperature falls. In VCS capacity decreases rapidly
with reduced evaporator pressure

• VAS is more compact than compression system for large capacity.

• At reduced loads absorption unit is as efficient as at full load. Load

variation are met by controlling the quantity of aqua circulated and
quantity of steam circulated to generator. Performance of VCS is poor at
partial loads.

Common refrigerant absorbent combination

• Ammonia – water combination

• Lithium-bromide water combination

Domestic Electrolux refrigerator

• Developed from an invention

by Carl Munters & Baltzer
Von Platen .
• Also known as Three-fluid
absorption syste ” and
Mu ter’s Platen System .
• Three fluids used are
ammonia, hydrogen and
• Does not use any moving parts
hence suitable for domestic
• It does not use expansion
• Useful where no electric
supply is available.

Principle & working of Electrolux refrigerator
• Ammonia is used as refrigerant

• Due to absence of moving parts no

chance of leakage hence very safe.

• Water is used as solvent since it

absorbs ammonia readily.

• Hydrogen is non corrosive and

insoluble in water.

• Hydrogen being lightest gas is used

to increase evaporation of ammonia
gas.(lighter the gas faster

• It uses a refrigerant, a solvent and an inert gas for working of the

• Inert gas is confined to the low side of the system( evaporator

and absorber) only. Inert gas maintain a uniform (total) pressure
throughout the system

• In the high side of the system( Generator and condenser) there

exists only refrigerant which is subjected to total pressure of the
system. So it can be condensed by normal cooling water or air

• In the low side total pressure = partial pressure of ammonia

vapour + partial pressure of hydrogen

• Liquid ammonia entering evaporator evaporates at partial

pressure of ammonia.
• Whole system is at constant pressure and is hermetically
• Hydrogen is present in the evaporator and absorber
• Total pressure is equal to partial pressure of hydrogen and
partial pressure of ammonia
• So ammonia can evaporate at low temperature corresponding
to its partial pressure.
• Ammonia evaporates from the surface and moves to absorber
due to its affinity to weak solution.
• In absorber only ammonia is absorbed and hydrogen is
returned to evaporator through HX.
• Since total pressure is equal to condenser pressure no need
to increase pressure.

• Strong aqua ammonia solution is heated in the generator.

• Ammonia vapour is removed from the solution

• Water vapour carried with ammonia vapour is removed in the separator

• Weak solution of aqua ammonia from separator flows into absorber

through trays.

• Dry ammonia vapour is condensed in the condenser

• Liquid ammonia flows by gravity to evaporator and evaporates under

partial pressure maintaining low temperature.

• Mixture of hydrogen and ammonia vapour is passed on to

• Weak solution coming from separator comes in contact with

ammonia vapour and hydrogen

• It absorbs only ammonia making strong solution

• Strong solution is passed on to the generator completing the cycle

• Complete cycle is carried out entirely by flow of gravity of refrigerant.

• With this type of machine, efficiency is not important since the energy input is
very small.

• Due to low C.O.P, it cannot be used for industrial purposes.

 Role of hydrogen
• Helps in maintaining uniform total pressure throughout the system.

• Permits the refrigerant to evaporate at low temperature in evaporator,

corresponding to its partial pressure.

 Advantages
• No pump/compressor required.
• No mechanical troubles, low maintenance.
• No lubrication required, no wear-tear.
• Completely leak proof.
• Noiseless.
• Easy control, only by heat input.

• Disadvantages
• More complicated in construction and working.
• Low C.O.P.
• If spoiled once, cannot be repaired and has to be replaced fully.

Lithium Bromide Absorption Refrigeration system
• Lithium bromide salt, highly hygroscopic is used as absorbent

• Water is refrigerant

• LiBr has high affinity for water vapour.

• Vapour pressure of an aqueous solution of LiBr high in salt is

very low

• Eg:-
 60% LiBr with 40% water solution at 43.5 deg.C has a
pressure of 6.25mm of Hg causing water to boil at 6 deg.C.

• Working principle is similar to that of the aqua ammonia

• LiBr solution which is weak in water has affinity for water

vapour and will absorb water vapour

• Water which evaporates in evaporator is driven to absorber

and absorbed by weak Li Br

• In this, absorber and evaporator are placed in one shell which
operates at the same low pressure

• Generator and condenser are placed in another shell which

operates at the same high pressure

• Since pressure inside evaporator is very low water evaporates

• Water vapour thus formed is absorbed by strong lithium

bromide solution sprayed in absorber

• Absorption of water vapour by LiBr helps in maintaining low
pressure needed in the evaporator

• This weak solution is pumped to the generator where it is


• A portion of the water is evaporated and solution becomes


• Strong solution is passed through the heat exchanger and is

sprayed in absorber

• In the evaporator 0.07 bar pressure is maintained

• So water entering evaporator evaporates

• While evaporating it absorbs heat from remaining water thus

cooling it

• Secondary refrigerant like brine solution circulated in the

evaporator gets cooled and is circulated to the refrigerated
space to take the cooling load

• Water vapour from evaporator enters absorber where it is
absorbed in strong lithium bromide salt solution coming from

• Strong solution becomes weak after absorbing water

• The weak solution is pumped, heated in the heat exchanger

and enters generator

Li Br Absorption refrigeration System

 Advantages:
• Pressure inside the system is below atmospheric, hence
system is light in weight

• Energy requirements are negligible since pressure difference

between generator and evaporator is very small

• Very large capacity systems can be built

• Operation and maintenance cost is low

 Disadvantages:

• LiBr solution is corrosive therefore inhibitors like lithium

chromate should be added to protect metal parts against

• Since system is under vacuum all joints should be leak proof

• Once system stop working salt solution may solidify and

require replacement of the pipes

Steam Jet refrigeration systems

Water boils at 100 deg.C. when pressure is 1.013 bar.

If the pressure on the surface of the water is reduced below

atmospheric pressure, water can be made boil at low temperatures.

Water boils at
• 12 deg C, when the pressure on the surface is 0.014bar
• 7 deg C, when the pressure is 0.01bar

The very low pressure or high vacuum on the surface of the water
can be maintained by throttling the steam through jets or nozzles.
Principle of operation
• Pressure in a vessel containing water is reduced to 0.0087bar by a vacuum
pump, water will boil at 5oC absorbing its latent heat of 2490 kJ/kg. from
water in container.
• i.e. 1 kg. of water can cool 596 kg. of water by 1oC.

Consider a flash chamber contains 100 kg of water. If suddenly 1 kg of water is

removed by boiling, as pressure is reduced due to throttling of steam through

Approximately 2490 kJ of heat will be removed from the water, which is

equivalent to heat of evaporation of water. The fall in temperature of the
remaining water will be,

Q  mC p dT
dT   6.1o C
99  4.187
• Evaporating one more kg of water reduces the remaining
water temperature by 6.1 deg.C further. Thus by continuing
this process, the remaining water can be made to freeze
• A vacuum pump is used to maintaining the pressure 0.0087 bar
by removing water vapour formed.
• Water in the container flashes into water vapour, hence
container is called flash chamber.
Steam Ejector
• Steam jet ejectors offer a simple, reliable, low-cost way to
produce vacuum.

• They are especially effective in the chemical industry where

an on-site supply of the high-pressure motive gas is available.

 Ejectors are considered an alternative to mechanical vacuum

pumps for a number of reasons:

• No source of power is required other than the motive gas

• Because they have no moving parts, they are reliable vacuum


• High-pressure motive gas enters the steam chest at low velocity
and expands through the converging-diverging nozzle.

• This results in a decrease in pressure and an increase in velocity.

• Meanwhile, the suction fluid enters at the suction inlet. The

motive fluid , which is now at high velocity, entrains the suction
fluid and combines with it.

• Two fluids are then recompressed through the diffuser.

• Potential energy is converted to kinetic energy; thus, velocity

increases and pressure decreases.

• The mixture reaches its maximum velocity and lowest

pressure at the Venturi throat

• The function of the diverging section is to convert velocity

head into pressure head

Steam Ejector System

• Water at 9 expands to 11 through throttle openings into the
flash chiller. Due to vaporisation of a part of it, remaining
water is chilled to temperature To

• Chilled water at 7 is recirculated after taking cooling load.

• Corresponding to vaporisation make up water at 6 is added to

flash chamber through throttle valve.

• Vapour at 0 is compressed to 4 by ejector driven by

steam(motive steam at 1).

• Compressed water vapour at 4 is condensed and pumped to

•High pressure steam is supplied to the nozzle from the boiler
and it is expanded.

•The water vapor originated from the flash chamber is entrained

with the high velocity steam jet and it is further compressed in
the thermo compressor.

• The kinetic energy of the mixture is converted into static

pressure and mass is discharged to the condenser. The
condensate is usually returned to the boiler.

• The chilled water in the flash chamber is circulated by a pump
to the point of application.

• The warm water from the load is returned to the flash


• The water is sprayed through the nozzles to provide maximum

surface area for cooling.

• The water, which is splashed in the chamber and any loss of

cold water at the application, is replaced by makeup water

• a) It is flexible in operation; cooling capacity can be easily and quickly

• b) It has no moving parts as such it is vibration free.

• c) It can be installed out of doors.

• d) The weight of the system per ton of refrigerating capacity is less.

• e) It has only two pumps hence the system is very reliable and
maintenance cost is less.

• f) The system is particularly adapted to the processing of cold water used

in rubber mills, distilleries, paper mills, food processing plants, etc.
• g) This system is particularly used in air-conditioning
installations, because of the complete safety of water as
refrigerant and ability to adjust quickly to load variations

• No hazard from the leakage of the refrigerant

• h) In plants where waste steam is available very economical to


• i) Uses low grade energy in boiler, hence it can be used in

areas where electricity is not available. Pumps can be also
operated by steam

a) The use of direct evaporation to produce chilled water is
usually limited as tremendous volume of vapor is to be

b) About twice as much heat must be removed in the condenser

of steam jet per ton of refrigeration compared with the vapor
compression system.

c) The system is useful for comfort air-conditioning, but it is not

practically feasible for water temperature below 4o C.

f) Due to large volume flow rates of steam either centrifugal

compressor or steam ejector has to be used .Centrifugal
compressors is not economical to use.

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