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Classroom Procedures

In order to run a smooth class with minimal time-consuming distractions, my class will

follow the same procedure daily. Students will be educated on the classroom procedures at the

beginning of the year so that they understand the structure of the classroom and why it works the

way that it does. By reinforcing the importance of and having them continually practicing the

classroom’s procedure, students will display the mastery and knowledge of the classroom

procedures when they are shown to be second nature. It is the goal that, by later in the year,

students will not have to wait for instruction on specific tasks because they will be able to

complete them efficiently based on their prior knowledge of how the task is dealt with in class.

At the start of the class period, students will arrive in class and immediately pick-up any

papers in the basket with the class’s period number on it. The basket will include any materials

and handouts that the student will need for the day. If there was an assignment due on that

particular day, the students will also turn that assignment in when they walk into class. All

assignments are due once the bell rings for the class period, and any assignment turned in after

the bell will be considered late. To keep from clots of students forming in one section of the

classroom, the basket for assignment that are due will be on the other side of the room from the

basket that contains the class handouts and work sheets for the day. Any student turning in late

work may do so at this time in the basket labeled “Late Work.” Once the students have collected

their papers and turned in their assignments, they are expected to sit down at their seats and start

working on their bell-work. All students should be quiet and sitting down in their seats by the

time the bell rings as this will create an environment that is suitable to think about the bell work

question(s) being asked. Lesson objectives and standards will be visible on their bell-work
questions as well as written out on the board for the students to see so that they can mentally

prepare for the class.

While the students are quietly completing the bell-work for the day, attendance will be

taken by who is sitting in their seat. Anyone not in their correct seat will be marked absent, and

anyone who walks in after the bell will be marked tardy. If a student has a question, they may

raise their hands and I will go over and quietly help them after attendance is taken. Previously

graded work and other materials that need to be passed back to the students will be given out

during the bell-work section of class by either a student aide or two designated students who

have completed their work.

For any student who was absent for a previous class period, they may quietly go pick-up

a prior class’s materials from the designated “Class Absence” area in the room once they are

done with their bell-work. It will be made clear that any work missed while a student was absent

will be their responsibility to pick-up, and any explanations or help they need on that material

will have to be scheduled after class. All other notes will be available on my Google Classroom

for the students to download.

After roughly 4-5 minutes, students will be asked to discuss their answers with their

group mates. Discussions will be on topic and within an appropriately volume level. This will

only take 30-45 seconds, and selected students will share their answers with the class after the

discussions are completed. Students who share can be called on in a variety of ways including

being picked on when their hand is raised, selected by me, or selected randomly by their seat

number. This will also be an appropriate time for any student who is confused to ask questions

by raising their hand and being called on. After all questions are answered, the class activities

will start for the day.

Since bell-work will happen every day (other than on days that include tests), this

procedure will always stay the same. When they transition from their bell-work to other parts of

the class, it will be expected that students do so quietly and with little fanfare. If students are

getting too loud or off topic during a transition, I will employ strategies to bring them back to

task such as having them repeat after me, having them clap if they can hear my voice, or

counting down to quiet them. Once I have their attention, I will quickly restate what I want the

students to do in order to refocus them.

Throughout the class, students are expected to be respectful to each other, me, and any

guest who may be in the classroom. This includes talking and acting nice towards each other,

respecting others’ property, and cleaning up any messes that are made during class. While

someone is talking, it is also expected that the student speaking will be able to talk with everyone

listening and without interruptions. Students unable to be respectful to their peer, class guests, or

me will be given a warning for a first-time offense, talked to after class for multiple offenses,

and/or have their parents emailed for further disrespectful disruptions. Depending on the

severity of their violation, it may be necessary to involve school administration.

The procedure at the end of class will be similar to the procedure at the beginning of class

in the way that both will be common. With 5 minutes left during the class period, students will

be prompted to clean up their areas and put away any materials that need to be stowed in class.

Once supplies have been put away, students will go to their seats and sit down quietly with their

school things packed up and put away. During the last 2-3 minutes, students will be asked

questions pertaining to what was learned in class as well as given an opportunity to ask any

questions needed. Reminders for homework and other school activities will also be given. If

students are disruptive during this period or are getting out of their seats, they will be kept once
the bell has rung until everyone has quieted down. If only one student is holding up the class,

that student will be made to be the last student out of the class. If the students are quiet and have

had all of mine and their questions answered, they will be released by me once the bell rings.

 Attendance- will be taken daily at the start of the class after the school bell rings.

 Absent- students who were absent will be instructed to check the class website where I

will regularly post the PowerPoint lectures and films for the class; for homework they

must reference the class agenda given to them at the beginning of the year which will go

over projects, homework, and tests that have due dates. Students and parents are

encouraged to email me to request any homework to be sent to the office for a

parent/guardian to pick up that day.

 Tardy- students will quietly put away belongings and take their seat; they will come and

see me after class to give their hall pass/tardy slip and to receive any further information

on what they had missed before coming to class. Tardies will be marked in the attendance

book. If tardies become a consistent behavior a call to parents/guardians will be made so

we can work together on the issue.

 Late work- Assignments and notes handed in late will be docked 10% of original value

and will continue to be docked per day until it is turned in. This will be motivation for

students to turn in assignments on time but will allow students to take an extra day or two

to hand in an assignment and possibly still get a decent grade.

 Zeros- if a student fails to turn in assignments in they will receive a zero until the item is

turned in. If a student puts in no effort to show they completed something they get

 Make up tests- will be allowed to students who were absent with an excused absence and

inform me they want to take their tests; students and I will work together to schedule a

date and time.

 Extra Credit- will be available to all students throughout the year, this is to encourage

students to research topics more thoroughly that interest them than what a typical lesson

might include. All extra credit will be planned, if a student fails to turn in extra credit by

the deadline then they must wait for the next opportunity, extra credit will not be given

upon request except for possible extenuating circumstances.

 Student behavior will remain appropriate and respectful always. Should students have a

question during lecture they must raise their hand and wait until they are acknowledged.

Students will remain in seats and actively learn by taking notes during instruction unless

directed otherwise.

 Materials that students must bring to everyday class are a pen or pencil and a notebook

for class notes. Spare pens or pencils may be offered. Students will organize their work

utilizing an online format provided by me on my Google Classroom. Accommodations

will be allowed for students who cannot access a computer or learn better by writing out

everything will take notes using a notebook and writing tool. A guideline of how I want

notes to be organized will be provided. Modifications will be made for students who

cannot take notes or need assistance. For projects/labs I will provide basic supplies. If a

student wants to do more for a project, it will be up to them to buy and bring the

materials. After class, students are responsible for collecting all their belongings and

taking it with them. Students will not be allowed to leave any of their personal belongings

in my classroom unless they received my permission.

 Participation: students are required to be actively learning, this means taking notes,

asking questions, and participate in some form. Class discussions and labs are a major

portion of the class.

 Group projects: students will be allowed to pick their groups, unless student behavior

does not permit, and can rearrange desks to collaborate on group projects as long as the

desks are put back into their original structure. Talking must be kept at a normal level

which will be up to my discretion. Groups will have equal division of workloads, but it

will be up to them to set their group rules.

 Out-of-room policy: Students wishing to use the bathroom or go to the library or other

places outside the class must get my permission first and have a hall pass with them at all


 Food/drink- snack foods that have minimal aroma or noise and drinks with bottle caps

will be permitted during class, but students must clean up after themselves. If a student

fails to do so they must stay after class to clean up their mess.

 Fire & disaster drills: students are required to immediately stop what they are doing and

remain quiet in their seats and respectfully listen to instruction to complete the drills.

Classroom Rules/ Consequences

My classroom will be governed by 3 basic policies:

1.) Be respectful to everyone and everything in the classroom.

2.) Listen quietly while others are talking.

3.) Clean up after yourselves.

All the classroom policies are put forth to create a safe, positive learning environment for

the children in the classroom. The policies will be posted in the classroom so that they are

visible at all times to all students. In order to reinforce the rules, I will continually adhere to

them myself and provide an example for all to follow.

Students in violation of the rules will be dealt with using varying degrees of consequence

depending on the severity of the offense. First time offenders of the 2 & 3 rules will start off by

receiving warnings about their actions with no form of punishment. Repeat offenders will be

held after class and talked to one-on-one to try and solve the problem. If the rule breaking for 2

& 3 continues afterwards, a call to the parent may be necessary.

Violating the 1st rule will be dealt with in more of a select fashion. Since the rule is very

broad, it creates a large spectrum in terms of how it can be broken. Non-serious offenses will be

dealt with much like rules 2 & 3. This could include ignoring a direction, cursing, and constantly

moving about the classroom without permission. More serious violations will be handled

differently. If a student is openly rude, makes offensive comments to another student, or

threatens anyone, they will be immediately rebuked, and their parents will be called AND

emailed. If the offense is deemed to be more serious, the administration will be involved, and

the student will be written up. All offenses of any of the rules will also follow the school’s set of


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