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Running head: Social Determinants of Health

Reading Assignment: Social Determinants of Health

Allison Bateman, BA, MPH(c), 006728651

Rae Chelle Gabriel, BS, MPH(c), 003833699

Andrea Pineda-Gutierrez, BS, MPH(c),

Department of Health Science and Human Ecology

HSCI 608: Health Research Methods

Dr. Yen Ang

California State University, San Bernardino

September 25, 2019

Social Determinants of Health

In the last few years, the concept of social determinants of health (SDOH) has received

more exposure and attention. According to research by Islam (2019), SDOH is an ambiguous

term and should be redefined to be fully understood. Recent literature suggests that SDOH

should also include the following: health system, gender, and sexual orientation, social capital,

racialized legal status, family, religion, and time. We agree that breaking down the definition of

SDOH would convey a better understanding of what is needed for the community-at-large and

influence specific and tailored programs. Additionally, the news article by Castrucci, B.,

Fielding, J., and Auerbach J. (2019), aligns well with the research article and recognizing that

adequate medical healthcare alone doesn’t bring long, healthy, and happy lives. However,

addressing issues such as hunger, loneliness, and trauma can help alleviate these determinants.

Combined with financial support, we believe that support and involvement from the community,

the willingness of individuals, and further education can improve and stabilize health deeper than

diet and exercise.

This shift of focus and attention to SDOH can bring significant changes in not only the

health among the population but for the economy of the United States as well. The news article

by Kangovi (2019), mentions with the implication of IMPaCT, a program that utilizes

community health workers to address SDOH, hospital stays were significantly reduced by 65%.

We believe combining these statistics with other successful programs that address SDOH would

reduce some of the hesitance, fear, and ambiguity mentioned in the article by Islam. As public

health professionals, it is important to be able to work collaboratively with other sectors,

including members of the community, to tackle these social health issues. If we can reduce the

negative thoughts on the intimidating list of SDOH by utilizing the data of successful programs,

more sectors may be open to working collaboratively to address these social issues.
Social Determinants of Health


Castrucci, B., Fielding, J., & Auerbach, J. (2019). Social Determinants of Health - Health care

isn't just bugs and bacteria. Retrieved from of-health-health-care-


Islam, M. M. (2019). Social Determinants of Health and Related Inequalities: Confusion and

Implications. Frontiers in Public Health, 7. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2019.00011

Kangovi, S. (2019). An Effective Way to Tackle the Social Causes of Poor Health. Retrieved

Social Determinants of Health

There will be 2 reading assignments, based on current public health hot button issues or breaking

● You may work with a partner on the following 2 assignments

● Read the current news of the selected topics, as posted below under each topic
● Search up one peer-reviewed research paper relating to each hot button issue
● Write a one-page type-written reaction paper for each hot button issue.
○ Your thought on the current breaking news and how the reports line up with
○ What's the public health implication?
● Your reaction will be based on the current news and the research article
● Note the submission due dates for each topic.

Reading Assignment # 1 Social Determinant of Health

● "Social determinants of health--health care isn't just bugs and bacteria". news as of
9/4/2019 read:
● Harvard Business Review, An effective way to tackle the social causes of poor health

3. Find a research article from a peer-reviewed journal) that addresses social determinants of

4. Reaction paper submission deadline line is 6 pm Sep 26 in class

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