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Pharmaceutical Biology

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Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of

a hexane extract of Tunisian caprifig latex from the
unripe fruit of Ficus carica

Houda Lazreg-Aref, Massoud Mars, Abdelwaheb Fekih, Mahjoub Aouni &

Khaled Said

To cite this article: Houda Lazreg-Aref, Massoud Mars, Abdelwaheb Fekih, Mahjoub Aouni &
Khaled Said (2012) Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of a hexane extract of Tunisian
caprifig latex from the unripe fruit of Ficus�carica, Pharmaceutical Biology, 50:4, 407-412, DOI:

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Pharmaceutical Biology, 2012; 50(4): 407–412
© 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
ISSN 1388-0209 print/ISSN 1744-5116 online
DOI: 10.3109/13880209.2011.608192

Research Article

Chemical composition and antibacterial activity

of a hexane extract of Tunisian caprifig latex from the
unripe fruit of Ficus carica
Houda Lazreg-Aref1, Massoud Mars3, Abdelwaheb Fekih4, Mahjoub Aouni2, and Khaled Said1
Laboratoire de Génétique, Biodiversité et Valorisation des Bio ressources (UR 03ES09), Institut Supérieur de
Biotechnologie, Monastir, Tunisie, 2Laboratoire des Maladies Transmissibles et Substances Biologiquement Actives,
Faculté de Pharmacie, Monastir, Tunisie, 3Laboratoire U.R. Agro biodiversité, Département des sciences Horticoles
Institut Supérieur Agronomique, and 4Laboratoire de Chimie, Faculté de Médecine Dentaire, Monastir, Tunisie

Context: The plant kingdom has become a target in the search for new drugs and biologically active lead compounds.
The common Jrani Tunisian caprifig Ficus carica L. (Moraceae) is one of the large number of plant species that are used
in folklore medicine yet to be investigated for the treatment of many diseases, including those of infectious nature.
Objective: Hexane extract of the Tunisian common Jrani caprifig latex was assayed for antibacterial activity against
several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Chemical composition of the extract was also investigated.
Materials and methods: The hexane extract was obtained from Tunisian Jrani caprifig latex by maceration, and then
analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The extract was tested in vitro for antibacterial activity by the
disc diffusion method and minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was also determined for all the test cultures.
Results: Thirty-six compounds of the extract were identified, 90.56% of the total area of peaks were coumarins. A
strong bactericidal effect was demonstrated. The most sensitive bacteria were Staphylococcus saprophyticus clinical
isolate, and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, with a MIC of 19 µg/mL.
Discussion and conclusion: These findings demonstrate an effective in vitro antibacterial activity of the hexane extract
of caprifig latex.
Keywords:  Medicinal plant, coumarin, Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria

Introduction Ballow, 2000). The screening of plant extracts and plant

Renewed attention in recent decades to alternative products for antimicrobial activity has shown that
medicines and natural therapies has stimulated a new higher plants represent a potential source of new anti-
wave of research interest in traditional practices (Braun infective agents (Arias et  al., 2004), and only 5–15%
& Cohen, 2007). The increased prevalence of antibiot- have been studied for a potential therapeutic value
ic-resistant bacteria emerging from the extensive use (Kinghorn, 1992). Caprifig Ficus carica L. (Moraceae) a
of antibiotics may render the current antimicrobial fig tree which produces both male and female flowers
agents insufficient to control at least some bacterial and is used to fertilize the female trees of the species.
infections. Antimicrobial resistance among key micro- Unlike common figs, the caprifig produces three crops
bial pathogens continues to grow at an alarming rate of synconia. These are known by their Italian terms, pro-
worldwide. Resistance among strains of Staphylococcus fichi, mammoni, and mamme. Fresh leaves and syconia
aureus, Pseudomaunas ssp., Streptococcus ssp., and of caprifigs in Tunisian folk medicine are used by agri-
Enterobacteriaceae has been described (Bhavnani & culturalists as an additive in chicken alimentation for

Address for Correspondence:  Houda Lazreg Aref, Laboratoire de Génétique, Biodiversité et Valorisation des Bio ressources (UR 03ES09),
Institut Supérieur de Biotechnologie, 5000 Monastir, Tunisie. Tel: +216 97 654 133. E-mail:
(Received 20 October 2010; revised 14 June 2011; accepted 23 July 2011)

408  H. Lazreg-Aref et al.
prevention against bacteria and virus infections; their Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Escherichia coli
high amount of latex should be an effective source of ATCC 25922, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212, and five
protection. clinical organisms were obtained from the laboratory of
Lazreg Aref et al. (2010) have investigated the antimi- microbiology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Monastir, Tunisia:
crobial activity of F. carica latex extracts of Bidhi Bither Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyti-
variety (Saint-Pedro type) against some resistant bacte- cus, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter cloacae, and
ria. This study investigated the antibacterial activity of the Escherichia coli. All the test cultures were stored at +4°C
hexane extract of caprifig latex and defined its chemical on Muller-Hinton Agar (MH) (Biorad), subcultured every
composition using gas chromatography–mass spectrom- 2 weeks, and checked for purity.
etry (GC-MS) technique.
Antimicrobial activity
Disc diffusion assay
Materials and methods The conventional disc diffusion method (Murray
Plant material et  al., 1995) was employed for the initial assessment
The caprifig Jrani latex was collected from unripe ined- of antibacterial potential of the extract. The dried Jrani
ible fig fruit from Mesjed Aissa agricultural field located (caprifig) extract was dissolved in dimethyl-sulfoxide
in the central cost of Tunisia in June 2010. The latex was (DMSO; Merck) and then in sterile water, to reach a
held in ice during the period of collection. The identifi- final concentration of 20 mg/mL, and sterilized by fil-
cation of this variety was established by Prof. Massoud tration by 0.45 µm Millipore filters. The media used was
Mars, professor of arboriculture at the high school of hor- Muller-Hinton Agar (Biorad). The discs (6 mm in diam-
ticulture of Chott Meriam Sousse, Tunisia, Department eter) were impregnated with 10 µL of the extract (200
of Agriculture and Arboriculture, and the code collection µg/disc) at a concentration of 20 mg/mL and placed on
of the tree is JR1. the inoculated Agar (for the preparation of the inocula,
colonies of bacteria were suspended in Mueller-Hinton
Plant extract (MH) Broth (Biorad); the suspensions contained 108
The fresh latex was macerated in 1 L of hexane (Merck, CFU/mL of bacteria). Negative controls were pre-
Germany) for 10 days then filtered and evaporated under pared using the DMSO solvent employed to dissolve
reduced pressure to give a gummy extract. the latex extract. Oxacillin (5 µg/disc; Gibco), tetra-
cyclin (30 µg/disc; Gibco), and erythromycin (15 µg/
GC-MS analysis disc; Gibco) served as positive reference standards
The analysis of Jrani caprifig latex hexane extract was to determine the sensitivity of bacterial stains tested.
performed on a GC-MS HP model 1909S-433 inert MSD The inoculated plates were incubated at 37°C for 24 h.
(Agilent Technologies, J&W Scientific Products, Palo The growth inhibition was assessed as the diameter (in
Alto, CA, USA), equipped with an Agilent Technologies mm) of the zone of inhibited microbial growth. Each
capillary DB-5MS column (30 m in length; 0.25 mm i.d.; assay in this experiment was performed in triplicate.
0.25 mm film thickness), and coupled to a mass selec-
tive detector (MSD1909S-433, ionization voltage 70 eV; Micro-dilution assay
all Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA). The carrier gas was The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values were
He and was used at 1 mL/min flow rate. The oven tem- also studied for the microorganisms that were deter-
perature program was as follows: 2 min at 150°C ramped mined as sensitive to the extract in disc diffusion assay.
from 150°C to 240°C at 10°C/min and 1 min at 240°C then The inocula were prepared in broth cultures, and suspen-
ramped from 240°C to 280°C at 5°C/min and 15 min at sions were adjusted to 0.5 Mc Farland standard turbid-
280°C. The chromatograph was equipped with a split/ ity. Extract dissolved in 10% DMSO was first diluted to
splitless injector used in the split mode. The split ratio was the highest concentration (2.5 mg/mL) to be tested, and
1:100. Bis-(trimethylsilyl)-acetamide (BSTFA) (100 mL) then serial two-fold dilutions were made in a concen-
was added to 100 mL of extract. The control of the GC-MS tration range from 2.5 to 0.0195 mg/mL in 10 mL sterile
system and the data peak processing were carried out by test tubes containing sterile water. The final concentra-
means of MSDCHEM software. Identification of compo- tion of DMSO in tubes was 0.78%. The MIC values of the
nents was assigned by matching their mass spectra with extract against bacterial strains were determined based
Wiley and NIST library data and standards of the main on a micro-well dilution method according to NCCLS
components. [National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards
(NCCLS), 2008] as described with slight modifications as
Microorganisms follows.
A collection of 10 test microorganisms including Gram- The 96-well plates were prepared by dispensing into
positive and Gram-negative bacterial strains was used. each well 95 µL of MH Broth and 5 µL of the inocula.
The groups included five organisms of American Type Extract (100 µL) initially prepared at a concentra-
Culture Collection (ATCC): Pseudomonas aeruginosa tion of 2.5 mg/mL was added into the first well. Then,
ATCC 27950, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 2783, 100 µL from its serial dilution was transferred into six

 Pharmaceutical Biology
Antibacterial activity of caprifig latex extract  409
consecutive wells. The last well, containing 195 µL of MH Table 1. GC-MS analysis resulted in the identification of
Broth without compound and 5 µL of the inoculum on 36 ­compounds representing 96.12% of the total extract.
each strip, was used as negative control. The final volume Among the identified compounds, three were sesquit-
in each well was 200 µL. Tetracycline (Gibco®) at the erpens (2.83%), two were triterpens (0.46%), two were
concentration range of 400–0.39 µg/mL was prepared oxygenated triterpens (0.74%), only one monoterpene
in sterile water and used as standard drug for positive [bornanone-3. (1.04)], 14 were coumarins (90.56%) and
control, and the DMSO was maintained as negative con- six were alcans (0.34%). Furthermore, the most abundant
trol. The plates were incubated at 37°C for 24 h, and the compounds (>8%) of extract were lanosta-8 (13.17%), urs-
MIC was determined from the lowest concentration of 12-en-24-oic acid (21.52%), aristolone (15.63%), olean-12-
the compound to inhibit the growth of microorganisms. en-3-ol, acetate (23.47%), and maragenin I acetate (8.78%).
Inhibition of proliferation was assessed by optical den- Table  2 represents the chemical formula and molecular
sity measurements (625 nm). These experiments were weight of some major components of the extract.
replicated three times. Figure 1 shows the GS-MS chromatogram of ana-
lyzed hexane extract of latex. Antimicrobial activity of
extract was tested against five ATCC cultures and five
Results clinical bacterial isolates. Table 3 shows diameters of
The average percentage of individual compounds of inhibition zones of latex extracts and Table 4 shows the
Jrani caprifig (Ficus carica) latex extract is presented in MIC values.

Table 1.  Chemical composition of hexane extract obtained by GC-MS.

Retention time (min) Area (%) Constituent Wiley library reference no. CAS no. Qual
4.70 0.06 Germacrene-D 121792 023986-74-5 98
5.04 0.01 Delta-Cadinene 121465 000483-76-1 97
7.03 0.33 2, 6, 10-Dodecatrien-1-ol 148283 004602-84-0 83
8.88 0.05 Dodecan-2-on 93122 006175-49-1 72
9.09 0.38 Hexadecanoic acid 213894 000112-39-0 98
10.73 0.33 Cis-Linoleic acid methyl ester 243137 000112-63-0 99
11.69 0.08 Pentadecane (CAS) 134011 000629-62-9 96
11.88 0.04 1, E-8, Z-10-Hexadecatriene 145418 080625-33-8 87
12.76 0.03 Tricosane (CAS) 275685 000638-67-5 96
13.90 0.13 Triacontane 34922 000638-68-6 91
14.51 0.02 8-Dimethoxynaphthalene 120716 105372-17-6 90
15.76 0.51 bis (2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 326908 000117-81-7 91
16.30 0.05 Hexacosane 311168 000630-01-3 94
16.72 0.06 7-Pentadecyne 128099 022089-89-0 64
17.55 0.13 Heptacosane 32679 000593-49-7 95
18.79 0.10 Octacosane (CAS) 329269 000630-02-4 96
19.23 0.33 Squalene 337959 007683-64-9 93
20.05 0.13 Nanocosane (CAS) 337002 000630-03-5 97
20.61 0.37 Oxirane 345735 007200-26-2 89
21.73 0.29 1-Ethyl-3-acetyl-5 182541 112482-88-9 86
22.51 0.72 4-Methoxycarbonyl-2, 6-diphenylpyridine 237065 069209-39-8 74
22.98 1.04 Bornanone-3 49880 013854-85-8 70
23.38 0.19 1-Ethyl-3-acetyl-5 182541 112482-88-9 78
23.54 0.15 1, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22-Tetracosahexaen-3-ol 345737 054159-46-5 64
23.67 1.02 [3.2] Metacyclophane-10-ene 145464 121733-15-1 91
24.79 0.77 5-HYDROXY-6 236998 063955-63-5 78
27.96 0.98 9, 19-Cyclolanost-24-en-3-ol 345634 000469-38-5 93
28.96 0.94 beta-Amyrin 345611 000559-70-6 83
29.47 13.17 Lanosta-8 360770 002671-68-3 96
30.20 0.24 6-aza-B-Homo-5αcholestane 345497 066233-39-4 92
30.25 0.37 Lupeol 345599 000545-47-1 87
32.33 21.52 Urs-12-en-24-oic acid 360707 020475-86-9 91
32.75 15.63 Aristolone 141923 006831-17-0 86
32.95 23.47 Olean-12-en-3-ol, acetate 360750 001616-93-9 93
33.38 8.78 Maragenin I acetate 360711 071545-16-9 89
33.62 2.32 α-Amyrenyl acetate 360746 000863-76-3 64
Total terpene: 4.81%; Total coumarin: 90.56%; Qual, Quality.

© 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.

410  H. Lazreg-Aref et al.

Table 2.  Chemical formula and molecular weight of major component of Jrani hexane latex extract.
Name CAS Molecular formula Molecular weight
Aristolone 006831-17-0 218.33908

Lanosta-8 002671-68-3 468.76368

Olean-12-en-3-ol, acetate 001616-93-9 468. 76368

Urs-12-en-24-oic acid 020475-86-9 468.36

alpha.-Amyrenyl acetate 000863-76-3 468.76368

Bornanone-3 013854-85-8 152.23644

The highest inhibition zones recorded were 28, 28, and candidates for further studies of its antibacterial bioac-
26 mm, against S. saprophyticus, S. aureus ATCC25923, tive compounds.
and S. epidermidis, respectively, whereas the lowest
zones observed were 14, 14, and 15 mm against P. aerugi-
nosa ATCC27950, P. aeruginosa ATCC2783, and E. faeca-
lis ATCC29212, respectively. The phytochemical analysis reveals that the aqueous
The MIC values ranged from 19 to 312 µg/mL indi- extract of ripe dried fruit of F. carica contains alka-
cated that the extract was an effective antimicrobial loids, flavonoids, coumarins, saponins, and terpenes
agent. The antibacterial activity of bioactive compound (Teixeira et  al., 2006; Vaya & Mahmood, 2006). Some
produced by hexane extract is comparable with tetra- phenolic compounds with reported pharmacological
cycline as standard antibiotic. Interestingly, the hexane properties have already been isolated from fig leaves,
extract from caprifig latex had MIC values of 19 µg/mL namely, furanocoumarins like psoralen and bergapten;
against S. aureus ATCC 25923 and 39 µg/mL against flavoloids like rutin, quercetin, and luteolin; pheno-
S. epidermidis, which was approximately two and three lic acids like ferrulic acid; and also phytosterols like
times lower than that of tetracycline (MIC 25 and 100 µg/ toraxasterol (Ross & Kasum, 2002; Vaya & Mahmood,
mL), respectively (Table 4). This extract could be good 2006). Coumarins constitute an important class of

 Pharmaceutical Biology
Antibacterial activity of caprifig latex extract  411

Figure 1.  GS-MS chromatogram of analyzed hexane extract of Jrani caprifig latex.

Table 3.  Antimicrobial activity of the extract in Agar diffusion assay.

Growth inhibition zone diametera (mm)
Hexane Erythromycin Oxacillin Tetracycline DMSO
Strains extract (15 µg/disc) (5 µg/disc) (30 UI) (10%)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27950 14 – – 9 –
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 2783 14 – – 14 –
Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 28 22 28 22 –
Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 22 – – 24 –
Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212 15 16 10 22 –
Staphylococcus epidermidis 26 – – – –
Staphylococcus saprophyticus 28 21 27 32 –
Staphylococcus aureus 18 24 24 34 –
Enterobacter cloacae 19 – – 21 –
Escherichia coli 20 – – 16 –
–, no activity.
Inhibition zones including diameter of the paper disc (6 mm).

Table 4.  Minimum inhibitory concentration (µg/mL) of the

2000). Free 6-OH in coumarin nucleus has been found
extract. to be important for antifungal activity, the free hydroxyl
MIC (µg/mL) group at position 7 is important for antibacterial activity
Hexane (Sardari et al., 1999). Interestingly, coumarins have also
Strains extract Tetracycline inhibitory effect on DNA gyrase which may be linked to
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27950 312 100 the anti-HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) activity
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 2783 312 100 (Matern et al., 1999).
Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923   19   25 In the present study, we describe the antibacterial
Escherichia coli ATCC 25922   39   10 activity for the first time of caprifig (F. carica) latex
Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212 312   25 extract which showed a strong activity against S. sap-
Staphylococcus epidermidis   39 100 rophyticus, S. aureus, E. coli, S. epidermidis, E. cloacae,
Staphylococcus saprophyticus   19    1 E. faecalis, and P. aeruginosa (MIC, 19 to 312 µg/mL)
Staphylococcus aureus   78    1 that can be due to the presence of coumarins with
Enterobacter cloacae   78   25 90.56% of the total area.
Escherichia coli   78   10

phytochemicals. Antimicrobial activities of the hexane

extract of latex containing mostly coumarins were eval- Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that
uated. There are reports on efficacies of pure coumarins caprifig latex is an agent which is used as folklore medi-
against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria as cine and could be a source for finding new antibacterial
well as fungi (Kayser & Kolodziej, 1997; Bisignano et al., agents in order to treat and control infections.
© 2012 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
412  H. Lazreg-Aref et al.

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et de Technologie de Mahdia) and Prof. Rachid Chamli K. (2010). In vitro antimicrobial activity of four Ficus carica latex
(Laboratoire de Pharmacognosie et phytothérapie, fractions against resistant human pathogens. Pak J Pharm Sci, 23,
Faculté de pharmacie 5000 Monastir Tunisie) for provid- 53–58.
ing facilities for this work. Matern U, Lüer P, Kreusch D. (1999). Biosynthesis of coumarins.
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Comprehensive Natural Products Chemistry, Vol. 1, Polyketides
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Derivatives. Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK, pp. 623–637.
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are responsible for the content and writing of the paper. Manuel of Clinical Microbiology. 6th Edn. Washington. DC, ASM,
p. 300.
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 Pharmaceutical Biology

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