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College of Business and Accountancy

BA 315 – IT Application Tool in Business

The World of Computer

Introduction to Computers
Many people believe that knowing how to use a computer, is one of the basic skills needed to succeed in the
workplace. In order to use the computer, it is necessary to understand how the computer works.

What is a Computer
The computer is an electronic device that accepts data, performs operations on that data, presents the results,
and stores the data or results as needed. and give you desired result.

It performs four primary operations are:

1. INPUT – entering data into the computer.
2. PROCESSING – performing operations on the data.
3. OUTPUT – presenting the results.
4. STORAGE – saving data, or output for future use.

 Data is a collection of facts, figures and statistics related to an object.
 Data can be processed to create useful information.
 Data is a valuable asset for an organization.
 Data can be used by the managers to perform effective and successful operations of management. It provides a
view of past activities related to the rise and fall of an organization. It also enables the user to make better decision
for future.
 Data is very useful for generating reports, graphs and statistics.
o Example: Students fill an admission form when they get admission in college. The form consists of raw facts
about the students. These raw facts are student's name, father name, address etc. The purpose of
collecting this data is to maintain the records of the students during their study period in the college.

 The manipulated and processed form of data is called information. It is more meaningful than data. It is used for
making decisions. Data is used as input for processing and information is used as output of this processing.
 Example:
o Data collected from census is used to generate different type of information. The government can use it to
determine the literacy rate in the country. Government can use the information in important decision to
improve literacy rate.

Characteristics of a Computer
Now-a-days computer is playing a main role in everyday life it has become the need of people just like television,
telephone or other electronic devices at home. It solves the human problems very quickly as well as accurately. The
important characteristics of a computer are described below:

The characteristics of a computer are:

1. Speed: The computer is a very high speed electronic device. The operations on the data inside the computer
are performed through electronic circuits according to the given instructions. The data and instructions flow
along these circuits with high speed that is close to the speed of light. Computer can perform millions or billions
of operations on the data in one second.

2. Spontaneous (Automatic): The computers are automatic. It may execute the process without any intervention
of user once they are assigned to a work. Once the data or instruction are fetched from the secondary devices
such as optical disks, hard disks etc. Immediately they get stored into RAM (primary memory) and then
sequentially they get executed.

3. Storage: A computer has internal storage (memory) as well as external or secondary storage. In secondary
storage, a large amount of data and programs (set of instructions) can be stored for future use. The stored data
and programs are available any time for processing. Similarly, information downloaded from the internet can
be saved on the storage media.

4. No Feelings: Computer is an electronic machine. It has no feelings. It detects objects on the basis of instructions
given to it. Based on our feelings, taste, knowledge and experience: we can make certain decisions and
judgments in our daily life. On the other hand, computer cannot make such judgments on their own. Their
judgments are totally based on instructions given to them.
5. Consistency: People often have difficulty to repeat their instructions again and again. For example, a lecturer
feels difficulty to repeat a same lecture in a class room again and again. Computer can repeat actions
consistently (again and again) without losing its concentration.

6. Communications: Today computer is mostly used to exchange messages or data through computer networks
all over the world. For example, the information can be received or send through the internet with the help of
computer. It is most important feature of the modern information technology.

7. Diligence: A computer can continually work for hours without creating any error. It does not get tired while
working after hours of work it performs the operations with the same accuracy as well as speed as the first one.

Generations of Computers
 The term generation indicates the type of technology used in the computer construction. As new technology was
emerging, it was being used in the making of computer. The new technology improved the speed, accuracy and
storage capacity of the computers. Different technologies have been used for computers in different times.
 Therefore, computers can be divided into five generations depending upon the technologies used. These are:
o First Generation (1942 - 1955)
o Second Generation (1955 - 1964)
o Third Generation (1964 - 1975)
o Fourth Generation (Since 1975)
o Fifth Generation (Since 1980)

First Generation Computers (1942 - 1955)

 The vacuum tube technology was used in first-generation computers. Mark-1m, ENIAC, EDSAC, EDVAC,
UNIVAC-1 etc. machines belong to the first generation of computers. The machine language only was
used in first-generation computers.
 Advantages are:
1. These computers were the fastest of their time.
2. They were programmed using machine language.
 Disadvantages are:
1. Unreliable
2. Very costly
3. Generate lot of heat
4. Huge size
5. Need of A.C.
6. Non portable
7. Consumed lot of electricity
8. Constant (or frequent) maintenance required

Second Generation Computers (1955 - 1964)

 This generation using the transistor were cheaper, consumed less power, more compact in size, more
reliable and faster than the first generation machines made of vaccum tubes
 Advantages:
o Use of transistors
o Reliable as compared to First generation computers
o Smaller size as compared to First generation computers
o Generate less heat as compared to First generation computers
o Consumed less electricity as compared to First generation computers
o Faster than first generation computers
o Assembly Language was introduced.
 Disadvantages:
o Still very costly
o A.C. needed
o Constant (or frequent) maintenance required

Third Generation Computers (1964 - 1975)

 The third generation of computer is marked by the use of Integrated Circuits (IC's) in place of transistors. A
single I.C has many transistors, resistors and capacitors. This development made computers smaller in size,
reliable and efficient.
 Advantages are:
o More reliable
o Smaller size
o Generate less heat
o Faster
o Lesser maintenance
o Consumed lesser electricity
o Support high level language
o Magnetic disk, used for external storage
o More storage capacity
o Many input/output devices were introduced such as mouse and keyboard etc.
 Disadvantages are:
o Still costly
o A.C needed

Fourth Generation Computers -1975 onwards

 The fourth generation of computers is marked by the use of Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits. VLSI
circuits having about 5000 transistors and other circuit elements and their associated circuits on a single
chip made it possible to have microcomputers of fourth generation.
 Fourth Generation computers became more powerful, compact, reliable, and affordable. As a result, it
gave rise to personal computer (PC) revolution.
 Advantages are:
o VLSI technology used
o Very cheap
o Portable and reliable
o Use of PC's
o Smaller in size
o Production cost is very low
o Very high processing speed
o Very large internal and external storage capacity
 Disadvantages are
o Highly sophisticated technology required for the manufacturer of microprocessor chips

Fifth Generation Computers (In process)

 The main drawback of first to fourth generation computers is that the computers does not have their own
thinking power. These are totally depending upon the instructions given by the users. Fifth generation
computers are supposed to be the ideal computers, but do not exist.
 The scientists are working to design such computers that will have the following features. • Having their own
thinking power:
o Making decisions themselves
o Having capabilities of reasoning
o Having large capacity of internal storage
o Having extra high processing speed

 The main features of Fifth Generation are:

o ULSIC (Ultra Large Scale Integration Circuits) technology
o Development of true artificial intelligence
o Advancement in Parallel Processing
o More user friendly interfaces with multimedia features
o Very powerful and compact computers at cheaper rates 25

Advantage of Computer
 Easy processing of complex tasks.
 It saves time by quick manipulation of data as compared to when done manually.
 The errors in data processing are minimized when a computer is used.
 It has helped in making communication easier by using internet.
 It stores, retrieves, and processes a large amount of data.
 It helps in multitasking of various jobs.

Disadvantage of Computer
 Un-Employment
 Cyber-crime
 Computer can perform only what is it programmed to do.
 Computer need well defined instructions to perform any operation

8 Major Uses of Technology in our daily life

i. Use of Technology in Business
1. Example of technology in Business
a. Advance Car manufacturing and others alike
2. Conclusion: Business need to use technology to speed up their services and cut down on cost.
ii. Use of Technology in Communication
1. Today the technology has made the field of communication easy. Now you can draft a business
message and email it or fax it in an instant.
2. Examples:
a. Email (Gmail, outlook, yahoo)
b. Fax machine
c. Text messaging
d. Teleconference (Whatsapp, skype)
iii. Use of Technology in Human Relationships
1. Examples
a. Virtual Dating
b. Or any virtual relationships
iv. Use of Technology in Education
1. Access to a full library of educational material via a mobile app
2. Examples:
a. Coursera
b. Khan Academy -
c. Duolingo - learn new language
v. Use of Technology in Purchasing
1. It is more on the buying and selling of goods and/or services.
2. Examples
a. EMV Smart Chips (Credit Card or Debit Cards)
b. Online payments providers
vi. Use of Technology in Agriculture
1. Replacing of human labor with machines that are operated or controlled by people or other
2. Example
a. FamGraze - An app which will calculate the amount of grass your animals have in the field.
vii. Use of Technology in Banking
1. This is the backbone of the society.
2. Examples:
a. E-Banking providers
c. Banking Apps
viii. Use of Technology in Transportation
1. New era or type of fast transportation

Computer System
 Computer is an electronic machine that is used to solve different kinds of problems according to a set of
instructions given to it.
 Computer consists of different units that perform various functions.
 All the operations of the computer are controlled by the program instructions. These program instructions are known
as software.
 A system is a group of related components that make up a body to perform a specific function.
 Therefore, computer system is defined as:
o The computer along with various units and software that performs different activities in data processing are
collectively known a computer system.
o A computer system is divided into two sub- systems:
1. Computer Software
2. Computer Hardware

Computer Software
 A set of instructions given to the computer in machine code that tells the computer what to do and how to perform
the given task of the user is known as computer software.
 The software is developed in computer programming languages. You cannot feel, touch or see software inside the
computer memory.
 The Computer software is classified into two main categories:
1. Application software.
2. System software.

Application Software
 A set of programs used to solve particular problems of user through computer is called Application
 It is also known as application package. The ready packages are also available in market on CDs
for various purposes. These are used by user who does not know the computer programming. The
users solve their problems by using ready packages more easily and quickly.
 Some of application packages are:
1. Word processing software (e.g. Word)
2. Spreadsheet software. (e.g. Excel)
3. Database Management System software. (e.g. Oracle, Microsoft Access)
4. Graphics software (e.g. PowerPoint)
5. Communication software (e.g. Internet Explorer)

System Software
 The operating system and utility programs are the two major categories of system software. Just as
the processor is the nucleus of the computer system, the operating system is the nucleus of all
software activity.
 The operating system is the most important program that runs on a computer. Every general-
purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs. Operating systems
perform basic tasks, such as
1. Recognizing input from the keyboard
2. Sending output to the display screen
3. Keeping track of files and directories on the disk
4. Controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.

 It is the first program loaded into memory when the computer is turned on and, in a sense, brings
life to the computer hardware. Without it, you cannot use your word processing software,
spreadsheet software, or any other applications.
 Without an operating system, you cannot communicate with your computer. When you give the
computer a command, the operating system relays the instructions to the 'brain' of the computer,
called the microprocessor or CPU. You cannot speak directly to the CPU because it only
understands machine language. When you are working in an application software program, such
as Microsoft Word, commands that you give the application are sent through the operating system
to the CPU. Windows2000, Window95/98, Mac OS, Unix and DOS are all examples of operating
systems. 37
 Utility programs help manage, maintain and control computer resources. These programs are
available to help you with the day-to- day chores associated with personal computing and to
keep your system running at peak performance. Some examples of utility programs include:
o Virus scanning software
o Backup software
o Scandisk
o Disk defragmenter, Virus Scanning Software are utility programs designed to protect your
computer from computer viruses.
 Backup software is software that assists you in backing up your files and even the entire computer
hard drive.
 Scandisk is a utility provided with Windows computers. Scandisk scans your disks to see if there are
any potential problems on the disk, such as bad disk areas. • Disk Defragmenter software assists
you in keep reorganizing your disk drives. After files are saved, deleted and resaved again, the disk
can become fragmented --- available space is in small blocks located throughout the disk. Disk
defragmenters gather those free spots and put them together to enable you to continue to save
your data in the most efficient manner. 39

Computer Hardware
The physical parts of a computer are known as computer hardware You can touch, see and feel the hardware. The
hardware consists of electronic circuits and mechanical equipment etc. used to perform various functions in the computer.

The hardware components are:

1. Input devices
2. Output devices
3. Central Processing Unit (CPU)
4. Memory unit 5-Storage devices

Input and Output Devices

 Input is any data or instructions entered into the computer in the form of signals. The input into the
computer can be entered:
o Through keyboard (by typing characters).
o By selecting commands (icons) on the screen and then clicking with mouse.
o By pressing finger on a touch screen.
o By speaking into a microphone.
o By scanning data printed on paper through scanner etc.
o Therefore, the devices that are used to enter data and instructions or commands into the
computer are called input devices or units. The input devices are the eyes and ears of
computers. In old computers the punched card readers, paper tape readers were used as
input devices.
Input Devices
o Keyboard
o Mouse
o Scanner
o Microphone
o Digital Camera
o Optical Bar Code Reader
o Optical mark recognition (OMR)
o Touch Screen
o Joystick
o Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) It must be noted that floppy drives, hard disks
and CD drives are used for both input and output devices.

 Output and Output Devices

o The processed input data into a useful form is called output when input data is processed,
computer generates several types of output, depending upon the hardware and software
used and the requirements of the user. The user use output on a screen, prints it on the
printer or hear it through speakers or head-sets.
o Therefore, output is normally classifieds as:
 Softcopy Output - The output received on the display screen or in the audio or
video form is called softcopy output. This kind of output is not tangible and cannot
the touched. The most popular and commonly used softcopy output device is
display screen
 Hardcopy Output - The output printed on the paper is called hardcopy. The
printers and plotters devices are used for this purpose.
 Sound Output - The output received into the form of sound is called sound output.
The speakers are most commonly used to receive the sound output.
o Output Devices
 An output device is a hardware component used to get output from the
 A number of output devices are available. The commonly used output devices
include display device (Monitor), printer, speaker and headset, fax machine etc.
 Monitors: The monitor is a popular and most commonly used output
device. The monitor consists of a screen and the electronic components
that produce the output on the screen for a temporary period. The output
received on the screen is called softcopy. Most monitors used in personal
computers display text, graphics and video information.
 Plotters: A plotter is a special output device used to produce hardcopies
of graphs and designs on the paper. A plotter is typically used to print
large-format graphs or maps such as construction maps or engineering
 Speaker: A speaker gives you sound output from your computer. Some
speakers are built into the computer and some are separate.
 Printers: These are most commonly used output devices used to get prints
of documents on the paper. The output printed on the paper is called
hard copy. The hard copy is also called as print out.
o Two types of Printers:
 Impact Printers: An Impact printer prints characters and
graphics on the paper with the strikes of hammer on a
ribbon. A simple example of an impact printer is
typewriter, which uses small hammers to strike the ribbon.
Each hammer is embossed with the shape of
alphanumeric character that shape is printed on the
paper through inked ribbon. There are many types of
impact printers but the most popular and commonly
used is the dot matrix printer.
 Non-Impact Printers: The printers that produce the output
on a paper without striking the paper are known as non-
impact printers.
The main features of non-impact printers are:
1. Faster than impact printers.
2. Print high quality output.
3. Produce no noise during printing.
4. Examples of non-impact printers are Laser printer,
Inkjet printers etc.

Memory refers to chip-based storage. When the term “memory” is used alone, it refers to chip–based storage used
by the computer-usually the amount of the computer’s main memory (called RAM), which is located inside the system unit.
In contrast, “storage” refers to the amount of long-term storage available to a PC- usually in the form of the PC’s hard drive
or removal storage media such as CDs, DVDs, and USB flash drives.

Random Access Memory (RAM)

o When the computer is powered on, certain operating system files load into RAM from the storage device
such as a hard disk. Then operating system remains in RAM as long as the computer has continuous power.
Holds its data as long as the computer is switched on. All data in RAM is lost when the computer is switched
off. Described as being volatile. It is direct access as it can be both written to or read from in any order
There are two types of main memory, Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read Only Memory (ROM)
Types of Main Memory
o The RAM is further divided into:
1. DRAM stands for Dynamic Random Access Memory. DRAM is the most common type of RAM used
to store data & instructions. In order to maintain data in DRAM chip, the chip is refreshed frequently
(hundreds of time a second), otherwise data may be lost. During the refreshing process the CPU
has to wait to read & write data in DRAM. It is because DRAM decreases the processing speed of
the computer.
2. SRAM: SRAM stands for Static Random Access Memory. It is faster than DRAM because it does not
have to be refreshed frequently and the CPU has not to wait to read & write data. SRAM chips
however are more expensive than DRAM chips. Special applications such as cache use SRAM

Difference Between SRAM & DRAM

1. SRAM is static while DRAM is dynamic
2. SRAM is faster compared to DRAM
3. SRAM consumes less power than DRAM
4. SRAM uses more transistors per bit of memory compared to DRAM
5. SRAM is more expensive than DRAM
6. Cheaper DRAM is used in main memory while SRAM is commonly used in cache memory.

ROM stands for Read Only Memory.

o The ROM contains instructions that are permanently stored by the manufacturers when they manufacture
the chips. In fact recording data and instructions permanently into this kind of memory is called "burning in
the data". The instructions stored in ROM can only be read but cannot be modified. This is the reason why it
is called Read Only Memory.  ROM is a semiconductor chip programmed at the time of its manufacture
and is not re-programmable by the user.  It is a non-volatile memory. The contents of ROM are not lost
when the computer is turned off. Read Only Memory (ROM)
o The ROM contains the Basic Input / Output System (BIOS) which is a set of instructions that are
automatically activated when the computer is turned on. It means that computer uses the instructions of
ROM at the time of booting for the following purposes.
 To check different units of computer system.
 To load the operating system into computer memory etc.
 Data can be read by the CPU in any order so ROM is also direct access The contents of ROM are
fixed at the time of manufacture Read Only Memory (ROM)
 Many other devices also contain ROM chips.
 For example, a printer has a ROM chip that contains data or information for fonts. You can say that
each electronic device has ROM chip that contains information about that device.
 The ROM is further divided into: (1) PROM; (2) EPROM; (3) EEPROM
stands for Programmable Read Only Memory.
PROM is a blank ROM chip on which the user can write his own program instructions and
data but only once. However once the program or data is written in PROM chip, it cannot
be changed. The programmer uses micro-code instructions to write information in a PROM
chip. Once the programmer writes the micro-code on the PROM chip, it functions like a
normal ROM chip.
Once ROM or PROM is programmed, its contents cannot be changed. However, there is
another type of memory chip called EPROM that overcomes this problem.
EPROM stands for Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. It is another important form
of read only memory. Like PROM, it is initially blank and the user or manufacture can write
his own program or data by using special devices.
Unlike PROM the data written in EPROM chip can be erased by using special purpose
devices and ultraviolet rays. So program or data written in EPROM chip can be changed
and new data can also be added on this form of ROM. When EPROM is in use, its contents
can only be read.

EEPROM stands for Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory. This kind of
ROM can be re-written by using electrical devices and so data stored on this ROM chip
can be easily modified.

Cache memory
 Data and program instructions are moved from RAM to CPU's registers during data processing. It is most
time consuming method and CPU has to waste a lot of time to access data from memory.
 Cache memory is similar to RAM but it is extremely fast than RAM. It is normally used between RAM and
CPU. Cache speeds up processing speed of computer because CPU stores frequently used instructions and
data in it. When the program is running and the CPU needs a specific data or program instructions, the CPU
first checks it in cache memory. If the data is not there, the CPU reads the data from RAM into its registers,
but it also loads a copy of the same data or instruction in cache memory. The next time the CPU uses it if
required again and saves the time needed to load it from RAM.

Types of Computers
Computers can also be divided into three categories depending upon their instruction and form of input data that
they accept and process. These are:  Analog Computers  Digital Computers  Hybrid Computers

1. Analog Computers
 The word "Analog" means continuously varying in quantity. The analog computers accept input data in
continuous form and output is obtained in the form of graphs.
 It means that these computers accept input and give output in the form of analog signals. The output is
measured on a scale. The voltage, current, sound, speed, temperature, pressure etc. values are examples
of analog data. These values continuously increase and decrease.
 The analog computers are used to measure the continuous values. The thermometer is an example of
analog device because it measures continuously the length of a mercury column.

2. Digital Computers
 The word "Digital" means discrete. It refers to binary system, which consists of only two digits, i.e. 0 and 1.
Digital data consists of binary data represented by OFF (low) and ON (high) electrical pulses. These pulses
are increased and decreased in discontinuous form rather than in continuous form.
 The digital computer is designed using digital circuits in which there are two levels for an input or output
signal. These two levels are known as logic 0 and logic 1. Digital Computers can give more accurate and
faster results.
 Digital computer is well suited for solving complex problems in engineering and technology. Hence digital
computers have an increasing use in the field of design, research and data processing.

3. Digital Computers
 Digital computers can be further classified as,
i. General Purpose Computers
ii. Special Purpose Computers Special purpose computer is one that is built for a specific application.
General purpose computers are used for any type of applications. They can store different
programs and do the jobs as per the instructions specified on those programs. Most of the
computers that we see today, are general purpose computers.
4. Hybrid Computers
 A hybrid computer combines the desirable features of analog and digital computers. It is mostly used for
automatic operations of complicated physical processes and machines. Now-a-days analog-to- digital
and digital-to-analog converters are used for transforming the data into suitable form for either type of
 For example, in hospital’s ICU, analog devices might measure the patient’s temperature, blood pressure
and other vital signs. These measurements which are in analog might then be converted into numbers and
supplied to digital components in the system. These components are used to monitor the patient’s vital sign
and send signals if any abnormal readings are detected. Hybrid computers are mainly used for specialized

5. ANALOG DIGITAL Accept input data in continuous form and output is measured on a scale Accept input data in
digital form and output is received in digital form. It may have some errors in output. Output is accurate. Have low
internal memory. Have large internal memory. Have fewer functions. Have large number of functions. It is used only
in scientific, industrial and medical fields. It is general purpose in use. It is costly. It is low in cost. It is not easily
programmed. It is easily programmed. Difference between Analog and Digital

On the Basis of Processing Speed and Storage Capacity Computers are classified according to their data processing
speed, amount of data that they can hold and price. Generally, a computer with high processing speed and large internal
storage is called a big computer. Due to rapidly improving technology, we are always confused among the categories of

Depending upon their speed and memory size, computers are classified into following four main groups.
1. Supercomputer
2. Mainframe computer
3. Mini-computer
4. Microcomputer

Super Computer
 Supercomputer is the most powerful and fastest, and also very expensive. It was developed in 1980s. It is
used to process large amount of data and to solve the complicated scientific problems. It can perform
more than one trillions calculations per second. It has large number of processors connected parallel. So
parallel processing is done in this computer. In a single supercomputer, thousands of users can be
connected at the same time and the supercomputer handles the work of each user separately.
o Supercomputer are mainly used for:
1. Weather forecasting.
2. Nuclear energy research.
3. Aircraft design.
4. To control industrial units.

Mainframe Computers
 Mainframe computers are also large-scale computers but supercomputers are larger than mainframe.
These are also very expensive. The mainframe computer specially requires a very large clean room with air-
conditioner. This makes it very expensive to buy and operate. It can support a large number of various
equipment. It also has multiple processors. Large mainframe systems can handle the input and output
requirements of several thousands of users. For example, IBM, S/390 mainframe can support 50,000 users
simultaneously. There are basically two types of terminals used with mainframe systems.
o Dumb Terminal - terminal does not have its own CPU and storage devices. This type of terminal uses
the CPU and storage devices of mainframe system. Typically, a dumb terminal consists of monitor
and a keyboard (or mouse).
o Intelligent Terminal has its own processor and can perform some processing operations. Usually, this
type of terminal does not have its own storage. The mainframe computers are specially used as
servers on the World Wide Web. The mainframe computers are used in large organizations such as
Banks, Airlines and Universities etc. where many people (users) need frequent access to the same
data, which is usually organized into one or more huge databases. IBM is the major manufacturer
of mainframe computers.

 These are smaller in size, have lower processing speed and storage capacity as compared to mainframe.
They are also less expensive than a mainframe . Hence, their performance also will be less than that of
mainframes. The minicomputers are used in business, education and many other government
departments. Although some minicomputers are designed for a single user but most are designed to
handle multiple terminals. Minicomputers are commonly used as servers in network environment and
hundreds of personal computers can be connected to the network with a minicomputer acting as server
like mainframes, minicomputers are used as web servers.

 The invention of microprocessor (single chip CPU) gave birth to the much cheaper micro-computers. They
are further classified into
o Desktop Computers Laptop Computers Handheld Computers(PDAs) Desktop Computers
o Desktop computers are also known as personal computers or simply PCs. They are usually easier to
use and more affordable. They are normally intended for individual users for their word processing
and other small application requirements.

Laptop Computers
 Laptop computers are portable computers. They are lightweight computers with a thin screen. They are
also called as notebook computers because of their small size. They can operate on batteries and hence
are very popular with travelers. The screen folds down onto the keyboard when not in use.
o Handheld Computers: Handheld computers or Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) are pen-based
and also battery-powered. They are small and can be carried anywhere. They use a pen like stylus
and accept handwritten input directly on the screen. They are not as powerful as desktops or
laptops but they are used for scheduling appointments, storing addresses and playing games. They
have touch screens which we use with a finger or a stylus. 76

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