Bacterial Growth Lab Report - Asrining Ghina Maulidia - ENV 2018

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Enviromental engineering

Persident University

A. Introduction
This environmental microbiology report will discuss the growth of bacteria. Growth of
Enumeration on soil bacteria using pour plate method is the title of this research. Before.
Environmental microbiology is the study of microbes within all habits, and their beneficial
and detrimental impact on human health and welfare. And the enumeration of the
microbiologist The ability to accurately detect and sensitively quantify microorganisms in
liquid samples is of prime importance for any quality control laboratory. This is why
membrane filtration is the established method of choice for liquid testing as it provides
reliable and reproducible results.

The purpose of this research is to find out the bacterial growth rate and the average
bacterial growth, not only that we will see the phases of the bacterial development phase of
research results compared with the theory of environmental microbiology. This research
takes some references from the book, and also SNI, and several other articles.

B. Method
Testing of Total Plate Count (TPC)

How to calculate the amount of microbes contained in a product that grows on the agar media at a
specified temperature and incubation time. Total Plate Count (TPC) is intended to show the number
of microbes contained in a product by counting bacterial colonies that are grown on agar media.


1. Nutrient Agar


1. Spirtus
2. Test tube
3. Erlenmeyer Flask
4. Labelling
5. Alcohol spray in bottle
6. Gloves
7. Masker
8. Incubator
9. Test tube wood ( as the place of test tubes sample)

Steps of experiment

Safety and Hygienic importance steps:

1. Use gloves and put your mask on before doing laboratorium activity
2. Sprays your hand everytime it need
3. Sprays your laboratory table before you put things in there

How to prepare the agar until it ready to be use:

1. We already have the agar in the autoclave. Take it out from the autoclave.
2. Bring it to wastafle of laboraturium and hold the eyelemyer flaks near the tap water and
turn on the tap water and bring it near the water from the tap water wait until the agar is
warm, ot hot and not cold.
3. Put it on the laboratory table.

Notes : when we open the paper tube of agar eyelenmayer make sure the tube is stile sterile
by bring it near the spirtus Dont forget to make the agar not being in solid condition by put
the eyelein the surface of bunsen (gaze) that in the down of bunsen there is fire from spirtus

How to delute the sample until the concentration that we need :

1. We want to make 10-1 dilution of sample

2. Prepare tools, media, and sample
3. Take 1 ml of sample with pipet from the test and put it on the test tube
4. Add 9 ml of LF on the test tube taht contain 1 ml of the sample
5. Hold the test tube and pour it with your hand
6. Take pipet glass (1 ml scale of pipet glass) hold it and take the diluted sample which is 10-1
concentration sample that is ready to us in 1 ml
7. On using Pour plate method so take the pipet of 1 ml diluted sample and put the liquid on
the plate.
8. After that we should take eyelemeyer used as the placed for our media, which is agar an put
some of the agar in liquid condition into the plate of 1 ml sample until the surcafe of plate is
covered. Don’t too much and Don’t be so less
9. Put The plate as the place of the media and sample on teh laboratory’s table
10. Hold the plate on the laboratory table and move it until the plate make the number of eight,
do it more than 5 times because we should make sure that the sample and the media
already pour together.
11. wait until agar is not liquid anymore and changed into solid agar
12. Name the plate with the label of our name
13. set the icubator to warm celcius and put the plate into incubator
14. Check the growth of the bacteria that we want to see in every 10, 20, or 30 minutes or 1

Notes : Before we put the liquid on the plate by using pipet, we should bring end side of
the pipet near spirtus it also shloud be happen when we open the plate for needed to be
entered by the sample, every thing that related to move something to another things we
should make sure that the tools is sterile.
C. Result and discussion
No Time Amount of Phrase Exact Time Log CFU
. Bactera
1. 1st 10 0 Lag 16.03 ∞
2. 10 0 Lag 16.13 ∞

3. 10 0 Lag 16.23 ∞
4. 10 0 Lag 16.33 ∞
5. 10 0 Lag 16.43 ∞

6. 10 0 Lag 16.53 ∞
7. 2nd 20 0 Lag 17.12 ∞
8. 20 0 Lag 17.32 ∞
9. 20 0 Lag 17.52 ∞
10. 3rd 30 0 Lag 18.22 ∞
11. 30 0 Lag 18.52 ∞
12. 4th 30 0 Lag 19.22 ∞

13. 30 0 Lag 19.52 ∞

14. 5th 30 3 Exponential 20.22 1.47
15. 30 40 Exponential 20.52 2.60
16. 6th 30 140 Exponential 21.22 3.14
17. 30 245 Exponential 21.52 3.38

18. 7th 30 324 Exponential 22.22 4.51

19. 30 324 Exponential 22.52 4.51
20. 8th 60 349 exponential 23.22 4.54
21. 10, 150 349 No more growth 02:30 4.54
22. 12th 120 349 No more growth 03:50 4.54
23. 13,5 120 349 No more growth 05:22 4.54
Calculation CFU

The spesific growth rate

(𝒍𝒏 𝑿−𝒍𝒏 𝑿𝒐) (𝒍𝒏𝟑𝟐𝟒−𝒍𝒏𝟒𝟎)
µ= = = 𝟎. 𝟕h-1
𝒕 𝟑

Mean Generation
(𝒍𝒏 𝑿−𝒍𝒏 𝑿𝒐) (𝒍𝒏𝟑𝟐𝟒−𝒍𝒏𝟒𝟎)
µ= = = 𝟑. 𝟎𝟑 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝟎.𝟔𝟗𝟑 𝟎.𝟔𝟗𝟑
𝒕 𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝟑
𝐓= = = 𝟎. 𝟏 hour
𝒏 𝟑.𝟎𝟑

Bacterial Growth

Bacterial Growth
1 2 3 4 4.5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Evidence result
Exponential Stationary

D. Disscusion
There are so many aspects that can influence the results of research, one of which is too
sterile tool and when the media is too hot when poured into a plate and immediately
inserted the sample. It can kill bacteria, can also inhibit its growth.

several things that can affect the success of bacterial growth related to our experiment:

1. The temperature of the incubator that must be maintained is stable, by not

opening the door very often. and if you want to open it, close it immediately. this
relates to good temperatures for bacterial growth.
2. Preparing tools and materials is important, this may take time but paying
attention to it makes us feel more confident about the results of the experiment.
3. It is very important to ensure that all steps and research processes are carried
out carefully and to maintain the stability of all tools and materials, because if
not the possibility of mold can appear in the solder even though we want to see
the growth of bacteria rather than fungi.

Another technical thing that is very important is not to bring food into the laboratory
because it can contaminate and can be dangerous if eaten. so do drinks.The way we
carry out the steps of the research greatly influences the results, not forgetting the
discipline we observe in the growth of these bacteria.

E. Conclusion
Research in laboratories must be carried outcarefully and patiently. The sample that
we want to know the results of such as bacterial growth requires patience because in
this study it took 5 hours to wait for bacteria to grow.After the bacteria grow we also
have to maintain the environment where the body's bacteria are in the incubator at
the right temperature.

In conducting experiments we need to prepare knowledge before practicum, it is

also necessary to prepare material tools and media if needed, ensure the tools used
and the environment in which sterile practicum can increase the chances of bacteria
to grow.

F. References
SNI 2897 2008

Enviromental Microbiology book Ian L pepper 3rd edition

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