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Skill based lesson

Lindi Chadwick


1. Lesson Focus – Kicking

2. Standards/GLO’s
i. Fitness Development - Uses a continuous running approach and kicks a moving
ball, demonstrating 3 of the 5 critical elements of a mature pattern. (S1.E21.2).
ii. Lesson Focus - Uses a continuous running approach and kicks a moving ball,
demonstrating 3 of the 5 critical elements of a mature pattern. (S1.E21.2).
3. Objectives
a. Students - At the end of this lesson TSWBAT:
i. Kicks a moving ball while demonstrating 3 of the 5 critical elements.
b. Teacher
i. I will correctly model the importance of kicking a soccer ball, use of feedback,
demonstrating the critical elements.

4. Protocols
a. Students will stop what they are doing and look at me when you hear me say “Freeze”
b. Students will remain still and listen to instructions until I say “GO”
c. Students will place their soccer balls on the ground at their feet when I say “ball garage”

5. Instant Activity
a. Human Alphabet
i. We are going to play a game called Human Alphabet to start. I hope you guys
know your alphabet. When I say “GO” everyone is going to start moving around
in the space (choose a locomotion: run, skip, gallop, etc) and when I call out a
letter the students must hurry to get down on the floor and use their bodies to
make the shape of the letter. Then get them moving again and call out another
letter. And again. And again!
1. L, C, Y, X, V, J, T, I, R, F
6. Fitness Development
a. Yum, Yum, Yum - The objective of this activity is to identify healthy and unhealthy
foods. I’m going to call out different foods. We’re going to start by skipping, but when
you hear a healthy food, you’re going to run and holler, “Yum, Yum, Yum!” then skip
again. When you hear an unhealthy food, get in plank position and holler, “Not good, not
Healthy foods – apples, milk, carrots, oranges, oatmeal, bread, eggs, strawberries
Unhealthy foods – pizza, popcorn, candy, ice cream, chocolate, chips, French fries,

Make sure you are looking forward when you are running and skipping.
Please don’t run into anybody!

7. Set Induction
Today were going to be kicking. What body part do we use to kick? Our feet?! Good! That is
what were going to focus on today!
8. Content Development (12 or more tasks, cues, and challenges)

Tasks Cues (One per task) Challenges

Stationary Ball from a stationary Can you kick at a target? Kicking w/
position other leg at target
~When I say GO you are going to get a
soccer ball and go to the wall. Once at
the wall, you will kick it to the wall on
the ground.
Approaching a Stationary Ball and Can you successfully approach and
kicking kick to the wall 3 times?
~ Stand 3 or 4 feet away from the
soccer ball and kick it forward to the
wall. It’s good to practice both feet.
A. Control
Kicking at Large targets Shoelaces – Contact Can you try and kick farther away
~ Now you have got the hang of the ball with the top then what you were at?
kicking can you kick at a target. Stand of your foot- not
behind your ball and kick it to the your toes
target. (will have tapped squares all
around the wall)
Kicking a rolling ball from a Watch the Ball – Can you successfully hit the ball with
stationary position Focus on the ball, your other leg?
~ So now in partners or groups, we will not your partner,
have one group of three. You are going until ball leaves
to be facing the wall and your partner your foot.
will be either on the right or left side of
you. They will roll the ball and you
will try to kick it.
Tapping the ball Inside of foot – See how many times you can tap it
~ Gently tap the ball from one foot to Tap the ball with the back and forth in 30 seconds.
the other. This is going to be using inside of your foot –
your inside of your foot. left and right
Tapping ball along the ground Inside of foot – See how many times you come back
Now we just practice tapping the wall Tap the ball with the and forth.
with our feet while staying still can you inside of your foot –
move with while tapping the ball. We left and right
are going to start on this line and make
it to that other line.
Tapping to open space Open Spaces – Can you manage not to lose the ball
~ Now you moved in a line pretty Look for open or run into anybody
much, you will now move in open spaces as you travel
space. You can use this whole area to
move. Remember to look forward and
not run into anybody.
Travel Different Pathways Inside/Outside – Can you now be following these
~ You guys were just moving but now Use both the inside pathways in open space with other
were going to move in different and outside of your people as well?
pathways. There are these taped lines foot – left and right
on the ground. You will follow those – to tap the soccer
lines and then go to the next one. ball.
Dribbling/tapping around Stationary Tap tap – Can you try jogging and avoiding the
Obstacles Gently tap the ball obstacles?
So now we worked on tapping and so it stays within 3
dribbling you’re going to now go to 4 feet of you at all
around obstacle. Avoid hitting the times.

Starting and Stopping Tap – Gain control Can you try and not lose your ball for
~ For this activity were going to be of the ball by 2 minutes and keep control of the
starting and stopping. You guys were rotating the leg ball?
just constantly going. The last activity outward/knees
how we were going around objects, slightly bent, raising
now were going to stop at them. the foot/toes up,
giving to absorb the
Kicking to a partner Watch the Ball – Practice until you can kick 5 times to
~ For this activity you will need to get Focus on the ball, your partner so he or she can trap
into partner or groups. You guys can not your partner, as without moving from self-space.
now kick to other people now. You you kick and as you Then back up and see how far you
will kick the ball along the ball along receive. can kick it to each other.
the ground to your partner so he or she
can gain control of the ball without
moving from self-space. This is called
trapping the ball. To trap, rotate the
nonsupport leg outward/ knee slightly
bent, raise the foot off the ground/toes
up, and give slightly to absorb the force
of the traveling ball.

7. Closure
You guy did a great job today kicking today!
Can you guys tell me some healthy and unhealthy foods from earlier??

8. Assessment
a. As the students are standing in line ready to leave the class I will ask each student to tell
me one of the Cues they learned today for kicking
If we were kicking the ball forward what was cue should we use?
If we were traveling and moving with the ball, what cue would we use?

9. Complete List of Equipment You Will Need

a. 12 – soccer balls 12 – foam balls
b. 1 – Big Blue cone 20 – small cones
c. 5/6 – low blue cones

10. Diagrams of management arrangements and formations

Kicking a rolling ball while being stationary



X 1 student kicking ball

X 2 Student rolling the ball

Going around objects X – Students

- Pathway they can take
– Cone they have to go around

11. Class Rules – 5 (positive)

a. Be respectful of other students’ self-space
b. Follow instructions
c. Raise your hand to answer a question
d. Only begin the activity when you are asked to GO
e. Move safely and look forward

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