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Date: 30- 09 - 2015 Chapter Safety Fundamentals
statement - Example
Version: 2 Document Number Template
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Confidential - proprietary information AB InBev


Method statement - Example Template

Confidential - proprietary information AB InBev © AB InBev 31-05-08 All rights reserved

Owner: VP Technical
Approved: Val. Com.

Confidential - proprietary information AB InBev © AB InBev 31-05-08 All rights reserved


Specific Work permit needed

"Name & contact details of the

Date: 03-09-2019

SEQUENCE of the activities Which Techniques / Description of the Risks RISK Assessment WITHOUT measures Measures of Precaution, which will be taken in order to reduce the RISK Assessment WITH measures of
Tools / Equipment will be of precaution RISKS significantly precaution
used ??

Legal Compliance Crane Legal Compliance 3 3 3 27 1. Contractor will bring PF, ESI, Fitness Certificate to cover all concerned worker 1 1 1 1
2. Contractor Protocol to be sign off and adhere with safety instructions
3. Contract supervisor has to present all time while work and contractor safety
representative has to be there for all time
4. Worker has to examined and certify to work at height in direct sun light by MBBS Doctor
5. Lifting tools and tackale cerificate

Man and Material Mobilisation to Truck, Trailor, Farana/ Crane 1. Over speed_x000D_ 3 3 7 63 1. Training and educating workers 3 1 3 9
site 2. Vehicle toppled/ collision_x000D_ 2. Valid driving license, speed limit is 10 km inside the plant and assigned Signalman
3. Sharp edge/ pinch point_x000D_ 3. Valid PTW, planning the job & experienced man-power
4. Slip/ trip_x000D_ 4. Competent Rigger/ Third Party Certificate (TPC)
5. Musculoskeletal disorders_x000D_ 5. Proper Supervision & Tool-Box Talk
6. Mechanical failure_x000D_ 6. Use appropriate PPE (hard hat, goggle, reflective vest, cotton hand gloves, and safety
7. Fall of load_x000D_ shoes).
8. Hit near pipeline's/ structure's/ 7. Follow safe material handling procedure
equipment's_x000D_ 8. Ensure material should be properly stacking and good housekeeping to be maintained

Dismantling Dismantling work (silo, inlet Fall from height 6 6 7 252 1.Use of PPEs includes safety harness while work above 2 mtrs, safety helmet, safety 3 2 3 18
pipe, outlet gate valve Fall of material shoes, hand gloves,safety net
dismantle, MS support etc) Use of portable power tool 2. Area barricading & dispalying of caution board
Ladder 3. Crane truck with all legal compliance
Slings and D-Cycle 4. Provide fall arrester at both end and fix life line for movement.
5. Fixing of D-Shackle and Wire Rope/Webbing for lifting of vessel.

Lifting Crane 6 6 7 252 1. Training and educating workers 3 2 3 18

Loading/ Unloading Lifting tools (chain block and 1. Personal injury (cut, pinch point 2. Valid driving license, speed limit is 10 km inside the plant and assigned Flagman
slings etc) and sharp edge) 2. Valid PTW and Lifting Plan
Trailor/ Truck 2. Mechanical failure 3. All lifting tools and tackles must have valid TPC
3. Fall from height 4. Proper Supervision & Tool-Box Talk
3. Weatheric condition (heavy wind 5. Only competent rigger assigned for lifting activity
and rain) 6. Crane swing area must be barricaded, no one allow to stand under the suspended load
5. Unauthorised entry and displaying of signboard's
6. Stand under boom swing area 7. Use proper PPE (hard hat, goggle, reflective vest, cotton/ rigging hand gloves, safety
shoes and full-body safety harness while working above the 2-meter height
8. Ensure proper protection of near pipeline's/ structure's/ equipment's

Department Manager Comments : Department Manager Signature :

ES Department's Comments : ES Departments Approval Signature :

Risk analysis according to KINNEY Method: "P" = Probability - "F" = Frequency - "I" = Impact - "R" RESULT.

Confidential - proprietary information AB InBev © AB InBev 31-05-08 All rights reserved

Guidance for preparing method statement for roof works*
Risk of falling, eg getting on/off ladders at eaves
Access to roof:

Risk of falling when walking past open edges to fetch materials

Risk of falling from the building when unslinging

Risk of falling outside the building frame exists at all stages of

work. Gable ends are particularly hazardous

Risk of falling on both sides of gutter, i.e. inside and outside

the building frame

Risk of falling from partly completed roof

Systems Control
of works*
Access to roof:
·         Have you discussed access points with the roofing team to reduce travel over
the roof to a minimum?
·         If ladders are used (as opposed to tower scaffolds or stair towers, which are
preferred), is equipment available for hoisting or craning components up?
·         Has the stability of long ladders been considered, eg will they need staying to
reduce whip?
Materials handling:
·         How are roofing packs loaded out onto the roof?
·         Is this planned to reduce travel when fetching sheets and does it allow for
protected routes/safe access?
·        Splitting packs of different sheet size and reassembling them at ground level
can save travel at height Back-loading sheets onto the completed roof can reduce
travel past open edges
·         If one is used, who will accept the load or unsling it?
·         How will they be protected from falling?
·         Have you considered using mobile access equipment for this task?
Edge protection:
·         Does the program make sure that eaves, gable ends and other open edges are
protected before work starts? Protection will also be required at ridges unless work
progresses at the same rate on both roof slopes.
·         What are the access arrangements for workers installing edge protection?

Gutter fixing
·         How will workers be protected from falling? Peripheral edge protection erected
for roof workers will not be sufficient at this phase.
·         Has the use of mobile access equipment been considered as a first priority?

·         If the use of a running line or harness and lanyard is specified, who will erect
and test the line, and are workers properly trained and competent in their use?

Leading edge protection:

·         How will you protect the leading edge? Has the use of safety nets been
in the light of legal duties and risk assessment for the total roofing operation?
·         Stagings used as working platforms should be stable and of adequate width
with handrails/running lines specified to suit the working practices.
·         Work done kneeling or bending needs careful attention as the worker’s centre
of gravity can extend over the leading edge.
·         What method is specified for moving stagings?
·         Is the method of work to be adopted when laying the first sheet specified?
Some architectural features, eg hip ends, will require the working methods to be
modified. These should be fully described.
·          Has fixing ridge capping/flashing been included in the system of work? Is
effective edge protection provided at the gable end of the ridge?
·          Does the method statement make it clear at what stage of construction
materials such as liner panels become load bearing? The number and type of
fixings required should be stated. Until this is achieved, they must be treated as
fragile materials, ie unable to sustain someone’s weight, and protection should be
provided as above.
·          Have any fragile materials been specified by the designer? If so, can this be
·         For refurbishment work on existing roofs, are there any fragile materials on the
roof, eg roof lights? These will have to be protected. How will this be achieved? If
covers are to be used, are they strong enough, taking account of the span
required? How will they be fixed and what is the system for their removal?

·          Zoning the roof into working and non-working areas can reduce the number of
roof lights that need to be protected. Specify the system for marking out the zones
and for doing the work. If barriers marking the edge of the zones are within 2 mtr
of fragile material, than they should be a continuous physical barrier – painted lines
and warning tape are not suitable.
·          Zoning should take account of travel to the working area by the roof workers
and the need for materials to be moved around the roof. The system should protect
all roof lights within working zones and adjacent to access routes.

·          Communication: What are the arrangements for communicating the method
statement and agreeing
·          Supervision: What itare
the arrangements
roofing team? for making sure that the work
·proceeds accordingWhat
          Modifications: to the method
are statement? for agreeing any modifications to the
the arrangements
·method statement
          Validation: and are
What communicating them to for
the arrangements the making
roofing gang?
sure that the company
safety advisor or other nominated competent person has reviewed, and is satisfied
with, the system of work proposed?
§         Whereas R, Risk is defined as:


§         Whereas P, Probability, is:

Probability If the event is:

10 To be expected
6 Very well possible
3 Rare
1 Improbable but
0.5 possible but
0.1 improbable
Almost inconceivable

§         Whereas F, Frequency of exposure, is:

Frequency If the event occurs: Which is:

10 Continuously
6 Regularly Daily
3 Now and then Weekly
2 Sometimes Monthly
1 Rare Yearly
0.5 Very rare Less then once a year

§         Whereas I, Impact, is:

Impact When the following Which means:

40 impact is feasible:
Catastrophe several death
15 Very serious 1 death
7 Serious disability
3 Important Injury with absence
1 Minor Injury without absence

§         Whereas an R, Risk, leads to the following assessment result and action that needs to
be taken:

Risk Assessment result: Action:

more then 400 Very high risk Consider stopping that specific
200-400 High risk activity
Direct action required
70-200 Substantial risk Correction required
20-70 Possible risk Attention required
lower then 20 Light risk Risk acceptable

For details, see VPO.SAFE.3.2.02.Risk Assesments

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